251 research outputs found

    Inhalant Use Among Native American Adolescents: A Comparison of Users and Nonusers at Intemountain Intertribal School

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    The objective of this study was to investigate a population of identified inhalant users at Intermountain Intertribal School, comparing and contrasting two user groups to a control group of nonusers on a number of selected research variables. The subjects included 42 identified inhalant users. Subjects were further classified into two user groups: one-time users and repeat users, and 20 nonusers. The nonuser group comprised the control group. Each subject was individually interviewed and administered the research and data collection instruments. In addition, other essential information was taken from permanent school records. A one-way analysis of variance was computed to ascertain the relationship between group membership and 11 selected research variables. A discriminant function analysis was computed to determine differences in the 11 research variables as well as to classify and predict group membership. A descriptive analysis of a questionnaire was also reported. Statistically significant differences were found among the three research groups on six of the 11 variables. The discriminant function correctly classified 72% of the subjects, and analysis of the group centroids indicated that the greatest distinctions among the groups were between the nonuser group and the repeat user group. The data present a pattern of inhalant use similar to other populations. The importance of early identification and treatment as well as preventative programs is discussed. Implications of the study and recommendations for further research were made

    Intrinsic metrics for non-local symmetric Dirichlet forms and applications to spectral theory

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    We present a study of what may be called an intrinsic metric for a general regular Dirichlet form. For such forms we then prove a Rademacher type theorem. For strongly local forms we show existence of a maximal intrinsic metric (under a weak continuity condition) and for Dirichlet forms with an absolutely continuous jump kernel we characterize intrinsic metrics by bounds on certain integrals. We then turn to applications on spectral theory and provide for (measure perturbation of) general regular Dirichlet forms an Allegretto-Piepenbrinck type theorem, which is based on a ground state transform, and a Shnol type theorem. Our setting includes Laplacian on manifolds, on graphs and α-stable processes

    Wind Accretion and State Transitions in Cygnus X-1

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    We present the results of a spectroscopic monitoring program (from 1998 to 2002) of the H-alpha emission strength in HDE 226868, the optical counterpart of the black hole binary, Cyg X-1. The H-alpha profiles consist of (1) a P Cygni component associated with the wind of the supergiant, (2) emission components that attain high velocity at the conjunctions and that probably form in enhanced outflows both towards and away from the black hole, and (3) an emission component that moves in anti-phase with the supergiant's motion. We argue that the third component forms in accreted gas near the black hole, and the radial velocity curve of the emission is consistent with a mass ratio of M_X / M_opt = 0.36 +/- 0.05. We find that there is a general anti-correlation between the H-alpha emission strength and X-ray flux in the sense that when the H-alpha emission is strong (W_\lambda < -0.5 Angstroms) the X-ray flux is weaker and the spectrum harder. On the other hand, there is no correlation between H-alpha emission strength and X-ray flux when H-alpha is weak. During the low/hard X-ray state, the strong wind is fast and the accretion rate is relatively low, while in the high/soft state the weaker, highly ionized wind attains only a moderate velocity and the accretion rate increases. We argue that the X-ray transitions from the normal low/hard to the rare high/soft state are triggered by episodes of decreased mass loss rate in the supergiant donor star.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Transitioning from Episodic to Sustained Care in Humanitarian Service

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    Background: Humanitarian missions serve populations needing care and usually provide short term interventions. Traditionally, care provided through humanitarian agencies like VOSH International has been episodic, consisting of a short-term mission placing a team in country for several days. There have been discussions that episodic care is a short term measure which impedes the systematic development of a long term solution to providing the necessary health care. The move toward sustained care is a step in the direction of improving the public health in developing countries. Method: A survey instrument was mailed to the 26 VOSH chapters in the United States and Canada. Results were tabulated and analyzed. Results: Sixteen completed surveys were returned for a response rate of 62%. In a one-year period, missions were carried out in 13 countries. There is a strong tendency toward continuity of care with 81% of respondents returning to locations of previous missions and 69% targeting the same population base. There is also a trend toward providing sustained care (such as establishment of a fixed clinical facility) with half responding affirmatively. Nineteen percent of chapters have been involved in the development or enhancement of departments, schools or colleges of optometry in the developing world. Conclusion: It is exhibited in this study that most teams return to the same areas for future missions and collaborate with other partners with different expertise to create an ongoing presence. This model provides acute care for those needing immediate attention but also enhances the local infrastructure to develop a plan for long term care of this population. This allows for the opportunity to address immediate concerns, build rapport with the community, and use that goodwill and expertise to create long term change. While episodic humanitarian missions have made a profound impact, transitioning from episodic to sustained care improves overall quality of care, expanded services and long-term impact

    Radial Velocities of Six OB Stars

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    We present new results from a radial velocity study of six bright OB stars with little or no prior measurements. One of these, HD 45314, may be a long-period binary, but the velocity variations of this Be star may be related to changes in its circumstellar disk. Significant velocity variations were also found for HD 60848 (possibly related to nonradial pulsations) and HD 61827 (related to wind variations). The other three targets, HD 46150, HD 54879, and HD 206183, are constant velocity objects, but we note that HD 54879 has Hα\alpha emission that may originate from a binary companion. We illustrate the average red spectrum of each target.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP July 2007 issu

    The N Enrichment and Supernova Ejection of the Runaway Microquasar LS 5039

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    We present an investigation of new optical and ultraviolet spectra of the mass donor star in the massive X-ray binary LS 5039. The optical band spectral line strengths indicate that the atmosphere is N-rich and C-poor, and we classify the stellar spectrum as type ON6.5 V((f)). The N-strong and C-weak pattern is also found in the stellar wind P Cygni lines of N V 1240 and C IV 1550. We suggest that the N-enrichment may result from internal mixing if the O-star was born as a rapid rotator, or the O-star may have accreted N-rich gas prior to a common-envelope interaction with the progenitor of the supernova. We re-evaluated the orbital elements to find an orbital period of P=4.4267 +/- 0.0010 d. We compared the spectral line profiles with new non-LTE, line-blanketed model spectra, from which we derive an effective temperature T_eff = 37.5 +/- 1.7 kK, gravity log g = 4.0 +/- 0.1, and projected rotational velocity V sin i = 140 +/- 8 km/s. We fit the UV, optical, and IR flux distribution using a model spectrum and extinction law with parameters E(B-V)= 1.28 +/- 0.02 and R= 3.18 +/- 0.07. We confirm the co-variability of the observed X-ray flux and stellar wind mass loss rate derived from the H-alpha profile, which supports the wind accretion scenario for the X-ray production in LS 5039. Wind accretion models indicate that the compact companion has a mass M_X/M_sun = 1.4 +/- 0.4, consistent with its identification as a neutron star. The observed eccentricity and runaway velocity of the binary can only be reconciled if the neutron star received a modest kick velocity due to a slight asymmetry in the supernova explosion (during which >5 solar masses was ejected).Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures; 2004, ApJ, 600, Jan. 10 issue, in press Discussion revised thanks to comments from P. Podsiadlowsk

    Comparison of the ICare® rebound tonometer with the Goldmann tonometer in a normal population

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) using a new induction/impact rebound tonometer (ICare) in comparison with the Goldmann applanation tonometer (AT). The left eyes of 46 university students were assessed with the two tonometers, with induction tonometry being performed first. The ICare was handled by an optometrist and the Goldmann tonometer by an ophthalmologist. In this study, statistically significant differences were found when comparing the ICare rebound tonometer with applanation tonometry (AT) (p < 0.05). The mean difference between the two tonometers was 1.34 +/- 2.03 mmHg (mean +/- S.D.) and the 95% limits of agreement were +/-3.98 mmHg. A frequency distribution of the differences demonstrated that in more than 80% of cases the IOP readings differed by <3 mmHg between the ICare and the AT. In the present population the ICare overestimates the IOP value by 1.34 mmHg on average when compared with Goldmann tonometer. Nevertheless, the ICare tonometer may be helpful as a screening tool when Goldmann applanation tonometry is not applicable or not recommended, as it is able to estimate IOP within a range of +/-3.00 mmHg in more than 80% of the populatio

    Mass and Angular Momentum Transfer in the Massive Algol Binary RY Persei

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    We present an investigation of H-alpha emission line variations observed in the massive Algol binary, RY Per. We give new radial velocity data for the secondary based upon our optical spectra and for the primary based upon high dispersion UV spectra. We present revised orbital elements and an estimate of the primary's projected rotational velocity (which indicates that the primary is rotating 7 times faster than synchronous). We use a Doppler tomography algorithm to reconstruct the individual primary and secondary spectra in the region of H-alpha, and we subtract the latter from each of our observations to obtain profiles of the primary and its disk alone. Our H-alpha observations of RY Per show that the mass gaining primary is surrounded by a persistent but time variable accretion disk. The profile that is observed outside-of-eclipse has weak, double-peaked emission flanking a deep central absorption, and we find that these properties can be reproduced by a disk model that includes the absorption of photospheric light by the band of the disk seen in projection against the face of the star. We developed a new method to reconstruct the disk surface density distribution from the ensemble of H-alpha profiles observed around the orbit, and this method accounts for the effects of disk occultation by the stellar components, the obscuration of the primary by the disk, and flux contributions from optically thick disk elements. The resulting surface density distribution is elongated along the axis joining the stars, in the same way as seen in hydrodynamical simulations of gas flows that strike the mass gainer near trailing edge of the star. This type of gas stream configuration is optimal for the transfer of angular momentum, and we show that rapid rotation is found in other Algols that have passed through a similar stage.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, ApJ in press, 2004 June 20 issu

    The variable X-ray spectrum of Markarian 766 - I. Principal components analysis

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    Aims: We analyse a long XMM-Newton spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 766, using the marked spectral variability on timescales >20ks to separate components in the X-ray spectrum. Methods: Principal components analysis is used to identify distinct emission components in the X-ray spectrum, possible alternative physical models for those components are then compared statistically. Results: The source spectral variability is well-explained by additive variations, with smaller extra contributions most likely arising from variable absorption. The principal varying component, eigenvector one, is found to have a steep (photon index 2.4) power-law shape, affected by a low column of ionised absorption that leads to the appearance of a soft excess. Eigenvector one varies by a factor 10 in amplitude on time-scales of days and appears to have broad ionised Fe K-alpha emission associated with it: the width of the ionised line is consistent with an origin at about 100 gravitational radii. There is also a strong component of near-constant emission that dominates in the low state, whose spectrum is extremely hard above 1 keV, with a soft excess at lower energies, and with a strong edge at Fe K but remarkably little Fe K-alpha emission. Although this component may be explained as relativistically-blurred reflection from the inner accretion disc, we suggest that its spectrum and lack of variability may alternatively be explained as either (i) ionised reflection from an extended region, possibly a disc wind, or (ii) a signature of absorption by a disc wind with a variable covering fraction. Absorption features in the low state may indicate the presence of an outflow.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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