1,768 research outputs found

    Tunneling, Raman and Stm Studies Of Thin YBaCuO Films

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Dependence of viscosity of suspensions of ceramic nanopowders in ethyl alcohol on concentration and temperature

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    This work presents results of measurements of viscosity of suspensions including yttrium oxide (Y(2)O(3)), yttrium aluminum garnet (Y(3)Al(5)O(12)) and magnesium aluminum spinel (MgAl(2)O(4)) nanopowders in ethanol. Nanoparticles used in our research were either commercially available (Baikowski) or nanopowders newly developed in the Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials in Warsaw, Poland. The study was conducted in a wide range of shear rates (0.01 to 2,000 s(−1)) and temperature interval from -15°C to 20°C. A Haake Mars 2 rheometer from Thermo Fisher, Germany, was used in the Biophysics Laboratory at Rzeszów University of Technology. Most of the samples show a non-Newtonian behaviour. It was confirmed with a Rheo-NMR system from Bruker that 10% by weight of Y(2)O(3) suspension is a non-Newtonian fluid. In this work, we also report an unexpected behaviour of the viscosity of some samples (Y(2)O(3) and Y(3)Al(5)O(12)) due to sedimentation effect

    Redukcja ekspozycji na promieniowanie podczas ablacji migotania przedsionków z wykorzystaniem systemu elektroanatomicznego 3D zintegrowanego z fluoroskopią w codziennej praktyce klinicznej

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    Introduction. Fluoroscopy integration with three dimensional (3D) electroanatomical mapping system may allow dose reduction while invasive electrophysiological procedures. In this retrospective study we present real-population experience with integrated model. Material and methods. Ninety-six patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) after radiofrequency pulmonary vein isolation have been analyzed. In 48 patients, 3D mapping system integrated with fluoroscopy (Carto 3 UniVu) has been used. Clinical and peri-procedural data, inclusive, fluoroscopy time and dose, in-hospital complications and efficacy rate at 6 months have been compared. Results. Patients treated with classic 3D mapping system were significantly older (p = 0.036). Both fluoroscopy mean time (11.6 ± 4.3 vs. 6.7 ± 2.9 minutes, p < 0.05) and a median of the fluoroscopy dose [460.0 (IQR: 288.0–785.5) vs. 271.0 (IQR 145.0–535.0) mGy, p < 0.05] have been significantly reduced by using Carto3 UniVu. Total procedure time was comparable between groups. Periprocedural complications and recurrence of clinical arrhythmia rate in 6-month follow-up were comparable. Conclusions. Utilization of novel 3D mapping systems with classic fluoroscopy integration supports the radiation time and the dose reduction during AF ablation procedure, without any adverse impact on the total procedure time, complication or success rate. This real-life population results corresponds with previously presented prospective studies.Wstęp. Integracja obrazu fluoroskopowego z systemem obrazowania elektroanatomicznego 3D może zmniejszać ekspozycję na promieniowanie jonizujące podczas zabiegów elektrofizjologicznych. W tym retrospektywnym badaniu zaprezentowano wyniki stosowania zintegrowanego systemu elektroanatomicznego u pacjentów poddawanych ablacji migotania przedsionków w codziennej praktyce. Materiał i metody. Przeanalizowano 96 pacjentów z napadowym migotaniem przedsionków poddanych zabiegowi izolacji żył płucnych prądem o częstotliwości radiowej. U 48 z nich wykorzystano system elektroanatomiczny 3D zintegrowany z fluoroskopią (Carto 3 UniVu). U pozostałych zastosowano klasyczny system elektroanatomiczny 3D (Carto 3). Analizie poddano dane kliniczne, a także okołozabiegowe, w szczególności dawkę i czas skopii, a także częstość powikłań i nawrotu arytmii w okresie 6 miesięcy. Wyniki. Pacjenci leczeni z użyciem klasycznego systemu 3D byli istotnie starsi (p = 0,036). We wszystkich przypadkach uzyskano całkowitą izolację żył płucnych. Zarówno średni czas skopii (11,6 ± 4,3 vs. 6,7 ± 2,9 min; p &lt; 0,05), jak i mediana dawki (460,0 [IQR 288,0–785,5] vs. 271,0 [IQR 145,0–535,0] mGy; p &lt; 0,05) były istotnie mniejsze u pacjentów w grupie, w której stosowano Carto 3 UniVu. Całkowity czas zabiegu w obu grupach był porównywalny. Częstości powikłań okołozabiegowych oraz nawrotu klinicznej arytmii były porównywalne w obu grupach. Wnioski. Wykorzystanie nowego systemu elektroanatomicznego 3D zintegrowanego z klasyczną fluoroskopią pozwala na zmniejszenie ekspozycji na promieniowanie jonizujące podczas zabiegów ablacji migotania przedsionków, nie wpływając jednocześnie negatywnie na czasu zabiegu, ryzyko komplikacji czy skuteczność. Dane te, uzyskane w toku codziennej praktyki, korespondują z wcześniejszymi dowodami uzyskanymi z badań klinicznych

    Diagnostic and treatment of overactive bladder

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    The overactive bladder (OAB) is characterized by symptoms of frequency, urgency, nocturia, and urge incontinence, substantially affecting the quality of life of millions of people throughout the world. Diagnosis of OAB made on patient history, physical examination, and clinical tests can be used as the basis for treatment in most cases. In cases where there is uncertainty regarding the diagnosis, urodynamic assessment should be carried out. Treatment of OAB includes behavioral therapy, pharmacology and, in some cases, surgery. This article reviews current findings regarding diagnostics and treatment of the overactive bladder

    Overactive bladder – definition, epidemiology, pathogenesis

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    The overactive bladder is characterized by the following symptoms: frequency, urgency, nocturia and urge incontinence, substantially affecting the quality of life of millions of people throughout the world, with recent findings estimating the prevalence in adults at about 16,4%. The symptoms are associated with significant social, psychological, occupational, domestic, physical, and sexual problems. This article reviews current findings regarding definition, epidemiology, and pathogenesis of the overactive bladder

    Tumor radiation therapy creates therapeutic vaccine responses to the colorectal cancer antigen GUCY2C.

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    PURPOSE: Radiation therapy (RT) is thought to produce clinical responses in cancer patients, not only through direct toxicity to cancer cells and supporting tumor stroma cells, but also through activation of immunologic effectors. More recently, RT has potentiated the local and systemic effects of cancer immunotherapy (IT). However, combination regimens that maximize immunologic and clinical efficacy remain undefined. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We evaluated the impact of local RT on adenoviral-mediated vaccination against the colorectal cancer antigen GUCY2C (Ad5-GUCY2C) in a murine subcutaneous tumor model using mouse CT26 colon cancer cells (CT26-GUCY2C). Immune responses were assessed by ELISpot, and clinical responses were assessed by tumor size and incidence. RESULTS: The specific sequence of tumor-directed RT preceding Ad5-GUCY2C IT transformed inactive therapeutic Ad5-GUCY2C vaccination into a curative vaccine. GUCY2C-specific T cell responses were amplified (P CONCLUSIONS: Optimal sequencing of RT and IT amplifies antigen-specific local and systemic immune responses, revealing novel acute and long-term therapeutic antitumor protection. These observations underscore the importance of modality sequence optimization before the initiation of clinical trials of RT and IT to maximize immune and antitumor responses

    Leaking index – a new urodynamic parameter in the diagnosis of female stress urinary incontinence.

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    Summary Stress urinary incontinence is the most prevalent kind of urinary incontinence in women. Treatment efficiency depends on the type of stress urinary incontinence. Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study was to assess the differences of values of leaking indexes in women with different types of stress urinary incontinence. Material and methods: 64 patients were hospitalized at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Silesian Medical University between 2005 and 2007. All patients included in the study were diagnosed with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) based on medical history, clinical evaluation, pad test and urodynamic evaluation. The study population was divided into three groups according to VLPP and MUCP. Leaking indexes were calculated as a quotient of the area under the curve of leakage and the area under the curve of bladder pressure during the Valsalva manoeuvre. Results: The values of leaking indexes and relative leaking indexes in different types of SUI were compared. Statistically significant differences between relative leaking indexes for groups of women divided according to MUCP and VLPP criterion were found. Conclusions: Judging from statistically significant differences in relative leaking indexes between groups of women with different types of SUI, relative leaking indexes might be of use in differential diagnosis of types of SUI

    Extended analysis of urethral profilometry in women with urinary stress incontinence – preliminary report

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    Summary Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most common kind of urinary incontinence in women. Treatment efficiency depends on the type of stress urinary incontinence. Objectives: The purpose of the following study was to compare certain urethral profilometry parameters, including additional ones, in women with stress urinary incontinence (type 0) and women categorized as a ‘transitional group’ who were likely to have the mechanism of the intrinsic sphincter deficiency in pathogenesis of SUI. Material and methods: Examinations included 100 patients with diagnosed SUI based on medical history, clinical evaluation, pad test and urodynamic evaluation. Studied population was divided into three groups depending on the presence of leakage and VLPP value in the urodynamic test. The first group consisted of 19 patients with no leakage during urodynamic test (with SUI type 0), the second group (2) comprised 30 patients with VLPP 60-89 cmH20 and the third group included 36 patients with VLPP ≥90 cmH2O. 15 patients with leakage appearing at VLP

    Modeling of Dolichol Mass Spectra Isotopic Envelopes as a Tool to Monitor Isoprenoid Biosynthesis1

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    The cooperation of the mevalonate (MVA) and methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathways, operating in parallel in plants to generate isoprenoid precursors, has been studied extensively. Elucidation of the isoprenoid metabolic pathways is indispensable for the rational design of plant and microbial systems for the production of industrially valuable terpenoids. Here, we describe a new method, based on numerical modeling of mass spectra of metabolically labeled dolichols (Dols), designed to quantitatively follow the cooperation of MVA and MEP reprogrammed upon osmotic stress (sorbitol treatment) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). The contribution of the MEP pathway increased significantly (reaching 100%) exclusively for the dominating Dols, while for long-chain Dols, the relative input of the MEP and MVA pathways remained unchanged, suggesting divergent sites of synthesis for dominating and long-chain Dols. The analysis of numerically modeled Dol mass spectra is a novel method to follow modulation of the concomitant activity of isoprenoid-generating pathways in plant cells; additionally, it suggests an exchange of isoprenoid intermediates between plastids and peroxisomes

    Emocje i motywacja w prawie. Wybrane aspekty

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    Z wprowadzenia:"Zainteresowanie osiągnięciami współczesnej psychologii oraz naukami kognitywnymi nie jest nowością w teorii prawa. Powstało oraz powstaje wiele koncepcji teoretycznoprawnych opartych na wynikach nauk empirycznych. Bardziej sceptyczne podejście do nauk empirycznych panuje w praktyce i dogmatyce prawniczej. Wśród dogmatyków i praktyków prawa badania z tego zakresu są w najlepszym wypadku traktowane jako interesujące – lecz mało przydatne w prawie – ciekawostki. Być może sceptyków wykorzystania osiągnięć nauk empirycznych, w szczególności psychologii i nauk kognitywnych, nie da się przekonać, ale warto chociaż spróbować podważyć – przynajmniej częściowo – ich przekonania."(...)Publikacja powstała w ramach realizacji projektu badawczego finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki pt.: „Motywacyjna podstawa prawa. Współczesna interpretacja teorii Leona Petrażyckiego” (2019/33/B/HS5/01521