41 research outputs found


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    Kecacingan merupakan penyakit kronis yang sangat merugikan pada peternakan. Penggunaan anthelmintika adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pengendalian parasit. Penggunaan anthelmintika yang benar perlu diperhatikan untuk menghindari resistensi cacing target terhadap anthelmintika yang digunakan. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengulas berkembangnya resistensi anthelmintika,  mengulas risiko cepatnya kemunculan resistnsi anthelmintika di lahan kering Nusa Tenggara Timur, terutama dalam peternakan ruminansia, dan mengutarakan strategi manajemen guna memperlambat kemunculan resistensi. Resistensi itu muncul ketika suatu jenis/golongan cacing yang biasanya dapat dibasmi dengan anthelmintika tertentu, didapati menyintas dari terapi obat tersebut. Pendapat umum ahli menyatakan bahwa resistensi adalah sifat yang diwariskan secara genetik. Karena diwariskan secara genetik, maka cacing penyintas akan menurunkan sifat resisten kepada generasi selanjutnya. Gen resisten tersebut dimiliki oleh sebagian kecil dari populasi cacing, yang kemudian secara bertahap jumlah kelompok resisten bertambah dalam populasi cacing. Resistensi anthelmintika merupakan ancaman serius yang bisa datang kapan saja, dan akan lebih cepat datang tanpa manajemen yang baik. Upaya untuk memperlambat atau menunda datangnya resistensi adalah mempertahankan proporsi cacing dengan gen resisten tetap rendah dalam populasi

    Pengendalian Helminthiasis pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur Tradisional di Kabupaten Magetan, Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Optimization of resources is very important in achieving high productivity laying birds in order to support the fulfillment of consumption and ensure the economic sustainability of the farm. Laying poultry farms can not be separated from the variable costs, and the highest cost is bird's feed. Therefore, the main indicator is feed conversion ratio (FCR), which depicts the conversion of feed into eggs. Most of the poultry farm business in Indonesia is a small-medium scale traditionally managed farms, so some aspects of farm management inhibits optimal performance. One of the important parts that can lead to a waste of resources ranch is about a lack of attention to parasite control. Parasites disadvantage due to being the host competitors in getting nutrients. This researchattempts to study the problem of controlling cestodes at poultry farm folk in Magetan, East Java. The results showed high cestode infection rate, with prevalence reaching 100% at postmortem. The main problems found were a low frequency of cleaning dirt, the host control between (flies) is not maximized, and the treatment of intestinal worms (deworming) with drugs that are not appropriate

    Infeksi parasit gastrointestinal pada kambing di Kupang

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    Produktivitas ternak kambing di lahan kering Nusa Tenggara Timur yang dipelihara secara tradisional semi-intensif sangat dirugikan oleh parasit. Studi kasus selama bulan Juli 2016 pada 5 peternakan rakyat ini mendeskripsikan pola pemeliharaan ternak kambing di Kupang yang dikaitkan dengan risiko infeksi/infestasi parasit. Kambing sebanyak 20 ekor dari 5 peternakan kambing di Kota Kupang (Kelurahan Manutapen, Kelurahan Lasiana) dan di Kabupaten Kupang (Desa Pariti dan Desa Oenesu) terdiri dari berbagai umur diambil sampel feses untuk pemeriksaan parasit kualitatif dengan metode pengapungan sederhana. Observasi dilakukan terhadap perkandangan dan padang penggembalaan. Wawancara terstruktur pada pemilik peternakan untuk mengetahui tata kelola peternakan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan semua ternak terinfeksi parasit saluran pencernaan berupa cacing kelompok strongil, cacing Strongyloides, cacing Trichuris dan protozoa Eimeria spp. Sistim peternakan kambing yang dikelola secara tradisional semi-intensif sebagai usaha sampingan dimana ternak dilepas saat cuaca cerah, kandang alas tanah tanpa pemisahan umur, dan kotoran jarang dibersihkan mendukung siklus hidup parasit

    Pengendalian Helminthiasis pada Peternakan Ayam Petelur Tradisional di Kabupaten Magetan, Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Optimization of resources is very important in achieving high productivity laying birds in order to support the fulfillment of consumption and ensure the economic sustainability of the farm. Laying poultry farms can not be separated from the variable costs, and the highest cost is bird’s feed. Therefore, the main indicator is feed conversion ratio (FCR), which depicts the conversion of feed into eggs. Most of the poultry farm business in Indonesia is a small-medium scale traditionally managed farms, so some aspects of farm management inhibits optimal performance. One of the important parts that can lead to a waste of resources ranch is about a lack of attention to parasite control. Parasites disadvantage due to being the host competitors in getting nutrients. This researchattempts to study the problem of controlling cestodes at poultry farm folk in Magetan, East Java. The results showed high cestode infection rate, with prevalence reaching 100% at postmortem. The main problems found were a low frequency of cleaning dirt, the host control between (flies) is not maximized, and the treatment of intestinal worms (deworming) with drugs that are not appropriate

    Laporan pertama infeksi larva Anisakidae pada kerapu merah (Cephalopholis miniata) dari perairan Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Penyediaan pangan asal hewan yang sehat merupakan faktor pendukung dalam pembangunan. Demikian pula dalam penyediaan industri jasa pariwisata yang didalamnya tercakup wisata kuliner. Infeksi larva Anisakidae pada ikan laut yang dikonsumsi harus menjadi perhatian penting dalam penyediaan jasa kuliner makanan laut dari aspek kesehatan masyarakat veteriner. Kajian ini merupakan deskripsi temuan pertama infeksi larva anisakid pada seekor ikan kerapu merah (Cephalopholis miniata). Infeksi larva anisakid pada C. miniata ini ditemukan pada peritoneum dan otot perut. Penting bagi masyarakat yang memasak ikan agar memastikan bagian dalam ikan juga matang sempurna agar terhindar dari anisakiasis


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    A pair of cross-sectional studies was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of Strongyloides spp. (threadworm) infections in beef cattle in Kasiman Subdistrict, the Regency of Bojonegoro. A total of 263 and 270 of local beef cattle with various age were selected  for faecal sample during dry season (August-October) and wet season (February-March), respectively. Feces were processed for counting the number of eggs per gram feces (EPG) using McMaster method. The prevalence of strongyloidosis was 4.56% and 7.04% in the dry season and the rainy season, respectively. The factors that associated with prevalence and intensity infection were age and sex of cattle. During the dry season and the rainy season, the calf  and weaner group (1 year) was more susceptible for Strongyloides infection than cattle with older age and showed higher intensity of infection (based on EPG values). The bulls showed a higher risk and intensity of infection than cows

    Fibrosarcoma Esophagus pada Anjing Lokal di Kabupaten Kupang yang Diakibatkan oleh Spirocerca Lupi (Spiruridae)

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    Two years old and one and half years local intact female dogs from Kupang were submitted to Veterinery Pathogy Laboratorium, Nusa Cendana University. These dogs showed symptomps: coughing, loss appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Grossly, there was a smooth surface nodul on the distal of oesophagus with fistula in the middle of it where the worm came out. Microscopically, Spirocerca lupi was surrounded by proliferated spindle shape cells with round or ovoid nuclei as well as 12 mitotic figures over 10 non-overlapping high power fields (400X). These are characteristics of fibrosarcoma. This is the first official report of the existence of spirocercosis in Kabupaten Kupang


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    East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the provincial livestock producer and breeder sector has also become one of the sectors that support the communities in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. In support of the program of cattle to be free of the disease, efforts to improve the beef cattle population is affected by several factors such as enclosure management and disease prevention. Diseases that can reduce productivity in cattle caused by bacteria, viruses, endoparasites and ectoparasites. One of the ectoparasites that act as vectors of disease that often occurs in cattle are flies. This study aims to look at the Variety type and abundance Flies On Cattle in Kupang located in two studies namely Cattle Farmers Group Noetnana, Village Fatukoa, District Maulafa, Kupang (farm I) and Cage Cattle SMK PP Kupang State (farm II). Fly collection is done by using two methods: the method of sweeping and manual methods.Flies sample processing is done by piercing flies (pinning) using pinning needles on one side of the thorax slightly to the right of the center line.The diversity of types of flies analyzed using the formula of relative abundance. The diversity of types of flies obtained during the research was Haematobia sp. Hippobosca sp. Stomoxys calcitrans, Musca domestica, and Tabanus sp. Factors that contributed to support the amount of diversity of types of flies are carrying appropriate for the survival of various types of flies in these locations such as temperature, humidity, food and breeding grounds. The total number of flies were obtained during the study was 3308 flies


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    Wabah African Swine Fever yang sangat merugikan bagi peternakan babi telah menyebar ke hampir seluruh dunia. Indonesia semakin terancam masuknya penyakit eksotis tersebut setelah diketahui Timor Leste telah terjadi wabah. Provinsi NTT dengan populasi babi terbesar di Indonesia dan berbatasan darat langsung dengan Timor Leste harus waspada. Artikel ini berusaha mengulas potensi ancaman dan tantangan dan upaya pencegahan masuknya ASF ke Indonesia melalui Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jalur ptensial masuknya ASF ke Indonesia dari Timor Leste dapat melalui beberapa aktivitas mobilitas darat, laut dan udara. Pengawasan lalu lintas perbatasan harus diperketat diikuti dengan penerapan biosekuriti dapat mengurangi risiko masuknya ASF dari Timor Leste ke Indonesia, meskipun ada rute penyebaran yang sulit dibatasi dan dikendalikan seperti kontak ternak babi liar di hutan perbatasan. Sosialisasi dan penyadaran warga sangat penting untuk menunjang kesiapsiagaan menghadapi wabah ASF