369 research outputs found

    Use of mangroves for aquaculture: Myanmar.

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    Aquaculture has only started to develop rapidly in the past few decades, due to better knowledge of culture species, improved methodologies and techniques in breeding, nutrition and increasing demand for food fish of high-value species such as shrimps, sea bass and groupers. Mangrove deforestation has an impact on shrimp culture itself, the success of the latter (when traditional culture method is used) depends on stocking of wild fry. For semi-intensive and intensive shrimp culture, the number of wild caught spawners may decrease because wild shrimp populations also use mangrove swamps as its feeding ground. Other negative effects of mangrove destruction to make way to shrimp ponds, include water pollution from pond effluents, sedimentation from the release of solid materials from pond, interruption of the tidal water flow, dwindling natural shrimp and fish stock due to increased pollution or product contamination due to indiscriminate use of chemicals. Chemicals and drugs (antibiotic) should not be used in fish and shrimp culture for prevention and control of bacteria and viral diseases. In order to ensure the sustainable development of aquaculture, it is important to bear in mind the interdependence of technology and natural resource under various socioeconomic setting

    Analysis and design of multi-storey composite building

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    Many types of multistory buildings are the symbols of modernized and developed nations. These buildings are the solution to the problem of living because of population growth. High-rise steel frame and concrete frame structures have been constructed in design of tall buildings in our country as a standard role. But, composite tall building is not situated up to now. Therefore, it is necessary to study special attention in designing the composite tall building. This study deals with composite action in structural members of 5 stories composite building. It belongs to seismic zone 2A. The spans of the sample model are arranged from 10 feet to 30 feet. Analysis of building is carried out by using ETABS Software. In designing beam members, ETABS Software is also used, but CSICOL Software is introduced for column design. Only square sections are used in column design for the purpose of easy to construct the building. The structure is composed of special moment resisting frame by using steel and concrete materials. Seismic load follows the Uniform Building Code (UBC) procedure of equivalent static and dynamic analysis load assumptions and load combinations are also according to UBC provision. In dynamic analysis, response spectrum method is used. Wide flange W-sections are used for frame members associated with reinforced concrete. Floor slabs are designed as metal steel deck supporting concrete slab system. Joints are considered as rigid joints and connection is designed with bolts and weld. Necessary checking is carried out for the stability of the superstructure

    Ayatanas, Sensors and Sensing

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    The five sensing processes: stimuli, sensors, feeling, perception, and response are examined from Buddhist and Science aspects. Parallels and differences are identified

    Myanmar Traditional Saranagamma and Dana Death Ceremonies

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    Myanmar (Burmese) traditional refuge taking in the Triple Gems (Buddha, Dhamma, Sanga) known as the Saranagamma ceremony and the specifically directed good conduct of giving called Dana ceremony invariably performed at a person’s death are described. The weaknesses are identified and effective alternatives are suggested. These are presented in dialogue form via e-mails and phone calls together with the corresponding replies

    Kamma and Chaos Theory (Complexity Science)

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    Exposure to kamma and chaos theory is followed by an attempt to identify similarities between them such as: continuous causality (interdependent coexistence present in open systems) - a common factor in chaos theory and Buddhism (explains Buddhist rebirth); Buddhist proximate paths or actions that yield very different effects and chaos theory proximate initial conditions giving very different results; Buddhist 31 abodes of beings at various levels and chaos theory attractors; the middle path in Buddhism and in chaos theory the edge of chaos being the most desirable resting level

    Modulation of Th1- and Th2-type immune response in infant mouse after prenatal exposure to volatile organic compound

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    胎児期、乳児期は化学物質に対して高感受性の時期であるとも云われており、多種多様な化学物質による子供の健康影響とそのメカニズムを把握することは生体機能の正常な発達の観点から重要と考えられている。本研究では低濃度トルエンの胎児期曝露が仔マウスの全身および局所でのTh1/Th2免疫応答に及ぼす影響についてグラム陽性菌細胞壁成分ペプチドグリカン(PGN; peptidoglycan)との併用, 非併用下で検討した。その結果、5,50ppm トルエンのみもしくはPGN刺激との併用曝露は血中や脾臓においてTh1及びTh2型免疫応答に関係するいくつかの免疫パラメーター(総Ig抗体サブクラスの産生レベルや転写因子T-bet, GATA-3, Foxp3のmRNA発現等)をかく乱することを明らかした

    Statistical Function Tagging and Grammatical Relations of Myanmar Sentences

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    This paper describes a context free grammar (CFG) based grammatical relations for Myanmar sentences which combine corpus-based function tagging system. Part of the challenge of statistical function tagging for Myanmar sentences comes from the fact that Myanmar has free-phrase-order and a complex morphological system. Function tagging is a pre-processing step to show grammatical relations of Myanmar sentences. In the task of function tagging, which tags the function of Myanmar sentences with correct segmentation, POS (part-of-speech) tagging and chunking information, we use Naive Bayesian theory to disambiguate the possible function tags of a word. We apply context free grammar (CFG) to find out the grammatical relations of the function tags. We also create a functional annotated tagged corpus for Myanmar and propose the grammar rules for Myanmar sentences. Experiments show that our analysis achieves a good result with simple sentences and complex sentences.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 8 tables, AIAA-2011 (India). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0912.1820 by other author

    Science and Metaphysics Part IV- Scientific Ethics?

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    The following six controversies, which form a basic set of ethical issues, are used as basis for testing the applicability of science to ethics.Hedonism (Epicurus) v. Nonhedonism (Plato)Absolutism (Thomas Hobbes) v. Relativism (Thomas Aquinas)Deontology (Kant) v. Teleology (Aristotle)Nonconsequentialism v. Consequentia-lismFree Will (St. Augustine) v. Determin-ismEgoism v. Utilitarianism (John Stuart Mill

    Save the Ozone Shield

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    The earth is constantly bombarded by ultraviolet (UV) rays, which consist of two forms UVA and UVB, the latter being more potent. High UVB levels can affect human health, ecosystem productivity and global habitability. However a layer of ozone in the atmosphere, called the ozone shield, protects the earth. Over the years the ozone shield has been destroyed, and a hole has appeared that allows UVB to harm living organisms. The size of the ozone hole is increasing. The main ozone depleting substances, ODS, the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are of anthropogenic origin. Global responses, such as the Montreal Protocol and the response by USA (the major ODS producer), to the threat are mentioned. Importance of individual response is also emphasized. Individual environmental ethics is fundamentally essential. Three ways of minimizing the release of CFCs are suggested. Benefits of reducing CFCs and some case studies of successful CFC elimination are cited

    Science and Metaphysics Part III Scientific Epistemology?

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    The major factor that limits application of science in epistemology is identified as the blindness of science to the mind side of humans. The argument is developed through three issues: Knowledge v. Belief; Rationalism v. Empiricism and Skepticism v. Certainty, which form the three major arguments of epistemology.Plato’s view and The Justified True Belief theory on knowledge and belief; Rene Descartes’ defense of rationalism and John Locke’s defense of empiricism in rationalism v. empiricism; and G. E. Moore’s defense of certainty, called “Defense of Common Sense” and David Hume’s defense of skepticism in skepticism v. certainty are examined