32 research outputs found

    On departure process in the batch arrival queue with single vacation and setup time

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    A single-server queueing system of MX/G/1 type with unlimited buffer size is considered. Whenever the system becomes empty, the server takes a single compulsory vacation that is independent of the arrival process. The service of the first customer after the vacation is preceded by a random setup time. We distinguish two cases of the evolution of the system: when the setup time begins after the vacation only, or if it begins at once when the first group of customers enters. In the paper we investigate the departure process h(t) that at any fixed moment t takes on a random value equal to the number of customers completely served before t. An explicit representation for Laplace Transform of probability generating function of departure process is derived and written down by means of transforms of four crucial input distributions of the system and factors of a certain factorization identity connected with them. The results are obtained using the method consisting of two main stages: first we study departure process on a single vacation cycle for an auxiliary system and direct the analysis to the case of the system without vacations, applying the formula of total probability; next we use the renewal-theory approach to obtain a general formula

    On transient queue-size distribution in the batch arrival system with the N-policy and setup times

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    In the paper the MX/G/1M^{X}/G/1 queueing system with the NN-policy and setup times is considered. An explicit formula for the Laplace transform of the transient queue-size distribution is derived using the approach consisting of few steps. Firstly, a "special\u27\u27 modification of the original system is investigated and, using the formula of total probability, the analysis is reduced to the case of the corresponding system without limitation in the service. Next, a renewal process generated by successive busy cycles is used to obtain the general result. Sample numerical computations illustrating theoretical results are attached as well

    Non-stationary departure process in a batch-arrival queue with finite buffer capacity and threshold-type control mechanism

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    summary:Non-stationary behavior of departure process in a finite-buffer MX/G/1/KM^{X}/G/1/K-type queueing model with batch arrivals, in which a threshold-type waking up NN-policy is implemented, is studied. According to this policy, after each idle time a new busy period is being started with the NNth message occurrence, where the threshold value NN is fixed. Using the analytical approach based on the idea of an embedded Markov chain, integral equations, continuous total probability law, renewal theory and linear algebra, a compact-form representation for the mixed double transform (probability generating function of the Laplace transform) of the probability distribution of the number of messages completely served up to fixed time tt is obtained. The considered queueing system has potential applications in modeling nodes of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with battery saving mechanism based on threshold-type waking up of the radio. An illustrating simulational and numerical study is attached

    On time-to-buffer overflow distribution in a single-machine discrete-time system with finite capacity

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    A model of a single-machine production system with finite magazine capacity is investigated. The input flow of jobs is organized according to geometric distribution of interarrival times, while processing times are assumed to be generally distributed. The closed-form formula for the generating function of the time to the first buffer overflow distribution conditioned by the initial buffer state is found. The analytical approach based on the idea of embedded Markov chain, the formula of total probability and linear algebra is applied. The corresponding result for next buffer overflows is also given. Numerical examples are attached as well

    On transient queue-size distribution in the batch-arrivals system with a single vacation policy

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    summary:A queueing system with batch Poisson arrivals and single vacations with the exhaustive service discipline is investigated. As the main result the representation for the Laplace transform of the transient queue-size distribution in the system which is empty before the opening is obtained. The approach consists of few stages. Firstly, some results for a ``usual'' system without vacations corresponding to the original one are derived. Next, applying the formula of total probability, the analysis of the original system on a single vacation cycle is brought to the study of the ``usual'' system. Finally, the renewal theory is used to derive the general result. Moreover, a numerical approach to analytical results is discussed and some illustrative numerical examples are given

    Probabilistic Analysis of a Buffer Overflow Duration in Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the most important problems of data transmission in packet networks, in particular in wireless sensor networks, are periodic overflows of buffers accumulating packets directed to a given node. In the case of a buffer overflow, all new incoming packets are lost until the overflow condition terminates. From the point of view of network optimization, it is very important to know the probabilistic nature of this phenomenon, including the probability distribution of the duration of the buffer overflow period. In this article, a mathematical model of the node of a wireless sensor network with discrete time parameter is proposed. The model is governed by a finite-buffer discrete-time queueing system with geometrically distributed interarrival times and general distribution of processing times. A system of equations for the tail cumulative distribution function of the first buffer overflow period duration conditioned by the initial state of the accumulating buffer is derived. The solution of the corresponding system written for probability generating functions is found using the analytical approach based on the idea of embedded Markov chain and linear algebra. Corresponding result for next buffer overflow periods is obtained as well. Numerical study illustrating theoretical results is attached

    Analytical Model of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Node Operation with a Modified Threshold-Type Energy Saving Mechanism

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    In this article, a model of the operation of a wireless sensor network (WSN) node with an energy saving mechanism based on a threshold-controlled multiple vacation policy is considered. When the queue of packets directed to the node becomes empty, a multiple vacation period is started during which the receiving/transmitting of packets is blocked. In such a period, successive vacations of a fixed constant duration are taken until a predetermined number of N packets accumulated in the queue is detected. Then, at the completion epoch of this vacation, the processing restarts normally. The analytic approach is based on the conception of an embedded Markov chain; integral equations and renewal theory are applied to study the queue-size transient behaviour. The representations for the Laplace transforms of the queue-size distribution at an arbitrary fixed time t and on the idle and processing periods are obtained. The compact-form formulae for the distributions of the idle and processing period duration are derived. Numerical examples are attached as well

    Queue-Size Distribution in a Discrete-Time Finite-Capacity Model with a Single Vacation Mechanism

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    In the paper a finite-capacity discrete-time queueing system with geometric interarrival times and generally distributed processing times is studied. Every time when the service station becomes idle it goes for a vacation of random duration that can be treated as a power-saving mechanism. Application of a single vacation policy is one way for the system to achieve symmetry in terms of system operating costs. A system of differential equations for the transient conditional queue-size distribution is established. The solution of the corresponding system written for double probability generating functions is found using the analytical method based on a linear algebraic approach. Moreover, the representation for the probability-generating function of the stationary queue-size distribution is obtained. Numerical study illustrating theoretical results is attached as well