39 research outputs found

    Games for/with strangers - captive orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus) touch screen play

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    2014-2015 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Strategi Komunikasi Satuan Lalu Lintas (Sat Lantas) Kepolisian Resort Kota (Polresta) Pekanbaru dalam Mensosialisasikan “Safety Riding”

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    The level of traffic violations in Pekanbaru increasingly rising. Traffic violations consist of 21493 was given a speeding ticket and 6713 given a reprimand in 2014, whereas in 2015 increased significantly, namely; 11403 27 788 was given a speeding ticket and given a reprimand against violators of traffic in the city of Pekanbaru. In an effort to reduce abuse and raise public awareness of Pekanbaru in driving safe, orderly and peaceful course, is inseparable from the role of communication a more active and effective. The strategy used by the Satuan Lalu Lintas (Sat Lantas) Kota Pekanbaru include preventive strategy being pursued is to disseminate "Safety Riding" through publications in mass media, electronic and print media. This research using qualitative descriptive methods and data collection techniques are grouped by the fact the field through observation, interviews and documentation. Informants in this study consists of 4 people who were taken by purposive sampling technique. Interactive data analysis model the author uses to describe the results of research into techniques for data analysis and data validity checking researchers used a technique extension of participation and triangulation. The results showed that the communication strategy Satuan Lalu Lintas (Sat Lantas) Kota Pekanbaru targeted in disseminating Safety Riding is the entire community of Pekanbaru which have private vehicles, especially two-wheelers and the placement of the target is divided into five segments. Groups of institutions / agencies, groups of motorcycle clubs, youth groups, children and the general public. After the use of the media are divided into media groups and the mass media so that it can reach the whole community. The contents of the message delivered by the Satuan Lalu Lintas (Sat Lantas) Kota Pekanbaru are persuasive message, educative and informative. In doing various activities to socialize Safety Riding. Strategy communicator doing by Satuan Lalu Lintas (Sat Lantas) Kota Pekanbaru by selecting a few volunteers as extended of Satuan Lalu Lintas (Sat Lantas) Kota Pekanbaru to socialize Safety Riding to the public but not in all segments, only the segment motorcycle club, child, and teenagers

    Fenomena Komunikasi Female Disc Jockey di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Female Disc Jockey becomes a phenomenon that thriving nowadays. Female Disc Jockey comes from different circle such student and even housewife. Until now the phenomenon of Female Disc Jockey is getting more develop marked by increasing the number of their performance on many event such night club in Pekanbaru. On their performance they often wearing sexy clothes. Meanwhile their work place is close to some kind of negative such alcohol, drugs, freesex and led to a negative stigma from many people. This research aims to find out motives, meaning, and communication experiences of Female Disc jockey In Pekanbaru.This study uses qualitative research with phenomenological approach. The subject of this research is consist of five Female Disc Jockeys in Pekanbaru who has been chosen using the snowball technique. This study used data collection techniques observation, depth interviews, and documentation. To achieve the validity of the data, researcher used the extension of participation, triangulation, and adequacy of reference.The results showed first, the motive of Female Disc Jockey in Pekanbaru consists of Because motive that is hobby, trend, intercourse milieu, and fad. While in order to motive which is popularity, recognized by citizen, and parent support. The second, meanings given by Female Disc Jockey is as an experience, fun job, and way of life. The third, communication experience categorized into two, pleasant communication experience in form of support and acceptance of family, sense of comfort toward work environment of Disc Jockey, and support and aceptance from the surrounding environment. And unpleasant communication experience form are prevention or risistance from family, harassment and sense of uncomfort toward activities on work environment of Disc Jockey, and insults, bad perspective, and also unfriendly aceptance from the surrounding environment such intercourse milieu, social networking sites and neighborhood

    Korelasi kadar endothelin-1 darah tali pusat dan kerusakan vaskular plasenta pada pertumbuhan janin terhambat

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    Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan kadar Endothelin- 1 (ET-1) darah tali pusat pada a.Umbilikalis bayi PJT dan normal serta korelasi antara kadar ET-1 dengan kerusakan vaskular plasenta. Tempat: Instalasi Gawat Darurat Obstetri Ginekologi Lantai III RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Rancangan/rumusan data: Studi potong lintang. Bahan dan cara kerja: Enam puluh empat subjek, masing-masing 32 orang untuk kelompok kasus (bayi PJT) dan 32 orang kelompok bayi normal dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar ET-1 darah tali pusat (a.Umbilikalis) dengan metoda ELISA dan perbedaan rerata kadar ET-1 tersebut akan diuji secara statistik. Sampel plasenta dari seluruh subjek penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi dan berdasarkan kriteria Salafia. Hasil: Rerata berat lahir bayi pada kelompok PJT lebih rendah dibandingkan rerata kelompok kontrol (1.843 ± 364,4 vs 3.162,5 ± 327,3 gram, p = 0,000). Perbedaan bermakna secara statistik antara kelompok PJT dan kontrol juga diperoleh dari rerata kadar ET-1 8,15 ± 2,7 vs 5,6 ± 1,7 pg/ml, p = 0,000, skor Salafia 6,78 ± 1,7 vs 3,41 ± 1,4, p = 0,000 dan berat plasenta 344,4 ± 81,9 vs 460,16 ± 70,9 gram, p = 0,000. Korelasi antara kadar ET-1 dengan skor Salafia diperoleh nilai p = 0,01 yang berarti terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara kedua variabel dengan nilai korelasi 0,395, menunjukkan bahwa korelasinya positif dengan kekuatan yang lemah. Antara kadar ET-1 dengan berat lahir bayi terdapat korelasi yang bermakna dengan nilai korelasinya adalah -0,479 menunjukkan korelasi negatif berarti makin tinggi kadar ET-1 makin rendah berat lahir bayi. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kadar ET-1 darah tali pusat antara bayi PJT dan normal di mana kadar pada PJT lebih tinggi, demikian juga skor Salafia antara kedua kelompok. Ditemukan korelasi positif yang lemah antara kadar ET-1 dan skor Salafia sedangkan antara kadar ET-1 dan berat lahir bayi terdapat korelasi negatif sedang. [Maj Obstet Ginekol Indones 2008; 32-3: 123-30] Kat

    Studi Tentang Administrasi Publik

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    Why the commons? Thinking design social, design economies and, design making

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    The seminar is organized by PolyU Design, co-organized by Cubic, Research Network & Department of Applied Social Science, Hong Kong Polytechnic University201803 bcrcVersion of RecordPublishe

    Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945

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