26 research outputs found

    Joseph Ratzinger–Benedict XVI: “Co-Worker of the Truth” and Dissenter of Contemporary Relativism

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    The current crisis of truth relates us to the attitude of relativism, which is becoming increasingly popular not only in the academic world, but also among ordinary people. The response to this attitude is the unambiguous stance taken by Joseph Ratzinger–Benedict XVI, who has explicitly condemned the idea. In his statements, he has repeatedly addressed relativism and emphasized its absurd claims to stand above truth. In this article, the authors cite numerous statements made by Ratzinger as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and later as the Successor of St. Peter; they also suggest solutions to restore the position of truth in the international arena and in private life

    The Image Codified: Dionysius of Fourna’s Hermeneia as a Source of Interpretation of the Canon Law Dogmatics of the Icon

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    The issues discussed in this article focus on a codification of the art of painting that builds upon the fundamental relationship between dogmatic interpretation and canon law rules and on the appropriate restoration of these principles in the field of iconography. A prime example of a painting code that determines the interpretation of the canon law dogmatics of the icon is the Hermeneia by Dionysius of Fourna, which structures the creation, perception and understanding of the image both as a form of visual representation and as a carrier of “spiritual content”—theological revelation and manifestation, a continuum of incarnation. Dionysius’s codification relates to a liturgical synthesis of the arts, revealing the structure of and rationale behind the iconic reality. Furthermore, it validates the meaning of the concepts of light and image and original and copy in the Byzantine theological interpretation.Obraz skodyfikowany. Malarska Hermeneia Dionizjusza z Furny jako wykładnia kanoniczno-prawnej dogmatyki ikony Zakres problematyki podejmowanej w niniejszym artykule koncentruje się na zagadnieniu kodyfikacji malarskiej opartej na fundamentalnej relacji między wykładnią dogmatyczną, sferą reguł kanonicznych oraz właściwej im restytucji na polu ikonografii. Znamienitym przykładem kodeksu malarskiego, stanowiącego wykładnię kanoniczno-prawnej dogmatyki ikony, jest Hermeneia Dionizjusza z Furny. Porządkująca tworzenie, widzenie i rozumienie obrazu zarówno jako formy przedstawienia wizualnego, jak i jego „duchowej zawartości” – teologicznego objawienia i uobecnieniem, kontinuum wcielenia. Kodyfikacja Dionizjusza odnosi się przeto do liturgicznej syntezy sztuk; ukazując jak skonstruowana, ale też uzasadniona jest ikonowa rzeczywistość. Waloryzuje sens pojęć światła i obrazu oraz oryginału i kopii w bizantyńskiej wykładni teologicznej

    A hybrid-mesh solutionfor coverage issues in WiMAX metropolitan area networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2008, nr 1

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    The new WiMAX technology offers several advantages over the currently available (GSMor UMTS-based) solutions. It is a cost effective, evolving, and robust technology providing quality of service guarantees, high reliability, wide cov- erage and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) transmission capabilities. All these features make it particularly suitable for densely populated urban environments. In this paper we discuss the design and implementation difficulties concerning network coverage discovered in a test-bed implementation of WiMAX. We point out the presence of unexpected “white spots” in the coverage, which are not inherently characteristic of the WiMAX concept. As a possible remedy to this significant drawback of the otherwise very promising technology, we consider reconfigurable mesh organization of WiMAX base stations. We also suggest directions for further development of this kind of network operation, partly based on our practical experience. Despite the clear advantages of the mesh mode in WiMAX networks, its development is currently at an early stage, due to the high complexity of the necessary mechanisms. In this situation, we propose an original, much simpler solution: the so-called support-mesh mode

    Multi Queue Approach for Network Services Implemented for Multi Core CPUs, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 3

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    Multiple core processors have already became the dominant design for general purpose CPUs. Incarnations of this technology are present in solutions dedicated to such areas like computer graphics, signal processing and also computer networking. Since the key functionality of network core components is fast package servicing, multicore technology, due to multi tasking ability, seems useful to support packet processing. Dedicated network processors characterize very good performance but at the same time high cost. General purpose CPUs achieve incredible performance, thanks to task distribution along several available cores and relatively low cost. The idea, analyzed in this paper, is to use general purpose CPU to provide network core functionality. For this purpose parameterized system model has been created, which represents general core networking needs. This model analyze system parameters influence on system performance

    Seamless roaming between UMTS and IEEE 802.11 networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2004, nr 4

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    Mobile Internet access is currently available mainly using 2G/3G cellular telecommunication networks and wireless local area networks. WLANs are perceived as a local complement to slower, but widely available cellular networks, such as existing GSM/GPRS or future UMTS networks. To benefit from the advantages offered by both radio access networks, a mobile user should be able to seamlessly roam between them without the need to terminate already established Internet connections. The goal of this paper is to present an overview of the profitability of performing vertical handovers between UMTS and IEEE 802.11b using Mobile IP. Several simulations have been carried out using NS-2, which prove that handovers from IEEE 802.11b to UMTS can, under certain circumstances, be profitable not only when there is no more IEEE 802.11b coverage. Simulation results show that a mobile user should be able to roam between these networks depending on the current available channel bandwidth and quality, generated traffic type and number of users in both of them

    Modulo N Backoff Scheme for Effective QoS Differentiation and Increased Bandwidth Utilization in IEEE 802.11 Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2009, nr 2

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    The paper presents a new modulo N channel access scheme for wireless local area networks (WLANs). The novel solution derives from the distributed coordination function (DCF) of the IEEE 802.11 standard, further elaborated as enhanced distribution channel access (EDCA) by the 802.11e draft specification. The main innovation concerns improvement of the binary exponential backoff scheme used for collision avoidance in 802.11 networks. The most appealing feature of the new modulo N backoff scheme is that it outperforms the original 802.11 solution in terms of channel utilization ratio under any traffic conditions. Furthermore, the modulo N proposal can be naturally augmented with QoS differentiation mechanisms like 802.11e extensions. The prioritized modulo N scheme achieves better throughput-delay characteristics for multimedia traffic when compared with the original 802.11e proposal. At the same time, the new solution retains backward compatibility and includes all features which have made IEEE 802.11 networks extremely popular nowadays

    Analysis of bandwidth reservation algorithms in HIPERLAN/2, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2004, nr 2

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    This paper focuses on performance of channel access methods in the HIPERLAN/2 standard. It discusses commonly used approaches to bandwidth allocation and presents a modified algorithm for effective bandwidth management based on pre-scheduled resource grants. Simulation results show that the new algorithm ensures much higher throughput compared to the standard method

    Analysis of the Possibility of Elimination of Threats Resulting from the Modification of Bullet Trajectory after Hitting the Target in Garrison Shooting Ranges

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    . During shooting operations in garrison shooting ranges, a phenomenon of random deflection of the bullet flight path was noticed which may cause secondary reflections from accidentally hit technical and ballistic shooting range elements and the ground of the actual plane of the shooting range (ricochets posing a threat to people and property within the shooting range and safety zones). Minimisation of this phenomenon must be considered during the design and operation of the shooting ranges. In 20202022 the Military Institute of Armament Technology (Zielonka, Poland) carried out tests with the aim of determining the impact of the shooting target or military target material or design (hereinafter referred to as the targets) on the risk of occurrence of modifications of bullet trajectory that cause the bullets to leave the shooting zone. The paper presents example results of these tests that show, but are not limited to, that the reasons to modify the direction of the bullet path after target penetration and any ricochets include: target material (flat or corrugated sheet metal, cardboard, plywood, etc.), target wooden legs, and even metal elements fixing the legs to the target. On the basis of the test it was shown that the metal targets prohibited on intermediate lines may cause significant deflections of the bullet flight path after penetration and dangerous ricochets. Due to the reason presented above, the metal targets are placed on the last line of targets before the main bullet trap only where the technical and ballistic parameters of the bullet trap ensure that any ricochets are captured. It was stated that the contact targets used on intermediate target lines and provided with wooden legs may cause bullet trajectory changes comparable to or even greater than in the case of the prohibited metal targets. To this end it is advisable to establish legal framework covering the ballistic inspection of the target materials to be used in garrison shooting ranges

    Why is IPv6 Deployment Important for the Internet Evolution?, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 2

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    Replacing the IPv4 protocol with IPv6 on the Internet is currently one of the aims of the European Union policy. The main reason for this replacement is the effeteness of the addresses pool in the IPv4 protocol, which can cause serious complications in the evolution of the Internet and its adaptation in new areas, e.g., in next generation mobile telephony or the so called Internet of Things. Simultaneously, the addressing capabilities of the IPv6 protocol are practically unlimited and its new functionalities increase the attractiveness of its usage. The article discusses the problems connected with the IPv6 deployment on the Internet. Especially, the rules for realization of the IPv6 deployment and rules for cooperation of IPv4 with IPv6 (including cooperation tests) in network infrastructure and in applications are presented. Moreover, the European projects’ results and the activity’s directions of the national project Future Internet Engineering are discussed