108 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Tree Search with Heuristic Evaluations using Implicit Minimax Backups

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    Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) has improved the performance of game engines in domains such as Go, Hex, and general game playing. MCTS has been shown to outperform classic alpha-beta search in games where good heuristic evaluations are difficult to obtain. In recent years, combining ideas from traditional minimax search in MCTS has been shown to be advantageous in some domains, such as Lines of Action, Amazons, and Breakthrough. In this paper, we propose a new way to use heuristic evaluations to guide the MCTS search by storing the two sources of information, estimated win rates and heuristic evaluations, separately. Rather than using the heuristic evaluations to replace the playouts, our technique backs them up implicitly during the MCTS simulations. These minimax values are then used to guide future simulations. We show that using implicit minimax backups leads to stronger play performance in Kalah, Breakthrough, and Lines of Action.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 9 tables, expanded version of paper presented at IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) 2014 conferenc

    Adaptive General Search Framework for Games and Beyond

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    The research field of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is concerned with the creation of adaptive programs that can autonomously address tasks of a different nature. Search and planning have been identified as core capabilities of AGI, and have been successful in many scenarios that require sequential decision-making. However, many search algorithms are developed for specific problems and exploit domain-specific knowledge, which makes them not applicable to perform different tasks autonomously. Although some domain-independent search algorithms have been proposed, a programmer still has to make decisions on their design, setup and enhancements. Thus, the performance is limited by the programmer's decisions, which are usually biased. This paper proposes to develop a framework that, in line with the goals of AGI, autonomously addresses a wide variety of search tasks, adapting automatically to each new, unknown task. To achieve this, we propose to encode search algorithms in a formal language and combine algorithm portfolios with automatic algorithm generation. In addition, we see games as the ideal test bed for the framework, because they can model a wide variety of complex problems. Finally, we believe that this research will have an impact not only on the AGI research field, but also on the game industry and on real-world problems

    Ludii -- The Ludemic General Game System

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    While current General Game Playing (GGP) systems facilitate useful research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for game-playing, they are often somewhat specialised and computationally inefficient. In this paper, we describe the "ludemic" general game system Ludii, which has the potential to provide an efficient tool for AI researchers as well as game designers, historians, educators and practitioners in related fields. Ludii defines games as structures of ludemes -- high-level, easily understandable game concepts -- which allows for concise and human-understandable game descriptions. We formally describe Ludii and outline its main benefits: generality, extensibility, understandability and efficiency. Experimentally, Ludii outperforms one of the most efficient Game Description Language (GDL) reasoners, based on a propositional network, in all games available in the Tiltyard GGP repository. Moreover, Ludii is also competitive in terms of performance with the more recently proposed Regular Boardgames (RBG) system, and has various advantages in qualitative aspects such as generality.Comment: Accepted at ECAI 202

    Service Selection using Predictive Models and Monte-Carlo Tree Search

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    This article proposes a method for automated service selection to improve treatment efficacy and reduce re-hospitalization costs. A predictive model is developed using the National Home and Hospice Care Survey (NHHCS) dataset to quantify the effect of care services on the risk of re-hospitalization. By taking the patient's characteristics and other selected services into account, the model is able to indicate the overall effectiveness of a combination of services for a specific NHHCS patient. The developed model is incorporated in Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to determine optimal combinations of services that minimize the risk of emergency re-hospitalization. MCTS serves as a risk minimization algorithm in this case, using the predictive model for guidance during the search. Using this method on the NHHCS dataset, a significant reduction in risk of re-hospitalization is observed compared to the original selections made by clinicians. An 11.89 percentage points risk reduction is achieved on average. Higher reductions of roughly 40 percentage points on average are observed for NHHCS patients in the highest risk categories. These results seem to indicate that there is enormous potential for improving service selection in the near future

    Enhancements for Real-Time Monte-Carlo Tree Search in General Video Game Playing

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    General Video Game Playing (GVGP) is a field of Artificial Intelligence where agents play a variety of real-time video games that are unknown in advance. This limits the use of domain-specific heuristics. Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a search technique for game playing that does not rely on domain-specific knowledge. This paper discusses eight enhancements for MCTS in GVGP; Progressive History, N-Gram Selection Technique, Tree Reuse, Breadth-First Tree Initialization, Loss Avoidance, Novelty-Based Pruning, Knowledge-Based Evaluations, and Deterministic Game Detection. Some of these are known from existing literature, and are either extended or introduced in the context of GVGP, and some are novel enhancements for MCTS. Most enhancements are shown to provide statistically significant increases in win percentages when applied individually. When combined, they increase the average win percentage over sixty different games from 31.0% to 48.4% in comparison to a vanilla MCTS implementation, approaching a level that is competitive with the best agents of the GVG-AI competition in 2015

    Split Moves for Monte-Carlo Tree Search

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    Self-adaptive MCTS for General Video Game Playing

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    Monte-carlo tree search (mcts) has shown particular success in general game playing (ggp) and general video game playing (gvgp) and many enhancements and variants have been developed. Recently, an on-line adaptive parameter tuning mechanism for mcts agents has been proposed that almost achieves the same performance as off-line tuning in ggp.in this paper we apply the same approach to gvgp and use the popular general video game ai (gvgai) framework, in which the time allowed to make a decision is only 40 ms. We design three self-adaptive mcts (sa-mcts) agents that optimize on-line the parameters of a standard non-self-adaptive mcts agent of gvgai. The three agents select the parameter values using naïve monte-carlo, an evolutionary algorithm and an n-tuple bandit evolutionary algorithm respectively, and are tested on 20 single-player games of gvgai.the sa-mcts agents achieve more robust results on the tested games. With the same time setting, they perform similarly to the baseline standard mcts agent in the games for which the baseline agent performs well, and significantly improve the win rate in the games for which the baseline agent performs poorly. As validation, we also test the performance of non-self-adaptive mcts instances that use the most sampled parameter settings during the on-line tuning of each of the three sa-mcts agents for each game. Results show that these parameter settings improve the win rate on the games wait for breakfast and escape by 4 times and 150 times, respectively

    Foundations of Digital Arch{\ae}oludology

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    Digital Archaeoludology (DAL) is a new field of study involving the analysis and reconstruction of ancient games from incomplete descriptions and archaeological evidence using modern computational techniques. The aim is to provide digital tools and methods to help game historians and other researchers better understand traditional games, their development throughout recorded human history, and their relationship to the development of human culture and mathematical knowledge. This work is being explored in the ERC-funded Digital Ludeme Project. The aim of this inaugural international research meeting on DAL is to gather together leading experts in relevant disciplines - computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computational phylogenetics, mathematics, history, archaeology, anthropology, etc. - to discuss the key themes and establish the foundations for this new field of research, so that it may continue beyond the lifetime of its initiating project.Comment: Report on Dagstuhl Research Meeting. Authored/edited by all participants. Appendices by Thierry Depauli

    2018 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG 2018)

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    Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Board Games

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