40 research outputs found

    Sevda peşinde

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    Hüseyin Rahmi'nin Ziya'da tefrika edilen Sevda Peşinde adlı romanıArşivdeki eksikler nedeniyle tefrika yarım kalmıştır. Ancak tefrikanın tamamlandığı bilinmektedir

    Economic and legal problems of the Arctic development

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    The paper reveals the problem of developing the Arctic territory by different countries. Today, this problem turns the Arctic expanses into a conflict area of these countries. These territories and resources do not belong to any particular state, because they are not located in anyoneґs borders. In turn, this fact leads to economic and political problems that arise for a long time. This article includes brief historical information on the progress of the development of the Arctic by various countries and an analysis of the economic situation in our days. In addition, the article examines the existing methods of solving economic and political problems in the Arctic and proposed a possible method of problem solution

    Нейтронно-физический расчёт ядерного реактора типа ВВЭР

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    Нейтронно-физический расчёт реактора типа ВВЭР, состоящий в физическом обосновании конструкции и определении совокупности физических параметров, удовлетворяющих поставленным требованиям.Neutron-physical calculations of a VVER-type reactor, consisting of physically sound designs and general sets of physical parameters that satisfy the set requirements

    Sakurai's Object : a rapidly evolving star

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    Sakurai's Object provides an exciting opportunity to study stellar evolution in real time. This rapidly evolving star discovered in early 1996 by Yukio Sakurai has been observed throughout 1997, and photometric observations are available for 1996. During this period it decreased in temperature from 7800K to 5200K, and increased in luminosity by a factor of 4. The temperature became low enough for a significant amount of carbon containing molecules to form and the star's spectral type changed from a G supergiant to a C-R3 supergiant. The change in temperature and luminosity is consistent with the object expanding from 40R⊙ to 200R⊙. The temperature and-luminosity calculated for a distance of 8kpc locate Sakurai's Object at the coolest extent of the final flash evolutionary track for a 0.6 M⊙ planetary nebula nucleus. At the end of the 1997 observing season Sakurai's Object was still increasing in luminosity. It is expected that eventually this increase will cease and the object will evolve at constant luminosity back to higher temperatures