6 research outputs found

    Emigration of hatchery‐reared Pallid Sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes and Richardson), through a Missouri River dam

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    The middle Missouri River (MMR; Fort Randall Dam, SD to Gavins Point Dam, NE‐SD) is stocked with hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes and Richardson), from upper Missouri River broodstock to aid recovery of this federally endangered species. Emigration of these fish through Gavins Point Dam restores genetic connectivity that likely existed pre‐impoundment but could lead to outbreeding depression in the future. Recapture data of hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon stocked in the MMR were evaluated to improve understanding of pallid sturgeon emigration. From 2004 to 2015, 219 emigrants were caught: 4 stocked at age ≥2 years and 215 stocked at age ≤1 year. Emigration of the 2001‐2007 year classes stocked at age 1 was a consistent phenomenon and appeared higher than emigration of year classes stocked at ages 2–3. Little evidence suggested emigration was associated with an unusually high‐water event in 2011. The annual emigration probability of individuals stocked at age 1 estimated from multi‐state mark–recapture models was 0.05 [95% confidence interval = 0.04–0.06] for fish ages ≥1 year. This study suggests that alterations to stocking practices (e.g. stocking age) may affect emigration rates and, therefore, connectivity among pallid sturgeon populations

    Evidence of Limited Recruitment of Pallid Sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River

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    Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus are endemic to the Missouri and Mississippi river basins and are rare throughout their range. The species was listed as federally endangered with little to no evidence of natural recruitment. Since population augmentation was initiated as a recovery objective in the early 1990s, thousands of hatchery-origin Pallid Sturgeon have been stocked in the lower Missouri River (Gavins Point Dam [river kilometer 1,305.1] to the confluence of the Mississippi River [river kilometer 0.0]). Efforts to discriminate natural reproduction and recruitment of wild-origin Pallid Sturgeon from hatchery-origin fish has been hampered by tag loss in hatchery-origin sturgeon, inconsistent documentation of hatchery parental crosses, and the failure to collect tissue samples for genotyping all broodstock. However, the recent reconstruction of missing parental genotypes from known hatchery-origin progeny and from cryopreserved milt made it possible to examine Pallid Sturgeon recruitment. Therefore, our objectives were to 1) determine the likelihood that unmarked Pallid Sturgeon captured from the lower Missouri River were the result of natural recruitment and 2) examine the length distribution of wild- and hatchery-origin fish to determine if a difference exists by origin and examine the life-stage distribution. Genetic analysis showed that from 2003 to 2015, 358 ‘‘presumptive wild-origin’’ Pallid Sturgeon were captured in the lower Missouri River and the comparison between the length distributions of wild- and hatchery-origin fish did not provide any additional clarification into potential wildorigin fish. Low recruitment may be due to a small breeding population, high mortality of early life stages, hybridization with Shovelnose Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, or transport of drifting free embryos or larvae into inhospitable habitats. Determining what factors are limiting recruitment is the important next step for the recovery of Pallid Sturgeon in the lower Missouri River

    Ecosystem processes of prairie streams and the impact of anthropogenic alteration on stream ecological integrity

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of BiologyWalter K. DoddsNorth America has lost more than 95% of the original tallgrass prairie because of heavy land conversion, making prairie streams some of the most endangered habitats in North America. In order to effectively manage aquatic systems and improve biotic integrity of prairie streams research is needed that assesses the ecosystem characteristics of natural systems and evaluates the influence of anthropogenic alteration. We described the ecosystem characteristics of six ephemeral headwater streams draining tallgrass prairie within the Osage Plains of southwest Missouri. NO-3-N among all sites ranged from 1.56-91.36 μg L-1, NH+4-N ranged from 5.27-228.23 μg L-1, soluble reactive phosphorus ranged from below detection (1.0 μg L-1) to 41.22 μg L-1, TN ranged from 113.82-882.89 μg L-1, and TP ranged from 8.18-158.5 μg L-1during baseflow conditions. TN:TP molar ratios ranged from 22:1 to 53:1 indicating possible P was limiting relative to N in some streams. TSS during baseflow conditions ranged from 0.27-31.80 mg L-1. Autotrophic and heterotrophic comparisons of our study sites and reference sites classified our study streams as oligo-, meso-, and eu-autotrophic (N= 1, 4, and 1, respectively) and oligo-, meso-, and eu-heterotrophic (N= 4, 1, and 1, respectively). This study suggests that good water quality and moderate heterotrophic condition, with greater GPP resulting from an open canopy, are common conditions of tallgrass prairie streams. We also investigated interactions between land use/land cover, discharge rate, hydrologic alteration, and in-stream total suspended solids concentration in 23 Kansas- Missouri streams. Most streams had break points in the TSS loading rates at discharge rates exceeded <25% of days. Our estimates showed that 88% of the total annual TSS load occurred during the 11% of days with the greatest discharge rates. Buffered streams with greater percentages of grass and/or forest riparian areas had lower breakpoint values (indicating greater discharge rates were required to transport solid particles) and lower regression intercepts, which correlated to lesser TSS concentrations relative to unbuffered streams during high discharge days. In addition, grass buffered streams had smaller flood peaks and slower rise rates and forest buffered streams had less frequent floods, which lead to less total TSS transport

    Emigration of hatchery‐reared Pallid Sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes and Richardson), through a Missouri River dam

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    The middle Missouri River (MMR; Fort Randall Dam, SD to Gavins Point Dam, NE‐SD) is stocked with hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes and Richardson), from upper Missouri River broodstock to aid recovery of this federally endangered species. Emigration of these fish through Gavins Point Dam restores genetic connectivity that likely existed pre‐impoundment but could lead to outbreeding depression in the future. Recapture data of hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon stocked in the MMR were evaluated to improve understanding of pallid sturgeon emigration. From 2004 to 2015, 219 emigrants were caught: 4 stocked at age ≥2 years and 215 stocked at age ≤1 year. Emigration of the 2001‐2007 year classes stocked at age 1 was a consistent phenomenon and appeared higher than emigration of year classes stocked at ages 2–3. Little evidence suggested emigration was associated with an unusually high‐water event in 2011. The annual emigration probability of individuals stocked at age 1 estimated from multi‐state mark–recapture models was 0.05 [95% confidence interval = 0.04–0.06] for fish ages ≥1 year. This study suggests that alterations to stocking practices (e.g. stocking age) may affect emigration rates and, therefore, connectivity among pallid sturgeon populations

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