72 research outputs found

    Thermosensitivity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gpp1gpp2 double deletion strain can be reduced by overexpression of genes involved in cell wall maintenance

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    A Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain in which the GPP1 and GPP2 genes, both encoding glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatase isoforms, are deleted, displays both osmo- and thermosensitive (ts) phenotypes. We isolated genes involved in cell wall maintenance as multicopy suppressors of the gpp1gpp2 ts phenotype. We found that the gpp1gpp2 strain is hypersensitive to cell wall stress such as treatment with β-1,3-glucanase containing cocktail Zymolyase and chitin-binding dye Calcofluor-white (CFW). Sensitivity to Zymolyase was rescued by overexpression of SSD1, while CFW sensitivity was rescued by SSD1, FLO8 and WSC3-genes isolated as multicopy suppressors of the gpp1gpp2 ts phenotype. Some of the isolated suppressor genes (SSD1, FLO8) also rescued the lytic phenotype of slt2 deletion strain. Additionally, the sensitivity to CFW was reduced when the cells were supplied with glycerol. Both growth on glycerol-based medium and overexpression of SSD1, FLO8 or WSC3 had additive suppressing effect on CFW sensitivity of the gpp1gpp2 mutant strain. We also confirmed that the internal glycerol level changed in cells exposed to cell wall perturbation. © 2007 Springer-Verlag

    Deficiency of Pkc1 activity affects glycerol metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In pressProtein kinase C is apparently involved in the control of many cellular systems: the cell wall integrity pathway, the synthesis of ribosomes, the appropriated reallocation of transcription factors under specific stress conditions and also the regulation of N-glycosylation activity. All these observations suggest the existence of additional targets not yet identified. In the context of the control of carbon metabolism, previous data demonstrated that Pkc1 p might play a central role in the control of cellular growth and metabolism in yeast. In particular, it has been suggested that it might be involved in the derepression of genes under glucose-repression by driving an appropriated subcellular localization of transcriptional factors, such as Mig1 p. In this work, we show that pkc1∆ mutant is unable to grow on glycerol because it cannot perform the derepression of GUT1 gene that encodes for glycerol kinase. Additionally, active transport is also partially affected. Using this phenotype, we were able to isolate a new pkc1∆ revertant. We also isolated two transformants identified as the nuclear exportin Msn5 and the histone deacetylase Hos2 extragenic suppressors of this mutation. Based on these results, we postulate that Pkc1 p may be involved in the control of the cellular localization and/or regulation of the activity of nuclear proteins implicated in gene expression.Fundação Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (FUFOP). Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) - CBS-1875/95. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) - 300998/89-9 to R.L.B., 301255/01-6 to L.G.F

    A Type 2C Protein Phosphatase FgPtc3 Is Involved in Cell Wall Integrity, Lipid Metabolism, and Virulence in Fusarium graminearum

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    Type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs) play important roles in regulating many biological processes in eukaryotes. Currently, little is known about functions of PP2Cs in filamentous fungi. The causal agent of wheat head blight, Fusarium graminearum, contains seven putative PP2C genes, FgPTC1, -3, -5, -5R, -6, -7 and -7R. In order to investigate roles of these PP2Cs, we constructed deletion mutants for all seven PP2C genes in this study. The FgPTC3 deletion mutant (ΔFgPtc3-8) exhibited reduced aerial hyphae formation and deoxynivalenol (DON) production, but increased production of conidia. The mutant showed increased resistance to osmotic stress and cell wall-damaging agents on potato dextrose agar plates. Pathogencity assays showed that ΔFgPtc3-8 is unable to infect flowering wheat head. All of the defects were restored when ΔFgPtc3-8 was complemented with the wild-type FgPTC3 gene. Additionally, the FgPTC3 partially rescued growth defect of a yeast PTC1 deletion mutant under various stress conditions. Ultrastructural and histochemical analyses showed that conidia of ΔFgPtc3-8 contained an unusually high number of large lipid droplets. Furthermore, the mutant accumulated a higher basal level of glycerol than the wild-type progenitor. Quantitative real-time PCR assays showed that basal expression of FgOS2, FgSLT2 and FgMKK1 in the mutant was significantly higher than that in the wild-type strain. Serial analysis of gene expression in ΔFgPtc3-8 revealed that FgPTC3 is associated with various metabolic pathways. In contrast to the FgPTC3 mutant, the deletion mutants of FgPTC1, FgPTC5, FgPTC5R, FgPTC6, FgPTC7 or FgPTC7R did not show aberrant phenotypic features when grown on PDA medium or inoculated on wheat head. These results indicate FgPtc3 is the key PP2C that plays a critical role in a variety of cellular and biological functions, including cell wall integrity, lipid and secondary metabolisms, and virulence in F. graminearum

    Tor1/Sch9-Regulated Carbon Source Substitution Is as Effective as Calorie Restriction in Life Span Extension

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    The effect of calorie restriction (CR) on life span extension, demonstrated in organisms ranging from yeast to mice, may involve the down-regulation of pathways, including Tor, Akt, and Ras. Here, we present data suggesting that yeast Tor1 and Sch9 (a homolog of the mammalian kinases Akt and S6K) is a central component of a network that controls a common set of genes implicated in a metabolic switch from the TCA cycle and respiration to glycolysis and glycerol biosynthesis. During chronological survival, mutants lacking SCH9 depleted extracellular ethanol and reduced stored lipids, but synthesized and released glycerol. Deletion of the glycerol biosynthesis genes GPD1, GPD2, or RHR2, among the most up-regulated in long-lived sch9Δ, tor1Δ, and ras2Δ mutants, was sufficient to reverse chronological life span extension in sch9Δ mutants, suggesting that glycerol production, in addition to the regulation of stress resistance systems, optimizes life span extension. Glycerol, unlike glucose or ethanol, did not adversely affect the life span extension induced by calorie restriction or starvation, suggesting that carbon source substitution may represent an alternative to calorie restriction as a strategy to delay aging

    Complement in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease

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    The emergence of complement as an important player in normal brain development and pathological remodelling has come as a major surprise to most scientists working in neuroscience and almost all those working in complement. That a system, evolved to protect the host against infection, should have these unanticipated roles has forced a rethink about what complement might be doing in the brain in health and disease, where it is coming from, and whether we can, or indeed should, manipulate complement in the brain to improve function or restore homeostasis. Complement has been implicated in diverse neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases well reviewed elsewhere, from depression through epilepsy to demyelination and dementia, in most complement drives inflammation to exacerbate the disease. Here, I will focus on just one disease, the most common cause of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease. I will briefly review the current understanding of what complement does in the normal brain, noting, in particular, the many gaps in understanding, then describe how complement may influence the genesis and progression of pathology in Alzheimer’s disease. Finally, I will discuss the problems and pitfalls of therapeutic inhibition of complement in the Alzheimer brain

    Defects in Mitochondrial Dynamics and Metabolomic Signatures of Evolving Energetic Stress in Mouse Models of Familial Alzheimer's Disease

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    The identification of early mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and associated biomarkers could advance development of new therapies and improve monitoring and predicting of AD progression. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been suggested to underlie AD pathophysiology, however, no comprehensive study exists that evaluates the effect of different familial AD (FAD) mutations on mitochondrial function, dynamics, and brain energetics.We characterized early mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolomic signatures of energetic stress in three commonly used transgenic mouse models of FAD. Assessment of mitochondrial motility, distribution, dynamics, morphology, and metabolomic profiling revealed the specific effect of each FAD mutation on the development of mitochondrial stress and dysfunction. Inhibition of mitochondrial trafficking was characteristic for embryonic neurons from mice expressing mutant human presenilin 1, PS1(M146L) and the double mutation of human amyloid precursor protein APP(Tg2576) and PS1(M146L) contributing to the increased susceptibility of neurons to excitotoxic cell death. Significant changes in mitochondrial morphology were detected in APP and APP/PS1 mice. All three FAD models demonstrated a loss of the integrity of synaptic mitochondria and energy production. Metabolomic profiling revealed mutation-specific changes in the levels of metabolites reflecting altered energy metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction in brains of FAD mice. Metabolic biomarkers adequately reflected gender differences similar to that reported for AD patients and correlated well with the biomarkers currently used for diagnosis in humans.Mutation-specific alterations in mitochondrial dynamics, morphology and function in FAD mice occurred prior to the onset of memory and neurological phenotype and before the formation of amyloid deposits. Metabolomic signatures of mitochondrial stress and altered energy metabolism indicated alterations in nucleotide, Krebs cycle, energy transfer, carbohydrate, neurotransmitter, and amino acid metabolic pathways. Mitochondrial dysfunction, therefore, is an underlying event in AD progression, and FAD mouse models provide valuable tools to study early molecular mechanisms implicated in AD

    Micropropagation of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and genetic stability of long term cultivated plants

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    The study on the in vitro micropropagation of Robinia pseudoacacia L. shows the possibility of the rapid increase of the vegetative progeny using organogenesis. The culture system consists of sequential use of three media, namely, the initiation medium (MS medium supplemented with 0.6 mg · l−1 6-BA (6-benzylamino-purine), 0.1 mg · l−1 NAA (naphthalene acetic acid), proliferation medium (1/2 MS medium added with 1 mg · l−1 6-BA,) and root-induction medium (1/2 MS medium fortified with 0.2 mg · l−1 NAA). The resulting micropropagated plants, fully acclimatised to an in vivo environment, did not show any visually detectable morphological variation

    The geographical distribution of the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in Poland and its role on non-forest land

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    The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) has been present in Poland for more than 200 years now, its range coming to encompass the entire country, albeit with a particular concentration of occurrence in the west. Overall, it is present in 3.4% of the stands making up Poland’s “State Forests National Forest Holding” (Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe), and is the dominant species in 0.1% of stands. Thanks to its producing durable wood of favourable energetic properties, this species is used in medium-rotation (≤ 40-year) plantations as well as in biomass energy plantations (where there is a 5–7-year rotation). In terms of its nectar production, the black locust is second only to lime as the Polish tree best serving the production of honey. While the species shows marked expansiveness in Poland, it has not thus far been placed on the list of aliens capable of threatening native species or natural habitats. Breeding of the species has been engaged in – if to only a limited extent – in Poland for some 20 years now, and 2 selected seed stands have been registered, as well as 34 plus trees and 2 seed orchards