26 research outputs found

    Impact of specific KRAS Mutation in Exon 2 on clinical outcome of chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-treated colorectal adenocarcinoma patients

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Knowledge obtained via high-throughput technologies, used for tumor genome sequencing or identifying gene expression and methylation signatures, is clinically applicable thanks to molecular characterization in the context of tumor development and progression. This study was conducted to assess the impact of specific KRAS mutation in codons 12 and 13 on clinical outcome of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in colorectal cancer patients. METHODS: A total of 239 samples of colorectal adenocarcinoma underwent histological evaluation and DNA isolation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Patients with a mutation in KRAS codon 13 experienced worse outcome than those with a mutation in KRAS codon 12. Moreover, the cases of mutations in KRAS codons 12 or 13 were associated with a significantly higher mortality than the cases of wild-type KRAS, and some patients with KRAS mutated in codon 12 had an exceptionally long overall survival. Finally, primary preoperative radiation therapy followed by surgery significantly increased overall survival more efficiently than surgery followed by chemotherapy. This should be investigated in further studies. The fact that all patients treated with radiotherapy + surgery were alive, again focused our attention on the effect of preoperative radiation therapy on the prognosis for colorectal cancer patients. However, the number of patients in this subgroup is too small to allow any specific explanation for this observation. We should, rather, point out a problem for further investigation

    The Memory Politics of Becoming European: The East European Subalterns and the Collective Memory of Europe

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    The situation in collective memory studies that share a nexus with the discipline of International Relations (IR) is currently reflective of the traditionally West-centric writing of European history. This order of things has become increasingly challenged after the eastern enlargement of the European Union (EU). This article examines Poland’s and the Baltics’ recent attempts to enlarge the mnemonic vision of ‘the united Europe’ by placing their ‘subaltern pasts’ in contest with the conventionally Western European-bent understanding of the consequences of World War II in Europe. I argue that their endeavours to wrench the ‘European mnemonical map’ apart in order to become more congruent with the different historical experiences within the enlarged EU encapsulate the curious trademark of Polish and Baltic post-Cold War politics of becoming European: their combination of simultaneously seeking recognition from and resisting the hegemonic ‘core European’ narrative of what ‘Europe’ is all about

    Spółki z kapitałem zagranicznym a zamożność gmin

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    W artykule analizowana jest zależność pomiędzy obecnością kapitału zagranicznego a poziomem zamożności gmin w Polsce w latach 1994–2000. Wykorzystano w tym celu wskaźnik nasycenia spółkami z kapitałem zagranicznym oraz wskaźnik zamożności gmin, przy czym skoncentrowano się na analizie w granicach dawnych dzielnic historycznych. Zauważono i opisano istotne różnice w oddziaływaniu kapitału zagranicznego pomiędzy zamożnymi gminami ziem zachodnich i Wielkopolski a ich odpowiednikami w byłej Galicji i Królestwie Kongresowym. Skonstatowano, iż system dochodów budżetowych nie zapewniał gminom bezpośrednich korzyści z obecności na ich terenie firm z udziałem kapitału zagranicznego

    After Neighbors

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    Study on the Impact of Cutting Tool Wear on Machine Tool Energy Consumption

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    The paper describes the problem of tool wear in machining processes. The importance of determining and analysing the demand of machining centres for electricity was emphasised and the potential relationship between tool wear and machine energy consumption was indicated. The paper presents the results of the measurements of cutting tool wear on the energy consumption of a machining centre based on the analysis of an actual technological process. The paper presents a method of obtaining and processing large amounts of data. The changes in the form of power consumption by the machine tool depending on the tool operation time and the machining cycle being implemented were shown. The researchers proposed the possibility of using the recorded data to develop an algorithm for automatic diagnosis of catastrophic tool wear. The usefulness of the collected and analysed data in the context of developing a method for determining the machine electricity demand was indicated


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    The article discusses the importance of energy consumption for the modern machine tool. The research was carried out to show the influence of various cutting factors and parameters on the power consumption values of the machine tool. A special algorithm was developed to determine the actual energy consumption of the machine tool during the cutting process. The results of the study were compared with the algorithms of tool companies to determine the machine's power demand. The possibilities of using research conclusions to develop a more accurate method for assessing the energy demand of a machine tool in the cutting process were indicated

    Distributed embedded PC based control and data acquisition system for TESLA cavity controller and simulator

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    This paper describes an alternative approach for control and data acquisition system to be used in TESLA controller and simulator (SIMCON) boards [1]. The standard VME controller may be replaced with a cheap embedded PC to provide equivalent or even superior functionality. The new approach offers better cost/performance ratio, better scalability of the system and better testability of the SIMCON boards