24 research outputs found

    Randomizing scalar multiplication using exact covering systems of congruences

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    A covering system of congruences can be defined as a set of congruence relations of the form: {r1(modm1),r2(modm2),…,rt(modmt)}\{r_1 \pmod{m_1}, r_2 \pmod{m_2}, \dots, r_t \pmod{m_t}\} for m1,…,mt∈Nm_1, \dots, m_t \in \N satisfying the property that for every integer kk in Z\Z, there exists at least an index i∈{1,…,t}i \in \{1, \dots, t\} such that k≡ri(modmi)k \equiv r_i \pmod{m_i}. First, we show that most existing scalar multiplication algorithms can be formulated in terms of covering systems of congruences. Then, using a special form of covering systems called exact nn-covers, we present a novel uniformly randomized scalar multiplication algorithm that may be used to counter differential side-channel attacks, and more generally physical attacks that require multiple executions of the algorithm. This algorithm can be an alternative to Coron\u27s scalar blinding technique for elliptic curves, in particular when the choice of a particular finite field tailored for speed compels to use a large random factor

    Randomized Mixed-Radix Scalar Multiplication

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    A covering system of congruences can be defined as a set of congruence relations of the form: {r1(modm1),r2(modm2),…,rt(modmt)}\{r_1 \pmod{m_1}, r_2 \pmod{m_2}, \dots, r_t \pmod{m_t}\} for m1,…,mt∈Nm_1, \dots, m_t \in \mathbb{N} satisfying the property that for every integer kk in Z\mathbb{Z}, there exists at least an index i∈{1,…,t}i \in \{1, \dots, t\} such that k≡ri(modmi)k \equiv r_i \pmod{m_i}. First, we show that most existing scalar multiplication algorithms can be formulated in terms of covering systems of congruences. Then, using a special form of covering systems called exact \mbox{nn-covers}, we present a novel uniformly randomized scalar multiplication algorithm with built-in protections against various types of side-channel attacks. This algorithm can be an alternative to Coron\u27s scalar blinding technique for elliptic curves, in particular when the choice of a particular finite field tailored for speed compels to use a large random factor

    Securing Verified IO Programs Against Unverified Code in F*

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    We introduce SCIO*, a formally secure compilation framework for statically verified partial programs performing input-output (IO). The source language is an F* subset in which a verified program interacts with its IO-performing context via a higher-order interface that includes refinement types as well as pre- and post-conditions about past IO events. The target language is a smaller F* subset in which the compiled program is linked with an adversarial context that has an interface without refinement types, pre-conditions, or concrete post-conditions. To bridge this interface gap and make compilation and linking secure we propose a formally verified combination of higher-order contracts and reference monitoring for recording and controlling IO operations. Compilation uses contracts to convert the logical assumptions the program makes about the context into dynamic checks on each context-program boundary crossing. These boundary checks can depend on information about past IO events stored in the state of the monitor. But these checks cannot stop the adversarial target context before it performs dangerous IO operations. Therefore linking in SCIO* additionally forces the context to perform all IO actions via a secure IO library, which uses reference monitoring to dynamically enforce an access control policy before each IO operation. We prove in F* that SCIO* soundly enforces a global trace property for the compiled verified program linked with the untrusted context. Moreover, we prove in F* that SCIO* satisfies by construction Robust Relational Hyperproperty Preservation, a very strong secure compilation criterion. Finally, we illustrate SCIO* at work on a simple web server example.Comment: POPL'24 camera-ready versio

    Coq Coq Correct! Verification of Type Checking and Erasure for Coq, in Coq

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    International audienceCoq is built around a well-delimited kernel that perfoms typechecking for definitions in a variant of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC). Although the metatheory of CIC is very stable and reliable, the correctness of its implementation in Coq is less clear. Indeed, implementing an efficient type checker for CIC is a rather complex task, and many parts of the code rely on implicit invariants which can easily be broken by further evolution of the code. Therefore, on average, one critical bug has been found every year in Coq. This paper presents the first implementation of a type checker for the kernel of Coq (without the module system and template polymorphism), which is proven correct in Coq with respect to its formal specification and axiomatisation of part of its metatheory. Note that because of Gödel's incompleteness theorem, there is no hope to prove completely the correctness of the specification of Coq inside Coq (in particular strong normalisation or canonicity), but it is possible to prove the correctness of the implementation assuming the correctness of the specification, thus moving from a trusted code base (TCB) to a trusted theory base (TTB) paradigm. Our work is based on the MetaCoq project which provides metaprogramming facilities to work with terms and declarations at the level of this kernel. Our type checker is based on the specification of the typing relation of the Polymorphic, Cumulative Calculus of Inductive Constructions (PCUIC) at the basis of Coq and the verification of a relatively efficient and sound type-checker for it. In addition to the kernel implementation, an essential feature of Coq is the so-called extraction: the production of executable code in functional languages from Coq definitions. We present a verified version of this subtle type-and-proof erasure step, therefore enabling the verified extraction of a safe type-checker for Coq

    The Last Yard: Foundational End-to-End Verification of High-Speed Cryptography

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    The field of high-assurance cryptography is quickly maturing, yet a unified foundational framework for end-to-end formal verification of efficient cryptographic implementations is still missing. To address this gap, we use the Coq proof assistant to formally connect three existing tools: (1) the Hacspec emergent cryptographic specification language; (2) the Jasmin language for efficient, high-assurance cryptographic implementations; and (3) the SSProve foundational verification framework for modular cryptographic proofs. We first connect Hacspec with SSProve by devising a new translation from Hacspec specifications to imperative SSProve code. We validate this translation by considering a second, more standard translation from Hacspec to purely functional Coq code and automatically proving the equivalence of the code produced by the two translations. We further define a translation from Jasmin to SSProve, which allows us to formally reason in SSProve about efficient cryptographic implementations in Jasmin. We prove this translation correct in Coq with respect to Jasmin\u27s operational semantics. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by giving a foundational end-to-end Coq proof of an efficient AES implementation. For this case study we start from an existing Jasmin implementation of AES that makes use of hardware acceleration, prove its security using SSProve, and also that it conforms to a specification of the AES standard written in Hacspec

    SSProve: A Foundational Framework for Modular Cryptographic Proofs in Coq

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    State-separating proofs (SSP) is a recent methodology for structuring game-based cryptographic proofs in a modular way, by using algebraic laws to exploit the modular structure of composed protocols. While promising, this methodology was previously not fully formalized and came with little tool support. We address this by introducing SSProve, the first general verification framework for machine-checked state-separating proofs. SSProve combines high-level modular proofs about composed protocols, as proposed in SSP, with a probabilistic relational program logic for formalizing the lower-level details, which together enable constructing machine-checked cryptographic proofs in the Coq proof assistant. Moreover, SSProve is itself fully formalized in Coq, including the algebraic laws of SSP, the soundness of the program logic, and the connection between these two verification styles. To illustrate SSProve we use it to mechanize the simple security proofs of ElGamal and PRF-based encryption. We also validate the SSProve approach by conducting two more substantial case studies: First, we mechanize an SSP security proof of the KEM-DEM public key encryption scheme, which led to the discovery of an error in the original paper proof that has since been fixed. Second, we use SSProve to formally prove security of the sigma-protocol zero-knowledge construction, and we moreover construct a commitment scheme from a sigma-protocol to compare with a similar development in CryptHOL. We instantiate the security proof for sigma-protocols to give concrete security bounds for Schnorr\u27s sigma-protocol

    Extensionality of Ghost Dependent Types for Free

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    We introduce ghost type theory (GTT) a dependent type theory extended with a new universe for ghost data that can safely be erased when running a program but which is not proof irrelevant like with a universe of (strict) propositions. Instead, ghost data carry information that can be used in proofs or to discard impossible cases in relevant computations. Casts can be used to replace ghost values by others that are propositionally equal, but crucially these casts can safely be ignored for conversion. We give a syntactical model of GTT using a program translation akin to the parametricity translation and thus show consistency of the theory. We further extend GTT to support equality reflection and show that we can eliminate its use without the need for the usual extra axioms of function extensionality and uniqueness of identity proofs. In particular we validate the intuition that indices of inductive types such as the length index of vectors do not matter for computation and can safely be considered modulo theory

    A Restricted Version of Reflection Compatible with Univalent Homotopy Type Theory

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    International audienceWe present our work conducted on the relation between the different notions of equality in type theory, particularly in the setting of homotopy type theory. We offer a novel notion of restricted reflection that is still consistent in a univalent setting while allowing us to derive useful applications in the field of interactive proving

    The taming of the Rew: A type theory with computational assumptions

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    Dependently typed programming languages and proof assistants such as Agda and Coq rely on computation to automatically simplify expressions during type checking. To overcome the lack of certain programming primitives or logical principles in those systems, it is common to appeal to axioms to postulate their existence. However, one can only postulate the bare existence of an axiom, not its computational behaviour. Instead, users are forced to postulate equality proofs and appeal to them explicitly to simplify expressions, making axioms dramatically more complicated to work with than built-in primitives. On the other hand, the equality reflection rule from extensional type theory solves these problems by collapsing computation and equality, at the cost of having no practical type checking algorithm. This paper introduces Rewriting Type Theory (RTT), a type theory where it is possible to add computational assumptions in the form of rewrite rules. Rewrite rules go beyond the computational capabilities of intensional type theory, but in contrast to extensional type theory, they are applied automatically so type checking does not require input from the user. To ensure type soundness of RTT-as well as effective type checking-we provide a framework where confluence of user-defined rewrite rules can be checked modularly and automatically, and where adding new rewrite rules is guaranteed to preserve subject reduction. The properties of RTT have been formally verified using the MetaCoq framework and an implementation of rewrite rules is already available in the Agda proof assistant. </p

    Eliminating Reflection from Type Theory: To the Legacy of Martin Hofmann

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    International audienceType theories with equality reflection, such as extensional type theory (ETT), are convenient theories in which to formalise mathematics, as they make it possible to consider provably equal terms as convertible. Although type-checking is undecidable in this context, variants of ETT have been implemented, for example in NuPRL and more recently in Andromeda. The actual objects that can be checked are not proof-terms, but derivations of proof-terms. This suggests that any derivation of ETT can be translated into a typecheckable proof term of intensional type theory (ITT). However, this result, investigated categorically by Hofmann in 1995, and 10 years later more syntactically by Oury, has never given rise to an effective translation. In this paper, we provide the first syntactical translation from ETT to ITT with uniqueness of identity proofs and functional extensionality. This translation has been defined and proven correct in Coq and yields an executable plugin that translates a derivation in ETT into an actual Coq typing judgment. Additionally, we show how this result is extended in the context of homotopy to a two-level type theory