106 research outputs found

    Strategic Abilities of Asynchronous Agents: Semantic Side Effects and How to Tame Them

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    Recently, we have proposed a framework for verification of agents' abilities in asynchronous multi-agent systems, together with an algorithm for automated reduction of models. The semantics was built on the modeling tradition of distributed systems. As we show here, this can sometimes lead to counterintuitive interpretation of formulas when reasoning about the outcome of strategies. First, the semantics disregards finite paths, and thus yields unnatural evaluation of strategies with deadlocks. Secondly, the semantic representations do not allow to capture the asymmetry between proactive agents and the recipients of their choices. We propose how to avoid the problems by a suitable extension of the representations and change of the execution semantics for asynchronous MAS. We also prove that the model reduction scheme still works in the modified framework

    Planics 2.0 - A Tool for Composing Services

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    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering, co-located with 35th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (PetriNets 2014) and 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2014) Tunis, Tunisia, June 23-24, 2014.This poster reports on the current state of the PlanICS toolset, which aims at solving the Web service composition problem by dividing it into several stages. These include an abstract planning, an offer collecting, and a concrete planning

    SMT-based Abstract Temporal Planning

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    These are the proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE’14) in Tunis, Tunisia, June 23–24, 2014. It is a co-located event of Petri Nets 2014, the 35th international conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency and ACSD 2014, the 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design.An abstract planning is the first phase of the web service composition in the PlanICS framework. A user query specifies the initial and the expected state of a plan in request. The paper extends PlanICS with a module for temporal planning, by extending the user query with an LTL_k-X formula specifying temporal aspects of world transformations in a plan. Our solution comes together with an example, an implementation, and experimental results

    Multi-Valued Verification of Strategic Ability

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    Some multi-agent scenarios call for the possibility of evaluating specifications in a richer domain of truth values. Examples include runtime monitoring of a temporal property over a growing prefix of an infinite path, inconsistency analysis in distributed databases, and verification methods that use incomplete anytime algorithms, such as bounded model checking. In this paper, we present multi-valued alternating-time temporal logic (mv-ATL*), an expressive logic to specify strategic abilities in multi-agent systems. It is well known that, for branching-time logics, a general method for model-independent translation from multi-valued to two-valued model checking exists. We show that the method cannot be directly extended to mv-ATL*. We also propose two ways of overcoming the problem. Firstly, we identify constraints on formulas for which the model-independent translation can be suitably adapted. Secondly, we present a model-dependent reduction that can be applied to all formulas of mv-ATL*. We show that, in all cases, the complexity of verification increases only linearly when new truth values are added to the evaluation domain. We also consider several examples that show possible applications of mv-ATL* and motivate its use for model checking multi-agent systems

    Concurrent systems and inevitability

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    AbstractConcurrent systems viewed as partially ordered sets of states are considered. A property of system states is called inevitable, if the system will eventually reach a state with this property. This notion is discussed within the partial order framework

    Strategic (Timed) Computation Tree Logic

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    We define extensions of CTL and TCTL with strategic operators, called Strategic CTL (SCTL) and Strategic TCTL (STCTL), respectively. For each of the above logics we give a synchronous and asynchronous semantics, i.e., STCTL is interpreted over networks of extended Timed Automata (TA) that either make synchronous moves or synchronise via joint actions. We consider several semantics regarding information: imperfect (i) and perfect (I), and recall: imperfect (r) and perfect (R). We prove that SCTL is more expressive than ATL for all semantics, and this holds for the timed versions as well. Moreover, the model checking problem for SCTL[ir] is of the same complexity as for ATL[ir], the model checking problem for STCTL[ir] is of the same complexity as for TCTL, while for STCTL[iR] it is undecidable as for ATL[iR]. The above results suggest to use SCTL[ir] and STCTL[ir] in practical applications. Therefore, we use the tool IMITATOR to support model checking of STCTL[ir]

    MsATL: a Tool for SAT-Based ATL Satisfiability Checking

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    We present MsATL: the first tool for deciding the satisfiability of Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL) with imperfect information. MsATL combines SAT Modulo Monotonic Theories solvers with existing ATL model checkers: MCMAS and STV. The tool can deal with various semantics of ATL, including perfect and imperfect information, and can handle additional practical requirements. MsATL can be applied for synthesis of games that conform to a given specification, with the synthesised game often being minimal

    Verification of Multi-Agent Properties in Electronic Voting: A Case Study

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    Formal verification of multi-agent systems is hard, both theoretically and in practice. In particular, studies that use a single verification technique typically show limited efficiency, and allow to verify only toy examples. Here, we propose some new techniques and combine them with several recently developed ones to see what progress can be achieved for a real-life scenario. Namely, we use fixpoint approximation, domination-based strategy search, partial order reduction, and parallelization to verify heterogeneous scalable models of the Selene e-voting protocol. The experimental results show that the combination allows to verify requirements for much more sophisticated models than previously
