16 research outputs found


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    The Kebumen mangrove forest experienced a decline in ecological functions caused by the pollution of jellyfish processing waste around mangrove forests. Gastropods are biota associations of mangrove forests whose existence is influenced by environmental factors. This study aims to determine the community structure of gastropods in Mangrove Forest in Kebumen District. Sampling technique for mangrove and gastropod sampling. Gastropods found were 17 species, Ceritidhea alata, Ceritidhea quadrata, Telescopium telescopium, Neritina violacea, Neritina lineata, Neritina zigzag, Neritina albicilla, Neritina antiquata, Neritina turita, Vittina variegat, Cassidulla aurisfelis, Cassidulla nucleus, Littoraria carinifera, Assimenia bresvicula, Hastula sp, Pirenella cingulata, and Littoraria melanostoma. The highest density of gasropods are Ceritidhea alata and Neritina violacea. The pattern of distribution of majority gastropods is clustered.The Kebumen mangrove forest experienced a decline in ecological functions caused by the pollution of jellyfish processing waste around mangrove forests. Gastropods are biota associations of mangrove forests whose existence is influenced by environmental factors. This study aims to determine the community structure of gastropods in Mangrove Forest in Kebumen District. Sampling technique for mangrove and gastropod sampling. Gastropods found were 17 species, Ceritidhea alata, Ceritidhea quadrata, Telescopium telescopium, Neritina violacea, Neritina lineata, Neritina zigzag, Neritina albicilla, Neritina antiquata, Neritina turita, Vittina variegat, Cassidulla aurisfelis, Cassidulla nucleus, Littoraria carinifera, Assimenia bresvicula, Hastula sp, Pirenella cingulata, and Littoraria melanostoma. The highest density of gasropods are Ceritidhea alata and Neritina violacea. The pattern of distribution of majority gastropods is clustered

    Distribution pattern of gastropods and physical chemical factors in the Kebumen mangrove forest, Indonesia

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    The mangrove area in Kebumen, Indonesia, is polluted from the jellyfish processing industry waste, which affects the distribution pattern of gastropods. This research aims to determine the distribution pattern of gastropods and provide important information for indicators of mangrove ecosystems changes. This study took place in Kebumen District, Central Java Province, Indonesia, from June to September 2018. Three sampling points were selected: Station A (high mangrove density), Station B (moderate mangrove density), and Station C (low mangrove density). The sampling method used for gastropods was collection from plots of 5x5 m. All gastropods in a plot were collected by hand and extracted from a 10 cm deep layer using a corer with 3 replications for each station. The environmental parameters were determined in situ: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and substrate type. The distribution of gastropods in the Kebumen mangrove forest has a clustered and even pattern. The highest abundance of gastropod species was found in Station 1, Cerithidea alata (209±9 ind 25 m-2 ); in Station 2, Pirenella cingulata had the highest abundance (209±16 ind 25 m-2 ), and in Station 3, Neritina violacea was most abundant (202±17 ind 25 m-2 ). Physico-chemical factors that have a strong influence on gastropod density are water pH (6.92-7.93), dissolved oxygen (DO) (4.13-6.65 mg L-1 ), substrate type (dust, clay, and sand), and phosphorous concentration (0.25-0.33%

    Sosialisasi dan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Pada Anak-Anak Di Pesisir Pantai Teunom Aceh Jaya

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    Permasalahan yang umumnya muncul di Wilayah Pesisir adalah masalah gizi. Untuk mengatsi permasalahan gizi yang kurang pada anak-anak bisa dilakukan dengan pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT). Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah mengedukasi orang tua untuk pola asuh yang benar terutama untuk penanganan masalah gizi anak. Pemberian makanan tambahan bertujuan untuk memberikan contoh makanan tambahan yang tepat untuk diberikan kepada anak-anak. Metode yang dilakukan pada pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah sosialisasi pentingnya pemberian makanan tambahan kepada anak-anak dan pemberian makanan tambahan kepada anak-anak yang dilakukan di Pesisir Pantai Teunon Aceh Jaya. Hasil dari pengadbian kepada masyarakat adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan menambah ilmu orang tua mengenai manfaat pemberian makanan tambahan pada anak-anak

    Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda di Segara Anakan Cilacap Jawa Tengah

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    Ekosistem mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem paling produktif di dunia yang memiliki fungsi ekologi, ekonomi dan budaya. Mangrove memainkan peran penting dalam mempertahankan integritas biologis dan sumber daya ekosistem laut. Segara Anakan memiliki sedimentasi yang tinggi dan penebangan liar, hal ini dapat mempengaruhi kondisi biota yang hidup di kawasan tersebut. gastropoda di Segara Anakan yang terdiri dari 16 spesies dari 6 famili. Total kepadatan spesies tertinggi ditemukan untuk spesies Assiminea brevicula sebesar 83,33 individu/m2 sedangkan total kepadatan spesies terendah adalah spesies Neritina zigzag sebesar 2,10 individu/m2. spesies gastropoda yang ditemukan di Segara Anakan 14 spesies di antaranya memiliki pola distribusi tersebar rata dan 2 spesies dengan pola distribusi mengelompok


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    Mangrove in the ex-Tsunami Area have ability to stored carbon, with existing of mangrove forest so increasing of carbon emission in natural can be diminished. Therefore, mangrove habitat is a big storage of carbon (carbon sinks). Carbon sinks or carbon dioxyde sinks have a important role as a place for storing or absorbing carbon dioxyde gases that derived from earth atmosphere. The carbon that absorbed by mangrove will stored in biomass of tree. The amount of  such tree biomass will influenced carbon stock that stored in mangrove forest. The aim of this research is to known mangrove vegetation conditions to the ex-Tsunami in the West-South of Aceh Area. The research method that used is survey method. The sampling of mangrove vegetation that undertaken by using plot sampling method. The result showed the vegetation condition of mangrove forest in the ex-Tsunami Area were dominated by Rhizopora apiculata for seeds level. The pole level were dominated by Sonneratia alba.  Carbon stock that stored in mangrove vegetation in the Ex-Tsunami Area is 36,03 tonnes/ha in the West-South of Aceh

    Ability of Humic Acid in the Absorption of Heavy Metal Content of Lead and Iron in Fish Culture Media

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    The young coal mining pits (young pits) found in West Aceh cause many problems. These pits that form ponds have the potential to be utilized for aquaculture activities. However, the main problem faced in the young pits is the high content of heavy metals. This makes the ponds dangerous for fish farming. Hazardous heavy metals in coal mines are Pb and Fe. Humic acid is one of the materials that can be used to minimize heavy metals and increase water pH. The use of humic acid is more efficient because this technology is easy and cheap and the raw materials are abundant. Humic acid acts as a substance of cation exchange ability found in compost. This research has a long-term goal of making humic acid contained in compost as an alternative material that can minimize heavy metals Pb and Fe, so that it can be used for fish farming activities. The specific objective is to determine the best capacity (dose of humic acid) in minimizing heavy metals and increasing the pH of young pond water in former mines and its effect on fish farming. This research method used a completely randomized design consisting of one factor, namely the dose of humic acid (0 g/L, 2.5 g/L, 5 g/L, 7.5 g/L) and three replications. The results showed that humic acid was able to minimize the content of heavy metals Pb and Fe in coal mine water with the best dose of 5 g/L. The percentage reduction produced was more than 90%. The results of fish rearing using ex-mining pond water treated with humic acid showed that the survival rate and growth rate of fish were higher

    Nutritional Value Content in Mangrove Syrup From Sonneratia alba Fruit

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    Pedada fruit (Sonneratia alba) is a fruit of mangrove plants whose utilization can be improved through simple technology, namely the processing of Sonneratia alba fruit into syrup. Mangrove plants produce fruit that can be utilized as a processed beverage, one of which is Sonneratia alba fruit that has a sour taste and can be processed into fresh drinks in the form of mangrove syrup. The purpose of the study was to find out the nutritional value content of mangrove syrup from Sonneratia alba fruit. Research methods are experiments. We use proximal analysis, which includes tests on protein, fat, carbohydrate, and vitamin C. Proximal analysis is carried out at the organic chemistry laboratory, Faculty of MIPA Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. The results of our research show Processed mangrove syrup from Sonneratia alba fruit has nutritional content: protein 1.20%, fat 0.20%, carbohydrates 3.50%, and vitamin C 55.30%. Mangrove fruit from Sonneratia alba processed into syrup has a high nutritional and antioxidant value and is rich in fiber, which is good for healt

    Processing Coal Mine Acidic Water Using Nanofiltration Membrane in West Aceh

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    Acidic water from the coal mining pool has been polluted from the surrounding coal stockpile stocpile industry. Water quality in mining ponds can threaten the biota in it. During this time, coal mining pool water is widely used for daily needs of the surrounding community such as bathing, washing and even for drinking water. Over time it turns out that coal mine acidic water has been polluted. This problem needs to be sought a solution, one of which is required treatment technology to produce water quality that meets drinking water quality standards. This research tries to use NF270 membrane type Nanofiltration membrane technology to eliminate COD, TSS, TDS, and metal parameters (Fe, Mn). This research was conducted by analyzing the influence of pressure (4, 5, and 6 bar) on the flux and rejection rate of each in each parameter. The results of the study show the processed results as follows; Turbidity, Color, COD, TSS, TDS, Fe and Mn at pressures 4, 5, and 6 bar of acid mine rejection water values, namely; Turbidity (96.23%; 98.7%; 100%), Color (79%; 98%; 100%), COD (57.9%; 63.7%; 83.19%), TSS (73, 3%; 87.2%; 95.8%), TDS (62.7%; 66%; 70.19%), Fe (36%; 74.5%; 100%), Mn (100%; 100 %; 100%). Acidic water treatment in coal mining ponds can be turned into drinking water using nanofiltration membranes producing the best percentage of rejection at pressures of 5 and 6 bar. Water treatment with Nanofiltration membrane technology has produced treated water in accordance with drinking water quality standards required by Minister of Health Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 907 / Menkes / Sk / VII / 2002 dan Minister of Environment Decree No. the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 492 / MENKES / PER / IV / 2010.


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    Lung Mane coastal area has magrove forest which reaches an area of 40 ha. The dominant mangrove tree species that grow are Rhizophora sp and Sonneratia sp. Mangrove plants that have a high enough quantity of fruit are Sonneratia alba because at times of unseason, trees can still produce approximately 2 kg / day. Sonneratia alba fruit can be processed to be used as a beverage product in the form of syrup. Sonneratia alba fruit syrup is one of the processed products of mangrove fruit that can increase the economic and ecological value of mangrove forests and can increase the income of people living around mangrove forests, so that by utilizing mangrove fruit into various processed foods and drinks the community is helped economically and indirectly participates in maintaining the sustainability of mangrove forests around them


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    As the ever-increasing water demand, especially consumption, has prompted the emergence of a variety of drinking water business, both of Bottled Drinking Water (bottled water) as well as drinking water refill. Each of drinking water produced, must meet the quality requirements set by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Among these are the quality requirements of drinking water must be free of bacteria or germs. E-coli bacteria in the body can cause intestinal fever or dysentery. If late untreated can result in death due to loss of body fluids.The main purpose of this study was to determine that the Bottled Water production South West coast of Aceh free from the content of the e-coli bacteria according to the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 492 / Menkes / PER / IV / 2010. It can be concluded Bottled Drinking Water (bottled water) is safe or not for public consumption.To carry out this study, researchers using descriptive method is based on laboratory test results. The technique of sampling was done by purposive sampling, where each brand is taken three (3) samples of drinking water in the glass packaging 220-230 ml of markets / locations. Observation, researchers found seven brands of Bottled Drinking Water (bottled water). Tests conducted repetition 2 times. So the total number is 42 samples tested.The results showed that of the 42 samples test negative results the content of the e-coli bacteria. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the seven brands of Bottled Drinking Water (bottled water) production area of the West Coast of South Aceh is safe for public consumption because it is free of the content of the e-coli bacteria.Kewords : bakteri e-coli, bottled water, water production, health