6,219 research outputs found

    Toward an AdS/cold atoms correspondence: a geometric realization of the Schroedinger symmetry

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    We discuss a realization of the nonrelativistic conformal group (the Schroedinger group) as the symmetry of a spacetime. We write down a toy model in which this geometry is a solution to field equations. We discuss various issues related to nonrelativistic holography. In particular, we argue that free fermions and fermions at unitarity correspond to the same bulk theory with different choices for the near-boundary asymptotics corresponding to the source and the expectation value of one operator. We describe an extended version of nonrelativistic general coordinate invariance which is realized holographically.Comment: 14 pages; v2: typos fixed, published versio

    Defect Formation and Kinetics of Atomic Terrace Merging

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    Pairs of atomic scale terraces on a single crystal metal surface can be made to merge controllably under suitable conditions to yield steps of double height and width. We study the effect of various physical parameters on the formation of defects in a kinetic model of step doubling. We treat this manifestly non- equilibrium problem by mapping the model onto a 1-D random sequential adsorption problem and solving this analytically. We also do simulations to check the validity of our treatment. We find that our treatment effectively captures the dynamic evolution and the final state of the surface morphology. We show that the number and nature of the defects formed is controlled by a single dimensionless parameter qq. For qq close to one we show that the fraction of defects rises linearly with Ï”â‰Ą1−q\epsilon \equiv 1-q as 0.284Ă—Ï”0.284 \times \epsilon. We also show that one can arrive at the final state faster and with fewer defects by changing the parameter with time.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Graviton n-point functions for UV-complete theories in Anti-de Sitter space

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    We calculate graviton n-point functions in an anti-de Sitter black brane background for effective gravity theories whose linearized equations of motion have at most two time derivatives. We compare the n-point functions in Einstein gravity to those in theories whose leading correction is quadratic in the Riemann tensor. The comparison is made for any number of gravitons and for all physical graviton modes in a kinematic region for which the leading correction can significantly modify the Einstein result. We find that the n-point functions of Einstein gravity depend on at most a single angle, whereas those of the corrected theories may depend on two angles. For the four-point functions, Einstein gravity exhibits linear dependence on the Mandelstam variable s versus a quadratic dependence on s for the corrected theory.Comment: 29 page

    Witten-Veneziano from Green-Schwarz

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    We consider the U(1) problem within the AdS/CFT framework. We explain how the Witten-Veneziano formula for the eta' mass is related to a generalized Green-Schwarz mechanism. The closed string mode, that cancels the anomaly of the gauged U(1) axial symmetry, is identified with the eta' meson. In a particular set-up of D3-branes on a C3/(Z3xZ3) orbifold singularity, the eta' meson is a twisted-sector R-R field.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex. 1 eps figure. v2: minor changes, refs. added, to appear in JHE

    Chiral sedimentation of extended objects in viscous media

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    We study theoretically the chirality of a generic rigid object's sedimentation in a fluid under gravity in the low Reynolds number regime. We represent the object as a collection of small Stokes spheres or stokeslets, and the gravitational force as a constant point force applied at an arbitrary point of the object. For a generic configuration of stokeslets and forcing point, the motion takes a simple form in the nearly free draining limit where the stokeslet radius is arbitrarily small. In this case, the internal hydrodynamic interactions between stokeslets are weak, and the object follows a helical path while rotating at a constant angular velocity ω\omega about a fixed axis. This ω\omega is independent of initial orientation, and thus constitutes a chiral response for the object. Even though there can be no such chiral response in the absence of hydrodynamic interactions between the stokeslets, the angular velocity obtains a fixed, nonzero limit as the stokeslet radius approaches zero. We characterize empirically how ω\omega depends on the placement of the stokeslets, concentrating on three-stokeslet objects with the external force applied far from the stokeslets. Objects with the largest ω\omega are aligned along the forcing direction. In this case, the limiting ω\omega varies as the inverse square of the minimum distance between stokeslets. We illustrate the prevalence of this robust chiral motion with experiments on small macroscopic objects of arbitrary shape.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures; Section VII.A redone and other edits made for clarity. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    The AdS_5xS^5 superstring worldsheet S-matrix and crossing symmetry

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    An S-matrix satisying the Yang-Baxter equation with symmetries relevant to the AdS_5xS^5 superstring has recently been determined up to an unknown scalar factor. Such scalar factors are typically fixed using crossing relations, however due to the lack of conventional relativistic invariance, in this case its determination remained an open problem. In this paper we propose an algebraic way to implement crossing relations for the AdS_5xS^5 superstring worldsheet S-matrix. We base our construction on a Hopf-algebraic formulation of crossing in terms of the antipode and introduce generalized rapidities living on the universal cover of the parameter space which is constructed through an auxillary, coupling constant dependent, elliptic curve. We determine the crossing transformation and write functional equations for the scalar factor of the S-matrix in the generalized rapidity plane.Comment: 27 pages, no figures; v2: sign typo fixed in (24), everything else unchange

    Lineal gravity from planar gravity

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    We show how to obtain the two-dimensional black hole action by dimensional reduction of the three-dimensional Einstein action with a non-zero cosmological constant. Starting from the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1 gravity, we obtain the 1+1 dimensional gauge formulation given by Verlinde. Remarkably, the proposed reduction shares the relevant features of the formulation of Cangemi and Jackiw, without the need for a central charge in the algebra. We show how the Lagrange multipliersin these formulations appear naturally as the remnants of the three dimensional connection associated to symmetries that have been lostin the dimensional reduction. The proposed dimensional reduction involves a shift in the three dimensional connection whose effect is to make the length of the extra dimension infinite.Comment: 13 pages, plain Te

    Low-energy spectrum of N = 4 super-Yang-Mills on T^3: flat connections, bound states at threshold, and S-duality

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    We study (3+1)-dimensional N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a spatial three-torus. The low energy spectrum consists of a number of continua of states of arbitrarily low energies. Although the theory has no mass-gap, it appears that the dimensions and discrete abelian magnetic and electric 't Hooft fluxes of the continua are computable in a semi-classical approximation. The wave-functions of the low-energy states are supported on submanifolds of the moduli space of flat connections, at which various subgroups of the gauge group are left unbroken. The field theory degrees of freedom transverse to such a submanifold are approximated by supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics with 16 supercharges, based on the semi-simple part of this unbroken group. Conjectures about the number of normalizable bound states at threshold in the latter theory play a crucial role in our analysis. In this way, we compute the low-energy spectra in the cases where the simply connected cover of the gauge group is given by SU(n), Spin(2n+1) or Sp(2n). We then show that the constraints of S-duality are obeyed for unique values of the number of bound states in the matrix quantum mechanics. In the cases based on Spin(2n+1) and Sp(2n), the proof involves surprisingly subtle combinatorial identities, which hint at a rich underlying structure.Comment: 28 pages. v2:reference adde
