3,884 research outputs found

    Feeling at one: Socio-affective distribution, vibe, and dance-music consciousness

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    In this chapter, the embodied consciousness of clubbing and raving is considered through the theory of extended mind, according to which the mind is a distributed system where brain, body, and environment play equal parts. Building on the idea of music as affective atmosphere, a case is made for considering the vibe of a dance party as cognitively, socially, and affectively distributed. The chapter suggests that participating in the vibe affords primary musical consciousnessā€”a kind of pre-reflexive state characterized by affective and bodily knowledgeā€”and speculates about the neural correlates of clubbing and raving by means of an analogy with brain research on psychedelic states

    Comment on Solberg and Jensenius: The Temporal Dynamics of Embodied Pleasure in Music

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    In the paper 'Pleasurable and Intersubjective Embodied Experiences of Electronic Dance Music', Ragnhild Torvanger Solberg and Alexander Refsum Jensenius report on a study in which the movements and self-reported affective responses of a group of dancing participants were recorded and related to structural properties of Electronic Dance Music. They observed that, compared with tracks that had a relatively flat dynamic development, tracks which included a 'break-down', 'build-up' and 'drop' of textural layers were associated with greater changes in movement amount and higher ratings of pleasure. Here I comment on their results and methodological approach and use the opportunity to address the continuous pleasure that was treated as a control in this experiment, discussing some reasons why affective responses to music with more evenly distributed dynamic progressions are so often ignored

    Ultrafiltrative separation of rhamnolipid from culture medium

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    Classic methods of biosurfactant separation are difficult and require large amounts of organic solvents, thus generate high amounts of waste. This work presents and discusses in detail an original procedure to separate rhamnolipid from fermentation broth using high performance membrane techniques. Due to the unique properties of surface active agents, such as capability of forming aggregates above the critical micelle concentration, it is possible to easily purify the biosurfactant with high efficacy using inexpensive and commonly used membranes. In this article, two-stage ultrafiltration is proposed as a method for separating and purifying rhamnolipid from the culture medium. The obtained purified rhamnolipid solution was capable of reducing surface tension of water down to 28.6Ā mN/m at critical micelle concentration of 40Ā mg/l. Separation of rhamnolipid was confirmed by HPLC; three types of rhamnolipids were identified (RL1, RL2, RL4), with considerable predominance of RL2

    Elevating crop disease resistance with cloned genes

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    Essentially all plant species exhibit heritable genetic variation for resistance to a variety of plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, oomycetes or viruses. Disease losses in crop monocultures are already significant, and would be greater but for applications of disease-controlling agrichemicals. For sustainable intensification of crop production, we argue that disease control should as far as possible be achieved using genetics rather than using costly recurrent chemical sprays. The latter imply CO2 emissions from diesel fuel and potential soil compaction from tractor journeys. Great progress has been made in the past 25 years in our understanding of the molecular basis of plant disease resistance mechanisms, and of how pathogens circumvent them. These insights can inform more sophisticated approaches to elevating disease resistance in crops that help us tip the evolutionary balance in favour of the crop and away from the pathogen. We illustrate this theme with an account of a genetically modified (GM) blight-resistant potato trial in Norwich, using the Rpi-vnt1.1 gene isolated from a wild relative of potato, Solanum venturii, and introduced by GM methods into the potato variety Desiree

    Primary vertex reconstruction

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    This report reviews the improved method of primary vertex off-line reconstruction. The new method for primary vertex seed finding as well as modified procedure for vertex fit have been briefly described. Results of the primary vertex reconstruction performance are presented and compared to the previous version of the package. Improvement in the primary vertex reconstruction efficiencies is observed. Small but statistically significant bias, coming mostly from the long-living tracks as well as from a bias of the Velo measurements present in the DC06 simulation, affects the determination of the primary vertex position along the beam direction

    Extreme resistance to Potato virus Y in potato carrying the Rysto gene is mediated by a TIR-NLR immune receptor

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    Potato virus Y (PVY) is a major potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) pathogen that causes severe annual crop losses worth billions of dollars worldwide. PVY is transmitted by aphids, and successful control of virus transmission requires the extensive use of environmentally damaging insecticides to reduce vector populations. Rysto , from the wild relative S. stoloniferum, confers extreme resistance (ER) to PVY and related viruses and is a valuable trait that is widely employed in potato resistance breeding programmes. Rysto was previously mapped to a region of potato chromosome XII, but the specific gene has not been identified to date. In this study, we isolated Rysto using resistance gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) and PacBio SMRT (Pacific Biosciences single-molecule real-time sequencing). Rysto was found to encode a nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) protein with an N-terminal TIR domain and was sufficient for PVY perception and ER in transgenic potato plants. Rysto -dependent extreme resistance was temperature-independent and requires EDS1 and NRG1 proteins. Rysto may prove valuable for creating PVY-resistant cultivars of potato and other Solanaceae crops

    Identification of Avramr1 from Phytophthora infestans using long read and cDNA pathogen-enrichment sequencing (PenSeq)

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    Potato late blight, caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans, significantly hampers potato production. Recently, a new Resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Rpi) gene, Rpiā€amr1, was cloned from a wild Solanum species, Solanum americanum. Identification of the corresponding recognized effector (Avirulence or Avr) genes from P. infestans is key to elucidating their naturally occurring sequence variation, which in turn informs the potential durability of the cognate late blight resistance. To identify the P. infestans effector recognized by Rpiā€amr1, we screened available RXLR effector libraries and used long read and cDNA pathogenā€enrichment sequencing (PenSeq) on four P. infestans isolates to explore the untested effectors. Using singleā€molecule realā€time sequencing (SMRT) and cDNA PenSeq, we identified 47 highly expressed effectors from P. infestans, including PITG_07569, which triggers a highly specific cell death response when transiently coexpressed with Rpiā€amr1 in Nicotiana benthamiana, suggesting that PITG_07569 is Avramr1. Here we demonstrate that long read and cDNA PenSeq enables the identification of fullā€length RXLR effector families and their expression profile. This study has revealed key insights into the evolution and polymorphism of a complex RXLR effector family that is associated with the recognition by Rpiā€amr1

    Oxytocin improves synchronisation in leader-follower interaction

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    The neuropeptide oxytocin has been shown to affect social interaction. Meanwhile, the underlying mechanism remains highly debated. Using an interpersonal finger-tapping paradigm, we investigated whether oxytocin affects the ability to synchronise with and adapt to the behaviour of others. Dyads received either oxytocin or a non-active placebo, intranasally. We show that in conditions where one dyad-member was tapping to another unresponsive dyad-member ā€“ i.e. one was following another who was leading/self-pacing ā€“ dyads given oxytocin were more synchronised than dyads given placebo. However, there was no effect when following a regular metronome or when both tappers were mutually adapting to each other. Furthermore, relative to their self-paced tapping partners, oxytocin followers were less variable than placebo followers. Our data suggests that oxytocin improves synchronisation to an unresponsive partnerā€™s behaviour through a reduction in tapping-variability. Hence, oxytocin may facilitate social interaction by enhancing sensorimotor predictions supporting interpersonal synchronisation. The study thus provides novel perspectives on how neurobiological processes relate to socio-psychological behaviour and contributes to the growing evidence that synchronisation and prediction are central to social cognition

    Effect of implant placement depth on the peri-implant bone defect configurations in ligature-induced peri-implantitis : an experimental study in dogs

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    The subcrestal placement of implant platform has been considered a key factor in the preservation of crestal bone, but the influence of implant placement depth on bone remodeling combined with peri-implantitis is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the crestal or subcrestal placement of implants on peri-implant bone defects of ligature-induced peri-implantitis in dogs. Eight weeks after tooth extraction in six beagle dogs, two different types of implants (A: OsseoSpeed?, Astra, Mƶlndal, Sweden; B: Integra-CP?, Bicon, Boston, USA) were placed at either crestal or subcrestal (-1.5 mm) positions on one side of the mandible. Ligature-induced peri-implantitis was initiated four weeks after the installation of the healing abutment connections. After 12 weeks, tissue biopsies were processed for histological analyses. Supra-alveolar bone loss combined with a shallow infrabony defect was observed in crestal level implants while deep and wide infrabony defects were present in subcrestal level groups. Subcrestal groups showed significantly greater ridge loss, depths and widths of infrabony defects when compared to crestal groups (P<0.001). Within the limitations of the animal study, it can be stated that the implants at subcrestal position displayed greater infra-osseous defect than implants at crestal position under an experimental ligature-induced peri-implantitis
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