23 research outputs found

    Quantization conditions of eigenvalues for semiclassical Zakharov-Shabat systems on the circle

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    Bohr-Sommerfeld type quantization conditions of semiclassical eigenvalues for the non-selfadjoint Zakharov-Shabat operator on the circle are derived using an exact WKB method. The conditions are given in terms of the action associated with the unit circle or the action associated with turning points following the absence or presence of real turning points.Comment: 3 figures. Included additional references in the introductio

    Generalized axially symmetric potentials with distributional boundary values

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    We study a counterpart of the classical Poisson integral for a family of weighted Laplace differential equations in Euclidean half space, solutions of which are known as generalized axially symmetric potentials. These potentials appear naturally in the study of hyperbolic Brownian motion with drift. We determine the optimal class of tempered distributions which by means of the so-called S\mathscr{S}'-convolution can be extended to generalized axially symmetric potentials. In the process, the associated Dirichlet boundary value problem is solved, and we obtain sharp order relations for the asymptotic growth of these extensions.Comment: 25 pages. Added references, fixed typo

    Perfect partial reconstructions for multiple simultaneous sources

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    A major focus of research in the seismic industry of the past two decades has been the acquisition and subsequent separation of seismic data using multiple sources fired simultaneously. The recently introduced method of {\it signal apparition} provides a new take on the problem by replacing the random time-shifts usually employed to encode the different sources by fully deterministic periodic time-shifts. In this paper we give a mathematical proof showing that the signal apparition method results in optimally large regions in the frequency-wavenumber space where exact separation of sources is achieved. These regions are diamond-shaped and we prove that using any other method of source encoding results in strictly smaller regions of exact separation. The results are valid for arbitrary number of sources. Numerical examples for different number of sources (three resp.~four sources) demonstrate the exact recovery of these diamond-shaped regions. The theoretical proofs' implementation in the field is illustrated by the results of a conducted field test.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Expanded Section 3 with an additional numerical experiment and the results of a field test. Added reference

    Hofstadter butterflies and metal/insulator transitions for moir\'e heterostructures

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    We consider a tight-binding model recently introduced by Timmel and Mele for strained moir\'e heterostructures. We consider two honeycomb lattices to which layer antisymmetric shear strain is applied to periodically modulate the tunneling between the lattices in one distinguished direction. This effectively reduces the model to one spatial dimension and makes it amenable to the theory of matrix-valued quasi-periodic operators. We then study the transport and spectral properties of this system, explaining the appearance of a Hofstadter-type butterfly. For sufficiently incommensurable moir\'e length and strong coupling between the lattices this leads to the occurrence of localization phenomena

    Mathematics of magic angles in a model of twisted bilayer graphene

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    We provide a mathematical account of the recent Physical Reviews Letter by Tarnopolsky--Kruchkov--Vishwanath. The new contributions are a spectral characterization of magic angles, its accurate numerical implementation and an exponential estimate on the squeezing of all bands as the angle decreases. Pseudospectral phenomena due to the non-hermitian nature of operators appearing in the model play a crucial role in our analysis.Comment: We added a trace formula summing up powers of magic angle

    Quenched limit theorems for random U(1) extensions of expanding maps

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    The Lyapunov spectra of random U(1) extensions of expanding maps on the torus were investigated in our previous work [NW2015]. Using the result, we extend the recent spectral approach for quenched limit theorems for expanding maps [DFGV2018] and hyperbolic maps [DFGV2019] to our partially hyperbolic dynamics. Quenched central limit theorems, large deviations principles and local central limit theorems for random U(1) extensions of expanding maps on the torus are proved via corresponding theorems for abstract random dynamical systems.Comment: 39 page

    Chiral limit of twisted trilayer graphene

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    We initiate the mathematical study of the Bistritzer-MacDonald Hamiltonian for twisted trilayer graphene in the chiral limit (and beyond). We develop a spectral theoretic approach to investigate the presence of flat bands under specific magic parameters. This allows us to derive trace formulae that show that the tunnelling parameters that lead to flat bands are nowhere continuous as functions of the twisting angles

    On the microlocal properties of the range of systems of principal type

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    The purpose of this paper is to study microlocal conditions for inclusion relations between the ranges of square systems of pseudodifferential operators which fail to be locally solvable. The work is an extension of earlier results for the scalar case in this direction, where analogues of results by L. H\"ormander about inclusion relations between the ranges of first order differential operators with coefficients in CC^\infty which fail to be locally solvable were obtained. We shall study the properties of the range of systems of principal type with constant characteristics for which condition (\Psi) is known to be equivalent to microlocal solvability.Comment: Added Theorem 4.7, Corollary 4.8 and Lemma A.4, corrected misprints. The paper has 40 page