56 research outputs found

    Resolving phase transitions with Discontinuous Galerkin methods

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    We demonstrate the applicability and advantages of Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) schemes in the context of the Functional Renormalization Group (FRG). We investigate the O(N)O(N)-model in the large NN limit. It is shown that the flow equation for the effective potential can be cast into a conservative form. We discuss results for the Riemann problem, as well as initial conditions leading to a first and second order phase transition. In particular, we unravel the mechanism underlying first order phase transitions, based on the formation of a shock in the derivative of the effective potential.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, corrected typos, updated references, extended explanation

    Towards the spectral properties and phase structure of QCD

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    In this thesis we explore a multitude of aspects concerning strongly coupled quantum field theories, with a special focus on QCD. The first part of the thesis is concerned with formal developments, with the noteworthy highlight of enabling the use of hydrodynamic numerical methods in Functional Renormalization Group equations. This lead to the subsequent discovery of discontinuous solutions for the effective potential in the vicinity of first order phase transitions

    Dissipation dynamics of a scalar field

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    We investigate the dissipation rate of a scalar field in the vicinity of the phase transition and the ordered phase, specifically within the universality class of model A. This dissipation rate holds significant physical relevance, particularly in the context of interpreting effective potentials as inputs for dynamical transport simulations, such as hydrodynamics. To comprehensively understand the use of effective potentials and other calculation inputs, such as the functional renormalization group, we conduct a detailed analysis of field dependencies. We solve the functional renormalization group equations on the Schwinger-Keldysh contour to determine the effective potential and dissipation rate for both finite and infinite volumes. Furthermore, we conduct a finite-size scaling analysis to calculate the dynamic critical exponent z. Our extracted value closely matches existing values from the literature

    On the complex structure of Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider the coupled set of spectral Dyson-Schwinger equations in Yang-Mills theory for ghost and gluon propagators, which gives us access to the ghost and gluon spectral functions. The set-up is used for a systematic analytic evaluation of the constraints on generalised spectral representations in Yang-Mills theory that are most relevant for informed spectral reconstructions. We also provide numerical results for the coupled set of spectral functions for a large range of potential mass gaps of the gluon, and discuss the limitations and extensions of the present work.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    On the quark spectral function in QCD

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    We calculate the spectral function of light quark flavours in 2+1 flavour vacuum QCD in the isospin-symmetric approximation. We employ spectral Dyson-Schwinger equations and compute the non-perturbative quark propagator directly in real-time, using recent spectral reconstruction results from Gaussian process regression of gluon propagator data in 2+1 flavour lattice QCD. Our results feature a pole-like peak structure at time-like momenta larger than the propagator's gapping scale as well as a negative scattering continuum, which we exploit assuming an analytic pole-tail split during the iterative solution. The computation is augmented with a general discussion of the impact of the quark-gluon vertex and the gluon propagator on the analytic structure of the quark propagator. In particular, we investigate under which conditions the quark propagator shows unphysical complex poles. Our results offer a wide range of applications, encompassing the ab-initio calculation of transport as well as resonance properties in QCD.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Ghost spectral function from the spectral Dyson-Schwinger equation

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    We compute the ghost spectral function in Yang-Mills theory by solving the corresponding Dyson-Schwinger equation for a given input gluon spectral function. The results encompass both scaling and decoupling solutions for the gluon propagator input. The resulting ghost spectral function displays a particle peak at vanishing momentum and a negative scattering spectrum, whose infrared and ultraviolet tails are obtained analytically. The ghost dressing function is computed in the entire complex plane, and its salient features are identified and discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure