106 research outputs found

    Metabolic engineering of the iodine content in Arabidopsis

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    Plants are a poor source of iodine, an essential micronutrient for human health. Several attempts of iodine biofortification of crops have been carried out, but the scarce knowledge on the physiology of iodine in plants makes results often contradictory and not generalizable. In this work, we used a molecular approach to investigate how the ability of a plant to accumulate iodine can be influenced by different mechanisms. In particular, we demonstrated that the iodine content in Arabidopsis thaliana can be increased either by facilitating its uptake with the overexpression of the human sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) or through the reduction of its volatilization by knocking-out HOL-1, a halide methyltransferase. Our experiments show that the iodine content in plants results from a balance between intake and retention. A correct manipulation of this mechanism could improve iodine biofortification of crops and prevent the release of the ozone layer-threatening methyl iodide into the atmosphere

    Quantum nature of a strongly-coupled single quantum dot-cavity system

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    Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) studies the interaction between a quantum emitter and a single radiation-field mode. When an atom is in strong coupling with a cavity mode1,2, it is possible to realize key quantum information processing (QIP) tasks, such as controlled coherent coupling and entanglement of distinguishable quantum systems. Realizing these tasks in the solid state is clearly desirable, and coupling semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) to monolithic optical cavities is a promising route to this end. However, validating the efficacy of QDs in QIP applications requires confirmation of the quantum nature of the QD-cavity system in the strong coupling regime. Here we find a confirmation by observing quantum correlations in photoluminescence (PL) from a photonic crystal (PC) nanocavity3-5 interacting with one, and only one, QD located precisely at the cavity electric field maximum. When off-resonance, photon emission from the cavity mode and QD excitons is anti-correlated at the level of single quanta, proving that the mode is driven solely by the QD despite an energy mis-match between cavity and excitons. When tuned into resonance, the exciton and photon enter the strong-coupling regime of cavity-QED and the QD lifetime reduces by a factor of 120. The photon stream from the cavity becomes anti-bunched, proving that the coupled exciton/photon system is in the quantum anharmonic regime. Our observations unequivocally show that QIP tasks requiring the quantum nonlinear regime are achievable in the solid state.Comment: 14 pages 4 figure

    Ultrafast all-optical switching by single photons

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    An outstanding goal in quantum optics is the realization of fast optical non-linearities at the single-photon level. Such non-linearities would allow for the realization of optical devices with new functionalities such as a single-photon switch/transistor or a controlled-phase gate, which could form the basis of future quantum optical technologies. While non-linear optics effects at the single-emitter level have been demonstrated in different systems, including atoms coupled to Fabry-Perot or toroidal micro-cavities, super-conducting qubits in strip-line resonators or quantum dots (QDs) in nano-cavities, none of these experiments so far has demonstrated single-photon switching on ultrafast timescales. Here, we demonstrate that in a strongly coupled QD-cavity system the presence of a single photon on one of the fundamental polariton transitions can turn on light scattering on a transition from the first to the second Jaynes-Cummings manifold with a switching time of 20 ps. As an additional device application, we use this non-linearity to implement a single-photon pulse-correlator. Our QD-cavity system could form the building-block of future high-bandwidth photonic networks operating in the quantum regime

    Water and sodium intake habits and status of ultra-endurance runners during a multi-stage ultra-marathon conducted in a hot ambient environment: an observational field based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Anecdotal evidence suggests ultra-runners may not be consuming sufficient water through foods and fluids to maintenance euhydration, and present sub-optimal sodium intakes, throughout multi-stage ultra-marathon (MSUM) competitions in the heat. Subsequently, the aims were primarily to assess water and sodium intake habits of recreational ultra-runners during a five stage 225 km semi self-sufficient MSUM conducted in a hot ambient environment (T<sub>max</sub> range: 32°C to 40°C); simultaneously to monitor serum sodium concentration, and hydration status using multiple hydration assessment techniques.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Total daily, pre-stage, during running, and post-stage water and sodium ingestion of ultra-endurance runners (UER, <it>n</it> = 74) and control (CON, <it>n</it> = 12) through foods and fluids were recorded on Stages 1 to 4 by trained dietetic researchers using dietary recall interview technique, and analysed through dietary analysis software. Body mass (BM), hydration status, and serum sodium concentration were determined pre- and post-Stages 1 to 5.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Water (overall mean (SD): total daily 7.7 (1.5) L/day, during running 732 (183) ml/h) and sodium (total daily 3.9 (1.3) g/day, during running 270 (151) mg/L) ingestion did not differ between stages in UER (<it>p</it> < 0.001 <it>vs</it>. CON). Exercise-induced BM loss was 2.4 (1.2)% (<it>p</it> < 0.001). Pre- to post-stage BM gains were observed in 26% of UER along competition. Pre- and post-stage plasma osmolality remained within normal clinical reference range (280 to 303 mOsmol/kg) in the majority of UER (<it>p</it> > 0.05 <it>vs</it>. CON pre-stage). Asymptomatic hyponatraemia (<135 mmol/L) was evident pre- and post-stage in <it>n</it> = 8 UER, corresponding to 42% of sampled participants. Pre- and post-stage urine colour, urine osmolality and urine/plasma osmolality ratio increased (<it>p</it> < 0.001) as competition progressed in UER, with no change in CON. Plasma volume and extra-cellular water increased (<it>p</it> < 0.001) 22.8% and 9.2%, respectively, from pre-Stage 1 to 5 in UER, with no change in CON.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Water intake habits of ultra-runners during MSUM conducted in hot ambient conditions appear to be sufficient to maintain baseline euhydration levels. However, fluid over-consumption behaviours were evident along competition, irrespective of running speed and gender. Normonatraemia was observed in the majority of ultra-runners throughout MSUM, despite sodium ingestion under benchmark recommendations.</p

    Nano-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems

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    A new class of hybrid systems that couple optical, electrical and mechanical degrees of freedom in nanoscale devices is under development in laboratories worldwide. These nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems (NOEMS) offer unprecedented opportunities to dynamically control the flow of light in nanophotonic structures, at high speed and low power consumption. Drawing on conceptual and technological advances from cavity optomechanics, they also bear the potential for highly efficient, low-noise transducers between microwave and optical signals, both in the classical and quantum domains. This Progress Article discusses the fundamental physical limits of NOEMS, reviews the recent progress in their implementation, and suggests potential avenues for further developments in this field.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, 2 boxe

    Leptospirosis in the Asia Pacific region

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonotic infection that has been recognized for decades, but the problem of the disease has not been fully addressed, particularly in resource-poor, developing countries, where the major burden of the disease occurs. This paper presents an overview of the current situation of leptospirosis in the region. It describes the current trends in the epidemiology of leptospirosis, the existing surveillance systems, and presents the existing prevention and control programs in the Asia Pacific region.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on leptospirosis in each member country were sought from official national organizations, international public health organizations, online articles and the scientific literature. Papers were reviewed and relevant data were extracted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Leptospirosis is highly prevalent in the Asia Pacific region. Infections in developed countries arise mainly from occupational exposure, travel to endemic areas, recreational activities, or importation of domestic and wild animals, whereas outbreaks in developing countries are most frequently related to normal daily activities, over-crowding, poor sanitation and climatic conditions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the Asia Pacific region, predominantly in developing countries, leptospirosis is largely a water-borne disease. Unless interventions to minimize exposure are aggressively implemented, the current global climate change will further aggravate the extent of the disease problem. Although trends indicate successful control of leptospirosis in some areas, there is no clear evidence that the disease has decreased in the last decade. The efficiency of surveillance systems and data collection varies significantly among the countries and areas within the region, leading to incomplete information in some instances. Thus, an accurate reflection of the true burden of the disease remains unknown.</p