55 research outputs found

    Preprocess dependence of optical properties of ensembles and single siphonaxanthin-containing major antenna from the marine green alga Codium fragile

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    The siphonaxanthin-siphonein-Chl-a/b-protein (SCP) is the light-harvesting complex of the marine alga Codium fragile. Its structure resembles that of the major light-harvesting complexes of higher plants, LHC II, yet it features a reversed Chl a:Chl b ratio and it accommodates other variants of carotenoids. We have recorded the fluorescence emission spectra and fluorescence lifetimes from ensembles and single SCP complexes for three different scenarios of handling the samples. While the data obtained from ensembles of SCP complexes yield equivalent results, those obtained from single SCP complexes featured significant differences as a function of the sample history. We ascribe this discrepancy to the different excitation intensities that have been used for ensemble and single complex spectroscopy, and conclude that the SCP complexes undergo an aging process during storage. This process is manifested as a lowering of energetic barriers within the protein, enabling thermal activation of conformational changes at room temperature. This in turn leads to the preferential population of a red-shifted state that features a significant decrease of the fluorescence lifetime

    All-optical manipulation of singlet exciton transport in individual supramolecular nanostructures by triplet gating

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    Directed transport of singlet excitation energy is a key process in natural light-harvesting systems and a desired feature in assemblies of functional organic molecules for organic electronics and nanotechnology applications. However, progress in this direction is hampered by the lack of concepts and model systems. Here we demonstrate an all-optical approach to manipulate singlet exciton transport pathways within supramolecular nanostructures via singlet-triplet annihilation, i.e., to enforce an effective motion of singlet excitons along a predefined direction. For this proof-of-concept, we locally photo-generate a long-lived triplet exciton population and subsequently a singlet exciton population on single bundles of H-type supramolecular nanofibres using two temporally and spatially separated laser pulses. The local triplet exciton population operates as a gate for the singlet exciton transport since singlet-triplet annihilation hinders singlet exciton motion across the triplet population. We visualize this manipulation of singlet exciton transport via the fluorescence signal from the singlet excitons, using a detection-beam scanning approach combined with time-correlated single-photon counting. Our reversible, all-optical manipulation of singlet exciton transport can pave the way to realising new design principles for functional photonic nanodevices

    Enhancing Long-Range Energy Transport in Supramolecular Architectures by Tailoring Coherence Properties

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    Efficient long-range energy transport along supramolecular architectures of functional organic molecules is a key step in nature for converting sunlight into a useful form of energy. Understanding and manipulating these transport processes on a molecular and supramolecular scale is a long-standing goal. However, the realization of a well-defined system that allows for tuning morphology and electronic properties as well as for resolution of transport in space and time is challenging. Here we show how the excited-state energy landscape and thus the coherence characteristics of electronic excitations can be modified by the hierarchical level of H-type supramolecular architectures. We visualize, at room temperature, long-range incoherent transport of delocalized singlet excitons on pico- to nanosecond time scales in single supramolecular nanofibers and bundles of nanofibers. Increasing the degree of coherence, i.e., exciton delocalization, via supramolecular architectures enhances exciton diffusivities up to 1 order of magnitude. In particular, we find that single supramolecular nanofibers exhibit the highest diffusivities reported for H-aggregates so far

    Post-Transcriptional Regulation of 5-Lipoxygenase mRNA Expression via Alternative Splicing and Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay

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    5-Lipoxygenase (5-LO) catalyzes the two initial steps in the biosynthesis of leukotrienes (LT), a group of inflammatory lipid mediators derived from arachidonic acid. Here, we investigated the regulation of 5-LO mRNA expression by alternative splicing and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). In the present study, we report the identification of 2 truncated transcripts and 4 novel 5-LO splice variants containing premature termination codons (PTC). The characterization of one of the splice variants, 5-LOΔ3, revealed that it is a target for NMD since knockdown of the NMD factors UPF1, UPF2 and UPF3b in the human monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6 (MM6) altered the expression of 5-LOΔ3 mRNA up to 2-fold in a cell differentiation-dependent manner suggesting that cell differentiation alters the composition or function of the NMD complex. In contrast, the mature 5-LO mRNA transcript was not affected by UPF knockdown. Thus, the data suggest that the coupling of alternative splicing and NMD is involved in the regulation of 5-LO gene expression
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