19 research outputs found

    Seamounts in the OSPAR maritime area - from species to ecosystems

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    This report was prepared by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, for the Norwegian Environment Agency, as part of Norway´s contribution to OSPAR. The report summarizes the latest knowledge on species and habitats associated with seamounts in the OSPAR Regions I, IV and V. Knowledge was sought from published literature, reports and online marine data archives. The global bathymetry model of Harris et al. (2014) predicts that 161 seamounts occurr within the OSPAR maritime area. Not all of these have been charted or studied, and the literature and bathymetry database review in this report resulted in a much shorter list of 100 seamounts or seamount-like features within the deep seas of OSPAR, i.e. regions I, IV and V. Published literature from the OSPAR area documented that there is knowledge of planktonic organisms for 11 seamounts, information on benthic species for 24 seamounts, and of fish from 16 seamounts. The best described component is the benthos with a total of 49 peer-reviewed papers. The global knowledge of seamounts (and a few studies from the NE Atlantic) suggests that seamounts are inhabited by species from the regional species pool within the biogeographical zones they occur. At individual seamounts the structure of species assemblages and production patterns are variable over time and modified by factors such as the local and regional hydrography and circulation which are sometimes modified by the seamounts themselves. Other significant factors causing variability are the varying depths of slopes and summits in relation to the depth of the euphotic zone, the depth of summits relative to mesopelagic scattering layers, and presumably the distance from continents, islands and wider areas such banks and ridges. Furthermore, seamounts represent isolated shallows in the deep-sea and may have several important local and regional functions. However, within the OSPAR maritime area, few studies have produced more than descriptive data, hence a major shortage is the lack of quantitative information on species occurrences as well as studies measuring processes and documenting functions. The roles of seamounts at regional scales, e.g. as stepping stones for species across wider ocean areas, have only been incompletely studied. Seamounts apparently constitute patches of suitable habitats for aggregating commercially valuable fish species that are relatively easy to locate and target, and if not properly controlled, to overexploit. This is known from the OSPAR region V, e.g. from historical depletion of orange roughy west of the British Isles and sharp declines of alfonsino aggregations on seamounts north of the Azores. Also, seamounts are features likely to have Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) (sensu FAO, 2009), primarily in the form of structure-forming coral and sponge aggregations. These require special protective action such as called for by the UN General Assembly and OSPAR, and accordingly several nations, the EU and the Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) implemented measures to prevent further signficant adverse impacts from bottom fishing. Studies at many seamounts in OSPAR have shown that many summits have rich occurrence of VME indicator taxa and probably VMEs. Significant adverse impacts of past bottom fishing have been well documented in some slope and shelf habitats, but studies on seamounts have been scattered, and as yet there is not enough information to assess the overall status of VMEs on seamounts in Region I, IV and V.publishedVersio

    Fish investigations in the Barents Sea winter 2020

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    This report presents the main results from the surveys in January-March 2020. The surveys were performed with the Norwegian research vessels “Helmer Hanssen” and “Johan Hjort” and the Russian research vessel “Vilnyus”. Annual survey reports since 1981 are listed in Appendix 1, and names of scientific participants are given in Appendix 3.publishedVersio

    Advice on fishing opportunities for Greenland halibut in 2024 in ICES subareas 1 and 2

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    Stock Name: Northeast Arctic Greenland halibut (ICES areas 1 and 2) The Joint Russian-Norwegian Arctic Fisheries Working Group (JRN-AFWG) advises that when the MSY approach is applied, catches in 2024 should be no more than 15 560 tonnes.publishedVersio

    Fish investigations in the Barents Sea Winter 2022

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    Annual catch quotas and other regulations of the Barents Sea fisheries are set through negotiations between Norway and Russia. Assessment of the state of the stocks and quota advice are based on survey results and international landings statistics. The results from the demersal fish winter surveys in the Barents Sea are an important source of information for the annual stock assessment.Fish investigations in the Barents Sea Winter 2022publishedVersio

    Report of the Joint Russian-Norwegian Working Group on Arctic Fisheries (JRN-AFWG) 2023

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    On 30 th March 2022 all Russian participation in ICES was temporally suspended. Although the announcement of the suspension stressed the role of ICES as a “multilateral science organization”, this suspension applied not only to research activities, but also to the ICES work providing fisheries advice for the sustainable management of fish stocks and ecosystems. As a result of the suspension, the ICES AFWG provided advice only for saithe, coastal cod north, coastal cod south, and golden redfish ( Sebastes norvegicus ). Northeast Arctic (NEA) cod, haddock and Greenland halibut assessments have been conducted outside of ICES in a newly constituted Joint Russian-Norwegian Working Group on Arctic Fisheries (JRN-AFWG). Although this work has been conducted independently of ICES, the methodologies agreed at ICES benchmarks and agreed HCRs (Harvest Control Rules) have been followed in providing this advice. The Greenland halibut model has been revised at an ICES benchmark in 2023. The JRN-AFWG has agreed to use the new ICES model, with the addition of revising the Russian survey tuning index (as was recommended at the benchmark). Although the overall biomass level in the model has been revised, the trends and advice are similar to the old model. The Greenland halibut advice is for one year to bring the timing back in line with the slope survey, after this a two-year advice cycle will resume. The main worry with that stock is a history of TACs and catches well above advice. Given that the model is now indicating that the stock will drop below B pa by the end of 2023, continuing to set quota above advice poses a risk of serious harm to the stock.publishedVersio

    Advice on fishing opportunities for Northeast arctic haddock in 2024 in ICES subareas 1 and 2

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    Stock Name: Northeast Arctic haddock (ICES areas 1 and 2) The Joint Russian-Norwegian Arctic Fisheries Working Group (JRN-AFWG) advises that when the Joint Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Commission management plan is applied, catches in 2024 should be no more than 127 550 tonnes.publishedVersio

    Advice on fishing opportunities for Northeast Arctic cod in 2024 in ICES subareas 1 and 2

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    Stock Name: Northeast Arctic cod (ICES areas 1 and 2) The Joint Russian-Norwegian Arctic Fisheries Working Group (JRN-AFWG) advises that when the Joint Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Commission management plan is applied, catches in 2024 should be no more than 453 427 tonnes.publishedVersio

    Innspill til høring - Forslag til program for konsekvensutredning for mineralvirksomhet på norsk sokkel

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    Rapporten er et høringssvar sendt til Olje- og Energidepartementet i forbindelse med et forslag til konsekvensutredningsprogram for mineralvirksomhet på norsk kontinentalsokkel. I høringssvaret påpeker Havforskningsinstituttet at det er stor mangel på kunnskap, både med hensyn til biomangfold og økologiske forhold, men også når det gjelder teknologien som vil anvendes for utvinning av mineraler og metaller på havbunnen. Denne kunnskapsmangelen representerer en usikkerhet som bør synliggjøres i konsekvensutredningen, blant annet gjennom en risikoanalyse. Havforskningsinstituttet påpeker også at ulike initiativ når det gjelder kunnskapsinnhenting burde vært ferdigstilt før gjennomføringen av høringen. En grundigere oppsummering av rapportens innhold er gitt i første kapittel.publishedVersio

    Pelagiske økosystem i De nordiske hav - grunnlagsstudie knyttet til åpningsprosess for utforskning og utvinning av havbunnsmineraler på norsk kontinentalsokkel

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    Denne rapporten er en leveranse til bestillingen «Grunnlagsstudie: Pelagisk økosystem» fra Oljedirektoratet til Havforskningsinstituttet. Studien er bestilt i forbindelse med at regjeringen har igangsatt en prosess for åpning av norsk sokkel for havbunnsmineralvirksomhet. Rapporten sammenstiller vår nåværende kunnskap om de pelagiske økosystemenes struktur og funksjon og belyser viktige kunnskapshull. Det er lagt særlig vekt på å beskrive økosystemkomponenter og prosesser som er essensielle for arbeidet med planprogram for konsekvensutredning av havbunnsmineralvirksomhet i norske havområder, og fokus vil derfor tidvis være litt annerledes enn det man vil finne i en generell beskrivelse av Norskehavet, Islandshavet og Grønlandshavet. Vi har lagt mer vekt på eksisterende kunnskapshull, og fokusert mer på utredningsområdet og på økologi og prosesser i pelagisk sone i dyphavet, enn det som kan forventes i for eksempel en lærebok om plankton-, fisk eller sjøpattedyrøkologi. Selv om formålet dermed har farget fokuset for beskrivelsene, beskriver kapitlene generell fordeling og økologi i de pelagiske systemene i Norskehavet, Islandshavet og Grønlandshavet.publishedVersio

    Toktrapport fra det norsk/russiske økotoktet i Barentshavet og nærliggende områder

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    The aim of the joint Norwegian/Russian ecosystem survey in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, August-October (BESS) is to monitor the status and changes in the Barents Sea ecosystem and provide data to support stock advice and research. The survey has since 2004 been conducted annually in the autumn, as a collaboration between the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Norway and the Polar branch of the VNIRO (PINRO) in Russia. The general survey plan and tasks were agreed upon at the annual IMR-PINRO Meeting in March 2022. Ship routes and other technical details are agreed on by correspondence between the survey coordinators. BESS aims at covering the entire Barents Sea. Ecosystem stations are distributed in a 35×35 nautical mile regular grid, and the ship tracks follow this design. Exceptions are the area around Svalbard (Spitsbergen), some additional bottom trawl hauls for demersal fish survey indices estimation, and additional acoustic transects for the capelin stock size estimation. Survey start for the Russian vessel was significantly delayed, resulting in REEZ being covered two-three months later than NEEZ. This resulted in reduced area coverage, decrease in the numbers of trawl hauls, and lack of standard pelagic trawl sampling. In NEEZ, RV “Kronprins Haakon” was cancelled due to difficult economic situation, making it necessary to allocate one of the two remaining vessels to the area west and north of Svalbard (Spitsbergen). This resulted in low coverage in this area, and problems with synoptic coverage in north-east of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) and thus increased uncertainty in assessment of demersal fish (e.g. Greenland halibut) and capelin. The 19-th joint Barents Sea autumn Ecosystem Survey (BESS) was carried out in two periods. The Norwegian research vessels “G.O. Sars” and “Johan Hjort” covered NEEZ in the period 16-th August to 03-th October, providing data to stock assessment, 0-group fish abundance indices, and state and changes descriptions which is comparable with earlier survey years in NEEZ. The Russian research vessel “Vilnyus” covered REEZ in the periods 20-th to 30-th September and 22-th October to 3-rd December. Survey coordinators in 2022 were Dmitry Prozorkevich (PINRO) and Geir Odd Johansen (IMR). Exchange of Russian and Norwegian experts between each country’s respective vessels did not take place in 2022. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the crew and scientific personnel onboard RVs “Vilnyus”, “G.O. Sars” and “Johan Hjort” for their dedicated work, as well as all the people involved in planning and reporting of BESS 2022. This report is a summary of observations and status assessment based on the survey data. Even though the survey was not well completed, the data obtained are the main source of knowledge about the ecosystem of the Barents Sea.Survey report from the joint Norwegian/Russian Ecosystem Survey in the Barents Sea and the adjacent waters August- December 2022publishedVersio