114 research outputs found

    Four new massive pulsating white dwarfs including an ultramassive DAV

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    We report the discovery of four massive (M > 0.8M ) ZZ Ceti white dwarfs, including an ultramassive 1.16M star. We obtained ground-based, time series photometry for 13 white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 and Data Release 10 whose atmospheric parameters place them within the ZZCeti instability strip.We detect monoperiodic pulsations in three of our targets (J1015, J1554 and J2038) and identify three periods of pulsation in J0840 (173, 327 and 797 s). Fourier analysis of the remaining nine objects does not indicate variability above the 4 A detection threshold. Our preliminary asteroseismic analysis of J0840 yields a stellar mass M = 1.14 ± 0.01M , hydrogen and helium envelope masses of MH = 5.8 × 10−7M and MHe = 4.5 × 10−4M and an expected core crystallized mass ratio of 50–70 per cent. J1015, J1554 and J2038 have masses in the range 0.84–0.91M and are expected to have a CO core; however, the core of J0840 could consist of highly crystallized CO or ONeMg given its high mass. These newly discovered massive pulsators represent a significant increase in the number of known ZZ Ceti white dwarfs with mass M > 0.85M , and detailed asteroseismic modelling of J0840 will allow for significant tests of crystallization theory in CO and ONeMg core white dwarfs

    The pulsating helium-atmosphere white dwarfs : I. New DBVs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present a dedicated search for new pulsating helium-atmosphere (DBV) white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using the McDonald 2.1 m Otto Struve Telescope. In total we observed 55 DB and DBA white dwarfs with spectroscopic temperatures between 19,000 and 35,000 K. We find 19 new DBVs and place upper limits on variability for the remaining 36 objects. In combination with previously known DBVs, we use these objects to provide an update to the empirical extent of the DB instability strip. With our sample of new DBVs, the red edge is better constrained, as we nearly double the number of DBVs known between 20,000 and 24,000 K. We do not find any new DBVs hotter than PG 0112+104, the current hottest DBV is at Teff ≈ 31,000 K, but do find pulsations in four DBVs with temperatures between 27,000 and 30,000 K, improving empirical constraints on the poorly defined blue edge. We investigate the ensemble pulsation properties of all currently known DBVs, finding that the weighted mean period and total pulsation power exhibit trends with effective temperature that are qualitatively similar to the pulsating hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarfs

    The pulsating helium-atmosphere white dwarfs : I. New DBVs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present a dedicated search for new pulsating helium-atmosphere (DBV) white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using the McDonald 2.1 m Otto Struve Telescope. In total we observed 55 DB and DBA white dwarfs with spectroscopic temperatures between 19,000 and 35,000 K. We find 19 new DBVs and place upper limits on variability for the remaining 36 objects. In combination with previously known DBVs, we use these objects to provide an update to the empirical extent of the DB instability strip. With our sample of new DBVs, the red edge is better constrained, as we nearly double the number of DBVs known between 20,000 and 24,000 K. We do not find any new DBVs hotter than PG 0112+104, the current hottest DBV is at Teff ≈ 31,000 K, but do find pulsations in four DBVs with temperatures between 27,000 and 30,000 K, improving empirical constraints on the poorly defined blue edge. We investigate the ensemble pulsation properties of all currently known DBVs, finding that the weighted mean period and total pulsation power exhibit trends with effective temperature that are qualitatively similar to the pulsating hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarfs

    The McDonald Observatory search for pulsating sdA stars : asteroseismic support for multiple populations

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    Context. The nature of the recently identified “sdA” spectroscopic class of stars is not well understood. The thousands of known sdAs have H-dominated spectra, spectroscopic surface gravity values between main sequence stars and isolated white dwarfs, and effective temperatures below the lower limit for He-burning subdwarfs. Most are likely products of binary stellar evolution, whether extremely low-mass white dwarfs and their precursors or blue stragglers in the halo. Aims. Stellar eigenfrequencies revealed through time series photometry of pulsating stars sensitively probe stellar structural properties. The properties of pulsations exhibited by sdA stars would contribute substantially to our developing understanding of this class. Methods. We extend our photometric campaign to discover pulsating extremely low-mass white dwarfs from the McDonald Observatory to target sdA stars classified from SDSS spectra. We also obtain follow-up time series spectroscopy to search for binary signatures from four new pulsators. Results. Out of 23 sdA stars observed, we clearly detect stellar pulsations in 7. Dominant pulsation periods range from 4.6 min to 12.3 h, with most on timescales of approximately one hour. We argue specific classifications for some of the new variables, identifying both compact and likely main sequence dwarf pulsators, along with a candidate low-mass RR Lyrae star. Conclusions. With dominant pulsation periods spanning orders of magnitude, the pulsational evidence supports the emerging narrative that the sdA class consists of multiple stellar populations. Since multiple types of sdA exhibit stellar pulsations, follow-up asteroseismic analysis can be used to probe the precise evolutionary natures and stellar structures of these individual subpopulations

    Kepler and TESS observations of PG 1159-035

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    PG 1159-035 is the prototype of the PG 1159 hot (pre-)white dwarf pulsators. This important object was observed during the Kepler satellite K2 mission for 69 days in 59 s cadence mode and by the TESS satellite for 25 days in 20 s cadence mode. We present a detailed asteroseismic analysis of those data. We identify a total of 107 frequencies representing 32 ℓ = 1 modes, 27 frequencies representing 12 ℓ = 2 modes, and eight combination frequencies. The combination frequencies and the modes with very high k values represent new detections. The multiplet structure reveals an average splitting of 4.0 ± 0.4 μHz for ℓ = 1 and 6.8 ± 0.2 μHz for ℓ = 2, indicating a rotation period of 1.4 ± 0.1 days in the region of period formation. In the Fourier transform of the light curve, we find a significant peak at 8.904 ± 0.003 μHz suggesting a surface rotation period of 1.299 ± 0.002 days. We also present evidence that the observed periods change on timescales shorter than those predicted by current evolutionary models. Our asteroseismic analysis finds an average period spacing for ℓ = 1 of 21.28 ± 0.02 s. The ℓ = 2 modes have a mean spacing of 12.97 ± 0.4 s. We performed a detailed asteroseismic fit by comparing the observed periods with those of evolutionary models. The best-fit model has Teff = 129, 600 ± 11 100 K, M* = 0.565 ± 0.024M⊙, and logg=7.410.54+0.38\mathrm{log}g={7.41}_{-0.54}^{+0.38}, within the uncertainties of the spectroscopic determinations. We argue for future improvements in the current models, e.g., on the overshooting in the He-burning stage, as the best-fit model does not predict excitation for all of the pulsations detected in PG 1159-035

    Pulsating hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs and pre-white dwarfs observed with TESS : III. Asteroseismology of the DBV star GD 358

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    Context. The collection of high-quality photometric data by space telescopes, such as the completed Kepler mission and the ongoing TESS program, is revolutionizing the area of white-dwarf asteroseismology. Among the different kinds of pulsating white dwarfs, there are those that have He-rich atmospheres, and they are called DBVs or V777 Her variable stars. The archetype of these pulsating white dwarfs, GD 358, is the focus of the present paper. Aims. We report a thorough asteroseismological analysis of the DBV star GD 358 (TIC 219074038) based on new high-precision photometric data gathered by the TESS space mission combined with data taken from the Earth. Methods. We reduced TESS observations of the DBV star GD 358 and performed a detailed asteroseismological analysis using fully evolutionary DB white-dwarf models computed accounting for the complete prior evolution of their progenitors. We assessed the mass of this star by comparing the measured mean period separation with the theoretical averaged period spacings of the models, and we used the observed individual periods to look for a seismological stellar model. We detected potential frequency multiplets for GD 358, which we used to identify the harmonic degree (`) of the pulsation modes and rotation period. Results. In total, we detected 26 periodicities from the TESS light curve of this DBV star using standard pre-whitening. The oscillation frequencies are associated with nonradial g(gravity)-mode pulsations with periods from ∼422 s to ∼1087 s. Moreover, we detected eight combination frequencies between ∼543 s and ∼295 s. We combined these data with a huge amount of observations from the ground. We found a constant period spacing of 39.25 ± 0.17 s, which helped us to infer its mass (M? = 0.588 ± 0.024 M ) and constrain the harmonic degree ` of the modes. We carried out a period-fit analysis on GD 358, and we were successful in finding an asteroseismological model with a stellar mass (M? = 0.584+0.025 −0.019 M ), compatible with the stellar mass derived from the period spacing, and in line with the spectroscopic mass (M? = 0.560 ± 0.028M ). In agreement with previous works, we found that the frequency splittings vary according to the radial order of the modes, suggesting differential rotation. Obtaining a seismological model made it possible to estimate the seismological distance (dseis = 42.85 ± 0.73 pc) of GD 358, which is in very good accordance with the precise astrometric distance measured by Gaia EDR3 (π = 23.244 ± 0.024, dGaia = 43.02 ± 0.04 pc). Conclusions. The high-quality data measured with the TESS space telescope, used in combination with data taken from ground-based observatories, provides invaluable information for conducting asteroseismological studies of DBV stars, analogously to what happens with other types of pulsating white-dwarf stars. The currently operating TESS mission, together with the advent of other similar space missions and new stellar surveys, will give an unprecedented boost to white dwarf asteroseismology

    Direct measurement of a secular pulsation period change in the pulsating hot pre-white dwarf PG 1159-035

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    GW Vir (PG 1159[035) is the prototype of the class of multiperiodic, nonradially pulsating hot white dwarfs, and shows a strong pulsation mode at 516 s. All measurements to date of the secular variation of the 516 s pulsation quote as best value P= (-2.49±0.06)]10 11 s s-ˡ. The original measurement gave two best solutions, and a x² analysis indicated that the quoted value was preferred at the level of 0.97 probability. On other hand, the best-developed models for planetary nebula nuclei (PNNs), using models from the asymptotic giant branch as starting points and simulating the observed mass loss, provide positive values for any model with log (L/Lʘ)<~ as PG 1159-035. This conflict between the measurement and the theoretical models has been a challenge to stellar evolution theory. Exploiting a much larger data set and computational techniques previously unavailable, we show that the earlier analysis of the data grossly underestimated the true uncertainties due to interferences between frequencies. Using new data along with the old, and more accurate statistical methods, we calculated the secular period change of the 516 s pulsation, and obtained a positive value : P=(+13.07±0.03)]10 -11 s s-ˡ. We show that three additional methods yield the same solution. This new value was the second best of the original possible solutions ; it was eliminated on the basis of statistical arguments that we show to be invalid. It is an order of magnitude larger than the theoretical predictions. Additionally, from rotational splitting analysis, we were able to estimate, for the first time, a limit to the secular variation of the rotational period P rot=(-1.0±3.5)]10 -11 s s-ˡ, leading to a contraction timescale upper limit of |tr-ˡ|=|R/R| < 48 x 10 11 s-ˡ with 99.5% probability

    The ZZ Ceti red edge

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    With a time-series CCD photometric survey, we have demonstrated clearly that the observed red edge for the ZZ Ceti stars instability strip at 11 000 K is real, with the pulsation amplitude decreasing at least by a factor of 50. Previous surveys for variability among hydrogen atmosphere white dwarfs around 11 000 K have been carried out using time-series photoelectric photometry, not di erential photometry, insensitive for small amplitude periodicities of 15 min and longer. In our survey we constantly monitor the sky brightness as well as one or more comparison stars through the same color lter, reducing the adverse e ects of di erential extinction and sky fluctuations, obtaining true di erential photometry

    Ensemble characteristics of the ZZ Ceti stars

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    We present the observed pulsation spectra of all known noninteracting ZZ Ceti stars (hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf variables [DAVs]) and examine changes in their pulsation properties across the instability strip.We confirm the well-established trend of increasing pulsation period with decreasing effective temperature across the ZZ Ceti instability strip. We do not find a dramatic order-of-magnitude increase in the number of observed independent modes in ZZ Ceti stars, traversing from the hot to the cool edge of the instability strip; we find that the cool DAVs have one more mode on average than the hot DAVs. We confirm the initial increase in pulsation amplitude at the blue edge and find strong evidence of a decline in amplitude prior to the red edge.We present the first observational evidence that ZZ Ceti stars lose pulsation energy just before pulsations shut down at the empirical red edge of the instability strip