23 research outputs found

    On mep-relations in the wreath product of groups

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    AbstractLet a, b be two long cycles in an alternating group An, satisfying relations a=[a,kb] and b=[b,ka]. We show that every pair of elements of the form x=(X,a), y=(Y,b), where the sum of coefficients of X and Y is equal zero, satisfies relations x=[x,ly], y=[y,lx] in the wreath product (Sn≀Zm)′ for m coprime with n and for an l divisible by k. We show also that for n=5,7,13 and for m coprime with n, (Sn≀Zm)′ is generated by such pairs

    A defining property of virtually nilpotent groups, Publ

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    Abstract. We answer the question: which property distinguishes the virtually nilpotent groups among the locally graded groups? The common property of each finitely generated group to have a finitely generated commutator subgroup is not sufficient. However, the finitely generated commutator subgroup of F2(var G), a free group of rank 2 in the variety defined by G, is the necessary and sufficient condition

    <Book Review> Yamanoi Kazunori, How does the politics change the social security

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu otyłości oraz cukrzycy typu 2 na przerost lewej komory serca u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem objęto grupę 554 osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym (62% mężczyzn, 38% kobiet) oraz 97 osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i cukrzycą typu 2 (61% mężczyzn, 39% kobiet). Średni wiek w obu grupach wynosił 53 &#177; 13 lat v. 58 &#177; 8 lat. U wszystkich badanych wykonano echokardiografię, dwukrotny pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego, mierzono obwód talii i bioder oraz określano wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI). WYNIKI. Masa lewej komory (LVM) oraz wskaźnik masy lewej komory serca (LVMI) były istotnie wyższe w grupie osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i cukrzycą typu 2 w porównaniu z grupą osób bez cukrzycy, wynosiły one odpowiednio: LVM &#8212; 280,6 &#177; 67,4 g v. 247,3 &#177; 74,8 g, p < 0,0001; LVMI &#8212; 145,2 &#177; 33 g/ /m2 v. 129,9 &#177; 36 g/m2, p < 0,0001. W przypadku osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym nieobciążonych cukrzycą wykazano dodatnią korelację BMI z LVMI (r = 0,17, p < 0,0001), zarówno wśród mężczyzn, jak i kobiet. W przypadku wskaźnika talia/biodro wykazano dodatnią korelację z LVMI tylko w grupie kobiet (r = 0,26, p < 0,0001). U pacjentów ze współistniejącą cukrzycą typu 2 nie stwierdzono związku BMI oraz wskaźnika talia/biodro z przerostem lewej komory serca. WNIOSKI. Czynnikami zwiększającymi ryzyko przerostu lewej komory serca wśród osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym są wysoki wskaźnik masy ciała oraz otyłość brzuszna w przypadku kobiet. Pacjenci ze współistniejącą cukrzycą typu 2 cechują się bardziej zaznaczonym przerostem lewej komory serca. (Diabet. Prakt. 2011, tom 12, nr 4, 134&#8211;141)INTRODUCTION. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of obesity and diabetes mellitus on left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with arterial hypertension. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Study population consisted of 554 patients with hypertension (62% men, 38% women), and 97 patients with hypertension and concomitant diabetes mellitus (DM) (61% men, 39% women). The mean age in these two groups was 53 &#177; 13 years v. 58 &#177; 8 years respectively. We performed echocardiography as well as blood pressure (twice) and waist and hip circumference measurements. Body mass index (BMI) was assessed. RESULTS. Left ventricular mass (LVM) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) were significantly higher in the group with hypertension and concomitant DM than in the group without DM, LVM &#8212; 280.6 &#177; 67.4 g v. 247.3 &#177; 74.8 g, p < 0.0001, LVMI &#8212; 145.2 &#177; 33 g/m2 v. 129.9 &#177; 36 g/m2, p < < 0.0001. In patients with hypertension without DM, BMI positively correlated with LVMI (r = 0.17, p < < 0,0001) in men and in women. Waist/hip ratio positively correlated with LVMI in women (r = 0.26, p < 0.0001). In the group of patients with concomitant DM, BMI and waist/hip ratio didn&#8217;t correlate with left ventricular hypertrophy. CONCLUSIONS. Higher body mass index and abdominal obesity in women are risk factors for left ventricular hypertrophy. Left ventricular hypertrophy is more prevalent in the group with concomitant DM. (Diabet. Prakt. 2011, vol. 12, no 4, 134&#8211;141

    On laws of the form abbaab\equiv ba equivalent to the abelian law

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    Self-Similar Automorphisms of a Free Group of Countable Rank

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    We investigate self-similar automorphisms of a free group FF of infinite countable rank, that is automorphisms for which their actions on FF and FF^{\prime} are similar. We show properties, examples and counterexamples of self-similar automorphisms and study the subgroup generated by self-similar automorphisms

    Centralizers of automorphisms permuting free generators

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    By σ ∈ Skm we denote a permutation of the cycle-type km and also the induced automorphism permuting subscripts of free generators in the free group Fkm. It is known that the centralizer of the permutation σ in Skm is isomorphic to a wreath product Zk ≀ Sm and is generated by its two subgroups: the first one is isomorphic to ZkmZkm\begin{array}{} \displaystyle Z_k^m \end{array}, the direct product of m cyclic groups of order k, and the second one is Sm. We show that the centralizer of the automorphism σ ∈ Aut(Fkm) is generated by its subgroups isomorphic to ZkmZkm\begin{array}{} \displaystyle Z_k^m \end{array} and Aut(Fm)