20 research outputs found

    Tracking residual organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in green, herbal, and black tea leaves and infusions of commercially available tea products marketed in Poland

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    The content of residual organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) was examined in green, herbal, and black tea leaves as well as in their infusions prepared from tea products marketed in the main supermarkets in Poland. It was found that the detected mean levels of organochlorine residues in tea leaves ranged from <LOD to 16.36 ng g−1 dry weight. Among hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, γ-HCH in green tea occurred in the highest concentrations. Among dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) metabolites the highest level of p,p′DDT (1.96 ng g−1 dw) was in green tea samples. The transfer of OCPs from tea leaves to brew was investigated. The present study revealed that during the infusion process, a significant percentage of the residues, particularly pesticides with high water solubility, were transferred to the infusions. The obtained results show that the percentage transfer of each pesticides from tea to the tea infusions ranged from 6.74% (heptachlor) to 86.6% (endrin). The detected residues were below current MRLs for these pesticides. © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    The comparison of probiotic monocultures influence on organochlorine pesticides changes in fermented beverages from cow and goat milk during cold storage

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    U ovom je radu ispitivan utjecaj odabranih probiotičkih monokultura na smanjenje koncentracije rezidua organokloriranih pesticida (OCP) tijekom skladištenja fermentiranih napitaka od kravljeg i kozjeg mlijeka. Tijekom hladnog skladištenja dodatak monokultura ili mješovitih kultura probiotičkih sojeva klasično proizvedenim jogurtima rezultirao je snižavanjem koncentracije OCP u ispitivanim uzorcima. Produljenjem perioda skladištenja na 14 dana došlo je do dodatnog snižavanja analiziranih rezidua. Veći pad koncentracije rezidua pesticida zabilježen je u jogurtima koji su sadržavali mješovitu kulturu (Lb. Acidophilus LA-5 i Bifidobacterium BB-12) nego u uzorcima koji su sadržavali samo soj LA-5. Takvi trendovi su utvrđeni u svim uzrocima s mješovitom probiotičkom kulturom, neovisno o vrsti mlijeka korištenoj za njihovu proizvodnju. Najveći pad koncentracije pesticida zabilježen je tijekom 14 dana hladnog skladištenja i kretao se između 39 % to 20,7 %, te je bio nešto viši u uzorcima kozjeg jogurta.The effect of selected probiotic monocultures addition as a method of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) residues reduction in fermented beverages manufactured from cow and goat milk during cold storage was examined. Supplementation of traditional yogurt starter by single monoculture or a mixture of two monocultures has resulted in a decrease of OCPs in products during cold storage. Extension of the cold storage period up to 14 days resulted in further losses in the content of the analysed compounds. Regardless of the milk type used for beverage production, beverages prepared from the mixture of two monocultures (Lb. acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium BB-12) showed significantly greater decrease of pesticides content in comparison to beverages containing only LA-5. The maximum decrease (from 5.39 % to 20.7 %) in OCP was determined during the 14-day cold storage, and was few percent higher in beverages manufactured from goat milk

    The impact of bacterial cultures on changes in contents of PCB congeners in yoghurt and bioyoghurt - alternative methods for PCB reduction in dairy products

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    Postojani organski kontaminanti poput polikloriranih bifenila zbog lipofilnog karaktera, visoke stabilnosti te toksičnosti mogu predstavljati ozbiljan rizik za zdravlje potrošača. Oni se mogu nalaziti u mlijeku pa tako i u mliječnim proizvodima. Kako bi se potrošačima osigurala sigurna hrana s najmanjom mogućom razinom kontaminanata, važno je odrediti utjecaj tehnoloških postupaka koji se primjenjuju u preradi mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda na promjene koncentracije toksičnih metabolita PBC-a. Koncentracije metabolita PCB-a određene su primjenom plinske kromatografije s masenom spektrometrijom. Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da su jogurtne starter kulture učinkovite u snižavanju toksičnih metabolita u jogurtima. Prisutnost dvaju dodatnih sojeva - Lactobacillus acidophilus i Bifidobacterium sp. u starter kulturi A.B.T. bio-jogurta je najvjerojatnije razlog za najvišu određenu učinkovitost u redukciji koncentracije toksičnih metabolita (TEQPCB) u uzrocima bio-jogurta (redukcija za približno 50 %). Međutim, nijedna od ispitivanih starter kultura jogurta i bio-jogurta nije osigurala potpunu razgradnju ispitivanih metabolita PCB-a. Navedene starter kulture znatno su potpomogle redukciju koncentracije metabolita PBC-a u gotovim proizvodima, no istovremeno je zabilježen porast koncentracije metabolita PCB 28 i PCB 77, što može biti rezultat razgradnje metabolita višeg stupnja klorinacije. Zaključno, primijenjene kulture imaju potencijal u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete fermentiranih mliječnih proizvoda.Persistent organic pollutants, including polychlorinated biphenyls, may pose serious health hazard to consumers due to their lipophilic character as well as their high stability and toxicity. They are common in milk and also in dairy products. Therefore, to provide consumers with food of the lowest possible level of pollutants, it is important to estimate the influence of technological processes in milk and dairy products manufacture on changes in the contents of toxic PCB congeners. The PCB congeners content was determined using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. Our study showed that yoghurt starter cultures turned out to be an effective tool in decreasing the toxicity equivalent of yoghurts. The presence of additional two starter cultures of bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium sp. In the A.B.T. bioyoghurt starter culture was most likely the reason of the highest efficiency of this culture to reduce the value of toxicity equivalent (TEQPCB) in bioyoghurts (reduction by nearly 50 %). However, none of the four tested starter cultures of yoghurts and bioyoghurts ensured complete biodegradation of any of the tested PCB congeners. These cultures contributed to a distinct reduction in contents of the PCB congeners in the finished products and, simultaneously, to a significant increase in PCB 28 and PCB 77, which may result from the degradation of more chlorinated congeners. In consequence it can improve the quality of fermented dairy products

    Patient care after rectal resection in the course of colorectal cancer - a case study

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    Wstęp: Nowotwory jelita grubego są jedną z głównych przyczyn zgonów w Polsce i na świecie, a liczba zachorowań na nowotwory złośliwe stale rośnie. Rak jelita grubego dotyczy głownie osób po 50 roku życia, jednak sporadycznie zdarza się u młodszych osób. Na rozwój raka jelita grubego wpływ mają czynniki genetyczne, epidemiologiczne, jelitowe i przede wszystkim te modyfikowalne przez człowieka – używki, dieta, czy aktywność fizyczna. Nowotwór jelita grubego cechuje się długim, bezobjawowym rozwojem. Objawy pojawiają się późno, w jego zaawansowanym stadium i są one niespecyficzne. Aby postawić właściwą diagnozę niezbędna jest dodatkowa diagnostyka. Leczenie przeciwnowotworowe opiera się na chemio- i radioterapii, które prowadzą do radykalnego usunięcia raka. W celu ratowania życia i poprawy jakości życia u chorych wyłaniana jest kolostomia, której zadaniem jest odprowadzenie gazów i stolca na zewnątrz organizmu. Pacjenci z kolostomią stają przed szeregiem wyzwań: pielęgnacją i obserwacją stomii, zmianą stylu życia, a także akceptacją społeczną, co niejednokrotnie prowadzi do rozwoju depresji i zamknięcia się na otoczenie. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest ocena biopsychospołeczna oraz sytuacji zdrowotnej pacjenta po resekcji odbytnicy oraz z wyłonioną kolostomią. Dodatkowo, praca ma na celu przedstawienie indywidualnego planu opieki obejmującego diagnozy pielęgniarskie, działania i interwencje po zabiegu resekcji odbytnicy oraz ocenę efektów tych działań. Materiał i metody: Badaniem został objęty pacjent po resekcji odbytnicy z wcześniej wyłonioną kolostomią. W pracy zastosowano metodę studium indywidualnego przypadku. Wykorzystano techniki badawcze: obserwacji, wywiadu, analizy dokumentacji medycznej, analizy wyników badań diagnostycznych, pomiar parametrów życiowych. Korzystano z następujących narzędzi badawczych: historia choroby pacjenta, karta wyników badań diagnostycznych, formularz geriatrycznej skali oceny depresji, kwestionariusz tolerancji nikotyny Fragerstrӧma (kartka i długopis).Wyniki: Pacjent w środowisku domowym, 1,5 roku po operacji resekcji odbytnicy z wyłonioną kolostomią. U chorego w wywiadzie przewlekły nikotynizm, zaburzenia snu i czuwania oraz spadki apetytu. Najistotniejsze diagnozy pielęgniarskie to: ryzyko wystąpienia powikłań dermatologicznych skóry wokół stomii, ryzyko wystąpienia późnych powikłań chirurgicznych stomii, deficyty wiedzy dotyczące diety i pielęgnacji stomii oraz nikotynizm. Wnioski: Diagnozy pielęgniarskie i oparte o nie interwencje posłużyły do opracowania i realizacji indywidualnego planu opieki chorego, co pozwoliło na polepszenie jakości życia pacjenta oraz zmniejszenie ryzyka rozwoju możliwych powikłań i nowych problemów.Introduction: Colorectal cancer is one of the main causes of death in Poland and in the world, and the number of malignant cancer cases is constantly growing. Colorectal cancer mainly affects people over the age of 50, but occasionally it occurs in younger people. The development of colorectal cancer is influenced by genetic, epidemiological, intestinal and, above all, those modifiable by man - stimulants, diet or physical activity. Colorectal cancer is characterized by a long, asymptomatic development. Symptoms appear late, in its advanced stage, and they are non-specific. Additional diagnostics are necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Anti-cancer treatment is based on chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which lead to the radical removal of the cancer. In order to save lives and improve the quality of life, colostomy is performed in patients to remove gases and stool outside the body. Patients with a colostomy face a number of challenges: care and observation of the stoma, lifestyle changes, as well as social acceptance, which often leads to the development of depression and closure to the environment.Objective: The aim of the study is to assess the biopsychosocial and health situation of the patient after rectal resection and colostomy. In addition, the study aims to present an individual care plan covering nursing diagnoses, actions and interventions after rectal resection and the assessment of the effects of these activities.Material and methods: The study included a patient after rectal resection with a previously established colostomy. The study used the individual case study method. Research techniques were used: observation, interview, analysis of medical records, analysis of diagnostic test results, measurement of vital parameters. The following research tools were used: patient's medical history, diagnostic test results sheet, geriatric depression rating scale, Fragerström nicotine tolerance questionnaire.Results: A patient in the home environment, 1.5 years after rectal resection with a colostomy. The patient had a history of chronic nicotinism, sleep disorders and decreased appetite. The most important nursing diagnoses are: the risk of dermatological complications of the skin around the stoma, the risk of late surgical complications of the stoma, knowledge deficits regarding diet and stoma care and nicotinism.Conclusion: Nursing diagnoses and interventions based on them were used to develop and implement an individual patient care plan, which allowed to improve the patient's quality of life and reduce the risk of developing possible complications and new problems

    Mechanisms of tumour angiogenesis and their role in melanoma progression.

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    Angiogeneza odgrywa kluczową rolę w rozwoju nowotworów. Istnieje kilka czynników, które są potrzebne do indukcji neowaskularyzacji: HIF-1α (czynnik indukowany hipoksją-1α), PDGF - płytkowy czynnik wzrostu, HGF – czynnik wzrostu hepatocytów, Ang2 – angiopoetyna–2, EGF – naskórkowy czynnik wzrostu, PIGF - łożyskowy czynnik wzrostu i VEGF – naczyniowy czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka. Rozmiar guza i jego środowisko, w którym się znajduje, są ważnymi czynnikami inicjującymi angiogenezę. Na ogół, angiogeneza może odbywać się na trzy sposoby, które mogą zachodzić jednocześnie. U dorosłych są to: kiełkowanie komórek śródbłonka, angiogeneza wgłobieniowa i angiogeneza kłębuszkowa. Dodatkowo, w przypadku nowotworów złośliwych opisano formowanie „pseudo-naczyń”, zwane pseudoangiogenezą. W tym procesie komórki nowotworowe tworzą struktury podobne do prawidłowych naczyń. Proces ten pierwotnie opisano w czerniaku. Najbardziej znany mechanizm angiogenezy – kiełkowanie komórek śródbłonka jest szeroko opisany w literaturze i zachodzi głównie u osób dorosłych. Odbywa się w trzech etapach. Przede wszystkim komórki śródbłonka, po rozszerzeniu istniejącego naczynia i degradacji błony podstawnej, zaczynają proliferować i migrować, tworząc nową szczelinę, będącą kontynuacją pierwotnego naczynia. Następnie dochodzi do syntezy i uwalniania białek błony podstawnej. Ostatnim etapem jest stabilizacja nowo utworzonego naczynia, przez proliferujące komórki przydanki. Innym mechanizmem zachodzącym u dorosłych jest angiogeneza wgłobieniowa. Rozpoczyna się ona tworzeniem wewnątrznaczyniowch filarów tkankowych w istniejącym już naczyniu. Następnie filary rozszerzają się i łączą ze sobą, tworząc nowe naczynie. Angiogeneza kłębuszkowa opiera się na migracji komórek śródbłonka w kierunku komórki produkującej VEGF, gdzie tworzą wiązkę nowych naczyń otoczonych błoną podstawną i przydanką. Tworzenie nowych naczyń krwionośnych jest niezbędne do wzrostu guza, ponieważ nowo utworzone naczynia umożliwiają zaopatrywanie komórek nowotworowych w tlen i składniki odżywcze. Są również niezbędne do tworzenia przerzutów, ponieważ komórki rakowe na pierwszym etapie tego procesu muszą przedostać się do krwioobiegu. Następnie migrują wraz z krwią i tworzą odległe przerzuty. Wykazano, że wszystkie powyżej wymienione mechanizmy angiogenezy można rozpatrywać w odniesieniu do raka. W związku z tym uzasadnione jest, aby nowoopracowywane terapie przeciwnowotworowe powinny być ukierunkowane na zatrzymanie procesu angiogenezy w guzie, na przykład poprzez hamowanie udziału czynników proangiogennych.Angiogenesis plays a key role in the development of cancer. There are few factors, which are needed to induce neovascularization: HIF-1α (hypoxia-induced factor-1α), PDGF - platelet-derived growth factor, HGF – hepatocyte growth factor, Ang2 – angiopoetin-2, EGF – epidermal growth factor, PIGF – placental growth factor and VEGF – vascular endothelial growth factor. The size of the tumor and its environment in which it is located are important factors initiating angiogenesis. In general, angiogenesis may take place in three ways, which can occur simultaneously. In adults these are: endothelial cell sprouting, intussusceptive angiogenesis and glomerular angiogenesis. Additionally, in the case of malignant tumors the formation of “pseudo vessels”, known as pseudoangiogenesis, has been described. In this process tumour cells form structures composed of lumens, which are similar to the vessels. It has been originally described in melanoma. The best known mechanism of angiogenesis - sprouting of endothelial cells is widely described in the literature and it mainly take place in adults. It takes place in three steps. First of all, endothelial cells, after expansion of pre-existing vessel and degradation of the basement membrane, start to proliferate and migrate, creating a new slot, which represent the continuation of the vessel. Then, there is synthesis and release of basement membrane proteins. The final step is the stabilization of the newly formed vessel by proliferating adventitia cells. Another mechanisms taking place in adult is a intussusceptive angiogenesis. It stars with formation of intraluminal tissue pillars in already existing vessel. Then pillars expand and fuse with each other forming a new vessel and splitting it from the old one Glomerular angiogenesis is based on the migration of endothelial cells towards the VEGF-producing cell, where they form bunch of new vessels flanked by the basement membrane and adventitia cells.The formation of new blood vessels is essential for tumor growth because newly formed vessels enables supply the cancer cells with oxygen and nutrients. It is also essential for metastasis formation, since cancer cells need to enter bloodstream in the first step of this process, and then they migrate with blood to form distant metastasis. It is well established that all above mentioned mechanisms of angiogenesis should be considered in relation to cancer. Concerning that thus, it is reasonable that new developed anti-tumor therapy should be directed on downregulation of these mechanisms of angiogenesis in tumour for example by inhibition of activity of proangiogenic factors

    Assessment of contamination of food organophosphorus pesticides and health risks of consumers

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    Globalizacja produkcji żywności i konieczność wyżywienia stale rosnącej liczby ludności na świecie wymusza stosowanie coraz większej ilości środków ochrony roślin. Szczególne zaniepokojenie budzi obecność pozostałości tych związków w żywności, między innymi pestycydów fosforoorganicznych, które ze względu na trwałość oraz toksyczność mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia konsumenta. Człowiek codziennie narażony jest na kontakt z tymi ksenobiotykami. Związki te przenikają do organizmu człowieka przede wszystkim drogą pokarmową, a także przez układ oddechowy i skórę. Pozostałości pestycydów oraz ich metabolitów stwierdzono w tkankach ludzkich i moczu, także u osób nie stykających się z nimi w pracy. Nawet niskie ich dawki mogą wywołać negatywne skutki zdrowotne, takie jak: zaburzenia hormonalne, zmniejszenie inteligencji, problemy związane z rozrodczością, a nawet nowotwory.Globalization of the food production and the need to secure food for the constantly growing world population enforces application of increasing amounts of pesticides in plant protection. Of particular concern appears to be the presence in food of organophosphate pesticides, which may pose a significant risk for consumers health due to their high persistence and toxicity. Moreover, it is known that consumers are exposed to these xenobiotics almost every day. Organophosphates primarily enter the human body through oral tract, respiratory system, and skin. In many cases, residual organophosphates along with their metabolites have been detected in human tissues and urine of the whole populations. Even low doses of these substances can cause adverse health effects, such as hormonal disorders, reduced intelligence level, disturbances in reproduction and cancer

    Influence of Replacement Part of Starch with Inulin on the Rheological Properties of Pastes and Gels Based on Potato Starch

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of replacement part of starch with inulin on the rheological characteristics of pastes and gels obtained on the basis of potato starch. Replacement of the starch by inulin varied from 0 to 40%. Flow curves for pastes and gels were determined, and the viscoelastic properties were characterized using dynamic tests and creep and recovery tests. It was determined that the replacement of part of potato starch with inulin significantly modifies rheological properties of starch pastes and gels, weakening their structure. With the increasing amount of inulin, an increase of viscous properties was becoming more apparent. Moreover, an irregular influence of inulin addition on the parameters of rheological characteristics was determined. Initially, the differences were minor, and the differences at the lowest addition were typically statistically insignificant, followed by strong increase with local restrictions to structural weakening

    Changes in Polychlorinated Biphenyl Residues in Milk during Lactation: Levels of Contamination, Influencing Factors, and Infant Risk Assessment

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    Given the importance of breastfeeding infants, the contamination of human milk is a significant public concern. The aim of this study was to assess the contamination of human milk with dioxin-like PCBs (dl-PCBs) and non-dioxin-like PCBs (ndl-PCBs) in relation to the duration of lactation and other influencing factors, especially the frequency of the consumption of selected foods during pregnancy. Based on this, the health risk to infants was assessed and compared to the tolerable daily intake (TDI). PCB determinations were performed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The ∑ndl-PCB content ranged from 0.008 to 0.897 ng/g w.w., at an average of 0.552 ng/g wet weight, which was 55% of the maximum level according to the EU guidelines for foods for infants and young children. The toxic equivalent (TEQ) was in the range of 0.033–5.67 pg-TEQ/g w.w. The content of non-ortho, mono-ortho, and ndl-PCBs in human milk decreased the longer lactation continued. Moreover, when pregnant women smoked tobacco, this correlated significantly with increases in the concentrations of PCB congeners 156, 118, and 189 in human milk. The human milk contents of PCB congeners 77, 81, 186, 118, and 189 were strongly positively correlated with the amount of fish consumed. The content of stable congeners PCB 135 and PCB 153 increased with age