13 research outputs found

    System wartości przyszłych nauczycieli wczesnej edukacji

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    The article presents the results of the research on values with the use of the concept of analysing  values by Milton Rokeach and Mirosław J. Szymański. The RVS scale and the questionnaire “100 sentences – 100 opinions” were used. Following the ideas of L. Dyczewski, R. Borowicz and J. Mariański, a simplified character of the hierarchy of values and the lack of clear dominants in them were assumed. The aim of the research was to identify the hierarchy of autotelic and instrumental values, as well as their determinants. The main problem of the research was expressed in the question: What is the value system of future teachers of early education? Due to the exploratory nature of the research, the hypotheses were formulated only in an operational manner. The central values included true friendship, mature love, pleasure, ambition, helpfulness, and responsibility, and the peripheral values included the world of beauty, salvation, obedience, broad horizons, and imagination. The analyses led to the conclusion that the values of stabilization dominate over the values of progress and transformation. According to the assumptions, the hierarchy of the analysed values is simplified. The research results are enriched by the analyses of other authors concerning values. Also, the results indicate the need to strengthen axiological education both in early education and on further educational levels.Artykuł przedstawia rezultaty badań nad wartościami z wykorzystaniem koncepcji badania wartości Miltona Rokeacha i Mirosława J. Szymańskiego. Zastosowano Skalę RVS oraz kwestionariusz „100 zdań – 100 opinii”. Przyjęto za L. Dyczewskim, R. Borowiczem i J. Mariańskim o spłaszczonym charakterze hierarchii wartości oraz braku w nich wyraźnych dominant. Celem badań było rozpoznanie hierarchii wartości autotelicznych i instrumentalnych oraz ich uwarunkowań. Problem główny badań wyrażono w pytaniu: Jaki jest system wartości przyszłych nauczycieli wczesnej edukacji? Z uwagi na eksploracyjny charakter badań hipotezy formułowano jedynie na sposób operacyjny. Jako wartości centralne uznano m.in. prawdziwą przyjaźń, dojrzałą miłość, przyjemność, ambicję, uczynność, odpowiedzialność, zaś za peryferyjne - świat piękna, zbawienie, posłuszeństwo, szerokie horyzonty i wyobraźnię. W konkluzji poczynionych analiz stwierdzono dominację wartości stabilizacji nad wartościami postępu i transformacji. Hierarchia wartości badanych, zgodnie z przypuszczeniem ma charakter spłaszczony. Rezultaty badań uzupełniają badania innych autorów w zakresie problematyki wartości i wskazują na konieczność wzmocnienia edukacji aksjologicznej, zarówno na etapie wczesnej edukacji, jak też na każdym kolejnym jej poziomie

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    The text focuses on the subject of family and values. It aims to show where in the hierarchy of values of the studied youth, second class of high school is a family. The text contains a theoretical description of the family and its transformations, as well as an empirical part concerning research on family values in the opinions of secondary school students. In recent years, it has been observed that the family is losing value because the values related to the good of the individual become more important. This was also confirmed in the conducted studies, because the family was located by the youth on the distant 7th position in the group of 10 values


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    This article presents results of a research regarding using the new media by children in their early stage of education. A particular attention has been paid on influencing of home environment factors for the range of using the new media by children as well as individual variables. It has been determined a connection between the child’s gender, his/her achievements, place, parents’ education, family structure, family’s material standing and the range of using the new media by the children. The article presents also, based on the literature about the topic, the researchers’ opinions on a family role in the media education of the child. The paper ends with constatations resulting from the research as well as proposals to involve in work with children


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    The text presents the main issues related to old age and aging in relation to the family values professed by the young generation. The article consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. The former one focuses on the main issues of the subject along with their characteristics, while the latter contains the research on family values from the perspective of secondary school students. The research shows the similarity between the values held by the youth and their parents which proves the importance of the family in the process of passing on values


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    The article deals with issues related to values in human life. Especially it concerns the consideration of the value system of youth from vocational schools. The central issue was the inclusion of professional work as a value in human life. The aim of the work was to determine the youth value system and to get to know the opinions and views of high school students referring to work-related values. The theoretical part presents the aspects related to the terminology concerning the topic, the values of the work of the younger and older generation, and the determination of the place of work in the hierarchy of individual values. The research part is an analysis of elements of the value system (related to work) of the studied students of secondary vocational schools and their parents. Quantitative research was carried out in the First High School for them. Mikołaj Rej in Jędrzejów and the High School Complex No. 2 for them gen. Stefano Rowecki "Grot" in Jędrzejów. The specifics of the recognition of values by young people learning in various types of upper secondary schools is included - high school, technical school, vocational school. The values of students and their parents were characterized and the integrity of the hierarchy of values of both generations was described


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    Activation of the elderly is one of the key considerations of pedagogical sciences and due to the problem of aging societies, including Polish society, has recently gained in importance. The article attempts to determine the level of activity of seniors staying in a nursing care home. It is based on the literature on the subject and research carried out in the Świętokrzyskie region. The text reflects on the aging process, old age and the activation of seniors. The results of the study are presented against the background of literature reports. The main goal of the research was to determine the scope of activation of seniors in relation to their individual needs. The collected empirical material was subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS package. There is a correlation between the health and education of the respondents and their scope of activity. In turn, gender does not differentiate the activities undertaken by the surveyed seniors


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    The article relates to a pedagogically important problem of life aspirations of modern youth - children from orphanages. The article is based on empirical research conducted in care and educational institutions in the Swietokrzyskie area. Special attention is paid to the educational, family and professional aspirations of the respondents. The obtained results were developed with the SPSS package provided. The data prove that the level of educational and family aspirations is low, while the material aspirations are high. Factors determining the aspirations of the surveyed students are the duration of stay in an orphanage and gender. Life aspirations of the surveyed junior high school students are not correlated with previous educational achievements

    Ecological and environmental education in the ethical context

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    In the article, the authors elaborate on an important aspect concerning ecological and environmental education in the context of complex ethical issues. They make the reader aware of the crucial role education serves when it is connected with pro-ecological and pro-environmental education as well as ecological ethics, which aims at determining a man’s attitude towards nature. They stress the importance of ecological ethics for society to function properly. Ethics is an inherent element of the whole universe, and primarily of ecology and environmental protection, which the article tries to present and prove. Not only does ethics refer to environmental protection, but also becoming familiar with nature. Most people do not realise what danger they can expose one another to until they experience it themselves. A man is not capable of existing without the resources the nature provides us with, which is an adequate reason why we should take care of it the best we can. To achieve it, new regulations to be observed are introduced. They are designed to make us stop progressive environmental degradation and also, restore the environment. People perform an important role in the existence of the environment as long as they treat it rightfully by following the voice of their conscience, which can influence its survival. We should take care of nature, treat it as a family member with love and kindness and then we can be sure it will not surprise us with something unexpected. We should take care of everything nature consists of, that is, plants, animals, water, soil and air because when we take care of all these aspects, we also take care of ourselves and the whole societ

    Satysfakcja z życia a empatia i poczucie umiejscowienia kontroli bezdomnych kobiet. Doniesienie wstępne

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    The goal of the current study was to juxtapose the satisfaction with life and empathy along with the sense of locus of control among homeless women. We used Diener’s Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), adapted to Polish by Z. Juczyński; Rotter’s Internal-External Control Scale, Kazimierczak & Plopa’s Emphatic Sensitivity Scale (scale originally in Polish under the name Skala Wrażliwości Empatycznej, SWE), as well a questionnaire constructed by the author for the purposes of this study. 21 homeless women inhabitants of homeless shelters (Prometeusz and Monar-Markot in Gdańsk, Poland) and residential training and rehabilitation centre (Osiedle Na Sitowiu, Gdańsk, Poland) took part in the study. Results suggest a correlation between the demographic along with psychosocial factors and the assessment of satisfaction with life as well as the levels of empathy of the investigated group. Participant’s satisfaction with life was either low or very low. The empathy levels were also low. The group was characterized by average levels of sense of internal control. A relationship was observed between the levels of satisfaction with life and the locus of control. Homeless women characterized by a higher sense of satisfaction with life had a sense of external locus of control