88 research outputs found

    Impact of exercise on articular cartilage in people at risk of, or with established, knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials

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    This project is supported by a European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN; KNEEMO) under grant agreement number 607510.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Mitbestimmung aus personalwirtschaftlicher und rechtstheoretischer Sicht

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    Der Aufsatz referiert den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Mitbestimmung in Betrieben. So werden im ersten Abschnitt zwei personalwirtschaftliche Arbeiten vorgestellt: (1) 'Die Institution Betriebsrat aus personalwirtschaftlicher Sicht' (2005) von M. Müller sowie (2) 'Human Resource Management, Personalauswahl und Theorien industrieller Beziehungen. Interaktionskulturen aus einer Negotiated Order-Perspektive' (2005) von S. König. Der zweite Abschnitt präsentiert zwei juristische Arbeiten, die sich mit den Fragen betrieblicher Mitbestimmung bzw. mit der Regulation von Arbeit jenseits des dualen Systems auseinandersetzen: (1) A. Höland u.a. (Hrsg.), 'Arbeitnehmermitwirkung in einer sich globalisierenden Arbeitswelt. Employee Involvement in a Globalising World' (2005) und W. Kohte u.a. (Hrsg.), 'Arbeitsrecht im sozialen Dialog. Festschrift für Hellmut Wissmann zum 65. Geburtstag' (2005). Die Auswertung der neueren personalwirtschaftlichen Arbeiten zeigt, dass sich personalökonomische Analysen einen festen Platz in der Mitbestimmungsdebatte erobert haben und - insofern sie nicht unterkomplexe theoretische Konzepte verwenden - das Verständnis für die Wirkungen von Mitbestimmung erhöhen. Die Art und Weise, wie diese Wirkungen zustande kommen, entschlüsseln eher organisationssoziologische Ansätze, insbesondere wenn quantitative und qualitative Methoden in der Umsetzung Verwendung finden. Sie analysieren die praktizierten Interaktionen und sozialen Beziehungen im Betrieb und können so die Politikhaltigkeit von Organisationen und Repräsentationsproblemen aufgreifen. Die in die Besprechung einbezogenen rechtstheoretischen Arbeiten erhöhen das Verständnis von Mitbestimmung insbesondere dann, wenn sie sozialwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in ihre Überlegungen einbeziehen. (ICG2

    Industrielle Beziehungen als "negotiated order"

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    "Die 'negotiated order theory' stellt rekursiv verknüpfte, in Kontexte eingebettete, macht(a)symmetrische Aus- und Verhandlungsprozesse in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Argumentation. Dabei trägt sie der Bedeutung von Strukturen und von Akteuren, Interessendivergenzen zwischen diesen sowie der Geschichte der Interaktionsbeziehung Rechnung. In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, dass sie auch bei der Analyse industrieller Beziehungen über eine angemessene Erklärungskraft verfügt. Am Beispiel der Unternehmungsvernetzung und Konzernbildung im Einzelhandel wird demonstriert, dass diese Theorie den Wandel von Strukturen erfassen und theoretisch begründete, praktische Hinweise für Management und Interessenvertretung geben kann. In konzeptioneller Weiterentwicklung der 'negotiated order theory' wird dafür plädiert, stärker die Akteurskonstellation und zugleich neue Akteure industrieller Beziehungen mittels einer Kombination mit bestimmten Ansätzen der neoinstitutionalistischen Organisationssoziologie zu berücksichtigen. Damit gelingt eine erweiterte Analyse der Regulation von Arbeit und die Entkopplung von einem bestimmten historischen Modell industrieller Beziehungen." (Autorenreferat)"The negotiated order theory is cantered around the idea that bargaining is asymmetrical, that it takes place in specific contexts, and that it is a repeated process. It takes into account the influence of both structures and actors, their interest divergences and the history of their interaction. In this paper it is shown that the negotiated order theory has explanatory power in the analysis of industrial relations. Taking the example of the growth of inter-firm networks and conglomerates in retailing it is used to analyze the structural changes and it is used to provide theoretically grounded practical hints for management and worker representatives. In a further development of the argument, the authors show the need to take account of the construction and emergence of new actors in industrial relations. This requires a link with certain approaches of neoinstitutional organizational sociology. This combination broadens our analysis of the regulation of labour uncoupling it from a particular historical model of industrial relations." (author's abstract

    Arbeitsregulation in Projektnetzwerken: eine strukturationstheoretische Analyse

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    "Projektbasierte Industrien erfahren heute große Aufmerksamkeit. Wie in diesen Industrien die Arbeit reguliert ist, ist bislang relativ wenig untersucht. Greifen in diesen Industrien die traditionellen Formen der Arbeitsregulation oder haben sich in ihnen neue Formen herausgebildet? Wir untersuchen diese Fragen empirisch in der deutschen Fernsehproduktion, einer projektbasierten Industrie par excellence, die zudem von einer besonderen Form von Unternehmungsnetzwerk gekennzeichnet ist, dem Projektnetzwerk. Wir zeigen, dass Arbeit auch jenseits der Inseln der Regulation im traditionellen Sinne kollektiv reguliert wird. Institutionen wie Professionen und Sozialsysteme wie Projektnetzwerke, Regionen und Industrien sind in der Fernsehindustrie die Basis von kollektiven Regulationen von Arbeit. Gleichwohl besitzen diese Arbeitsregulationen eine andere Qualität als die im dualen System, sind segmentiert und fragmentiert. Theoretisch präsentieren wir ein strukturationstheoretisches Konzept kollektiver Arbeitsregulation (in Projektnetzwerken)." (Autorenreferat)"Project-based industries receive more and more attention today. However, we know very little about labour regulation in these industries. Are traditional methods of employment regulation still relevant in these industries or do they display non-traditional forms of employment regulation? We examine these questions using, as an example, the German television production industry with its special form of inter-firm network, the project network. We show that forms of collective employment regulation do exist beyond the islands of regulation in the traditional sense. Institutions like professions and social systems as project networks, regions, and the industry are the basis of collective employment regulation. However, they exhibit a different nature as compared with dual system, and are segmented and fragmented. Theoretically, we present a structurationist concept of collective employment regulation (in project networks)." (author's abstract

    Mitbestimmte Netzwerkbildung: der Fall eineraußergewöhnlichen Dienstleistungsunternehmung

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    "Mit der Unternehmungsvernetzung geht in der Regel ein grundlegender Wandel industrieller Beziehungen einher. In dieser Intensivfallstudie wird ein innovatives Modell der Mitbestimmung im Unternehmungsnetzwerk porträtiert, mit dem die Risiken der Vernetzung für die Interessenvertretung und die Beschäftigten zum Teil aufgehoben werden. Dieses Modell, bei dem arbeits- und sozialpolitische Standards über die fokale Unternehmung in das Unternehmungsnetzwerk 'exportiert' werden, um zugleich den Interessen der Beschäftigten und den markt- und produktionsökonomischen Erfordernissen zu entsprechen, wird als mitbestimmte Netzwerkbildung bezeichnet. Aus einer strukturationstheoretischen Perspektive wird nach den sozialen Praktiken der mitbestimmten Netzwerkbildung, ihren Problemen und nach der Übertragbarkeit auf andere Unternehmungen gefragt. Die empirischen Daten wurden im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts vor allem mittels 37 leitfadengestützter Interviews mit Managern, Betriebsräten und Gewerkschaftssekretären erhoben." (Autorenreferat)"The evolution of inter-firm networks can lead to a fundamental change in the industrial relations. In this case study we describe an innovative model of codetermination in an inter-firm network which can be described as codetermined inter-firm networking. It ensures that most of the risks of inter-firm networking for employees, works councils and trade unions are avoided because labour standards of the core firm are 'exported' into the network to meet the interests of the workers and to fulfill the economic requirements. We investigate the characteristics of this new industrial relations practice and its problems. Furthermore we want to know if it provides a model for other firms. The empirical data were gathered as part of a broader research project mostly by 37 semi-structured interviews with managers, works council members and trade union officials." (author's abstract

    Moderate physical activity may prevent cartilage loss in women with knee osteoarthritis : data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

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    All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at http://www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf and declare: data acquisition in this study was funded by the Osteoarthritis Initiative, a public–private partnership comprised of five contracts (N01-AR-2-2258; N01-AR-2-2259;N01-AR-2-2260; N01-AR-2-2261; N01-AR-2-2262) funded by the National Institutes of Health, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, and conducted by the Osteoarthritis Initiative study Investigators. Private funding partners of the OAI include Merck Research Laboratories, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, GlaxoSmithKline, and Pfizer, Inc. Private sector funding for the Osteoarthritis Initiative is managed by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health. The image analysis in this study was partly funded by the FNIH OA Biomarkers Consortium, with grants, direct and in -kind contributions, provided by: AbbVie; Amgen Inc.; Arthritis Foundation; Bioiberica S.A.; DePuy Mitek, Inc.; Flexion Therapeutics, Inc.; GlaxoSmithKline; Merck KGaA; Rottapharm | Madaus; Sanofi; and Stryker. Other parts of funding were provided by a direct grant from Merck KGaA, by a contract with the University of Pittsburgh (Pivotal OAI MRI Analyses [POMA]: NIH/NHLBI Contract No. HHSN2682010000 21C), by a vendor contract from the OAI coordinating center at University of California, San Francisco (N01-AR-2-2258), and by an ancillary study to the OAI held by the Division of Rheumatology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University (R01 AR52918). This research has also received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN; KNEEMO) under grant agreement number 607510. AGC is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Early Career Fellowship (Neil Hamilton Fairley Clinical Fellowship No.1121173). The sponsors were not involved in the design and conduct of this particular study, in the analysis and interpretation of the data, and in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Helix 8 is the essential structural motif of mechanosensitive GPCRs

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    G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are versatile cellular sensors for chemical stimuli, but also serve as mechanosensors involved in various (patho)physiological settings like vascular regulation, cardiac hypertrophy and preeclampsia. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying mechanically induced GPCR activation have remained elusive. Here we show that mechanosensitive histamine H-1 receptors (H(1)Rs) are endothelial sensors of fluid shear stress and contribute to flow-induced vasodilation. At the molecular level, we observe that H(1)Rs undergo stimulus-specific patterns of conformational changes suggesting that mechanical forces and agonists induce distinct active receptor conformations. GPCRs lacking C-terminal helix 8 (H8) are not mechanosensitive, and transfer of H8 to non-responsive GPCRs confers, while removal of H8 precludes, mechanosensitivity. Moreover, disrupting H8 structural integrity by amino acid exchanges impairs mechanosensitivity. Altogether, H8 is the essential structural motif endowing GPCRs with mechanosensitivity. These findings provide a mechanistic basis for a better understanding of the roles of mechanosensitive GPCRs in (patho)physiology

    Repeated exposure to transient obstructive sleep apnea-related conditions causes an atrial fibrillation substrate in a chronic rat model

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    Background High night-to-night variability in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with atrial fibrillation (AF). Obstructive apneas are characterized by intermittent deoxygenation-reoxygenation and intrathoracic pressure swings during ineffective inspiration against occluded upper airways. Objective We elucidated the effect of repeated exposure to transient OSA conditions simulated by intermittent negative upper airway pressure (INAP) on the development of an AF substrate. Methods INAP (48 events/4 h; apnea-hypopnea index 12 events/h) was applied in sedated spontaneously breathing rats (2% isoflurane) to simulate mild-to-moderate OSA. Rats without INAP served as a control group (CTR). In an acute test series (ATS), rats were either killed immediately (n = 9 per group) or after 24 hours of recovery (ATS-REC: n = 5 per group). To simulate high night-to-night variability in OSA, INAP applications (n = 10; 24 events/4 h; apnea-hypopnea index 6/h) were repeated every second day for 3 weeks in a chronic test series (CTS). Results INAP increased atrial oxidative stress acutely, represented in decreases of reduced to oxidized glutathione ratio (ATS: INAP: 0.33 ± 0.05 vs CTR: 1 ± 0.26; P = .016), which was reversible after 24 hours (ATS-REC: INAP vs CTR; P = .274). Although atrial oxidative stress did not accumulate in the CTS, atrial histological analysis revealed increased cardiomyocyte diameters, reduced connexin 43 expression, and increased interstitial fibrosis formation (CTS: INAP 7.0% ± 0.5% vs CTR 5.1% ± 0.3%; P = .013), which were associated with longer inducible AF episodes (CTS: INAP: 11.65 ± 4.43 seconds vs CTR: 0.7 ± 0.33 seconds; P = .033). Conclusion Acute simulation of OSA was associated with reversible atrial oxidative stress. Cumulative exposure to these transient OSA-related conditions resulted in AF substrates and was associated with increased AF susceptibility. Mild-to-moderate OSA with high night-to-night variability may deserve intensive management to prevent atrial substrate development

    Hybrid selection for sequencing pathogen genomes from clinical samples

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    We have adapted a solution hybrid selection protocol to enrich pathogen DNA in clinical samples dominated by human genetic material. Using mock mixtures of human and Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite DNA as well as clinical samples from infected patients, we demonstrate an average of approximately 40-fold enrichment of parasite DNA after hybrid selection. This approach will enable efficient genome sequencing of pathogens from clinical samples, as well as sequencing of endosymbiotic organisms such as Wolbachia that live inside diverse metazoan phyla

    Impact of hormonal therapy on the detection of promoter hypermethylation of the detoxifying glutathione-S-transferase P1 gene (GSTP1) in prostate cancer

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    BACKGROUND: In spite of excellent cure rates for prostate cancer patients with favorable tumor characteristics, patients with unfavorable characteristics after radical prostatectomy are still at a significantly increased risk of tumor progression. Early adjuvant hormonal therapy (AHT) has been shown to be of prognostic benefit in these patients. Unfortunately initiation and duration of early AHT in the individual patient is based on statistic data. PSA, as the standard prostate marker is neither able to reliably indicate minimal residual tumor disease in the early postoperative phase, nor can it be used for therapy monitoring due to the suppressive effect of hormonal therapy on PSA production. Promoter hypermethylation of the detoxifying glutathione-S-transferase P1 gene (GSTP1-HM) has been shown to be the most common DNA alteration of primary prostatic carcinoma which, when used as a marker, is supposed to be able to overcome some of the disadvantages of PSA. However until now information on the impact of hormonal therapy on the detection of GSTP1-HM is lacking. The purpose of our study was to assess the impact of endocrine therapy on the detection of GSTP1-HM by methylation-specific PCR (MSP) in prostate cancer. METHODS: Paraffin embedded tumor samples from the radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens from 15 patients after hormonal therapy (HT) (mean 8 months) were assessed by MSP. In 8 of the patients the GSTP-1 status of the tumors before HT was assessed on the corresponding initial diagnostic biopsies. RESULTS: Following HT MSP showed GSTP1-HM in 13/15 of the RP specimens. In two patients analysis of the RP specimens failed to show GSTP1-HM. All initial tumor samples (8/8 biopsy specimens) showed GSTP1-HM, including both patients negative for GSTP1 HM in the corresponding RP specimen. CONCLUSION: In most cases hormonal therapy appears to not alter GSTP1 HM detection. However the change from a positive to a negative GSTP1 HM status in a subset of the patients may point to an, at least partial androgen dependency. Further studies on a larger cohort of patients are necessary to assess its frequency and the exact hormonal interactions