24 research outputs found

    How can protected cropping ensure an export supply of high quality melons in the tropics?

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    Queensland production of melons (Cucumis melo L.), typically rockmelon and honeydew fruits, is seasonal and practiced entirely outdoors

    Was tun gegen den Feind in den eigenen Reihen?

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    Gap analysis and economic assessment for protected cropping vegetables in tropical Australia

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    The project VG16024 aims to increase awareness and information about protected cropping opportunities and technology options for the vegetable industry in the tropics through the identification of gaps in information and potential economic viabilities. Protected cropping of vegetables in Australia (estimated at 1,341 ha) is by large located in temperate climate regions and in proximity to urban areas. In warm climate regions, near and north of the Tropic of Capricorn, the segment of the industry dedicated to producing vegetables using protected cropping technologies is scattered and relatively small (estimated at <80 ha). Vegetable growers in these regions would benefit from technologies that can mitigate risks linked to climate variability and that can help them address current and future market challenges and opportunities. Evidence from overseas, including in tropical regions, and demonstration plots and farmer experiences in the Australian tropics indicate that protective cropping technologies can cost-effectively mitigate the effects of extremes in air temperatures, rainfall, low and high relative humidity, wind, solar radiation, and pests and diseases, all which currently negatively affect yield, quality and consistency of supply. In this report, four regions, two within the tropics (Burdekin dry tropics and Atherton Tablelands) and two located a short distance south of the Tropic of Capricorn (Bundaberg and Carnarvon), are selected as examples of regions where the protected cropping industry is either small or emerging, and has the potential to expand. Vegetable production in these regions is predominantly undertaken outdoors. The establishment of protected cropping enterprises would contribute to an increase in regional production that could service both domestic and export markets. This would be facilitated by the regions’ proximity to road infrastructure, ports and airports but access to some of these market opportunities still need to be developed. In the tropics the availability of medium level, cost-effective protected cropping structures that are effective in removing heat from crops is paramount. In this report, four greenhouse structure designs (high tunnels, passively ventilated greenhouses, retractable roof structures, and net houses) are discussed, and advantages and drawbacks compared. Capsicum, cucumbers, melons, and eggplants are given as examples of vegetable crops suited to warm climates and which can benefit from a protected environment and specific agronomy practices. Possible marketable yields are provided for these crops as well as estimates of production value for a range of size of areas that could potentially establish protected cropping systems. A preliminary economic analysis was carried out for hypothetical production of capsicum crops in different protected cropping scenarios in the tropics. Under the protective structures, management practices, market prices and capsicum yields used in the analysis, preliminary results suggest that protected cropping could be a viable business opportunity for growers in the tropics. Future research investigating the heterogeneity of protected cropping enterprises would serve to further confirm these findings, especially in light of the practical implications of the technology used in a larger number of commercial sites

    Gap analysis and economic assessment for protected cropping vegetables in tropical Australia

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    The project VG16024 aims to increase awareness and information about protected cropping opportunities and technology options for the vegetable industry in the tropics through the identification of gaps in information and potential economic viabilities. Protected cropping of vegetables in Australia (estimated at 1,341 ha) is by large located in temperate climate regions and in proximity to urban areas. In warm climate regions, near and north of the Tropic of Capricorn, the segment of the industry dedicated to producing vegetables using protected cropping technologies is scattered and relatively small (estimated at <80 ha). Vegetable growers in these regions would benefit from technologies that can mitigate risks linked to climate variability and that can help them address current and future market challenges and opportunities. Evidence from overseas, including in tropical regions, and demonstration plots and farmer experiences in the Australian tropics indicate that protective cropping technologies can cost-effectively mitigate the effects of extremes in air temperatures, rainfall, low and high relative humidity, wind, solar radiation, and pests and diseases, all which currently negatively affect yield, quality and consistency of supply. In this report, four regions, two within the tropics (Burdekin dry tropics and Atherton Tablelands) and two located a short distance south of the Tropic of Capricorn (Bundaberg and Carnarvon), are selected as examples of regions where the protected cropping industry is either small or emerging, and has the potential to expand. Vegetable production in these regions is predominantly undertaken outdoors. The establishment of protected cropping enterprises would contribute to an increase in regional production that could service both domestic and export markets. This would be facilitated by the regions’ proximity to road infrastructure, ports and airports but access to some of these market opportunities still need to be developed. In the tropics the availability of medium level, cost-effective protected cropping structures that are effective in removing heat from crops is paramount. In this report, four greenhouse structure designs (high tunnels, passively ventilated greenhouses, retractable roof structures, and net houses) are discussed, and advantages and drawbacks compared. Capsicum, cucumbers, melons, and eggplants are given as examples of vegetable crops suited to warm climates and which can benefit from a protected environment and specific agronomy practices. Possible marketable yields are provided for these crops as well as estimates of production value for a range of size of areas that could potentially establish protected cropping systems. A preliminary economic analysis was carried out for hypothetical production of capsicum crops in different protected cropping scenarios in the tropics. Under the protective structures, management practices, market prices and capsicum yields used in the analysis, preliminary results suggest that protected cropping could be a viable business opportunity for growers in the tropics. Future research investigating the heterogeneity of protected cropping enterprises would serve to further confirm these findings, especially in light of the practical implications of the technology used in a larger number of commercial sites

    Alterssicherungspolitik: Wirtschafts- und sozialethische Herausforderungen

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    Der demographische Wandel stellt weiterhin eine der zentralen Herausforderungen für die gesetzliche Alterssicherung in Deutschland dar. Durch den für die kommenden Jahre absehbaren Anstieg des Rentenfallquotienten sieht sich das umlagefinanzierte Alterssicherungssystem einem Zielkonflikt zwischen Beitragsstabilität einerseits und einem adäquaten Versorgungsniveau andererseits gegenüber. Ohne grundlegende Änderungen im Leistungsrecht ist bereits jetzt absehbar, dass die Altersarmut in Deutschland im kommenden Jahrzehnt deutlich ansteigen wird. Gleichzeitig ist es aus Gründen der Generationengerechtigkeit und der Nachhaltigkeit der Rentenfinanzierung nicht möglich, die demografischen Lasten einseitig der jüngeren Generation aufzubürden. Insofern erfordert der demografische Wandel eine kritische Überprüfung der Konstruktionsprinzipien des Alterssicherungssystems in Deutschland.Der vorliegende Beitrag greift diese Diskussion auf und zeigt zunächst, dass die grundlegenden Prinzipien der lohnbezogenen und beitragsäquivalenten Rente bereits in der Vergangenheit mehrfach modifiziert wurden. Anschließend werden aktuelle Reformvorschlägeder Alterssicherungspolitik wie eine verstärkte Steuerfinanzierung oder eine verstärkte Kapitaldeckung aus wirtschaftsethischer Perspektive kritisch gewürdigt. Als zentrales Problem der deutschen Alterssicherung wird schließlich die fehlende Integration von leistungsorientierter Versicherung und bedürftigkeitsorientierter Fürsorge identifiziert. Ein Plädoyer für ein hybrides Alterssicherungssystem, das Versicherungsund Fürsorgeleistungen integriert, schließt den Beitrag ab.Demographic change continues to be one of the major challenges for the statutory pension system in Germany. Due to the expected increase in the pension case ratio in the coming years, the Pay-As-You-Go pension system faces a conflict of objectives between contribution stability on the one hand and an adequate level of benefits on the other. Without fundamental changes in benefit legislation, it is already foreseeable that old-age poverty in Germany will increase significantly in the upcoming decade. At the same time, for reasons of intergenerational equity and the sustainability of pension financing, it is not possible to impose demographic burdens unilaterally on the younger generation. Thus, demographic change calls for a critical review of the design principles of the old-age pension system in Germany.This article addresses this discussion and first shows that the basic principles of wage-related and contribution-equivalent pensions have already been modified several times in the past. Subsequently, we evaluate critically current proposals for reforming old-age security policy, such as increased tax financing or increased funding, from the perspective of economic ethics. Finally, we identify the lack of integration between benefit-oriented insurance and means-tested welfare as a central problem of the German old-age security system. The article concludes with a proposal for a hybrid old-age security system that integrates insurance and welfare benefits

    Developing production guidelines for growing high-value specialty melons for domestic and export markets

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    Queensland production of melons (Cucumis melo L.), typically rockmelon and honeydew fruits, is seasonal and practiced entirely outdoors. The horticulture industry has limited knowledge about using protected cropping as a technology to mitigate the effects of climate variability in melon crops. Some new specialty melon types now available in Australia require favourable environmental conditions and specific growing practices in order to obtain fruits with good visual and eating quality. Adoption of protected cropping could be a forthcoming technology to add diversity in fruit appearance, flavour and aroma, and guarantee consistent high quality of melons in domestic markets and potential export markets in Asia and NZ. This Agri-Science Queensland Innovation Opportunity project supported primary crop evaluations that contributed to critical information for the development of guidelines to produce specialty melons with protective cropping systems in the tropics. Three melon crops grown between September 2017 and June 2018 tested 21 cultivars of fruit types new to Australia. The management of crops followed specific agronomic practices for soilless production and plant canopy management. Crop performance and visual and eating quality were assessed and a range of desired attributes were identified for rind colour and net patterns, flesh colour, texture and shelf life. There were examples of cultivars with remarkable sweet flesh (total soluble solids up to 16 °Bx) in large fruits. A group of promising cultivars had total marketable yields that ranged from 5.5 to10 kg/m2 with fruit weights that ranged from 0.9 to 2.0 kg/fruit, and where total soluble solids ranged from 12 to 16 °Bx. The outcome of this work prompted a small group of industry stakeholders to consider the development of a melon export program. A subsequent granted project under the Growing Queensland's Food Exports pilot program aims to initially send high quality fruit samples to Asian markets. The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries is providing support with research and development on melon agronomy practices

    Die Wertigkeit der stereokopischen 3D-CT-Angiographie in der Darstellung und Beurteilung von Nierenarterienstenosen

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    Zur Validierung der stereoskopischen 3D-CT in der Diagnostik von Nierenarterienstenosen, gemessen am Goldstandard DSA, im Vergleich zu den fünf CT-Rekonstruktionsverfahren konventionelle 3D-CT, MPR, MIP, SSD und axiale CT erfolgte die retrospektive Auswertung der CTA-Daten 76 konsekutiv dokumentierter Patienten, die zusätzlich eine DSA erhielten unter dem klinischen Verdacht auf eine renovaskuläre Erkrankung, wobei sich diese in 32 Fällen bestätigte. Zur Berechnung der Genauigkeit und Konkordanz zwischen den CTA-Verfahren und der DSA wurden eine ROC-Analyse sowie eine Kappastatistik verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die stereoskopische 3D-CT eine vergleichbare diagnostische Effektivität wie die nicht-stereoskopische 3D-CT, MPR und MIP aufweist und SSD sowie axialer CT überlegen ist. Von allen CTA-Verfahren wies sie die beste Übereinstimmung mit dem Goldstandard DSA auf. Weitere Studien wären wünschenswert und könnten ihren Stellenwert noch untermauern

    Was tun gegen den Feind in den eigenen Reihen?

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    Die Angst vor dem Terror hat eine neue Qualität, seit bekannt geworden ist, dass auch deutsche Staatsbürger als Dschihadisten für den IS kämpfen. Führende CDU Politiker schlagen vor, das Problem der deutschen Dschihadisten zu lösen, indem man das Wörtchen „deutsch“ streicht: Durch den Entzug der deutschen Staatsbürgerschaft. Dahinter steckt eine geistige Haltung, die in der Verfassungsordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht vorgesehen ist, faktisch aber vielleicht immer existiert hat und durch die beispiellose Bedrohung des Terrorismus an die Oberfläche geschwemmt worden ist: die Einteilung von Menschen in Freund und Feind, in Bürger und Nicht-Bürger.</p