535 research outputs found

    The Effects of Boron on the Range of Motion of Dexterity Related Joints: A Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressive, destructive and chronic, inflammatory disease of the joint synovium. Signs and symptoms include pain, limited range of motion, swelling, and tenderness, which may progress to deformity. These manifestations may limit dexterity, independent living, and the overall well being of an individual. Living with daily restrictions proves to be a psychologically distressing experience. An increase in the dietary boron level of laboratory rats has shown to have a positive effect on the range of motion in their involved joints. This concept was tested on a human subject at the United States Department of Agriculture\u27s Human Nutrition Research Center in Grand Forks, North Dakota over a six-month period from January 9th to June 19th, 2001. Joint involvement was assessed using goniometric measurements, a Poly Arthritis form, along with palpation of 16 fibromyalgic points. Subjective information was compiled regarding subject\u27s level of pain, stiffness, bogginess, and soreness. The subject was measured on a consistent day and time each week. The study was conducted under the direction of Dr. Curtiss Hunt at the Human Nutrition Research Center and Beverly Johnson PT, MS at the University of North Dakota Department of Physical Therapy. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained, and inter-rater and intra-rater reliability were established prior to testing. A standardized verbal instruction regimen, to guide the subject and to encourage her to give her maximal effort during measurements, was used. With an increased intake of boron, a significant influence on the range of motion was predicted. It was found, however, the active number of joints for this subject remained relatively constant, proving bogginess and soreness/sensitivity to palpation to still be present. However, the subjective rating of pain, fibromyalgic points, and hours of morning stiffness decreased with boron deprivation. By analyzing the range of motion statistics, 21 out of 64 tested motions were found to display changes in the measurements of dexterity-related joints for an individual with rheumatoid arthritis between boron supplementation and deprivation. A general increase was noted with boron supplementation, whereas a decrease was noted in the range of motion with boron deprivation. The purpose of this case report was to analyze the effect of boron supplementation and deprivation and to aid in improving the pathological related signs and symptoms of an individual with rheumatoid arthritis. The potential to decrease the clinical manifestations and reduce the psychological stress of living with a chronic illness would benefit individuals with rheumatoid arthritis


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    A influência da capacidade de absorção nas distâncias na relação entre uma multinacional e sua subsidiária

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    Orientadora : Profa. Dra. Zandra BalbinotDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/04/2011Bibliografia: fls. 101-104Área de concentração: Estratégia e analise organizacionalResumo: A inovação torna-se cada vez mais importante para a sobrevivência e o crescimento das empresas. Nesse sentido, é fundamental entender como ocorre o processo de desenvolvimento da capacidade de absorção. Com a crescente internacionalização de empresas, também se torna importante compreender como isso ocorre em cenários diferentes, nos quais é possível presenciar diferenças culturais, administrativas e políticas, geográficas e econômicas. A capacidade de absorção, entendida neste trabalho, como a capacidade de reconhecer o valor de um novo conhecimento, assimilá-lo e utilizá-lo em fins comerciais também será estudada. O objetivo é compreender de que forma a capacidade de absorção de uma empresa minimiza os impactos das distâncias do modelo CAGE em uma empresa multinacional e sua subsidiária. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma empresa que era nacional e posteriormente foi comprada por uma multinacional japonesa. Para verificar as distâncias oriundas dessa relação, foi utilizada a estrutura de distâncias CAGE, desenvolvida por Pankaj Ghemawat (2007). A capacidade de absorção definida por Cohen e Levinthal (1990) foi verificada através do modelo desenvolvido por Zahra e George (2002). Metodologicamente esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida utilizando-se de estudo de caso com dados oriundos da área de gestão de pessoas. Os resultados demonstraram que há diversos aspectos que interferem no processo de internacionalização e que a capacidade de absorção pode diminuir a percepção das distâncias decorrentes desse processo.Abstract: The innovation becomes more important for business survival and growth. According with this, it is important to understand the way the developing process of absorption capacity happens. With the companies internationalization increase, it becomes so important to understand how this occurs in different views, where is possible to find cultural, administrative and political, geographical and economical distances. The absorption capacity, considered in this work as the capacity to recognize the value of a new knowledge, to assimilate and to make use of it to commercial ends will be studied too. The objective is to understand how the absorption capacity of a company can minimize the impacts of the CAGE model distances in a multinational company and its subsidiary. This research was done in a company that was Brazilian company and was bought by a Japanese international company. To verify the distances arising from this relationship, it was utilized the CAGE structure, developed by Pankaj Ghemawat (2007). The absorption capacity was defined by Cohen and Levinthal (1990) and was verified through the model developed by Zahra and George (2002). Methodologically this research was developed using a case study with information though HR area. The results showed that there are a lot of aspects that interfere in the internationalization process and that the absorption capacity can minimize the perception of the distances

    Off-axis electron holography of bacterial cells and magnetic nanoparticles in liquid

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    The mapping of electrostatic potentials and magnetic fields in liquids usingelectron holography has been considered to be unrealistic. Here, we showthat hydrated cells ofMagnetospirillum magneticumstrain AMB-1 and assem-blies of magnetic nanoparticles can be studied using off-axis electronholography in a fluid cell specimen holder within the transmission electronmicroscope. Considering that the holographic object and reference waveboth pass through liquid, the recorded electron holograms show sufficientinterference fringe contrast to permit reconstruction of the phase shift ofthe electron wave and mapping of the magnetic induction from bacterialmagnetite nanocrystals. We assess the challenges of performingin situmagne-tization reversal experiments using a fluid cell specimen holder, discussapproaches for improving spatial resolution and specimen stability, and outlinefuture perspectives for studying scientific phenomena, ranging from interpar-ticle interactions in liquids and electrical double layers at solid–liquidinterfaces to biomineralization and the mapping of electrostatic potentialsassociated with protein aggregation and folding

    Extension of Bethe's diffraction model to conical Geometry: application to near field optics

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    The generality of the Bethe's two dipole model for light diffraction through a subwavelength aperture in a conducting plane is studied in the radiation zone for coated conical fiber tips as those used in near field scanning optical microscopy. In order to describe the angular radiated power of the tip theoretically, we present a simple, analytical model for small apertures (radius < 40 nm) based on a multipole expansion. Our model is able to reproduce the available experimental results. It proves relatively insensitive to cone angle and aperture radius and contains, as a first approximation, the empirical two-dipole model proposed earlier

    Evaluation of the cost effectiveness of exenatide versus insulin glargine in patients with sub-optimally controlled Type 2 diabetes in the United Kingdom

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>Exenatide belongs to a new therapeutic class in the treatment of diabetes (incretin mimetics), allowing glucose-dependent glycaemic control in Type 2 diabetes. Randomised controlled trial data suggest that exenatide is as effective as insulin glargine at reducing HbA<sub>1c </sub>in combination therapy with metformin and sulphonylureas; with reduced weight but higher incidence of adverse gastrointestinal events. The objective of this study is to evaluate the cost effectiveness of exenatide versus insulin glargine using RCT data and a previously published model of Type 2 diabetes disease progression that is based on the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study; the perspective of the health-payer of the United Kingdom National Health Service.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study used a discrete event simulation model designed to forecast the costs and health outcome of a cohort of 1,000 subjects aged over 40 years with sub-optimally-controlled Type 2 diabetes, following initiation of either exenatide, or insulin glargine, in addition to oral hypoglycaemic agents. Sensitivity analysis for a higher treatment discontinuation rate in exenatide patients was applied to the cohort in three different scenarios; (1) either ignored or (2) exenatide-failures excluded or (3) exenatide-failures switched to insulin glargine. Analyses were undertaken to evaluate the price sensitivity of exenatide in terms of relative cost effectiveness. Baseline cohort profiles and effectiveness data were taken from a published randomised controlled trial.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The relative cost-effectiveness of exenatide and insulin glargine was tested under a variety of conditions, in which insulin glargine was dominant in all cases. Using the most conservative of assumptions, the cost-effectiveness ratio of exenatide vs. insulin glargine at the current UK NHS price was -£29,149/QALY (insulin glargine dominant) and thus exenatide is not cost-effective when compared with insulin glargine, at the current UK NHS price.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study evaluated the relative cost effectiveness of insulin glargine versus exenatide in the management of Type 2 diabetes using a published model. Given no significant difference in glycaemic control and applying the additional effectiveness of exenatide over insulin glargine, with respect to weight loss, and using the current UK NHS prices, insulin glargine was found to be dominant over exenatide in all modelled scenarios. With current clinical evidence, exenatide does not appear to represent a cost-effective treatment option for patients with Type 2 diabetes when compared to insulin glargine.</p

    Efeitos da luz vermelha sobre o comportamento e estrutura da retina de Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1729) (Pisces, Cichlidae)

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    Orientador: Edith Susana Elisabeth FantaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciencias AgrariasResumo: O comportamento de Astronotus ocellatus, com idade entre 4 e 6 meses ( cerca de 8 cm de comprimento) foi estudado, submetendose o ambiente à luz vermelha (Lux 2,9) sendo o controle em luz branca (Lux 16,1), em fotoperíodo 12D:12L. Foram analisados padrões de comportamento locomotores inatos, como movimentos locomotores coordenados (nataçao, repouso, manobras), movimentos relativos ao ambiente mas nao servindo como sinal (procura de alimento, subida à superficie), movimentos aparentemente servindo para fazer o peixe se sentir mais confortável (bocejo, salto, açoite e trismas de nadadeiras) e movimentos sinalizantes ( alerta, exibição frontal, exibição lateral, luta boca-aboca, mordidas, perseguições, batidas com a cauda, fuga, submissão, defesa de territorio, nadadeiras eriçadas e trisma vertical de cauda) . A comunicaçao visual entre os peixes e um aspecto relevante nestes estudos e o olho, como orgao receptor dos sinais, foi estudado a nivel estrutural e ultraestrutural da retina. Para permitir a descrição da morfologia e localizaçao dos elementos celulares no olho desta espécie, foram realizados estudos histológicos em indivíduos normais (de luz branca), a nivel de microscopia óptica. A análise ultraestrutural das células da retina de peixes mantidos em luz branca e luz vermelha, permitiram o estudo das células e organelas celulares, bem corno das junções entre células de um mesmo grupo e as camadas plexiforme externa e plexiforme interna, regiões de contatos sinápticos entre os principais grupos celulares envolvidos no processo visual, ou seja, cones e bastonetes, células bipolares, amacrinas e horizontais e, ganglionares. As células de M(Aller que tem a mesma função da glia no sistema nervoso central, não foram estudadas, sabendo-se no entanto que estão presentes. Algumas alterações a nivel de comportamento foram observadas em decorrencia da baixa luminosidade ambiental, com a depressão de atividades motoras, aumentando o periodo de repousos, além de um aumento na intensidade das agressões entre os indivíduos, com perda gradativa da acuidade visual. Na análise ultraestrutural foi ob- .servado uma frequencia maior de segmentos externos de células fotorreceptoras em vacúolos de digestão do epitélio pigmentar da retina de peixes expostos a luz vermelha. Em peixes mantidos em ambiente de luz branca, pode-se observar pigmentos junto a membrana do segmento externo de células fotorreceptoras em uma possível reação fotoquímica, o que não foi observado na retina de peixes mantidos em ambiente de luz vermelha.Abstract: The behaviour of Astronutus oeellatus (acara-agu or Oscar), whose ages were from 4 to 6 months and length of ~ 8 cm, was studied when submitted to red light (Lux 2.9) with a photoperiodicity of 12D:12L. White light (Lux 16.1) was used in blank runs. Analyses were carried out on standards of innate motility behaviour namely: 1) coordinated locomotor movements (swimming, rest and manouvers), 2) movements relative to the environment, but not serving as signals in interrelation with other fish (searching for food and rising to the surface), 3) movements apparently carried out to make the fish feel more comfortable (yawning, jumping and flapping and turning the pectorals) and 4) signals tQ other fish(alert appearance, frontal display, lateral display, fighting, bites, pursuit, blows with the tail, flight, submission, territorial defense and swimming movements with erect fins and vertical tail flickering. Visual communication between fish is a relevant factor in the present stpdies, and the eye as the receptor organ for signals was studied at the level of structure and ultrastructure of the retina. In order to determine the morphology and localization of the cellular components of the eye, histological studies on normal fishes kept under white light optic microscope. Structural analysis of retina cells of fish maintained under white and red light, allowed examination of cells and cellular organelles such as junctions between cells of the same group and internal and external plexiforme layers. Also studied were regions of synaptic contact between the main cellular groups involved in the visual process, namely cones and rods, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, horizontal and ganglia cells. Müller cells, which have the same function as glia in the central nervous system, were not studied, despite their know presence. Some behavioural changes were observed arising from low light intensity, leading to diminution of motor activity, with increase in rest periods, besides increased aggression between individuals, with gradual loss of visual acuity. U1trastructural analysis indicated a higher incidence in digestion vacuoles of in the retina of fish epithelia exposed to red light, to external segments .of photoreceptor cells. In fishes maintained under white light, it was possible to observe pigments close to the external segment of the photoreceptor membrane, showing a possible photochemical reaction which was not seen in the retina of fish kept under red light