17 research outputs found

    Collinear double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using Nd:YAG laser generating two nanosecond pulses of regulated energy ratios

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    In the paper results of single- and double-pulse LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) measurements in collinear geometry are described. The experiments were performed using a unique self-made Nd:YAG laser operating in the Q-switching regime, where the laser transmission losses are switched. Such a laser allowed for an easy and quick change of the operating mode (one and two pulses), free shaping of the energy ratio of the two pulses (division of the energy of a single pulse into two parts) and a smooth change of the delay time between pulses in the range from 200 ns to 10 μs. To our knowledge, such a laser was used in LIBS measurements for the first time. LIBS experiments revealed strong self-absorption depending on energy ratios carried out in the first and second laser pulse in the double-pulse mode. This was confirmed also by statistical factorial analysis of LIBS spectra. Plasma temperature and LIBS signal enhancement were measured both for energy proportions between the first and the second laser pulse and for the first-to-second-pulse delay

    Comparative Laser Spectroscopy Diagnostics for Ancient Metallic Artefacts Exposed to Environmental Pollution

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    Metal artworks are subjected to corrosion and oxidation processes due to reactive agents present in the air, water and in the ground that these objects have been in contact with for hundreds of years. This is the case for archaeological metals that are recovered from excavation sites, as well as artefacts exposed to polluted air. Stabilization of the conservation state of these objects needs precise diagnostics of the accrued surface layers and identification of original, historical materials before further protective treatments, including safe laser cleaning of unwanted layers. This paper presents analyses of the chemical composition and stratigraphy of corrosion products with the use of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and Raman spectroscopy. The discussion of the results is supported by material studies (SEM-EDS, XRF, ion-analyses). The tests were performed on several samples taken from original objects, including copper roofing from Wilanów Palace in Warsaw and Karol Poznański Palace in ŁódŸ, bronze decorative figures from the Wilanów Palace gardens, and four archaeological examples of old jewellery (different copper alloys). Work has been performed as a part of the MATLAS project in the frames of EEA and Norway Grants (www.matlas.eu) and the results enable the comparison of the methodology and to elaborate the joint diagnostic procedures of the three project partner independent laboratories

    Application of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in the Quantitative Analysis of Elements—K, Na, Ca, and Mg in Liquid Solutions

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    Results of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements of K, Na, Ca, and Mg content in liquid media are discussed in the paper. Calibration results show correct parameters—linearity and R2 coefficients of determination at the levels of 0.94–0.99. Obtained regression equations have been used to determine K, Na, Ca, and Mg concentrations in biological samples with known element content. Measurement results showed acceptable, within the expanded standard uncertainty, conformity with their content in the certified materials. Results have been supported by multivariate factorial analysis, which was especially effective for Ca and Mg samples. For these elements, factorial analysis allows the application of the whole spectra to obtain quantitative data on the tested samples, in contrast to a common method based on the selection of a particular spectral line for the calibration

    Collinear double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using Nd:YAG laser generating two nanosecond pulses of regulated energy ratios

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    In the paper results of single- and double-pulse LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) measurements in collinear geometry are described. The experiments were performed using a unique self-made Nd:YAG laser operating in the Q-switching regime, where the laser transmission losses are switched. Such a laser allowed for an easy and quick change of the operating mode (one and two pulses), free shaping of the energy ratio of the two pulses (division of the energy of a single pulse into two parts) and a smooth change of the delay time between pulses in the range from 200 ns to 10 μs. To our knowledge, such a laser was used in LIBS measurements for the first time. LIBS experiments revealed strong self-absorption depending on energy ratios carried out in the first and second laser pulse in the double-pulse mode. This was confirmed also by statistical factorial analysis of LIBS spectra. Plasma temperature and LIBS signal enhancement were measured both for energy proportions between the first and the second laser pulse and for the first-to-second-pulse delay

    Laser Emission Spectroscopy of Graphene Oxide Deposited on 316 Steel and Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy Suitable for Orthopedics

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    This paper presents the results of an analysis of carbon (in the form of graphene oxide) deposited on the surface of threads made from stainless steel 316 and titanium alloy Ti6Al4V used in orthopedics using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). The aim of the article is to indicate the possibility of using the LIBS spectra for the study of thin layers, including graphene derivatives and other elements. Stratigraphic measurements allowed the detection of differences in the spectra peaks of individual elements, not only in the surface layer itself and in the native material, but also in the intermediate layer connecting the two layers. Due to the clear difference in the outline of the spectrum of graphene oxide and the spectrum of the native material of the samples analyzed, a clear incorporation of carbon atoms into the surface layer was observed. A factor analysis was performed, which confirmed the incorporation of graphene oxide into the surface layer of the native material of the elements examined

    Experimental and theoretical study on emission spectra of a nitrogen photoionized plasma induced by intense EUV pulses

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    Spectral lines of low-temperature nitrogen photoionized plasma were investigated. The photoionized plasma was created in the result of irradiation N2 gas using laser plasma EUV radiation pulses. The source was based on a 10J/10ns Nd:YAG (λ = 1064 nm) laser system and a gas puff target. The EUV radiation pulses were collected and focused using a grazing incidence multifoil EUV collector. The emission spectra were measured in the ultraviolet and visible (UV/Vis) range. It was found that the plasma emission lines in the lower region of the UV range are relativley weak. Nonetheless, a part of the spectra contains strong molecular band in the 300 - 430 nm originated from second positive and first negative systems band transitions of nitrogen. These molecular band transitions were identified using a code for study the diatomic molecules, LIFBASE. The vibrational band of Δv = 0 and ±1 transitions were significantly populated than of that with Δv = ±2 and 3 transitions. A comparison of the calculated and measured spectrum is presented. With an assumption of a local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), the vibrational temperature was determined from the integrated band intensities with the help of the Boltzmann plot method and compared to the temperature predicted by SPECAIR and LIFBASE simulations. A summary of the results and the variations in the vibrational temperatures was discussed

    Photoionized plasmas induced in molecular gases by extreme ultraviolet and X-ray pulses

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    In this work a laser-produced plasma (LPP) source was used to create low temperature plasmas. An extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray (EUV/SXR) radiation pulse was used for ionization of molecular gases, injected into a vacuum chamber synchronously with the EUV/SXR pulse. Energies of photons exceeding 100 eV were sufficient for dissociative ionization, ionization of atoms or even ions. The resulting photoelectrons had also enough energy for further ionizations or excitations. Time resolved UV/VIS spectra, corresponding to single charged ions, molecules and molecular ions, were recorded. For spectral lines, corresponding to radiative transitions in F II and S II ions, electron temperature was calculated based on a Boltzmann plot method. Numerical simulations of the molecular spectra were fitted to the experimental spectra allowing for determination of vibrational and rotational temperatures

    Investigation of low-temperature plasmas formed in low-density gases surrounding laser-produced plasmas

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    Low-temperature plasma production is possible as a result of photoionization using high-intensity extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray (SXR) pulses. Plasma of this type is also present in outer space, e.g., aurora borealis. It also occurs when high-velocity objects enter the atmosphere, during which period high temperatures can be produced locally by friction. Low-temperature plasma is also formed in an ambient gas surrounding the hot laser-produced plasma (LPP). In this work, a special system has been prepared for investigation of this type of plasma. The LPP was created inside a chamber filled with a gas under a low pressure, of the order of 1–50 mbar, by a laser pulse (3–9 J, 1–8 ns) focused onto a gas puff target. In such a case, the SXR/EUV radiation emitted from the LPP was partially absorbed in the low-density gas. In this case, high- and low-temperature plasmas (Te ~100 eV and ~1 eV, respectively) were created locally in the chamber. Investigation of the EUV-induced plasmas was performed mainly using spectral methods in ultraviolet/visible (UV/VIS) light. The measurements were performed using an echelle spectrometer, and additionally, spatial–temporal measurements were performed using an optical streak camera. Spectral analysis was supported by the PGOPHER numerical code

    Experimental and theoretical study on emission spectra of a nitrogen photoionized plasma induced by intense EUV pulses

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    Spectral lines of low-temperature nitrogen photoionized plasma were investigated. The photoionized plasma was created in the result of irradiation N2 gas using laser plasma EUV radiation pulses. The source was based on a 10J/10ns Nd:YAG (λ = 1064 nm) laser system and a gas puff target. The EUV radiation pulses were collected and focused using a grazing incidence multifoil EUV collector. The emission spectra were measured in the ultraviolet and visible (UV/Vis) range. It was found that the plasma emission lines in the lower region of the UV range are relativley weak. Nonetheless, a part of the spectra contains strong molecular band in the 300 - 430 nm originated from second positive and first negative systems band transitions of nitrogen. These molecular band transitions were identified using a code for study the diatomic molecules, LIFBASE. The vibrational band of Δv = 0 and ±1 transitions were significantly populated than of that with Δv = ±2 and 3 transitions. A comparison of the calculated and measured spectrum is presented. With an assumption of a local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), the vibrational temperature was determined from the integrated band intensities with the help of the Boltzmann plot method and compared to the temperature predicted by SPECAIR and LIFBASE simulations. A summary of the results and the variations in the vibrational temperatures was discussed