64 research outputs found

    OPTIMASI USAHA PERIKANAN MINI PURSE SEINE DI KABUPATEN JENEPONTO PROVINSI SULAWESI SELATAN (Optimization of Mini Purse Seine Fishery in Jeneponto District, South Sulawesi Province)

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    The small pelagic in Jeneponto is highly potential, but since 2001-2004 years there are degradation indication of haul activity wich marked by degradation of mini purse seine number. The objectives of the research are: 1) to estimate the level of MEY exploiting of small pelagis becoming target of mini purse seine, and 2) to determine production factors which is playing a part in improvement of productivity of mini purse seine. The production surplus method, Gordon Schaefer model and multiple regression analysis were used in this study. The result from bio-economic analysis showed that at actual condition have come near optimum level for exploiting of small pelagic. The optimum catch of small pelagic is 3.783.376,09 kilo grams per year with standard effort of 8.723 trip per year. Specially far mini purse seine, optimum effort is 47% from standard effort or equivalent by 26 unit of gears. Production factors that give signifiront effect to fish production of mini purse seine are machine strength, mini purse seine length and number of lamp.Keywords: optomization, mini purse seine, bio-economi

    STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PERIKANAN CAKALANG DI KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT (Skipjack Tuna Fisheries Development Strategy at East Lombok District West Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    ABSTRACTEast Lombok District has marine waters area that is transversed by skipjack tuna. This condition makes its production to be the third highest after yellow fin and black marlin. However, there are some conditions related to skipjack tuna fishery in east Lombok District that are necessary to be concerned for its development. Therefore, research on skipjack tuna development strategy in East Lombok District according to its condition in that area is needed to conduct. This research is aimed to formulate skipjack tuna fishing development strategy in East Lombok District. The methodology used in this research are descriptive and SWOT analysis. This study resulting to 7 (seven) alternative strategis for skipjack tuna fisheries development in East Lombok District that are optimizing skipjack tuna utilization, rationalizing the number of skipjack tuna fishing unit, training the fishermen about catch handling, improving fishermen institutional to raise their bargaining position, maximizing market potential for skipjack tuna commodity, and diversifying skipjack tuna processing types.Key words: East Lombok District, skipjack tuna fisheries, strategy of development, SWOT analisys-------ABSTRAKKabupaten Lombok Timur memiliki wilayah perairan laut yang dilalui oleh ruaya ikan cakalang. Hal ini menjadikan ikan cakalang sebagai salah satu sumberdaya ikan dengan produksi terbanyak ketiga setelah ikan madidihang dan setuhuk hitam. Namun, terdapat beberapa kondisi terkait perikanan cakalang di Kabupaten Lombok Timur yang perlu dipehatikan. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian mengenai strategi pengembangan perikanan cakalang di Kabupaten Lombok Timur berdasarkan kondisi perikanan cakalang di daerah tersebut perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan perikanan cakalang di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Metodologi yan digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis SWOT. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 7 (tujuh) alternatif strategi pengembangan perikanan cakalang di Kabupaten Lombok Timur, yaitu mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan cakalang, merasionalisasikan jumlah unit penangkapan ikan cakalang, memberikan pelatihan kepada nelayan mengenai cara penanganan hasil tangkapan, memperbaiki kelembagaan nelayan untuk meningkatkan posisi tawar nelayan, memaksimalkan potensi pasar komoditi ikan cakalang, serta diversifikasi jenis pengolahan ikan cakalang.Kata kunci: Kabupaten Lombok Timur, perikanan cakalang, strategi pengembangan, analisisSWO

    Teknologi Penangkapan Dan Peluang USAha Perikanan Tenggiri (Scomberomorus Commerson) Di Kabupaten Belitung

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    Rekomendasi otonomi daerah adalah mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Cara yang paling efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai hal tersebut adalah mentransformasikan keunggulan komparatif yang dimiliki daerah menjadi keunggulan kompetitif. Kabupaten Belitung memiliki potensi perikanan tangkap yang relatif besar. Sektor ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pilar ekonomi wilayah di masa mendatang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji keunggulan teknologi penangkapan tenggiri dan menentukan peluang USAhanya berdasarkan dugaan nilai potensi dan pola musim tenggiri di Kabupaten Belitung. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama bulan April-Mei 2005 di Kabupaten Belitung dengan menggunakan metode survei. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kegiatan penangkapan ikan tenggiri (S. commerson) dengan alat tangkap jaring insang dan pancing ulur telah berjalan efektif dan efisien dengan rata-rata faktor teknis produksi telah mendekati nilai-nilai optimum yang disyaratkan. Peningkatan produksi serta upaya tangkap dimasa akan datang masih dimungkinkan dengan peluang USAha yang menjanjikan. Waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan penangkapan tenggiri (S. commerson) adalah selama musim peralihan I (Maret-Mei) sebagai musim puncak penangkapan

    Kinerja Direktorat Pelayanan USAha Penangkapan Ikan-kkp Sebagai Salah Satu Stakeholder Perizinan USAha Penangkapan Ikan

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    Licensing process of fisheries business is conducted on Directorate Fishing Business Service - Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries (MMAF), which is the main actor of fisheries business license (Yuniarta 2009). Several constraints of licensing process are found in this research. There are lateness of licensing process in some regions, minimum research development of licensing process and duration of each stage and over all of the stage of licensing process, so that required performance measurement of the directorate. The purpose of this research is measuring performance of Directorate Fishing Business Service based on balanced scorecard approach, that assess on four perspectives, there are learn and growth, business internal process, financial and customer. The result of these perspectives on Directorate Fishing Business Service performance is 3.34, therefore the directorate needs a strategy to increase the performance

    Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Cakalang Di Kabupaten Lombok Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (Skipjack Tuna Fisheries Development Strategy at East Lombok District West Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    East Lombok District has marine waters area that is transversed by skipjack tuna. This condition makes its production to be the third highest after yellow fin and black marlin. However, there are some conditions related to skipjack tuna fishery in east Lombok District that are necessary to be concerned for its development. Therefore, research on skipjack tuna development strategy in East Lombok District according to its condition in that area is needed to conduct. This research is aimed to formulate skipjack tuna fishing development strategy in East Lombok District. The methodology used in this research are descriptive and SWOT analysis. This study resulting to 7 (seven) alternative strategis for skipjack tuna fisheries development in East Lombok District that are optimizing skipjack tuna utilization, rationalizing the number of skipjack tuna fishing unit, training the fishermen about catch handling, improving fishermen institutional to raise their bargaining position, maximizing market potential for skipjack tuna commodity, and diversifying skipjack tuna processing types

    Kelayakan Finansial USAha Perikanan Pancing Tonda di Ppp Labuhan Lombok Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Pancing tonda merupakan alat tangkap yang banyak digunakan oleh nelayan di PPP Labuhan Lombok. Usaha perikanan pancing tonda tersebut perlu dihitung kelayakan finan-sialnya untuk mengetahui keberlangsungannya di masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini bertu-juan untuk mengetahui modal awal, biaya produksi, pendapatan serta kelayakan finansial dari USAha perikanan pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis USAha dan analisis investasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok dioperasikan dengan kapal kayu yang berukuran antara 12-18 GT. Jumlah nelayan dalam satu unit penangkapan pancing tonda tersebut adalah 4-6 orang. Nelayan mengoperasikan pancing tonda di sekitar rumpon. Modal awal yang dibutuhkan untuk USAha pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok adalah Rp 222.250.000. Biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan untuk setiap trip penangkapan yaitu Rp 58.525.000 per tahun untuk biaya tetap dan Rp 114.889.500 per tahun untuk biaya tidak tetap. Adapun pendapatan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan penangkapan dengan pancing tonda tersebut yaitu Rp 1.242.600.000 per tahun. Usaha perikanan pancing tonda di PPP Labuhan Lombok merupakan USAha perikanan tangkap yang layak untuk dilakukan hingga 10 tahun ke depan

    Kepuasan Nelayan Terhadap Pelayanan Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (Ppn) Kejawanan Cirebon (Fishermen Satisfaction Service in Kejawanan Cirebon Fishing Port)

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    One of the services with an important role in the fisheries is the availability of services in the fishing port. Provision of services will affect to the level of satisfaction fishermen. Satisfaction fishermen are something important in supporting performance and the development of a fishing port. This study aims to determine what service attributes that already meet the satisfaction of the fishermen, knowing service attributes that need to be prioritized according to the repair or improvement of fishermen, and assess the level of satisfaction with the services of Kejawanan Fishing port\u27s fishermen overall. The study was conducted at the Fishery Port Nusantara (PPN) Kejawanan in Cirebon, West Java. The study was conducted in August and October 2015 for 14 days. Collecting data using interviews with 17 respondents. Analysis of data using Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer satisfaction Index (CSI) using 15 attributes assessment. The results showed that there are eight service attributes were considered to have met the fishermen satisfactory that the physical condition of the facility; the availability of the number of officers; their service procedures are clear; officers provide services as promised; speed of officers in handling services; alacrity officers in serving the fishermen; friendliness, attention and attitude of officers; and delivery of information. There are two attributes of service that still needs to be improved, namely the handling of complaints of fishermen; and the officer knows, understanding the needs and desires of fishermen. Overall fishermen have felt very satisfied with the services provided by the port
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