2 research outputs found

    Use of peroxidase substrate Vector VIP for multiple staining in light microscop

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    The study of the distribution of a fiber input to a particular brain area and the visualization of the anatomical relationships of that input with both projection- and interneurons, requires a triple-staining that allows the unequivocal distinction of each of the three components in one and the same histological section. In this regard, we investigated the properties of a recently introduced peroxidase chromogen, VIP (V-VIP; Vector Labs) in combination with two traditional substrates, standard diaminobenzidine (DAB, brown precipitate) and nickel-enhanced DAB (DAB-Ni, black). In rats, the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) and the retrograde tracer fluorogold (FG) were injected in the perirhinal cortex and hippocampus, respectively. Transported BDA was detected with an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex, whereas the transported FG was detected via a PAP method. Tracing with BDA and FG was combined with parvalbumin- or calbindin-immunocytochemistry. We compared various combinations and staining sequences. The best results were obtained with a staining sequence comprising first the BDA stain with DAB-Ni as chromogen, second the FG protocol with the chromogen DAB and finally, parvalbumin- or calbinding-immunocytochemistry using the chromogen V-VIP. The order with which the chromogens were applied appeared to be critical. Partial or even total loss of V-VIP reaction product has been observed after standard dehydration in ethanol. As an alternative, a quick dehydration procedure in toluene yields much better staining. Colour separation is excellent and the sensitivity is high. This procedure may also be used for detection of any other combination of three different labels, taking the usual care to avoid cross-reactivity between antibodies

    Origin of calretinin-containing, vesicular glutamate transporter 2-coexpressing fiber terminals in the entorhinal cortex of the rat

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    The entorhinal cortex of the rat (EC) contains a dense fiber plexus that expresses the calcium-binding protein calretinin (CR). Some CR fibers contain vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGluT2, associated with glutamatergic neurotransmission). CR-VGluT2 coexpressing fibers may have an extrinsic origin, for instance, the midline thalamic nucleus reuniens. Alternatively, they may belong to cortical interneurons. We studied the first possibility with anterograde and retrograde neuroanatomical tracing methods combined with CR and VGluT2 immunofluorescence and confocal laser scanning. The alternative possibility was studied with in situ hybridization fluorescence histochemistry for VGluT2 mRNA combined with CR immunofluorescence. In the anterograde tracing experiments, we observed many labeled reuniens fibers in EC expressing CR. Some of these labeled fibers contained immunoreactivity for VGluT2 and CR. In the complementary retrograde tracing experiments, we found retrogradely labeled cell bodies in nucleus reuniens of the thalamus that coexpressed CR. We also examined the colocalization of VGluT2 and CR in the entorhinal cortex by using in situ hybridization and CR immunofluorescence. In these experiments, we observed CR-immunopositive cortical neurons that coexpressed VGluT2. For the same sections, with CR as the principal marker and parvalbumin as a control marker, we found that parvalbumin neurons were negative for VGluT2 mRNA. Thus, CR-VGluT2-expressing axon terminals in EC belong to two sources: projection fibers from the thalamus and axon collaterals of local interneurons. VGluT2 expression is linked to the synaptic transmission of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, so these thalamic CR-VGluT2 projection neurons and entorhinal CR-VGluT2 interneurons should be regarded as excitatory