23 research outputs found
Procédés interactifs de construction du sens dans le discours. Un modèle dans le développement des compétences orales au niveau avancé en langue étrangère ?
This article is aimed at giving a part of response when it comes to selecting resources, both relevant and easily accessible, which could serve as models in developing complex L2 oral competences. Those resources should encompass all levels (relational, semantic, and formal) required in realizing and interpreting efficiently our communicative intentions in oral language. Among suggested criteria, priority is clearly given to the mastery of interactive procedures in meaning construction, as playing a crucial role both in a speaker’s/learner’s communicative efficacy and the dynamics of his/her oral capacities’ development through the media. Moreover, to illustrate our reflection, we analyze the pedagogical and interactive potential in some excerpts from Le téléphone sonne, a radio segment available in podcast format.This article is aimed at giving a part of response when it comes to selecting resources, both relevant and easily accessible, which could serve as models in developing complex L2 oral competences. Those resources should encompass all levels (relational, semantic, and formal) required in realizing and interpreting efficiently our communicative intentions in oral language. Among suggested criteria, priority is clearly given to the mastery of interactive procedures in meaning construction, as playing a crucial role both in a speaker’s/learner’s communicative efficacy and the dynamics of his/her oral capacities’ development through the media. Moreover, to illustrate our reflection, we analyze the pedagogical and interactive potential in some excerpts from Le téléphone sonne, a radio segment available in podcast format
Expertise en écriture académique – entre acculturation et conscience disciplinaire
As an intellectual task, academic writing is not reducible solely to language skills or adequate writing tech-niques. The paper aims to compare the research results related to the cognitive and discursive aspects of expertise in academic writing to determine the key elements that contribute to its special character. These elements are intended to lay the foundation for the teaching of academic writing in tertiary education. The analysis focuses on the development of cognitive skills among novice researchers.As an intellectual task, academic writing is not reducible solely to language skills or adequate writing tech-niques. The paper aims to compare the research results related to the cognitive and discursive aspects of expertise in academic writing to determine the key elements that contribute to its special character. These elements are intended to lay the foundation for the teaching of academic writing in tertiary education. The analysis focuses on the development of cognitive skills among novice researchers
La narration en didactique des langues. Présentation
La narration en didactique des langues. Présentatio
Les stratégies rédactionnelles face aux défis d’interprétation d’un débat radiodiffusé
The research presented in the paper is a part of the project carried out at the Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. The research aims at determining the underdeveloped areas of advanced learners’ listening skills. The ultimate objective of our research is the development of discursive approach toward teaching and learning (Górecka, Wilczyńska, Wojciechowska in press). The study focuses on analyzing writing strategies used by students in the task of summarizing the chosen sequences of media debates in the radio program Le téléphone sonne. We claim that the way the students formulate their answers can reveal, to some extent, the diffi culties they encounter in analyzing and synthetizing oral discourse. The analysis of students’ writing strategies may contribute to the elaboration of pre-task instructions and evaluation techniques, which may result in a better approach to the development of listening skills.The research presented in the paper is a part of the project carried out at the Institute of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. The research aims at determining the underdeveloped areas of advanced learners’ listening skills. The ultimate objective of our research is the development of discursive approach toward teaching and learning (Górecka, Wilczyńska, Wojciechowska in press). The study focuses on analyzing writing strategies used by students in the task of summarizing the chosen sequences of media debates in the radio program Le téléphone sonne. We claim that the way the students formulate their answers can reveal, to some extent, the diffi culties they encounter in analyzing and synthetizing oral discourse. The analysis of students’ writing strategies may contribute to the elaboration of pre-task instructions and evaluation techniques, which may result in a better approach to the development of listening skills
La reformulation du récit : relations texte ‒ discours ‒ langue dans l’optique didactique
The interweaving of textual, discoursal and linguistic narrative data depends on the pedagogical aims and characteristics of the learner, for whom working with a text is an opportunity to develop linguistic communicative competences and learning competence. The aim of the article is to assess the pedagogical value of the experimental procedure focused on the task of reformulation of narrative texts (stories) offered in two pedagogical contexts at beginners’ level. The analysis addresses text characteristics (the narrative scheme) and the language structures used in the performance of the reformulation task, which, in its particular context, has the value of strategic learning/teaching.The interweaving of textual, discoursal and linguistic narrative data depends on the pedagogical aims and characteristics of the learner, for whom working with a text is an opportunity to develop linguistic communicative competences and learning competence. The aim of the article is to assess the pedagogical value of the experimental procedure focused on the task of reformulation of narrative texts (stories) offered in two pedagogical contexts at beginners’ level. The analysis addresses text characteristics (the narrative scheme) and the language structures used in the performance of the reformulation task, which, in its particular context, has the value of strategic learning/teaching
Impact d’une tâche monologale ou dialogale sur le traitement de l’implicite relatif à l’ethos du locuteur dans un débat
An impact of a monologue and a dialogue task on the treatment of the speaker’s implicit ethos in a radio polemical debateThis research focuses on the development of the French philology students’ skills to assess the expertise of the speakers in the radio debate. The proposed study is based on the discourse analysis and the rhetorical argumentation approach and it considers the didactic exploitation of the concept of ethos. The capture and processing of ethos by students are studied in two tasks: 1) monologue: an individual response in writing and 2) dialogue: a discussion in pairs. The comparison of students’ production in both didactic situations allows to capture their impact on the way of perceiving and clarifying the implicit data concerning ethos
Glottodidactics in the face of the multiplicity of theories of argumentation. Modelling of radio debate comprehension competencies
W niniejszym artykule podjęto problematykę wyboru teorii argumentacji jako podstawy kształcenia kompetencji interpretacyjnych w języku obcym i omówiono ją w odniesieniu do rozumienia debaty radiowej. Wychodząc z założenia, że konceptualizacja debaty wyznacza rodzaj działań intelektualnych, które pozwalają ją zrozumieć, zaproponowano gatunkowy i retoryczny model tego gatunku dyskursu oraz wyprowadzono z niego umiejętności niezbędne dla jego krytycznego odbioru.This article discusses the issue of choosing the theory of argumentation as the basis for educating interpretative competences in a foreign language and discusses it in relation to the understanding of radio debate. Starting from the assumption that the conceptualization of debate determines the type of intellectual activities that allow it to be understood, a genre and rhetorical model of this genre of discourse was proposed and the skills necessary for its critical reception were derived from it
Littérature francophone de migration et d’exil – quelle approche de lecture pour développer les compétences interculturelles en FLE ?
This article discusses the reading of francophone literature aimed at developing (inter)cultural competence in the language classroom. The distinction of the three approaches: experiential, literary and discursive, has made it possible to grasp the mechanisms and resources that the corresponding modes of reading literary texts are likely to mobilize and transform in the learner. This theoretical framework was applied to the analysis of learners’ opinions written after the reading of Fatou Diome’s Le ventre de l’Atlantique. From the perspective of the development of (inter)cultural competences, the analysis made it possible to see, among other things, how the learners understand the culture represented in the book.This article discusses the reading of francophone literature aimed at developing (inter)cultural competence in the language classroom. The distinction of the three approaches: experiential, literary and discursive, has made it possible to grasp the mechanisms and resources that the corresponding modes of reading literary texts are likely to mobilize and transform in the learner. This theoretical framework was applied to the analysis of learners’ opinions written after the reading of Fatou Diome’s Le ventre de l’Atlantique. From the perspective of the development of (inter)cultural competences, the analysis made it possible to see, among other things, how the learners understand the culture represented in the book.This article discusses the reading of francophone literature aimed at developing (inter)cultural competence in the language classroom. The distinction of the three approaches: experiential, literary and discursive, has made it possible to grasp the mechanisms and resources that the corresponding modes of reading literary texts are likely to mobilize and transform in the learner. This theoretical framework was applied to the analysis of learners’ opinions written after the reading of Fatou Diome’s Le ventre de l’Atlantique. From the perspective of the development of (inter)cultural competences, the analysis made it possible to see, among other things, how the learners understand the culture represented in the book