39 research outputs found
Developer's behaviour in residential land development in Jabothek, Indonesia
In Jabotabek Indonesia, the private sector has urbanised 16.6 thousand hectares
of rural land far away from the built-up area of Jakarta, selling around twenty
five thousand housing units annually. Yet, there is little research, if any, that
explores how and why private sector companies undertook such land
This research investigated the behaviour of these formal private sector
developers of land for housing, particularly their responses in the site selection
process to land price, accessibility to centres of activities and availability of
infrastructure. It hypothesised that, with the advent of economic liberalisation in
Jabotabek, land price became the most important factor in deciding a project's
Using an exploratory research strategy, a case study approach was adopted with
Kabupaten Tangerang as the chosen area. Data was collected from several
sources. In-depth interviews were conducted with 34 persons including
executives of land development companies, experts and Government officials.
Interviews were also administered to 232 households in 15 residential projects in
Kabupaten Tangerang. A great deal of information on the companies' ownership
was gathered through the Internet.
Overall, it was concluded that these land developers were most strongly guided
by land price in the selection of site because they took advantage of the
country's particular financial conditions, economic growth and land use
regulations to obtain the largest possible increases in land value which could
occur when rural use was converted to urban use. Providing infrastructure and
using certain marketing techniques as well as large scale construction completed
with urban facilities and amenities, the developers enhanced the land value
enormously. Among other effects, their activities have increased the supply of
land for residential development far beyond the actual demand.
The findings of this research reveal flaws in urban growth models based upon
proximity to existing service infrastructures, as well as in Government policies
built upon such models. In Indonesia, they also suggest the need to review the
roles of public infrastructure investment and to reform the Location Permit
system. The findings also suggest new areas for further research
Pemanfaatan Saluran Irigasi Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Pikohidro Dengan Generator DC Shunt
Desa Kebumen Kabupaten Banyumas adalah salah satu desa yang terlewati Sungai Banjaran. Sungai ini menjadi salah satu sumber air untuk usaha pertanian dan perikanan, sehingga untuk mengalirkan air sungai ke persawahan dan kolam ikan dibuatlah saluran irigasi. Saluran irigasi di Desa Kebumen selalu mengalirkan air sepanjang waktu, walaupun pada musim kemarau. Potensi air irigasi ini merupakan sumber energi yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk energi listrik. Penelitian ini merupakan rancang bangun sistem pembangkitan energi listrik dengan memanfaatkan tenaga air irigasi sebagai daya penggerak turbin undershot. Berdasarkan pengukuran aliran air pada saluran irigasi, saluran ini mempunyai debit sebesar 10.3 liter per detik, menghasilkan daya aktif sebesar 121,13 watt/detik. Dengan menggunakan turbin undershot berdiameter 60 cm, aliran air tersebut dikonversikan menjadi daya putar mekanik sebesar 53.7 watt per detik. Daya putar mekanik tersebut kemudian diubah menjadi energi listrik oleh generator dc shunt sebesar 6.84 watt/detik. Generator ini mempunyai eksitasi sendiri dan menghasilkan listrik dc yang dapat disimpan dalam baterai. Efisiensi konversi turbin yang dapat dicapai adalah sebesar 44,33 % dan efisiensi konversi generator sebesar 12,74 %
Pengaruh Pendekatan Kontesktual terhadap Pemahaman Konsep pada Pembelajaran IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD
The purpose in this study was "To analyze the effect of contextual approach to understanding the concept of Natural Sciences in Class IV Elementary School 32 Southeast Pontianak". The method used is the Pre-Experimental Design research design used is One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design . The sample of this research is class IVA amounted to 31 people. Based on the analysis of data, obtained an average of 41.92 pretest and after the treatment given there is an increase in the average post-test be 61.94. From these data it can be concluded that there are significant use contextual approach to understanding the concept of the Learning of Natural Sciences in class IV. Based on the calculation of effect size (ES) ES obtained for 1,923 (high category), this means the use of Contextual Approach to the Study of Natural Science to give effect to the higher category of the understanding of the concept of fourth grade students at SDN 32 Southeast Pontianak
Efektivitas Pupuk Organik Diperkaya Pada Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Tabulampot Jambu Air Madu Deli Hijau (Syzygium Samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.m. Perry).
Pupuk organik diperkaya memiliki kandungan unsur hara yang lengkap, sehingga cocok diaplikasikan pada budidaya tabulampot jambu air Madu Deli Hijau (MDH). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pupuk organik diperkaya terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif tabulampot jambu air MDH. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lahan percobaan mulai bulan Maret sampai Juli 2018, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 3 perlakuan, yaitu: kontrol negatif (tanpa pupuk), kontrol positif (penambahan Urea dan NPK), dan penambahan pupuk organik dosis 3 kg/pot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi pupuk organik diperkaya berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter pertambahan jumlah daun dan jumlah cabang primer, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata pada pertambahan tinggi dan jumlah cabang sekunder. Hasil uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik diperkaya memiliki pengaruh yang sama dengan kontrol positif, sehingga aplikasi pupuk organik diperkaya pada tabulampot jambu air MDH dianggap efektif dan mampu menggantikan aplikasi pupuk anorganik
The Characteristic of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Dairy Cow in the Milk Collecting Line of in Malang
ABSTRACT This research was aimed was to know the effect subclinical mastitis stage for Friesian Holstein dairy milk quality in all months of lactation in the milk collecting line in Malang. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is one of the major bacterial causes of mastitis and subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. This disease is caused economic losses due to falling milk production and the addition of production costs. One of the criteria for the differentiation of S. aureus is the formation of pigment. Phenotype characteristics of S. aureus in vitro as a cause of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows are using 30 isolates. The level of mastitis subclinical is used by reagent IPB-l. Isolation and identification of S. aureus carried by several biochemical tests, namely: culture on Agar Blood Frame (ABF) media, observation of cell morphology, catalase test, coagulates test, and fermentation of mannitol test. Character is done by observing colony pigment on ABF media. The incidence rate of subclinical mastitis milk samples are from 198 dairy cattle, 107subclinical mastitis positive samples (54%) and 91 (46%) negative subclinical mastitis. From 30 isolates of S. aureus isolates subclinical mastitis caused 43.33% and 56.67% negative subclinical mastitis. Based on pigment production of the S. aureus isolated, 11 isolates (36.67%) produces a yellow pigment, 17 isolates (56.67%) white pigment, 1 isolates (3.33%) and an orange pigment isolates (3.33%) are not pigmented
Ecological Value of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) at Tropical Evergreen Aglaia-Streblus Forest of Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia
As part of carbon pools, forest soil stores soil organic matter (SOM) that contains many elements including organic C, N, P, and K. These elements contribute nutrients for biogeochemical cycles within the ecosystem. This study was done to determine the ecological value of forest soil organic matter at tropical evergreen Aglaia-Streblus forest of Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP), East Java, Indonesia. The data were sampled along gradient topography in Pringtali tropical forest of TMBNP. Direct measurements of soil moisture, temperature, and pH were taken in the field. The soil samples were extracted from 6 points of soil solum using soil auger, and then oven-dried to get value of dry-weight. The elements content of organic C, N, P, and K were analyzed and estimated at the laboratory. The ecoval of SOM was appraised using developed ecological valuation tool. The result showed that SOM contributed higher ecoval of organic C (66.03 Mg ha-1) than other elements. Compared to P and K elements, N had the highest stock of element content. However, comparing to other two tropical forest ecosystems of Asia the ecoval of SOM elements in TMBNP was relatively low because of its natural geomorphological features.The ecoval of SOM elements in TMBNP was relatively low because of its natural geomorphological features. The ecovals contributed about 2.440,64 - 6.955,50 USD or 31.271.923,73 - 89.120.837,23 IDR per hectare of ecological value (d) to the ecosystem. This value was mainly contributed by organic C stock in the TMBNP forest SOM. It means the forest SOM had higher element content of organic C than N, P, and K elements. This d value is an indicator for TMBNP to protect the SOM elements meaning protecting their resources to sustain the biogeochemical cycles in the forest ecosystem. All the management and policy correlated to this protected area should consider this valuable information for their plan and actions
Peri-urbanisation in East Asia: A new challenge for planning?
Spatial transformation in peri-urban areas has provided an emerging picture of the growth of many metropolitan regions in developing countries. In this paper, we present a new perspective on this transformation from the viewpoint of the developing and transitional countries of East Asia, and suggest its potential implications for planning and governance. First, we reveal the uniqueness of peri-urbanisation in these countries in relation to its dependence on the metropolitan centres, capital accumulation and dynamic coexistence of urban and rural livelihoods. Although we acknowledge the growing contribution of peri-urban areas to regional economies, this is still at the expense of spatial cohesion, regional sustainability and quality of the physical environment. It is argued that these undesirable consequences have been a reflection of fragmented institutional landscapes, particularly at the regional level. In order to address this institutional fragmentation, we suggest a need to transform current domestic planning systems, strengthen collaborative approaches, promote innovative institution-building and consider rescaling of governance