15 research outputs found

    Ukraine's foreign and security policy 1991-2000: the regional dimension

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyIn 1991, independent Ukraine entered the international system of states with many drawbacks: in addition to lacking the legitimacy provided by prolonged periods of sovereignty, Ukraine suffered from economic over-dependence on Russia and was weakened by internal political and social cleavages. This thesis argues that in order to tackle the threats to its sovereignty, the new state adopted a foreign and security policy with two key objectives. Firstly, Kyiv sought to establish bilateral ties with all regional neighbours. Secondly, along the Western azimuth Kyiv established the 'strategic objective' of integration with the European Union via membership of subregional institutions. The desire to integrate with Western institutions implied a reluctance to integrate more deeply with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) along the North-eastern azimuth. However, the nature of Ukraine's ties with Russia meant that relations between them came to dwarf Kyiv's relations with neighbours along the Western azimuth. Thus it is argued that Ukraine's foreign policy was conceived as an attempt to balance the demands of these two azimuths. Along the Southern azimuth relations with Black Sea littoral states provided a means for Ukraine to consolidate its independence- bilateral, subregional and regional objectives along the Southern azimuth were to complement goals along the Western vector, while simultaneously preventing Ukraine's re-integration along the North-eastern azimuth. The thesis concludes that although Ukraine failed to fully integrate with key subregional and regional institutions along its Western azimuth, by the end of its first decade of independence, its security was enhanced thanks to bilateral, subregional and regional relations along that azimuth. Furthermore, although it failed to fully avoid integration with the CIS along the North-eastern azimuth, by the end of 2000 Ukraine remained anything but a fully-fledged member of the CIS. The achievement of objectives along the Southern azimuth facilitated the respective achievements along the Western and North-eastern azimuths. The thesis also explored theoretical contributions to an understanding of Ukraine's regional aspirations on three analytical levels. Amongst the systemic theories, it was concluded that the robustness of the realist approach continues to present a formidable challenge to newer pretenders. However, with its greater allowance for the economic aspects of international relations, complex interdependence also maintains its explanatory power. As for regional level theories, although neofunctionalism provides some insight into Ukraine's regional behaviour, as does neoliberal institutionalism, both struggle to provide a coherent and consistent explanation along all three azimuths. While the normative 'subregional' regionalist approach is limited by the contradictory demands of regional and subregional institutions, the emphasis placed on the politico-economic aspect of regionalism by New Wave regionalists has extended our understanding of regionalism. The domestic level of analysis indeed revealed a relationship between Ukrainian regional prospects and the ongoing democratization process

    Ukraine and the EU after the Orange Revolution. CEPS Policy Briefs No. 60, 1 December 2004

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    [From the Introduction]. The outcome of the disputed presidential elections in Ukraine in November 2004 is still highly uncertain. It is however clear that it will have profound consequences for the EU’s relationship with Ukraine. The authors suggest the development of a three-pronged EU approach

    Poland and Ukraine: A Strategic Partnership in a Changing Europe?

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    The book outlines the traditionally difficult relations between Poland and Ukraine and assesses the changes in the last decade, which have resulted in very constructive bilateral relations between the two states. The authors argue that the strengthening of bilateral ties bodes well for stability in Europe, and is a welcome development in the context of the integration process currently proceeding apace across the continent. Ironically, the very process of integration is having less than benign effects on Warsaw?s relations with Kiev. Despite the best of intentions of political elites in both countries, the conditions the EU requires of Poland will inevitably have a deleterious impact on relations with Ukraine, particularly in terms of cross-borders trade and free movement of people, which is not desired by all Polish regions. The book thus explores how Warsaw and Kiev are attempting to balance EU and regional demands. (Chatham House

    Ukraine's Foreign and Security Policy

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    This book analyses Ukraine's relations with each of its neighbours in the 1990s. It examines the degree to which these relations fitted into Ukraine's broad objective of reorienting its key political ties from East to West, and asseses the extent to which Ukraine succeeded in achieving this reorientation. It shows how in the early days of independence Ukraine fought off threats from Russia and Romania to its territorial integrity, and how it made progress in establishing good relations with its western neighbours as a means of moving closer towards Central European sub-regional and European regional organisations. It also shows how the sheer breadth and depth of its economic and military ties to Russia continued to exert such a strong influence that relations with Russia dwarfed Ukraine's relations with all other neighbours, resulting in a foreign and security policy which attempted to counterbalance the competing forces of East and West. (Routledge

    Ukraine - A Partial but Reluctant CIS Member

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    "More than ever do we need a fresh look at what has happened to the post-Soviet space in the last five or six years, rather than the bits and pieces we normally focus on, even large bits, such as the evolution in Russia. This book uses the CIS as a point of departure, not as a decisive or even a very substantive institution, but as a shell for examining the myriad complex dynamics shaping critical bilateral relationships, giving rise to more compelling regional and sub-regional security and economic collaborations, and by the month transforming international relations in this vital part of the world. A welcomeprod to widen our analytical perspective". Robert Legvold, Marshall Shulman Professor of political Science, Columbia Universit

    Polish-Ukrainian Relations: A Strategic Partnership Conditioned by Externalities

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    This authoritative volume assesses how the recently democratized political system in Poland is adapting to the challenges posed by the country's adhesion to NATO which it joined in 1999. The contributors analyse Poland's performance as a newcomer. (Taylor & Francis

    Managing the flows of gas and rules: Ukraine between the EU and Russia

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    The article explores the impact of the EU and Russia on domestic change in the gas sector in Ukraine. It seeks to identify the barriers to, and triggers for, Ukraine’s alignment with EU rules against the backdrop of Ukraine’s energy dependence on Russia by focusing on the institutionalization of energy relations. By studying the whole post-Soviet period, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the interplay of domestic and external factors shaping the energy sector in Ukraine and illuminates the often paradoxical effects of external influences on domestic actors’ preferences and strategies. We argue that EU influence was ineffective in overcoming domestic barriers to reforms and that it was Russia’s coercive actions that have led to the adoption of EU rules by Ukraine, despite powerful domestic vested interests and the weaknesses in EU’s policy