71 research outputs found

    MicroRNA expression profiles in liver and colon of sexually immature gilts after exposure to Fusarium mycotoxins

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    To improve our knowledge of the role of microRNAs (miRs) in responses of the porcine digestive system to two Fusarium mycotoxins, zearalenone (ZEN) and deoxynivalenol (DON), we examined the expression of 7 miRs (miR-9, miR-15a, miR-21, miR-34a, miR-122, miR-125b, and miR-192), previously found to be deregulated in diseased liver and colon cells. In this study, immature gilts were exposed to NOEL doses of ZEN (40 μg/kg/d), DON (12 μg/kg/d), ZEN+DON (40+12 μg/kg/d), and placebo (negative control group) for 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days. Before the treatment, expression levels of the selected miRs were measured in the liver, the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ascending and the descending colon of the gilts. Hierarchical clustering of the tissues by their miR expression profiles was consistent with what would be expected based on the anatomical locations and the physiological functions of the organs, suggesting that functions of the miRs are related to the specificities of the tissues in which they are expressed. A subset of 2 pairs of miRs (miR-21+miR-192 and miR-15a+miR-34a), which were assigned to two distinct clusters based on their tissue abundance, was then evaluated in the liver and the ascending and the descending colon during the treatment. The most meaningful results were obtained from the ascending colon, where a significant effect of the treatment was observed, suggesting that during the exposure to mycotoxins, the pathways involved in cell proliferation and survival were disordered. Changes in miR expression in the liver and the descending colon of the treated gilts were smaller, and were associated more with treatment duration than the exposure to ZEN, DON, or ZEN+DON. Further research should focus on identification of genes whose expression is regulated by these aberrantly expressed miRs. This should facilitate understanding of the miRNA-regulated biological effects of mycotoxins

    Is callose a barrier for lead ions entering Lemna minor L. root cells?

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    Plants have developed a range of strategies for resisting environmental stresses. One of the most common is the synthesis and deposition of callose, which functions as a barrier against stress factor penetration. The aim of our study was to examine whether callose forms an efficient barrier against Pb penetration in the roots of Lemna minor L. exposed to this metal. The obtained results showed that Pb induced callose synthesis in L. minor roots, but it was not deposited regularly in all tissues and cells. Callose occurred mainly in the protoderm and in the centre of the root tip (procambial central cylinder). Moreover, continuous callose bands, which could form an efficient barrier for Pb penetration, were formed only in the newly formed and anticlinal cell walls (CWs); while in other CWs, callose formed only small clusters or incomplete bands. Such an arrangement of callose within root CWs inefficiently protected the protoplast from Pb penetration. As a result, Pb was commonly present inside the root cells. In the light of the results, the barrier role of callose against metal ion penetration appears to be less obvious than previously believed. It was indicated that induction of callose synthesis is not enough for a successful blockade of the stress factor penetration. Furthermore, it would appear that the pattern of callose distribution has an important role in this defence strategy

    Differential information in large games with strategic complementarities

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    We study equilibrium in large games of strategic complementarities (GSC) with differential information. We define an appropriate notion of distributional Bayesian Nash equilibrium and prove its existence. Furthermore, we characterize order-theoretic properties of the equilibrium set, provide monotone comparative statics for ordered perturbations of the space of games, and provide explicit algorithms for computing extremal equilibria. We complement the paper with new results on the existence of Bayesian Nash equilibrium in the sense of Balder and Rustichini (J Econ Theory 62(2):385–393, 1994) or Kim and Yannelis (J Econ Theory 77(2):330–353, 1997) for large GSC and provide an analogous characterization of the equilibrium set as in the case of distributional Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Finally, we apply our results to riot games, beauty contests, and common value auctions. In all cases, standard existence and comparative statics tools in the theory of supermodular games for finite numbers of agents do not apply in general, and new constructions are required

    The effect of pre-incubation of Allium cepa L. roots in the ATH-rich extract on Pb uptake and localization

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    The positive influence of anthocyanin (ATH) on toxic metal-treated plant material is well documented; however, it is still not explained if it is caused by changes in element absorption and distribution. Therefore, detailed analysis of the effect of the ATH-rich extract from red cabbage leaves on Pb uptake and localization at morphological, anatomical and ultrastructural level was the goal of this study. Two-day-old adventitious roots of Allium cepa L. (cv. Polanowska) were treated for 2 h with the aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2 at the concentration of 100 μM with or without preliminary incubation in the anthocyanin-rich extract from Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata rubra leaves (250 μM, 3 h). The red cabbage extract did not change the total Pb uptake but it enhanced the translocation of accumulated metal from roots to shoots. Within the pretreated roots, more Pb was deposited in their basal part and definitely smaller amount of the metal was bound in the apoplast of the outer layers of cortex cells. The ultrastructural analysis (transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis) revealed that the ATH-rich extract lowered the number of Pb deposits in intracellular spaces, cell wall and cytoplasm of root meristematic cells as well as in such organelles important to cell metabolism as mitochondria, plastids and nucleus. The Pb deposits were preferably localised in those vacuoles where ATH also occurred. This sequestration of Pb in vacuoles is probably responsible for reduction of metal cytotoxicity and consequently could lead to better plant growth.This work was supported by the grant of the University of Lodz, no. 505/04038

    Use of light to control the growth and morphogenesis of ornamental plants

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    Chemiczne regulatory wzrostu są nadal powszechnie stosowane w produkcji ogrodniczej. Jednak rosnące zanieczyszczenie środowiska i troska o jego stan, a także względy ekonomiczne, powodują konieczność poszukiwania nowych, ekologicznych sposobów uzyskiwania pożądanego pokroju roślin. W praktyce zastosowanie znalazło już modyfikowanie wzrostu poprzez oddziaływanie odpowiednią temperaturą lub stosowanie bodźców mechanicznych wywołujących stres prowadzący do zahamowania wzrostu, bez negatywnego wpływu na jakość roślin. W wielu badaniach wykazano, iż światło o określonej jakości może wpływać na wzrost i morfogenezę wielu gatunków roślin. W produkcji ogrodniczej zastosowanie znalazły fotoselektywne folie, jednak ze względu na stosunkowo krótką trwałość oraz mniejszą przepuszczalność światła słonecznego bardziej przydatne, z praktycznego punktu widzenia, mogą okazać się źródła światła o określonym składzie spektralnym. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza coraz popularniejszych diod.Even though chemical growth regulators are still commonly applied in horticultural production, the increasing environment al pollution and high retardant costs call for a search for new organic methods to produce the desired plant habit. In practice growth modification by providing an adequate temperature or the application of mechanical stimuli triggering stress leading to the growth inhibition, without a negative effect on the plant quality have been already applied. Many reports demonstrate that light of a specific colour can affect growth and morphogenesis of many plant species. In horticultural production photoselective films are used, however due to a relatively short durability and a lower sunlight transmission, in practice, the sources of light of a specific spectral composition can be more applicable. It rewers particularly diodes, becoming more and more popular

    Wpływ światła na kontrolę wzrostu rozsady Salvia splendens Sellow ex Roem. et Schult.

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    In many ornamental plant species the light spectrum can, to a varied extent, modify growth and flowering. The literature offers information on the inhibition of growth of seedlings and cuttings of ornamental plants exposed to blue light. In this paper was investigated the effect of light of a varied spectral composition on the growth of scarlet sage (Salvia splendens) seedling. The plants were cultivated in the growth chamber at the 16-hour and 20-hour day. The following kinds of light were used: daylight – similar in its spectral composition to natural light, blue and mixed light – with the same share of daylight and blue light as well as with 75% share of blue light. The intensity of the quantum irradiance in the range PAR was the same for all the experiment combinations and it was 110 ȝmol · m-2 · s-1. The scarlet sage grown in mixed light with the advantage of blue light was lower than the plants produced in daylight both at the 16-hour and 20-hour day.U wielu gatunków roślin ozdobnych barwa światła może w różnym stopniu modyfikować wzrost i kwitnienie. W literaturze można znaleźć informacje dotyczące zahamowania wzrostu siewek, rozsady oraz sadzonek roślin ozdobnych poddanych działaniu światła niebieskiego. W doświadczeniu badano wpływ światła o różnym składzie spektralnym na wzrost rozsady szałwii lśniącej. Uprawę prowadzono w pokoju wzrostowym, przy 16-godzinnym i 20-godzinnym dniu. Zastosowano następujące rodzaje światła: dzienne – zbliżone składem spektralnym do światła naturalnego, niebieskie i mieszane – z jednakowym udziałem światła dziennego i niebieskiego oraz z 75% udziałem światła niebieskiego. Natężenie napromieniowania kwantowego w zakresie PAR było jednakowe dla wszystkich kombinacji doświadczenia i wynosiło 110 ȝmol·m-2·s -1. Rozsada szałwii lśniącej uprawiana w świetle mieszanym z przewagą niebieskiego była niższa od roślin uzyskanych w świetle dziennym zarówno przy krótkim (16 h), jak i długim (20 h) dniu

    Light sources used in horticultural production

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    Światło jest źródłem energii w fotosyntezie roślin oraz reguluje ich rozmaite procesy rozwojowe. Badania pokazują, że światło o określonych właściwościach może wpływać na wzrost i morfogenezę licznych gatunków roślin. W artykule przedstawiono źródła światła (lampy sodowe, fluorescencyjne, metalohalogenkowe i diody) wykorzystywane do doświetlania upraw w produkcji szklarniowej. Diody to obiecujące rozwiązania technologiczne, których liczne zalety przewyższają tradycyjnie stosowane źródła światła.Light is the energy source for photosynthesis and it regulate many aspects of plants development. Many reports demonstrate that light of a specific colour can affect growth and morphogenesis of many plant species. The article presents light sources using as supplemental lighting (HPS lamps, fluorescent lamps, metal-hallide lamps and light emitting diodes) in greenhouse production. Light – emitting diodes represent a promising technology for the greenhouse industry that has technical advantages over traditional lighting sources

    Draft questions of 5S pre-audit with regard to health and safety standards for tires retreating plant

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    A continuous technological progress forces an improvement of the production process. The article describes the sole beginning of changes in the process of tires retreading on the 5S management method with regard to health and safety standards. The authors point out that the process of the production of retreaded tires is associated with the relationship between a man and a machine. The process improvement can dispense only by improving the machines but it should also pay attention to the man. The improvement of the production process must precede the audit, which can show areas that require intervention. Any such change in the production process cannot be performed without the participation of health and safety inspector, because his knowledge, skills and competence are able to determine whether the proposed changes interfere with the level of safety at the workplace. The authors emphasize that the process of production improvement production should be compatible with the process of improving the health and safety of workers involved in the production process. The combination of 5S audit with health and safety standards results in a holistic approach to the improvement process

    Gardens for People with Visual Disfunction in Comparison with their Expectations

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    The aim of the present study was to show and estimate three gardens adapted to visit by people with disabilities, especially by the blind and poor sight people. In this paper Arboretum and Institute of Physiography in Bolestraszyce, Botanical Garden - Center for Biological Diversity Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Powsin (Warsaw, Poland) and didactic path in Myślęcinek (Bydgoszcz, Poland) were describe. After the recognition of the present gardens and evaluate for example tablets, surface or plants, to state, that The Sensory Garden Bolestraszyce has the best conditions for people with disabilities. Didactic path in Myślęcinek needs some changes, to be more friendly for this group of people