35 research outputs found

    Endometrial mRNA expression of prostaglandin synthase enzymes PTGS 2, PTGFS and mPTGES 1 in repeat-breeding cows with cytologically determined endometritis

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    Little is known about the inflammatory response of the endometrium in repeat-breeding cows with subclinical endometritis (SE). The objective of this study was to evaluate the mRNA expression of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS 2), prostaglandin F2α synthase (PTGFS) and prostaglandin E2 microsomal synthase 1 (mPTGES 1) in the endometrium of repeat-breeding cows with and without SE. SE was diagnosed cytologically using the cytobrush method, with the threshold being set at 5% polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Biopsy samples were obtained from the endometrium of repeat-breeding cows with SE (n = 10) and without SE (n = 10). The mRNA expression of the synthases was evaluated using qRT-PCR. Significantly higher (P 0.05). Our study confirms that increased endometrial expression of the PTGS 2 gene is involved in the inflammatory response in repeat breeders

    Legal grounds for the conclusion of an agreement in the so-called "accidental form" on the basis of Article 77 of the Civil Code

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    W publikacji przedstawiono argumenty przemawiające za akceptacją koncepcji tzw. "formy przypadkowej" na gruncie art. 77 Kodeksu cywilnego oraz propozycję wyodrębnienia przesłanek pozwalających na stwierdzenie, że do zawarcia umowy doszło właśnie w tej formie. Rozważania dotyczą głównie konieczności i sposobu każdorazowej oceny psychofizycznych zachowań stron poprzedzających zawarcie umowy z perspektywy dyrektyw wykładni oświadczeń woli.The publication presents arguments supporting the acceptance of the concept of so-called "accidental form" on the grounds of Article 77 of the Civil Code and a proposal to identify the legal grounds for the conclusion of an agreement in this form. The considerations concern mainly the necessity and the way of each assessment of the psychophysical behaviors of the parties preceding the conclusion of the agreement from the perspective of the directives of interpretation of declarations of will

    Problems of Energy Reduction During the Hot-Mix Asphalt Production

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    The paper presents selected factors that affect the energy consumption during the technological process of hot mix asphalt production and the level of fuel consumption depending on the moisture content of mineral aggregates located on the plant site. Basing on earlier investigations, measurements and analyses, as well as on working experience in organization and control system to exclude unnecessary energy loss during hot mix asphalt production, the authors reviewed the available worldwide literature on the topic. Attention was directed to the mathematical-physical dependence and the results of engineer measurements regarding the authors’ own research. Between 2007–2009 consumption of fuel and aggregate moisture content on the plant sites and hot mix asphalt production parameters were measured to verify the analyses and conclusions found in literature. The authors focused on the problem of the production capacity relating to the consumption of fuel. This paper is an attempt to define the possibility of energy-consumption reduction during hot mix asphalt production through suitable work organization or technical solutions. The paper presents the discussion over the authors’ own results of investigations as well as results of analyses of other authors in the concerned field

    Application of Admission Control and Traffic Shaping for providing TCP Throughput Guarantees

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    Abstract. The paper presents an approach for providing requested throughput guarantees, say Rreq, for greedy TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connections (e.g. ftp). For this purpose, we recommend at the network entry point to shape, with rate R, traffic emitted by each of TCP connections as well as to perform CAC (Connection Admission Control) function to limit number of running connections. By using shaper the TCP traffic submitted to the network tends to the form of constant bit rate (CBR). This feature permits us to apply a well known CAC algorithm relevant for CBR traffic. In the case of CAC limit we observe excellent equal bandwidth sharing between competing TCP connections when R=Rreq. For the case when the system is lightly loaded we discuss some strategies allowing for TCP connections to increase their throughput by setting R>Rreq.

    Analysis of the cooling of PV modules with water on their efficiency

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    The article presents the results of research on the efficiency of photovoltaic modules cooled by water. The purpose of the experiment was to improve the working conditions of the solar cells. Lowering the cell temperature increases the power generated by the device. The decrease in the temperature of the PV module was obtained by pouring water on the upper surface of the cells, as rain imitation or a water film. The power of the cooled and non-cooled devices were compared. The best results were achieved by cooling cells with a water film since there were no water splashes. The continuous cooling of cells surface causes a 20% increase of device's power. During the test, the non-cooled module reached the maximum power of 172 W, while the cooled one - 205 W. Cooling the module resulted in an increase in power by 33 W. In addition, the temperature of the cells dropped to almost 25°C. At this time, the temperature of the non-cooled module was 45°C. The presented solution may be an interesting proposition for small installations. The solution can also be an alternative for cleaning the modules due to the improvement in the power of the module after the test in terms of their power before

    OvSynch protocol and its modifications in the reproduction management of dairy cattle herds – an update

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    Current knowledge about the function of the reproductive tract and appropriate use of hormonal drugs affords control of the oestrus cycle of cows. One of the hormonal protocols is OvSynch, which enables artificial insemination (AI) to be performed at the precise optimum time without control of the ovaries and uterus. Use of such protocols in reproductive management allows oestrus cycles to be synchronised and cows to be effectively inseminated without oestrous detection, which is time-consuming and difficult in farms with numerous cows. Therefore, OvSynch has become the first management tool for AI and is an alternative method to heat detection. Over the 20 years since its first implementation, OvSynch has been modified many times to improve its reproduction outcomes and widen its use. Besides its original use for heat synchronisation, it is also used in many ovarian disorders as a therapeutic method. This review article describes the possibilities which OvSynch provides, its current modifications, various applications, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use in practice


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    Abstract The study was carried out on 3 high-yielding dairy herds in the north-east of Poland. Blood samples were collected from 20 cows in each herd. The blood plasma concentrations of total isoflavones (free and conjugated daidzein, genistein, and their metabolites equol and pethylphenol) were determined using HPLC. The incidence of silent heat was 7.0% in herd I, 40.9% in herd II, and 35.0% in herd III. The total concentrations of isoflavones were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.001) in herds II (4.9 ± 0.5 µmol/l) and III (2.6 ± 0.9 µmol/l) than in herd I (1.0 ± 0.3 µmol/l). The results suggest that there might be a relationship between concentration of isoflavones in blood plasma and incidence of silent heat in cattle