3 research outputs found

    The unusual lightcurve of 1990 TR

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    Amor asteroid 1990 TR was monitored during three nights shortly after discovery. Obtained lightcurves did not reveal a repeatable curve with two maxima and two minima. However, some features suggest periodicity, and a synodic rotational period P = 6.25 hours was determined. Individual and composite lightcurves are presented. The colors are best represented by the class S

    Physical studies of small asteroids and cometary cores

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    The main goal of the research is to carry on an extensive study of physical properties (colors and variability) of asteroids in the 1 to 10 km diameter range and of cometary cores, with the use of a charge coupled device (CCD) camera, PMT photometer, or both. Particular attention is paid to asteroids being observed by radar because the greatest gain is found from the combination of radar results with the data obtained by optical techniques. To satisfy the goal, 100 nights/year have been scheduled on the 2.3 m and 1.5 m telescopes. During the past 2 years small asteroids were observed. Out of 22 asteroids for which periods of rotation could be precisely measured, 17 have periods of rotation less than 5 hours. This indicates that small objects rotate faster. By now researchers know 14 asteroids with rotation periods in the 2 hour range. At the same time they confirmed the existence of a number of exceptionally slow rotators e.g., 1367 Nongoma with P = 5.65 days. Taxonomic observations lead to a conclusion that Apollo, Amor, and Aten asteroids represent a variety of classes and are not predominantly of class S. Apollo asteroid 3361 Orpheus was found to belong to the rare class V. In collaboration with Dr A. Harris of JPL the opposition effect was studied for 30 Urania and 64 Angelina. Seven comets: P/Helin, P/Brooks 2, P/Klemola, P/Borrelly, Wilson (1986 1) and Shoemaker (1987 o) were monitored for variability. The results were negative with the exception of P/Brooks 2 for which 0.35 mag amplitude was detected

    Physical studies of small asteroids and cometary nuclei

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    Photoelectric and CCD photometry of small asteroids in the 0.5-25 km diameter range and cometary cores are discussed. It is to reconcile the observed physical properties of those bodies with models and laboratory experiments. As there is an inevitable spread between the laboratory scale and the real asteroid scale, the observations of smaller bodies offer us a natural laboratory to serve as an intermediate link between experimental sizes and real ones. Whenever possible, UBVWX color are obtained to define taxonomic classes