2,955 research outputs found

    On the efficiency of stochastic volume sources for the determination of light meson masses

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    We investigate the efficiency of single timeslice stochastic sources for the calculation of light meson masses on the lattice as one varies the quark mass. Simulations are carried out with Nf = 2 flavours of non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions for pion masses in the range of 450 - 760 MeV. Results for pseudoscalar and vector meson two-point correlation functions computed using stochastic as well as point sources are presented and compared. At fixed computational cost the stochastic approach reduces the variance considerably in the pseudoscalar channel for all simulated quark masses. The vector channel is more affected by the intrinsic stochastic noise. In order to obtain stable estimates of the statistical errors and a more pronounced plateau for the effective vector meson mass, a relatively large number of stochastic sources must be used.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Lattice baryons in the 1/N expansion

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    Results are presented for hadron spectroscopy with gauge groups SU(N) with N=3, 5, 7. Calculations use the quenched approximation. Lattice spacings are matched using the static potential. Meson spectra show independence on N and vacuum-to-hadron matrix elements scale as the square root of N. The baryon spectrum shows the excitation levels of a rigid rotor.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Numerical techniques for lattice QCD in the ϵ\epsilon--regime

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    In lattice QCD it is possible, in principle, to determine the parameters in the effective chiral lagrangian (including weak interaction couplings) by performing numerical simulations in the ϵ\epsilon--regime, i.e. at quark masses where the physical extent of the lattice is much smaller than the Compton wave length of the pion. The use of a formulation of the lattice theory that preserves chiral symmetry is attractive in this context, but the numerical implementation of any such approach requires special care in this kinematical situation due to the presence of some very low eigenvalues of the Dirac operator. We discuss a set of techniques (low-mode preconditioning and adapted-precision algorithms in particular) that make such computations numerically safe and more efficient by a large factor.Comment: Plain TeX source, 32 pages, figures include

    Design principles of hardware-based phong shading and bump-mapping

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    The VISA+ hardware architecture is the first of a new generation of graphics accelerators designed primarily to render bump-, texture-, environment- and environment-bump-mapped polygons. This paper presents examples of the main graphical capabilities and discusses methods and simplifications used to create high quality images. One of the key concepts in the VISA+ design, the use of reflectance cubes, is predestined for environment mapping. In combination with bump- and texture-mapping it shows the strength of our new architecture. Furthermore it justifies some of the decisions made during simulation and development of the complex VISA+ architecture

    Cost of dynamical quark simulations: O(a) improved Wilson fermions

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    I report on cost estimates and algorithmic performance in simulations using 2 flavours of non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson quarks together with the Wilson plaquette action.Comment: Contribution to Lattice2001 (panel discussion), 2 pages, 2 figure