33 research outputs found

    Hypothalamus proteomics from mouse models with obesity and anorexia reveals therapeutic targets of appetite regulation

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    Objective: This study examined the proteomic profile of the hypothalamus in mice exposed to a high-fat diet (HFD) or with the anorexia of acute illness. This comparison could provide insight on the effects of these two opposite states of energy balance on appetite regulation.Methods: Four to six-week-old male C56BL/6J mice were fed a normal (control 1 group; n=7) or a HFD (HFD group; n=10) for 8 weeks. The control 2 (n=7) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) groups (n=10) were fed a normal diet for 8 weeks before receiving an injection of saline and LPS, respectively. Hypothalamic regions were analysed using a quantitative proteomics method based on a combination of techniques including iTRAQ stable isotope labeling, orthogonal two-dimensional liquid chromatography hyphenated with nanospray ionization and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Key proteins were validated with quantitative PCR.Results: Quantitative proteomics of the hypothalamous regions profiled a total of 9249 protein groups (q<0.05). Of these, 7718 protein groups were profiled with a minimum of two unique peptides for each. Hierachical clustering of the differentiated proteome revealed distinct proteomic signatures for the hypothalamus under the HFD and LPS nutritional conditions. Literature research with in silico bioinformatics interpretation of the differentiated proteome identified key biological relevant proteins and implicated pathways. Furthermore, the study identified potential pharmacologic targets. In the LPS groups, the anorexigen pro-opiomelanocortin was downregulated. In mice with obesity, nuclear factor-?B, glycine receptor subunit alpha-4 (GlyR) and neuropeptide Y levels were elevated, whereas serotonin receptor 1B levels decreased.Conclusions: High-precision quantitative proteomics revealed that under acute systemic inflammation in the hypothalamus as a response to LPS, homeostatic mechanisms mediating loss of appetite take effect. Conversely, under chronic inflammation in the hypothalamus as a response to HFD, mechanisms mediating a sustained ‘perpetual cycle’ of appetite enhancement were observed. The GlyR protein may constitute a novel treatment target for the reduction of central orexigenic signals in obesity

    The clinical relevance of gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    Microarrays: truths and consequences

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    For many, analysis of a microarray experiment starts with a spreadsheet of expression levels. While great attention is duly paid to RNA extraction, preparation and hybridization, relatively little care is devoted to extraction of expression levels from the fluorescent image. By delegating this step to a click of the mouse the exact extraction process is masked and researchers may be unwittingly compromising their data. In this review, we describe the most common mistakes committed on the path from the image to the spreadsheet and their impact on data quality. Remedies are further proposed for most of the popular microarray platforms in use today

    Genetic constraints and the adaptive evolution of rabies virus in nature

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    We used a molecular evolutionary approach to investigate the species adaptation of rabies virus in nature. A maximum likelihood analysis of selection pressures revealed that the nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) genes of natural viral isolates were highly constrained, especially at nonsynonymous sites, in contrast to the higher rates of nonsynonymous evolution observed in viruses subject to laboratory passage. Positive selection was only found at a single amino acid site—position 183 in the ectodomain of the G gene. The low rate of nonsynonymous evolution in natural isolates of rabies virus may be due to constraints imposed by the need to replicate in multiple cell types within the host, which in turn facilitates cross-species transmission, or because viral proteins are not subject to immune selection. Using known dates in the epidemiologic history of European viral isolates, we estimated that overall rates of nucleotide substitution in rabies virus were similar to those observed in other RNA viruses. Assuming that the average rate of synonymous change does not vary among species, we estimated that the current genetic diversity in lyssavirus genotype 1 may have arisen only during the last 500 years

    Increased positive selection pressure in persistent (SSPE) versus acute measles virus infections

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    We compared the extent of positive selection acting on acute and persistent strains of measles virus (MV). Far stronger positive selection was found in the fusion (F) and haemagglutinin (H) genes from subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) compared to acute MV cases. Most of the positively selected sites identified in these surface glycoprotein genes from SSPE cases correspond to structural, functional or antigenic areas, and could not be explained by the effects of cell passaging. The correlations between selected sites and functional studies of MV are discussed in detail with reference to the maintenance of persistent infection. No positive selection was found in the matrix (M) gene from acute cases of MV and the effects of including hypermutated SSPE M gene sequences in phylogenetic inference were also explored. Finally, using H gene data, we estimated the rate of molecular evolution for SSPE strains as 3·4×10?4 substitutions/site/year, which is similar to previous estimates obtained for acute strains

    Lithium-responsive genes and gene networks in bipolar disorder patient-derived lymphoblastoid cell lines

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    Lithium (Li) is the mainstay mood stabilizer for the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD), although its mode of action is not yet fully understood nor is it effective in every patient. We sought to elucidate the mechanism of action of Li and to identify surrogate outcome markers that can be used to better understand its therapeutic effects in BD patients classified as good (responders) and poor responders (nonresponders) to Li treatment. To accomplish these goals, RNA-sequencing gene expression profiles of lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) were compared between BD Li responders and nonresponders with healthy controls before and after treatment. Several Li-responsive gene coexpression networks were discovered indicating widespread effects of Li on diverse cellular signaling systems including apoptosis and defense response pathways, protein processing and response to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Individual gene markers were also identified, differing in response to Li between BD responders and nonresponders, involved in processes of cell cycle and nucleotide excision repair that may explain part of the heterogeneity in clinical response to treatment. Results further indicated a Li gene expression signature similar to that observed with clonidine treatment, an α2-adrenoceptor agonist. These findings provide a detailed mechanism of Li in LCLs and highlight putative surrogate outcome markers that may permit for advanced treatment decisions to be made and for facilitating recovery in BD patients.</p

    Evidence for the non-quasispecies evolution of RNA viruses

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    The quasispecies model of RNA virus evolution differs from those formulated in conventional population genetics in that neutral mutations do not lead to genetic drift of the population, and natural selection acts on the mutant distribution as a whole rather than on individual variants. By computer simulation, we show that this model could be inappropriate for many RNA viruses because the neutral sequence space may be too large to allow the formation of a quasispecies distribution. This view is supported by our analysis of gene sequences from vesicular stomatitis virus, which is considered a prototype RNA virus quasispecies. Our results are relevant to the evolution of RNA systems in general

    The interaction of genetic determinants in the outcome of HCV infection: evidence for discrete immunological pathways

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    Diversity within the innate and adaptive immune response to hepatitis C is important in determining spontaneous resolution (SR) and treatment response. The aim of this study was to analyze how these variables interact in combination; furthering our understanding of the mechanisms that drive successful immunological clearance. Multivariate analysis was performed on retrospectively collected data for 357 patients previously genotyped for interferon (IFN)-?3/4, killer cell immunoglobulin (KIR), human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and II and tapasin. High resolution KIR genotyping was performed for individuals with chronic infection and haplotypes determined. Outcomes for SR, IFN response and cirrhosis were examined. Statistical analysis included univariate methods, ?2 test for trend, multivariate logistic regression, synergy and principal component analysis (PCA). Although KIR2DL3:HLA-C1C1 (P = 0.027), IFN-?3/4 rs12979860 CC (P = 0.027), tapasin G in individuals with aspartate at residue 114 of HLA-B (TapG:HLA-B114D) (P = 0.007) and HLA-DRB1*04:01 (P = 0.014) were associated with SR with a strong additive influence (?2 test for trend P &lt; 0.0001); favorable polymorphisms did not interact synergistically, nor did patients cluster by outcome. In the treatment cohort, IFN-?3/4 rs12979860 CC was protective in hepatitis C virus (HCV) G1 infection and KIR2DL3:HLA-C1 in HCV G2/3. In common with SR, variables did not interact synergistically. Polymorphisms predictive of viral clearance did not predict disease progression. In summary, different individuals resolve HCV infection using discrete and non-interacting immunological pathways. These pathways are influenced by viral genotype. This work provides novel insights into the complexity of the interaction between host and viral factors in determining the outcome of HCV infection

    Highly precise measurement of HIV DNA by droplet digital PCR

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    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) provides the most sensitive measurement of residual infection in patients on effective combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) has recently been shown to provide highly accurate quantification of DNA copy number, but its application to quantification of HIV DNA, or other equally rare targets, has not been reported. This paper demonstrates and analyzes the application of ddPCR to measure the frequency of total HIV DNA (pol copies per million cells), and episomal 2-LTR (long terminal repeat) circles in cells isolated from infected patients. Analysis of over 300 clinical samples, including over 150 clinical samples assayed in triplicate by ddPCR and by real-time PCR (qPCR), demonstrates a significant increase in precision, with an average 5-fold decrease in the coefficient of variation of pol copy numbers and a &gt;20-fold accuracy improvement for 2-LTR circles. Additional benefits of the ddPCR assay over qPCR include absolute quantification without reliance on an external standard and relative insensitivity to mismatches in primer and probe sequences. These features make digital PCR an attractive alternative for measurement of HIV DNA in clinical specimens. The improved sensitivity and precision of measurement of these rare events should facilitate measurements to characterize the latent HIV reservoir and interventions to eradicate it

    Evolution of the interferon alpha gene family in eutherian mammals

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    Interferon alpha (IFNA) genes code for proteins with important signaling roles during the innate immune response. Phylogenetically, IFNA family members in eutherians (placental mammals) cluster together in a species-specific manner except for closely related species (i.e. Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes) where gene-specific clustering is evident. Previous research has been unable to clarify whether gene conversion or recent gene duplication accounts for gene-specific clustering, partly because the similarity of members of the IFNA family within species has made it historically difficult to identify the exact composition of IFNA gene families. IFNA gene families were fully characterized in recently available genomes from Canis familiaris, Macaca mulatta, P. troglodytes and Rattus norvegicus, and combined with previously characterized IFNA gene families from H. sapiens and Mus musculus, for the analysis of both whole and partial gene conversion events using a variety of statistical methods. Gene conversion was inferred in every eutherian species analyzed and comparison of the IFNA gene family locus between primate species revealed independent gene duplication in M. mulatta. Thus, both gene conversion and gene duplication have shaped the evolution of the IFNA gene family in eutherian species. Scenarios may be envisaged whereby the increased production of a specific IFN-? protein would be beneficial against a particular pathogenic infection. Gene conversion, similar to duplication, provides a mechanism by which the protein product of a specific IFNA gene can be increased