2,276 research outputs found

    Learning and Working: Double Statuses in Youth Transitions within the European Union

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    The transition from school to work is a phase of life in which young people are introduced to the world of labour. This transition process is often far from smooth and it can be characterized as a turbulent and precarious period (OECD 1998; Kerckhoff 2000). First of all, the transition from school to work refers to a process in which young people face periods of unemployment quite often and end up frequently in jobs that do not match their education very well. Secondly, the transition from school to work can not be considered as a single event from full-time initial education to stable full-time employment (see Scherer 2001). Instead, the labour market entry of young people should be described as a complex and prolonged allocation process, of which it is hard to define at what point it really starts and when it exactly ends (OECD 1996, 2000). Often, there is some kind of gradual labour market entry, where young people combine their studies with work. This is partly the result of pupils participating in apprenticeship programmes, but also because of students having (part-time) jobs. Moreover, the recent attention for lifelong learning as a continuous investment in human capital during the working career has blurred the transition process. In this paper we aim to provide insight in the extent, structure, and recent development of combinations of learning and working among young people within the European Union. Three types of ‘double statuses’ are distinguished: young people who combine learning and working in the dual system, full-time students who have jobs, and employed individuals who invest in training to advance their working career. The analysis of these double status positions offers the opportunity to look in detail at how the pathways from school to work are organized in different institutional contexts of Europe. This should lead to a better understanding of the trajectories of young people from initial education to a stable position in the labour force. In addition, we look at some labour market outcomes of young people that are in a double status position. The aim is to shed some more light on the issue whether or not a double status position serves as a stepping stone towards stable employment. For that reason, we investigate to what extent double status positions go together with specific job characteristics that differ from the employment situation of those who are regular employed and whether there are institutional differences in this respect. The paper is structured as follows. In the second section we derive some hypotheses on differences in the occurrence of double status positions among young people in the European Union. The third describes the data and variables to be used in measuring double statuses. The fourth presents the occurrence of double status positions among young people in different institutional contexts of Europe. The fifth looks at three characteristics of the jobs held by young people who combine learning and working: the permanency of the job, the distinction between full-time and part-time work, and the occupational status attained. The sixth discusses the main conclusions of the paper.labour market entry;

    Methodiek Schoolverlatersinformatiesysteem 1998

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    Dit werkdocument gaat in op de methodiek die in het uitvoeringsjaar 1998 is gehanteerd binnen het schoolverlatersonderzoek zoals dat door het ROA wordt uitgevoerd. Dit betreft de enquĂȘtes Registratie van Uitstroom en Bestemming van Schoolverlaters (RUBS), HBO-Monitor en WO-Monitor. Sinds 1996 is het ROA-schoolverlatersonderzoek in vergaande mate geĂŻntegreerd. Hierdoor is een vergelijkbaar systeem ontstaan, het Schoolverlatersinformatiesysteem (SIS) genoemd, met gegevens over schoolverlaters uit vrijwel het gehele secundair en tertiair onderwijs. In het kader van het onderzoek binnen dit informatiesysteem zijn onder andere het rapport Schoolverlaters tussen onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt 1998 en een bijbehorende bijlage Statistische Bijlage gepubliceerd. Daarnaast is er een specifieke rapportage verschenen over de arbeidsmarktpositie van de afgestudeerden van het HBO. De lerarenopleidingen zullen in een aparte rapportage worden behandeld. Voor de afgestudeerden van het kunstvakonderwijs verschijnt in de loop van 2000 ook een specifiek rapport. Tevens zullen de belangrijkste resultaten van de WO-Monitor in een landelijke rapportage worden gepresenteerd. Naast de hierboven genoemde schoolverlatersonderzoeken zijn in 1998 enkele, in 1997 gestarte, ''pilot''-onderzoeken voortgezet. Dit betreft enquĂȘtes onder schoolverlaters van de Beroepsbegeleidende leerweg (BBL) en ex-cursisten van het Voortgezet Algemeen Volwassenen Onderwijs (VAVO). Er is eveneens een Ă©Ă©nmalige enquĂȘte verricht onder ex-cursisten van de basiseducatie (BE). Hierover zal in aparte rapportages zowel methodologisch als inhoudelijk verslag worden gedaan.labour market entry and occupational careers;

    Developing language and writing skills of deaf and hard of hearing students: A simultaneous approach

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    In school, deaf and hard of hearing students (d/hh) are often exposed to American Sign Language (ASL) while also developing literacy skills in English. ASL does not have a written form, but is a fully accessible language to the d/hh through which it is possible to mediate understanding, draw on prior experiences and engage critical thinking and reasoning (Allington & Johnston, 2002, Vygotsky, 1987; Wertch, 1991). This study investigates the impact of Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI) on the development of signed expressive language (ASL) and written English. Our analysis demonstrates that a focus on ASL did not detract from students’ writing growth in English. Instead a focus on building ASL and written English proficiency simultaneously resulted in significant gains in both language and writing

    Modelling and experiments of self-reflectivity under femtosecond ablation conditions

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    We present a numerical model which describes the propagation of a single femtosecond laser pulse in a medium of which the optical properties dynamically change within the duration of the pulse. We use a Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method to solve the Maxwell's equations coupled to equations describing the changes in the material properties. We use the model to simulate the self-reflectivity of strongly focused femtosecond laser pulses on silicon and gold under laser ablation condition. We compare the simulations to experimental results and find excellent agreement.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Systematic underreproduction of time is independent of judgment certainty

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    We recently proposed that systematic underreproduction of time is caused by a general judgment bias towards earlier responses, instead of reflecting a genuine misperception of temporal intervals. Here we tested whether this bias can be explained by the uncertainty associated with temporal judgments. We applied transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to inhibit neuronal processes in the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) and tested its effects on time discrimination and reproduction tasks. The results show increased certainty for discriminative time judgments after PPC inhibition. They suggest that the right PPC plays an inhibitory role for time perception, possibly by mediating the multisensory integration between temporal stimuli and other quantities. Importantly, this increased judgment certainty had no influence on the degree of temporal underreproduction. We conclude that the systematic underreproduction of time is not caused by uncertainty for temporal judgments

    Video Review and Reflection for Ongoing Inservice Teacher Professional Development

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    Purpose. In this chapter we describe how a rubric-style observation instrument for observing classroom writing instruction was used to focus and optimize collaborative video analysis sessions among teachers and researchers spread across six states. As part of a 3-year Institute of Education Sciences (IES) development grant, we used videos of classroom instruction both as data for researchers studying the nature and impact of a specific instructional approach, Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI), and as a vehicle for collaborative teacher professional development-- for both teachers and teacher leaders. Design. By tying video analysis to a shared observation instrument, we were able to target video clip selection for discussion, and focus our analysis to support teachers across several states and school settings implementing a new approach to writing instruction. After a brief overview of the project for which videos were used, we describe the tools and protocols developed over time to ensure the efficient and powerful use of collaborative video analysis. We also share our experiences on the nature and outcomes of these collaborative sessions both in terms of teachers\u27 involvement and changes in practice over time. Findings. We argue that the use of a common rubric to guide video clip selection, discussion, and analysis allowed teachers to strategically engage in data reduction - i.e. not be overwhelmed by the amount of video data - and to use the videos as catalysts for conversations as well as evidence of what works well for individual students. As researchers, these sessions allowed us to ensure collaborative video analysis sessions were focused, efficient, and growth-oriented as well as sources of data for understanding trends in challenges and trajectories of growth for teachers implementing a new approach to instruction. Practical Implications. This work illustrates how researchers can use video for dual purposes--to conduct literacy investigations and to provide teachers with professional development involving video review and reflection

    Examining Student Writing Proficiencies Across Genres: Results of an Intervention Study

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    This study examines the patterns of growth across both taught and untaught genres of writing for deaf and hard of hearing students in grades 4-6. 23 students were exposed to Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI) for five weeks, during which time they received guided, interactive instruction focused on how writers address particular purposes and audiences with their writing. By examining student writing samples before and after both regular writing instruction and SIWI using genre-specific rubrics, we investigated whether students transfer and generalize writing strategies and processes learned in one genre to writing in a genre for which they did not receive instruction, in this case: information report writing. We found that after five weeks focused on recount genre instruction, students spontaneously transfer competencies related to genre-specific features that were not explicitly taught, and that students with greater language proficiency did so more effectively. We discuss these findings as they relate to theories of composition and language competence, and generate implications for writing instruction that can lead to growth in writing

    Extern Rendement Basiseducatie

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    Binnen het Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA) is in de loop van de jaren een zogenoemd schoolverlatersinformatiesysteem ontwikkeld, afgekort als SIS, dat bestaat uit de schoolverlatersenquĂȘtes Registratie van Uitstroom en Bestemming van Schoolverlaters (RUBS), HBO-monitor en WO-monitor. Dit informatiesysteem bevat momenteel representatieve gegevens over schoolverlaters van het AVO, VBO, de beroepsopleidende en beroepsbegeleidende leerweg van het secundair onderwijs (BOL en BBL), het HBO en WO. Een ontbrekende groep schoolverlaters in SIS zijn de cursisten van de Educatie, zoals gedefinieerd in de Wet Educatie en Beroepsonderwijs (WEB) van 1 januari 1996. In deze wet is onder andere het begrip ‘volwasseneducatie’ geherdefinieerd tot Educatie. Educatie is gericht op persoonlijke ontplooiing van volwassenen ten dienste van hun maatschappelijke functioneren. Het primaire doel van Educatie is het wegwerken van achterstanden die deelname aan de steeds ingewikkelder samenleving bemoeilijken. Educatie vindt plaats binnen regionale opleidingencentra (ROC’s). Binnen Educatie worden vier onderwijstypen onderscheiden: · Voortgezet algemeen volwassenenonderwijs (VAVO); · Opleidingen gericht op breed maatschappelijk functioneren (BMF); · Opleidingen Nederlands als tweede taal (NT2); · Opleidingen gericht op sociale redzaamheid (SR). De VAVO-opleidingen zijn bedoeld voor (jong-)volwassenen die een diploma of deelcertificaat MAVO, HAVO of VWO willen behalen. De opleidingen BMF, NT2 en SR vallen onder de Basiseducatie (BE). Daarbij zijn de opleidingen BMF en NT2 vooral bedoeld om achterstanden weg te werken en vervolgens doorstroming naar vervolgonderwijs en beroep mogelijk te maken. De opleidingen gericht op SR zijn vooral bedoeld om de zelfredzaamheid van een individu binnen de maatschappij te bevorderen. Alle opleidingen BE zijn gericht op het behalen van officieel vastgestelde eindtermen. Deze eindtermen zijn opgenomen in een kwalificatiestructuur, op grond waarvan aansluiting mogelijk is met het overige onderwijs. Om de groep cursisten van de Educatie te kunnen betrekken in SIS zijn in de afgelopen jaren twee pilot projecten uitgevoerd. Allereerst heeft eind 1997 een schriftelijke enquĂȘte plaatsgevonden onder cursisten van de VAVO. Een onderzoek onder cursisten van de BE was niet goed mogelijk in deze opzet. Met name de groep allochtonen, die een omvangrijk deel vormt van de uitstroom van de BE, is vanwege problemen met de Nederlandse taal moeilijk te benaderen middels een Nederlandstalige schriftelijke vragenlijst. Daarom heeft begin 1999 een apart verkennend onderzoek onder cursisten van de BE plaatsgehad. De nadruk van deze pilot lag daarbij op het ontwikkelen en testen van het instrument (ontwikkeling vragenlijst, kleinschalige enquĂȘte, evaluatie). In deze notitie wordt beknopt verslag gedaan van de resultaten van de pilot onder cursisten van de BE. Naast een beschrijving van het ontwikkelen van de vragenlijst en de afname daarvan, wordt enig cijfermateriaal gepresenteerd dat een beeld geeft van de belangrijkste resultaten van het uitgevoerde onderzoek. De notitie wordt besloten met een drietal conclusies.labour market entry and occupational careers;

    “I was born full deaf.” Written language outcomes after one year of Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI)

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    Nonstandard grammatical forms are often present in the writing of deaf students which are rarely, if ever, seen in the writing of hearing students. With the implementation of Strategic and Interactive Writing Instruction (SIWI) in previous studies, students have demonstrated significant gains in high-level writing skills (e.g., text structure) but have also made gains with English grammar skills. This one-year study expands on prior research by longitudinally examining the written language growth (i.e., writing length, sentence complexity, sentence awareness and function words) of 29 deaf middle school students. A repeated-measures ANOVA with a between-subjects variable for literacy achievement level was used to examine gains over time and the intervention’s efficacy when used with students of various literacy levels. Students, whether high- or lowachieving, demonstrated statistically significant gains with writing length, sentence complexity and sentence awareness. Subordinate clauses were found to be an area of difficulty, and follow up strategies are suggested. An analysis of function word data, specifically prepositions and articles, revealed different patterns of written language growth by language group (e.g., ASL users, oral students, users of English-based sign)
