355 research outputs found

    Contextual Components of an Enterprise Architecture Framework for Pan-European eGovernment Services

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks provide a wide range of architecture components. Contextual EA components provide the necessary guidance to design specific architectures in a given context e.g. for Pan-European Government Services (PEGS). Contextual EA components help to describe the background and scope of architecture work and provide a ground to tackle architecture challenges in an agreed way. The main contribution of this conceptual paper is to connect existing theoretical models as a basis to examine contextual components of an EA framework for PEGS. Three aspects are elaborated using a model-based approach: a Critical Success Factor Model, a Strategy Management Model and a Stakeholder Engagement Model. The identified models are aligned with EA standards and provide guidance to empirical research and to programs, projects and initiatives that wish to create interoperability architectures

    Gap Analysis Methodology for Identifying Future Ict Related eGovernment Research Topics – Case of “Ontology and Semantic Web” in the Context of eGovernment

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    Modern ICT enables governments all over the world to improve their operation in order to become more efficient and effective. Despite of all possible benefits of using modern ICT, governments still struggle with the problems of inefficiency of their operation. eGovernment is being discussed in many contexts. Expectations of research and implementation in this field were high. However, many investments have not met the visions and reached the maturity aimed at. What are the deficiencies of current developments in eGovernment? What is the role of research in advancing the field? In an European Commission - funded project, eGovRTD2020, eGovernment research is being investigated in terms of current state of play and future needs of eGovernment research based on visionary scenarios of governments using modern ICT in 2020 for their service provision and interaction with their constituency (citizens, companies, other governments, etc.). To understand the future needs of eGovernment research, a structured methodology of analyzing the gaps of current research in respect to the future needs has been developed. This paper presents the gap analysis methodology with the example of identified gap and future research theme “semantic web and ontology in the context of eGovernment”

    Closing the gap: Leveraging data for seamless integration between pre-award and post-award in public procurement

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    Public Procurement Procedures are crucial to economies globally, especially in the European Union. These procedures include different phases, actors, processes, business documents, and information assets that must be arranged across several architectural layers of a pan-European public procurement ecosystem. Orchestrating the aforementioned aspects in complex real-world situations often hinders pan-European public interoperability and efficiency Standardization and stakeholder participation vary in the pre and post award phases. This paper aims to create a holistic and interoperable architecture towards Pan-European Procurement following the principles of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). Emphasis is placed on establishing a clear “data- handshake” in the transition from pre-award to post-award. To accomplish this, a systematic literature review and analysis of eProcurement’s common challenges are synthesized. Based on these challenges, fitting solution components are identified and mapped from both rigorous literature and relevant standardization projects. The different solution components are then combined towards a reference architecture that addresses the identified challenges. Finally, the research puts forward a core public procurement dataset to further support interoperability and data governance throughout the entirety of eProcurement procedures

    Migration als politisches, ökonomisches und kulturelles PhÀnomen am Beispiel ausgewÀhlter pazifischer Inselstaaten

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    Wanderungsbewegungen von Menschen gibt es schon seit Anbeginn der Zeit, es stellt somit kein neues, unbekanntes PhĂ€nomen dar. Jedoch sind die GrĂŒnde und Ursachen fĂŒr Migration in Folge politischer Entscheidungen, ökonomischer Entwicklungen und sozialer VerĂ€nderungen einem permanenten Wandel unterworfen. Um dieses komplexe Thema eingehender betrachten zu können, wird in dieser Diplomarbeit der Schwerpunkt auf Migration im SĂŒdpazifik gelegt. Da die pazifischen Inselstaaten durch ihre Vielfalt sehr anschaulich die unterschiedlichen Aspekte von Migration zeigen. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen unter welchen Bedingungen Migration im SĂŒdpazifik stattfindet, welche konkrete Auslöser und GrĂŒnde es fĂŒr eine solche gibt und welche Konsequenzen sie nach sich zieht. Analyseeinheiten stellen dabei einerseits die beispielhaft ausgewĂ€hlten HerkunftslĂ€nder Fiji, Samoa und Tonga und andererseits die ZiellĂ€nder Australien und Neuseeland dar. Als theoretischen Zugang dienen ForschungsansĂ€tze der Politikwissenschaft, der Ökonomie, der Soziologie und der Ethnologie sowie die klassischen und neueren Migrationstheorien. Ziel ist es, die verschiedenen VorgĂ€nge dieses komplexen Themenbereichs verstĂ€ndlicher zu machen, Perspektiven der Migrationsprozesse und wie mit deren Auswirkungen politisch umgegangen wird, aufzuzeigen


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    Die Werbepsychologie ist ein sehr spannendes, aber relativ unerforschtes Feld. In ihr werden Erkenntnisse aus verschiedensten psychologischen Fachgebieten wie der Wirtschaftspsychologie, Sozialpsychologie, Entwicklungspsychologie, Allgemeinen Psychologie, Methodenlehre, u.a. gesammelt und zur Beantwortung wirtschaftspsychologischer Fragestellungen herangezogen. Werbetreibende stĂŒtzen sich oft, ohne es zu wissen auf Konzepte und Erkenntnisse, die in der Psychologie verankert sind. Als fĂ€cherĂŒbergreifendes Themengebiet gibt es zur Werbung unzĂ€hlige Studien und Theorien. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die psychologischen Grundlagen und jene Konzepte und Forschungsergebnisse zusammenzufassen, die auf die Psychologie zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind. In diesem Werk wird auf die Ziele und Strategien der Werbung, die Wirkung der Werbung, die Techniken der Werbung, die Inhalte der Werbegestaltung, mit besonderem Fokus auf der Generierung von GefĂŒhlen in der Werbung, auf die Gestaltung der Werbung, die Werbeformen und abschließend auf die Ethik und die Grenzen der Werbung eingegangen

    Studying eParticipation in Government Innovation Programmes: Lessons from a Survey

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    While eGovernment is a well-established field in research and practice, eParticipation trails behind with only a low number of programmes and strategies at the moment. With the lessons learnt from a survey for studying eParticipation in Government Innovation Programmes and Strategies, the contribution at hand analyses the degree of integration of eParticipation in ICT and eGovernment research and implementation programmes and strategies. It sets out the types of approach necessary to accelerate progress. Together with insights from two projects that analysed eGovernment innovation strategies, the synthesis and comparison of the survey data led to recommendations for activities and measures for innovation programme managers to include eParticipation in future programmes and strategies. The work was performed in the context of DEMO_net1, the Network of Excellence on eParticipation

    ¡Únicamente lo que podemos hacer es organizarnos!

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    Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Frage nach der Bedeutung von Autonomie und ‘Comunalidad’ im Kontext von MICHIZÁ, einer Kleinbauern- und bĂ€uerinnenorganisation in Oaxaca, Mexiko, die biologischen und fairen Kaffee produziert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die ökonomischen, politischen und sozialen Strategien, die MICHIZÁ verfolgt, untersucht. WĂ€hrend eines sechsmonatigen Feldforschungsaufenthalts wurden teilnehmende Beobachtungen und qualitative Interviews mit Mitgliedern und VorstĂ€nden von MICHIZÁ durchgefĂŒhrt. In der Arbeit wurden die interne Organisation der Genossenschaft MICHIZÁ und das VerhĂ€ltnis zu unterschiedlichen staatlichen Institutionen und Akteuren des Bio- und Fairtrade-Sektors analysiert. Außerdem wurden die (Über-)Lebensstrategien indigener Kleinbauern und –bĂ€uerinnen in der nördlichen Sierra von Oaxaca untersucht.This research deals with the question of the importance of autonomy and ‘Comunalidad’ in the context of MICHIZÁ, a peasant organization of organic and fair-trade coffee farmers in Oaxaca, Mexico. For that purpose, the economic, political and social strategies that pursues MICHIZÁ in this environment were studied. During six months of fieldwork, participant observation and qualitative interviews with MICHIZÁ members and directors were conducted. In this thesis the internal organization of the cooperative MICHIZÁ and the relationship with various governmental institutions and actors of the organic and fair trade sector were analyzed. In addition, the livelihood strategies of indigenous farmers in the northern Sierra of Oaxaca were studied

    Evaluating eGovernment in the Large - A Requirements Oriented Approach

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    An increasing level of cooperation between public administrations nowadays on national, regional and local level requires methods to develop interoperable eGovernment systems and leads to the necessity of an efficient evaluation and requirements engineering process. In this paper, we propose a framework to systematically gather and evaluate requirements for eGovernment in the large. The evaluation framework is designed to help requirements engineers to develop a suitable evaluation and requirements engineering process. The methodology is motivated and explained on the basis of a European research project
