8 research outputs found

    Risiko Kesehatan Pajanan Benzena, Toluena dan Xylena Petugas Pintu Tol

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    Efek negatif dari polusi udara terhadap kesehatan manusia banyak diteliti termasuk polusi akibat sistem transportasi. Emisi kendaraan bermotor menghasilkan Benzena, Toluena dan Xylena (BTX) yang merupakan bahan kimia yang bersifat karsinogenik dan petugas pintu tol merupakan kelompok berisiko terpajan BTX. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan BTX pada petugas pintu tol. Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan pendekatan Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL) dan faktor-faktor antropometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada pintu tol rata-rata konsentrasi (mean+SD) benzena sebesar 0,00167+0,000056 mg/m3, toluena sebesar 0,00124+0.000049 mg/m3 dan xylena sebesar 0,00147+0,000063 mg/m3 sedangkan pada kantor administrasi konsentrasi tidak terdeteksi oleh alat (Method Detection Limit). Rata-rata risiko non karsinogenik (RQ) BTX pada petugas pintu tol lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan rata-rata RQ BTX petugas administrasi. Risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik dan karsinogenik belum menunjukkan adanya risiko kesehatan yang signifikan. Upaya pencegahan berupa pengelolaan manajemen risiko untuk pengendalian risiko bahan berbahaya di lingkungan perlu ditingkatkan. Kata Kunci: Pintu Tol, Benzena, Toulena, Xylena The researches of BTX (Benzene, Toluene and Xylene) related to the health impacts have been done and published in any publications. One of the risk groups is toll gate's workers who have been exposed every day with BTX. The design of this study is cross-sectional with Environmental Health Risk Analysis to determine the magnitude of health risks of BTX on the toll gate. The results showed at the toll workers's respondents have benzene concentration 0.00167+0.000056 mg/m3, toluene 0.00124+0.000049 mg/m3 and xylene 0.00147+0,000063 mg/m3 respectively, while in the administrative office's respondents, BTX was undetectable (Minimum Detection Limit). The average RQ of toll gate respondents was significantly higher than administrative office's respondents. In conclusion, the risk of all workers have the RQ ≀ 1. Non carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks to all toll gate's workers recently have not shown any risk yet. Nevertheless, risk management system should be developed and improved

    Karakteristik Risiko Kesehatan Non Karsinogen pada Remaja Siswa Akibat Pajanan Inhalasi Debu Particulate Matter

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    Peningkatan kendaraan transportasi menyebabkan pencemaran udara.PM2,5 polutan utama memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kesehatan non karsinogen. Kondisi cekungan Bandung menyebabkan polutan terperangkap karena penyebaran polutan terhambat. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis risiko kesehatan pada remaja siswa SMPN 16 Bandung akibat pajanan inhalasi PM2,5 di lingkungan sekolah. Desain studi Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL). Pengukuran konsentrasi PM2,5 dilakukan pada 10 titik menggunakan Haz Dust EPAM 5000. Sampel siswa kelas VIII sebanyak 66 siswa yang dipilih secara acak. Rata-rata konsentrasi PM2,5 sebesar (29,34 ”g/m3), masih di bawah nilai baku mutu menurut PP Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 (65 ”g/Nm3). Adanya peningkatan Intake realtime, 3 tahun dan 12 tahun secara berturut-turut 7.53x10-5, 1.25x10-4, 5.02x10-4mg/kg/hari. Intake PM2,5 tinggi pada siswa dengan berat badan rendah dibandingkan dengan siswa dengan berat badan yang besar. Estimasi risiko kesehatan dinyatakan sebagai risk quotient(RQ) yang dihitung dari rata-rata intake pajanan PM2,5 terhadap siswa dan dosis referensi (RfC),RQ>1 menunjukkan risiko perlu dikendalikan. Hasil analisis dengan durasi pajanan realtime, 3 tahun, dan 12 tahun menunjukkan batas aman terhadap pajanan PM2,5 (RQ < 1). Secara keseluruhan siswa kelas VIII tidak berisiko terhadap pajanan inhlasi PM2,5 di Lingkungan sekolah

    Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Pajanan Pm10 pada Pekerja Industri Readymix PT. X Plant Kebon Nanas Jakarta Timur

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    Pajanan agen risiko kesehatan dari lingkungan kerja berdampak pada timbulnya risiko penyakit akibat kerja sehingga pekerja menjadi tidak produktif. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengestimasi risiko kesehatan dari pajanan agen risiko berupa PM10 dari lingkungan kerja, sebuah penelitian analisis risiko telah dilakukan pada 70 orang pekerja industri readymix PT. X Plant Kebon Nanas. Risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan PM10 dihitung dengan membandingkan asupan PM10 dengan dosis referensi. Konsentrasi PM10 diukur pada 6 titik dengan konsentrasi rata-ratayaitu 0,289 mg/m3.Perhitungan risiko yang diterima saat ini (realtime) terdapat 21,4% pekerja yang berada dalam kategori berisiko. Hasil estimasi risiko yang diterima seumur hidup (lifetime) hanya 2 orang pekerja yang dalam kategori tidak berisiko. Manajemen risiko yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menurunkan konsentrasi menjadi 0,08 mg/m3. Dengan konsentrasi tersebut pekerja diestimasikan aman bekerja selama 11 jam per hari dan 362 hari per tahun

    Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure Effects Toward Inhibition of Blood Cholinesterase Activity Among Vegetable Farmers. Organophosphate Pesticides Can Inhibit Blood Cholinesterase in Human Body

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    This study aimed to find relationship between length of exposure of organophosphate pesticides with cholinesterase enzyme activity in the farmers&rsquo; blood. The study was conducted at the Joint Farmers Group in Kelurahan Campang year 2009 using crosssectional study design and sampling by the simple random sampling method (56 respondents). Data collection was carried out by interview and blood cholinesterase was measured using the Livibond Cholinesterase Test Kit AF267. Results showed that 100% farmers were poisoned, with 71.4% suffer from light-over-exposure and 28.6% moderateover exposure. Bivariate test analysis using chi-square test showed that there are no statistically significant relationship between the length of exposure (year of working as pesticide farmer, spraying time per week, and the last time spraying) with poisoning level (over-exposure probable and serious-over exposure). It takes the role of government to&nbsp;educate and trained farmers how to use pesticide safely and the importance of personal protective equipment to reduce the&nbsp;poisoning level

    Hubungan Kondisi Rumah dan Kepadatan Lalat di Sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah

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    Background: People who live in a poor condition of house or in a bad environment quality can attract flies to thrive and transmit disease. In the protection against disease, the house should have safe and clean facilities and being prevented from vector that has role in transmitting the disease, such as housefly. Residential area in Cipayung village, especially around final waste disposal (TPA) Cipayung, Depok with a radius of 200 meters from the landfill of final waste disposal has the potential to become perching place of housefly, because of flight range of housefly can reach around 200-1000 meters. Method: This research is done by a cross sectional study design that aims to determine relation between house condition with the density of housefly. Results: The results showed that there was no significant relation between house criteria with housefly density inside house with p-value 0.659 (OR 0.7; 95% CI: 0.136 to 3.920), however there is a significant relation between house criteria with housefly density outside house, house with unhealthy house criteria has risk 4.2 times higher houseflies density rather than house with healthy house criteria p-value 0.011, (OR 4.273; 95% CI: 1.414 -12.909). Conclusion: Housefly control can be executed through making healthy housing and environmental

    Tingkat Keamanan Konsumsi Residu Karbamat dalam Buah dan Sayur Menurut Analisis Pascakolom Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi

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    Karbamat merupakan salah satu jenis pestisida yang banyak digunakan untuk membasmi hama buah dan sayur. Untuk menentukan bahwa residu karbamat dalam sayuran masih aman dikonsumsi manusia, telah dilakukan analisis beberapa residu karbamat seperti metomil, karbaril, karbofuran, dan propoksur. Sampel-sampel tomat, apel, selada air, kubis, dan sawi hijau dikumpulkan dari tiga supermarket dan satu pasar tradisional di Depok, Jawa Barat. Analisis dilakukan serempak untuk ke empat residu karbamat menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi denganpereaksi o-ftalaldehida dan 2-merkaptoetanol dalam reaktor pascakolom dengan detektor fluoresensi. Dari sampel-sampel buah dan sayur yang dianalisis, hanya sawi hijau asal pasar tradisional yang positif mengandung propoksur dengan kadar 1,2 mg/25 gram berat basah (0,048 mg/g berat basah). Dengan Acceptable Daily Intake(ADI) propoksur 0,005 mg/kg berat badan/hari, konsumsi sawi hijau harian seberat 20 g/hari masih cukup aman dari gangguan kesehatan akibat pajanan kronik propoksur dengan margin of safety 298,7 (> 100 sebagai batas aman).Carbamat is a group of pesticides which is commonly used to control fruits and vegetables pests. To determine that carbamat residues in fruits and vegetables are safe for human consumption, carbamate residues such as methomyl, carbaryl, carbofuran, and propoxur in vegetables and fruits have been analyzed. Samples of tomato, apple, water lettuces, cabbage, and mustard greens were collected from three supermarkets and one traditional market in Depok, West Java. The analysis was carried out simultaneously for all four carbamate residues by high performance liquid chromatography using o-phtaladehyde and 2 mercaptoethanol reagents in post-column reactor with a fluorescence detector. Of fruits and vegetable samples analyzed, only mustard greens from traditional market positively containe propoxur at 1.2 mg/ 25 gram wet weight (0,048 mg/gram wet weight). With Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 0.005 mg/kg body weight/day, mustard greens consumption of 20 g/day is safe from adverse health effect from chronic exposure to propoxur with Margin of Safety of 298.7 (> 100 as safe limit)

    Persepsi Ibu Balita terhadap Vaksinasi MR di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Beji: Alasan Penolakan dan Penerimaan

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    Maternal perceptions of MR vaccination in work area of Puskesmas Beji: explanations of reasons for and againts Purpose: Data from the Ministry of Health shows that as of October 2018, the coverage of MR vaccination nationally still has not reached the target. Depok is one of the cities that has not reached the target. This is due to the rejection of the child's parents. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out how the mother's perception and find out the reasons for acceptance and rejection of MR vaccination. Method: This research is a qualitative study with 23 informants consisting of mothers of children under five (mothers agree and disagree), cadres, midwives, and heads of Puskesmas uses Focus Group Discusion and In-depth Interview. Results: The results of this study found that for knowledge, mothers who agreed were mostly know about MR vaccination, while most mothers who did not agree admitted that they did not know. Whereas for perceptions, most of the mothers who disagree have a negative perception of MR vaccination, while most mothers who agree have positive perceptions of MR vaccination. There are also various reasons why mothers accept or refuse MR vaccination. Conclusion: Mother's perception of MR vaccination is one of the causes of rejection, resulting in MR vaccination coverage in Depok not yet reaching the national target