609 research outputs found

    Manufacturer\u27s Negligence in Products Liability Cases

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    Why Write

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    Presentation of Evidence in a Whiplash or Cervical Sprain Case

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    By 1963 claims paid by insurance companies for whiplash injuries amounted to more than thirty per cent of the total claims paid. It was natural that the insurance companies began a campaign to discredit whiplash claims. The industry has been most successful in convincing many judges and jurors that these injuries often are faked by those claiming them. Since the publication of several articles concerning these neck injuries, the insurance industry has adopted a very cynical approach to all whiplash injuries. No other injury in the history of American jurisprudence has been the subject of such unfavorable publicity

    Damages from Slip and Fall Injuries

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    The doctrine of assumption of risk as applied to icy sidewalks and store entrances contain the following elements: (1) Knowledge and appreciation of the danger, (2) The existence of a reasonable alternative route; (3) A voluntary election to encounter danger

    When Is an Architect Liable

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    Damages from Slip and Fall Injuries

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    The doctrine of assumption of risk as applied to icy sidewalks and store entrances contain the following elements: (1) Knowledge and appreciation of the danger, (2) The existence of a reasonable alternative route; (3) A voluntary election to encounter danger

    A Study of The Food Habits Of 490 Students In A College Diving Hall

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    It is essential in group feeding, that principles of modern scientific management be applied with intelligence and discrimination to aid in the nations all out war effort. These principles should assure maximum utilization of available food supplies, improved quality of the products served and, most important, improved nutritional health and greater meal enjoyment for those who are served. Improved nutritional health can be a major factor in attaining optimum output and increase efficiency in everyday undertakings. The nation, as a whole, is emphasizing that healthful eating is an individual\u27s patriotic responsibility and for that reason, people have become nutrition consoious. Everyone may be aroused to his responsibility through education as well as through research. Nutrition experts are the logical ones to provide the knowledge of nutrition needed to improve national food habits. Long time practice, however, is necessary to break old habits which may have been formed over a period of years. Fortunately, though, there are several approaches to this task, and one of them, if not begun before, maybe started at the college level. One of the foremost objectives of college education is learning how to live and learn. Good food practices should be included as essential in the successful completion of this objective. Nutrition may easily be taught through a program of education to a group of students eating in a college dining hall where the choices of food might easily he observed. Then,as students gain a knowledge of nutrition there should be evidence of changes in their selections of foods

    Incorporating Environmental Health into Pediatric Medical and Nursing Education

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    Pediatric medical and nursing education currently lacks the environmental health content necessary to appropriately prepare pediatric health care professionals to prevent, recognize, manage, and treat environmental-exposure–related disease. Leading health institutions have recognized the need for improvements in health professionals’ environmental health education. Parents are seeking answers about the impact of environmental toxicants on their children. Given the biologic, psychological, and social differences between children and adults, there is a need for environmental health education specific to children. The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation, in partnership with the Children’s Environmental Health Network, created two working groups, one with expertise in medical education and one with expertise in nursing education. The working groups reviewed the transition from undergraduate student to professional to assess where in those processes pediatric environmental health could be emphasized. The medical education working group recommended increasing education about children’s environmental health in the medical school curricula, in residency training, and in continuing medical education. The group also recommended the expansion of fellowship training in children’s environmental health. Similarly, the nursing working group recommended increasing children’s environmental health content at the undergraduate, graduate, and continuing nursing education levels. Working groups also identified the key medical and nursing organizations that would be important in leveraging these changes. A concerted effort to prioritize pediatric environmental health by governmental organizations and foundations is essential in providing the resources and expertise to set policy and provide the tools for teaching pediatric environmental health to health care providers

    Dcse Estimation and Prediction of Radiation Effects on Aquatic Biota Resulting from Radioactive Releases .from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle*

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    ABSTRACT -NOTICE vepott was rnir . prepared as an accou.T of work S'Cut efponsibuity for the accuracy, completeness « uJulnas of any information, apparatus, product o process disclosed, or represents that its use would not d iht process disclo, p infringe privately owned lights. Aquatic organisms are exposed to radionuclides released to the environment during various steps of the nuclear fuel cycle. Routine releases from these processes are limited in compliance with technical specifications, requirements of federal regulations. These regulations reflect I.C.R.P. recommendations which are designed to provide an environment considered safe for man. It is generally accepted that aquatic organisms will not receive damaging external radiation doses in such environments; however, because of possible bioaccunulation of radionuclides there is concern that aquatic organisms might be adversely affected 'ay internal doses. The objectives of this paper are: (1) to estimate the radiation dose received by aquatic biota from the different processes and determine the major dose-contributing radionuclides, and (2) to assess the impact of estimated doses on aquatic biota. Dose estimates are made by using radionuclide concentration measured in the liquid effiuents of representative facilities. Where measurements of concentrations are rot available, predicted radioactive releases to the aquatic environment are used for dose calculations. Although radioactive releases from reactors used to generate electrical energy have received the most attention, and are the best documented, this evaluation indicates the potential for a greater radiation dose to aquatic biota from the nuclear fuel supply facilities (i.e., mining and milling).. The effects of chronic low-level radiation on aquatic organisms are discussed from somatic and genetic viewpoints. Based on the body of radiobiological evidence accumulated up to the present time, no significant deleterious effects are predicted for populations of aquatic organisms exposed to the estimated dose rates resulting from routine releases from conversion, enrichment, fabrication, reactors and reporcessing facilities. At the doses estimated for milling and mining operations it would be difficult to detect radiation effects on aquatic populations; however, the significance of such radiation exposures to aquatic populations cannot be fully evaluated without further research on effects of chronic low-level radiation

    Mobile DNA elements in primate and human evolution

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    Roughly 50% of the primate genome consists of mobile, repetitive DNA sequences such as Alu and LINE1 elements. The causes and evolutionary consequences of mobile element insertion, which have received considerable attention during the past decade, are reviewed in this article. Because of their unique mutational mechanisms, these elements are highly useful for answering phylogenetic questions. We demonstrate how they have been used to help resolve a number of questions in primate phylogeny, including the human-chimpanzee- gorilla trichotomy and New World primate phylogeny. Alu and LINE1 element insertion polymorphisms have also been analyzed in human populations to test hypotheses about human evolution and population affinities and to address forensic issues. Finally, these elements have had impacts on the genome itself. We review how they have influenced fundamental ongoing processes like nonhomologous recombination, genomic deletion, and X chromosome inactivation. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc
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