35 research outputs found

    Design Considerations and Requirements for In-Flight Refueling of Unmanned Vehicles

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    The need to refuel in-flight has become a significant part of military strategy for air forces to work at further distances from safe shores. The use of Unmanned Vehicles is increasing and expected to be the principal part of military deployment. This paper will address the concepts and requirements for applying refueling unmanned vehicles in a military context for supporting fixed and rotor aircraft. Design aspects of human factors in the process are considered, reviewed and solutions proposed to allow for the first generation of designs to be developed. Furthermore, the practical and operational limitations will be addressed as part of the human factors implications. Finally, the design parameters are proposed for the first stage developments to achieve Unmanned Vehicle refueling

    Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 1.0

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    This Standardization Roadmap for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Version 1.0 (“roadmap”) represents the culmination of the UASSC’s work to identify existing standards and standards in development, assess gaps, and make recommendations for priority areas where there is a perceived need for additional standardization and/or pre-standardization R&D. The roadmap has examined 64 issue areas, identified a total of 60 gaps and corresponding recommendations across the topical areas of airworthiness; flight operations (both general concerns and application-specific ones including critical infrastructure inspections, commercial services, and public safety operations); and personnel training, qualifications, and certification. Of that total, 40 gaps/recommendations have been identified as high priority, 17 as medium priority, and 3 as low priority. A “gap” means no published standard or specification exists that covers the particular issue in question. In 36 cases, additional R&D is needed. The hope is that the roadmap will be broadly adopted by the standards community and that it will facilitate a more coherent and coordinated approach to the future development of standards for UAS. To that end, it is envisioned that the roadmap will be widely promoted and discussed over the course of the coming year, to assess progress on its implementation and to identify emerging issues that require further elaboration

    Aerodynamic Analysis of Low Speed Wing Design using Taguchi L9 Orthogonal Array

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    The study of aerodynamics has been preoccupied with understanding flight at increasing speeds and ultimately supersonic. Today, this pursuit has advanced the science for both Hypersonic and Transonic flight to near Mach 1 supporting economical commercial flight operations. This research presents the data from a Taguchi array on low speed with twin wing designs to establish the design parameters for their use in low speed and high altitude. Also presented is how aerodynamic advantages can be achieved through understanding the interactions of parameters and their use. This is compared to operational effectiveness when applied to remotely piloted aircraft that are not constrained by direct requirements. The research concludes with suggestions for improved designs and further work that may enable higher altitudes with low speeds

    The Value of Strong Partnerships to Build a Successful Aviation Maintenance Career Pathway Program for Transitioning Military Service Members

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    The aerospace industry is competing with other industries for a qualified workforce, and many of those competing industries are investing heavily in creating workforce development pipelines. Boeing (2021) forecasts that 626,000 new aviation maintenance technicians will be needed over the next 20 years. If the aerospace industry is unable to recruit the skilled workforce they require, it could have a ripple effect felt globally. Career pathway programs are emerging as essential to inspiring and recruiting the next generation of aviation professionals. How can industry, academia and government work together to find more innovative ways to address the growing need for qualified aviation maintenance professionals? Annually an estimated 200,000 U.S. service members will leave the military. Through the Department of Defense (DoD) SkillBridge program, service members within 180 days of exiting the service are eligible to participate in approved programs. A number of companies have partnered with academia to create innovative training programs for transitioning service members. These industry-academia-government partnership models provide parallel pathways compared to the more traditional educational model of requiring degree completion prior to joining the civilian workforce. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University built a 9-week, full-time Aviation Maintenance SkillBridge program designed to train and place transitioning service members, veterans and military spouses into aviation maintenance and technician careers with reputable aerospace industry partners, such as AAR Corp. The program is delivered virtually and on six U.S. military installations. This presentation will outline the collective efforts needed to build a successful military transition program to support the aviation maintenance industry. Reference Boeing. (2021). Pilot & Technician Outlook 2021 - 2040. Retrieved 14 Dec 2021 from: https://www.boeing.com/commercial/market/pilot-technician-outlook

    Take-off Characteristics for NACA 4612 Aerofoil in a Twin-Wing Configuration With Optimum Angles of Attack

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are used generally at low levels and speeds. The research reported in this article investigates the possible use of twin-wing designs for higher altitudes with a focus on the possible lift capable for either short runways or high payloads. The wing aerofoil and unique Angles of Attack, AoA, are set 5o on the upper wing and 10o on the lower. There is a positive upper wing stagger of 50% of the chord length at height separation of 1 chord. These parameters have been established from previous research and this research investigates how they generate lift at take-off and what lift and drag properties exist. It also determines if these parameters are in-line with those for high altitude flight

    Quality Function Deployment and Proactive Quality Techniques Applied to University Lectures to Improve Student Feedback

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    Lecturing and instruction to students at university has traditionally been based on qualifications, experience and position of academics within ones department or college. The higher the level and more advanced the subject then the most experienced lecturers are traditionally selected for that task. Visiting lecturers are never asked to teach basic mathematics or science, they are to share their experience and enlighten the students from a vast knowledge and history. This paper reviews and discusses Kano’s model with Quality Function Deployment related to customer satisfaction and compares if the traditional approach is in keeping with university practice. Furthermore, it argues that industry has concepts and ideas that can be more proactive if applied to an educational environment where students’ demands are ever increasing and their expectations are becoming higher. If universities are to improve student-learning experiences then novel and successful techniques are needed. One such approach is discussed in this research paper to find better ways to improve student satisfaction

    Exploring Current and Projected Skills and Knowledge Areas to Meet U.S. Commercial Space Industry Needs

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    In 2007, the Committee on Meeting the Workforce Needs for the National Vision for Space Exploration published findings related to age and skills of the current National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) workforce and projected potential expertise shortages as a result of retirement in the 2014-2015 time frame. In addition, the expanding commercial space industry in both the United States and Europe will likely create further demand for space experts in engineering and a variety of related fields. Although NASA contributes $162 million in funding for education programs annually, those programs target kindergarten through grade 12, not collegiate-level programs. Further, few aeronautical/aerospace departments focused on education related to the development of space technologies, a discipline known as astronautics, exist in the US. In 2009, Doule and Peeters, Professors at the International Space University, sought to determine the need for space-focused knowledge and skills to support the European Union (EU) space industry. The results of Doule and Peeters\u27 2009 survey indicate an EU desire for space-specific educational programs to meet the needs of their commercial space industry. The researchers called for additional quantitative and qualitative studies to assess the emerging EU space industry workforce requirements and how to adapt space education and training curriculum. The purpose of this study is to develop a proactive model to assist U.S. educational institutions meet the projected U.S. space industry human resource needs. Findings from the proposed mixed-methods research program are to identify current and anticipated knowledge areas and associated skill sets within the U.S. space industry, and sub-industry aspects, to guide future collegiate-level curriculum development. Results from presented findings will be used toward a partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) for use in informed managerial decision-making of current/forecasted U.S. space industry human resource dynamics

    Influencing Factors for Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Support of Aviation Accident and Emergency Response

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    The purpose of this research paper was to examine the influencing factors associated with the use of unmanned aerial system (UAS) technology to support aviation accident and emergency response. The ability of first responders to react to an emergency is dependent on the quality, accuracy, timeliness, and usability of information. With aviation accidents such as the Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crash at San Francisco International Airport, the ability to sense and communicate the location of victims may reduce the potential for accidental passenger death. Furthermore, the ability to obtain information en-route to an accident may also to assist to reduce overall response and coordination time of first responders (e.g., Aviation Rescue and Firefighting [ARFF]). By identifying and examining current and potential practices, capabilities, and technology (e.g., human-machine-interface [HMI], human factors, tools, and capability modifiers) a more comprehensive model of the influencing factors is established to further support the growing body of knowledge (i.e., safety, human computer interaction, human-robot systems, socio-economical systems, service and public sector systems, and technological forecasting). A series of recommendations regarding the technology and application are provided to support future development or adaptation of regulations, policies, or future research. --from the article

    Stem Cutting Propagation in Whole Pine Tree Substrates

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    Wood-based substrates have been extensively evaluated for greenhouse and nursery crop production, yet these substrates have not been evaluated for propagation. The objective of this study was to evaluate processed whole loblolly pine trees (WPT) (Pinus taeda) as a rooting substrate for stem cutting propagation of a range of ornamental crops. Substrates included processed WPT, pine (Pinus sp.) bark (PB), and each mixed with equal parts (by volume) peatmoss (PM) (WPT:PM and PB:PM, respectively). Substrate physical (air space, container capacity, total porosity, bulk density, and particle size distribution) and chemical [pH and electrical conductivity (EC)] properties were determined for all substrates. Rooting percentage, total root length, total root volume, and total shoot length were evaluated for four species in 2008 and five species in 2009. Substrate air space was similar between PB and WPT in the 2008 experiment, and likewise between PB:PM and WPT:PM. In the 2009 experiment, PB and WPT had similar substrate air space. The addition of PM to PB and WPT resulted in reduced air space and increased container capacity in both experiments. The proportion of fine particles doubled for PB:PM and WPT:PM compared with PB and WPT, respectively. Substrate pH for all substrates ranged from 6.0 to 6.9 at 7 days after sticking (DAS) cuttings and 6.9 to 7.1 at 79 DAS. Substrate EC was below the acceptable range for all substrates except at 7 DAS. Rooting percentage was similar among substrates within each species in both experiments. The addition of PM resulted in significantly greater total root length for PB:PM and WPT:PM compared with PB and WPT, respectively, for five of the eight species. Shoot growth was most vigorous for PB:PM compared with the other substrates for all species. The study demonstrated a range of plant species can be propagated from stem cuttings in whole pine tree substrates alone or combined with PM

    The Protective Action Encoding of Serotonin Transients in the Human Brain

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    The role of serotonin in human brain function remains elusive due, at least in part, to our inability to measure rapidly the local concentration of this neurotransmitter. We used fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to infer serotonergic signaling from the striatum of fourteen brains of human patients with Parkinson's disease. Here we report these novel measurements and show that they correlate with outcomes and decisions in a sequential investment game. We find that serotonergic concentrations transiently increase as a whole following negative reward prediction errors, while reversing when counterfactual losses predominate. This provides initial evidence that the serotonergic system acts as an opponent to dopamine signaling, as anticipated by theoretical models. Serotonin transients on one trial were also associated with actions on the next trial in a manner that correlated with decreased exposure to poor outcomes. Thus, the fluctuations observed for serotonin appear to correlate with the inhibition of over-reactions and promote persistence of ongoing strategies in the face of short-term environmental changes. Together these findings elucidate a role for serotonin in the striatum, suggesting it encodes a protective action strategy that mitigates risk and modulates choice selection particularly following negative environmental events