20 research outputs found

    Cost Utility of Supporting Family-Based Care to Prevent HIV and Deaths among Orphaned and Separated Children in East Africa: A Markov Model–Based Simulation

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    Purpose: Strengthening family-based care is a key policy response to the more than 15 million orphaned and separated children who have lost 1 or both parents in sub-Saharan Africa. This analysis estimated the cost-effectiveness of family-based care environments for preventing HIV and death in this population. Design: We developed a time-homogeneous Markov model to simulate the incremental cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted by supporting family-based environments caring for orphaned and separated children in western Kenya. Model parameters were based on data from the longitudinal OSCAR’s Health and Well-Being Project and published literature. We used a societal perspective, annual cycle length, and 3% discount rate. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were simulated over 5- to 15-y horizons, comparing family-based settings to street-based “self-care.” Parameter uncertainty was addressed via deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Results: Under base-case assumptions, family-based environments prevented 422 HIV infections and 298 deaths in a simulated cohort of 1,000 individuals over 10 y. Compared with street-based self-care, family-based care had an incremental cost of 2,528perDALYaverted(952,528 per DALY averted (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1,798, 2,599) and 2,355 per quality-adjusted life year gained (95% CI: 1,667, 2,413). The probability of family-based care being highly cost-effective was \u3e80% at a willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold of $2,250/DALY averted. Households receiving government cash transfers had minimally higher cost-effectiveness ratios than households without cash transfers but were still cost-effective at a WTP threshold of twice Kenya’s GDP per capita. Conclusions: Compared with the status quo of street-based self-care, family-based environments offer a cost-effective approach for preventing HIV and death among orphaned children in lower-middle income countries. Decision makers should consider increasing resources to these environments in tandem with social protection programs

    Layering and scaling up chronic non-communicable disease care on existing HIV care systems and acute care settings in Kenya: a cost and budget impact analysis

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    Like many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya is experiencing a rapid rise in the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs): NCDs now contribute to over 50% of inpatient admissions and 40% of hospital deaths in the country. The Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) Chronic Disease Management (CDM) programme builds on lessons and capacity of HIV care to deliver chronic NCD care layered into both HIV and primary care platforms to over 24,000 patients across 69 health facilities in western Kenya. We conducted a cost and budget impact analysis of scaling up the AMPATH CDM programme in western Kenya using the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research guidelines.; Costs of the CDM programme for the health system were measured retrospectively for 69 AMPATH clinics from 2014 to 2018 using programmatic records and clinic schedules to assign per clinic monthly costs. We quantified the additional costs to provide NCD care above those associated with existing HIV or acute care services, including clinician, staff, training, travel and equipment costs, but do not include drugs or consumables as they would be paid by the patient. We projected the budget impact of increasing CDM coverage to 50% of the eligible population from 2021 to 2025, and compared it with the county budgets from 2019.; The per visit cost of providing CDM care was 10.42(SD10.42 (SD 2.26), with costs at facilities added to HIV clinics 1.00(951.00 (95% CI: -2:11 to $0.11) lower than at primary care facilities. The budget impact of adding 26,765 patients from 2021 to 2025 to the CDM programme was 3,088,928 under constant percent growth, and 3,451,732 under steady-state enrolment. Scaling up under the constant percent growth scenario resulted in 12% cost savings in the budget impact. The county programmatic CDM cost in 2025 was <1% of the county healthcare budgets from 2019.; The budget impact of scaling up AMPATH's CDM programme will be driven by annual growth scenarios, and facility/provider mix. By leveraging task shifting, referral systems and partnering with public and non-profit clinics without NCD services, AMPATH's CDM programme can provide critical NCD care to new, rural populations with minimal financial impact

    Microfinance, retention in care, and mortality among patients enrolled in HIV 2 Care in East Africa

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    Objective: To measure associations between participation in community-based microfinance groups, retention in HIV care, and death among people with HIV (PWH) in low-resource settings. Design and methods: We prospectively analyzed data from 3609 patients enrolled in an HIV care program in western Kenya. HIV patients who were eligible and chose to participate in a Group Integrated Savings for Health Empowerment (GISHE) microfinance group were matched 1 : 2 on age, sex, year of enrollment in HIV care, and location of initial HIV clinic visit to patients not participating in GISHE. Follow-up data were abstracted from medical records from January 2018 through February 2020. Logistic regression analysis examined associations between GISHE participation and two outcomes: retention in HIV care (i.e. >1 HIV care visit attended within 6 months prior to the end of follow-up) and death. Socioeconomic factors associated with HIV outcomes were included in adjusted models. Results: The study population was majority women (78.3%) with a median age of 37.4 years. Microfinance group participants were more likely to be retained in care relative to HIV patients not participating in a microfinance group [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 1.31, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.71; P = 0.046]. Participation in group microfinance was associated with a reduced odds of death during the follow-up period (aOR = 0.57, 95% CI 0.28–1.09; P = 0.105). Conclusion: Participation in group-based microfinance appears to be associated with better HIV treatment outcomes. A randomized trial is needed to assess whether microfinance groups can improve clinical and socioeconomic outcomes among PWH in similar settings

    Why using bed nets is a challenge among minority populations in Central Vietnam.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite freely distributed insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and health information campaigns to increase their use among populations at risk, malaria transmission persists in forested areas in Vietnam, especially among ethnic minority communities. A mixed-methods study was conducted in four villages of Ca Dong and M'nong ethnicity in Central Vietnam between 2009 and 2011 to assess factors limiting the uptake of ITNs. METHODS: The mixed-methods research design consisted of a qualitative study to explore the context and barriers to ITN use, and a cross-sectional household survey (n = 141) to quantify factors for limited and appropriate net use. RESULTS: The Ca Dong and M'nong's livelihood was dependent on swidden farming in the forest. Poverty-related factors, including the lack of beds, blankets, the practice of sleeping around the kitchen fire and deteriorated ITNs due to open housing structures, were reasons for alternative and non-use of ITNs. When household members stayed overnight in plot huts at fields, ITNs were even more unavailable and easily deteriorated. 72.5% of households reported having received one net for every two persons, and 82.2% of participants reported to have used ITNs the night before the survey. However, only 18.4% of participants were estimated to be effectively protected by ITNs after accounting for the availability of torn ITNs and the way ITNs were used, for example as blankets, at both village and fields. Multi-variable logistic regression showed the effect of four significant factors for appropriate ITN use: i) being female (AOR = 8.08; p = 0.009); ii) aware of mosquito bites as the sole cause of malaria (AOR = 7.43; p = 0.008); iii) not sleeping around the kitchen fire (AOR = 24.57; p = 0.001); and iv) having sufficient number of ITNs in the household (AOR = 21.69; p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study showed how social factors rooted in poverty and swidden agriculture limited the effective use of ITNs, despite high coverage, among ethnic minority populations in Central Vietnam. An in-depth understanding of the local context is essential to develop specific indicators for measuring ITN use

    Incentivizing COVID-19 vaccination among racial/ethnic minority adults in the United States: $209 per dose could convince the hesitant

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    Abstract Background More than two years into the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, it remains unclear whether financial incentives can reduce vaccine hesitancy and improve uptake among key unvaccinated populations. This study estimated the willingness of racial/ethnic minority adults in the United States to accept financial incentives for COVID-19 vaccination and the minimum amount needed to vaccinate a sufficiently high percentage of this population. Methods From August through September 2021, we conducted an online survey of 367 Black/African American and Hispanic patients, age ≄ 18 years, from 8 community health centers in Rhode Island. Contingent valuation questions assessed respondents’ willingness-to-accept (WTA) incentives for COVID-19 vaccination using random-starting-points and iterative incentive offers of 5to5 to 50 per dose. Ordered logistic regression models examined associations between respondent characteristics and WTA. Predictive probabilities were modeled using both within-survey range and out-of-survey range incentive offer amounts and compared against vaccination thresholds needed to reach herd immunity. Results Less than 30% of unvaccinated survey respondents were WTA an incentive of 50/doseforvaccination.Modelsusingout−of−surveyincentiveofferamountsgreaterthan50/dose for vaccination. Models using out-of-survey incentive offer amounts greater than 50 suggested that 85% of respondents would agree 140/dose(95140/dose (95% CI: 43-236)couldconvinceotherpeopletoacceptvaccination,while236) could convince other people to accept vaccination, while 209/dose (95% CI: -91−91-509) would be needed for 85% of respondents to accept vaccination themselves. Conclusions Findings from this analysis may inform the design of incentive schemes aiming to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in vaccine and booster uptake, which will continue to be important as new variants of SARS-CoV-2 emerge

    Barriers and facilitators to scaling up access to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among key populations: A qualitative study of the incentive-based PrEP Seguro program in Mexico

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    Introduction: Daily oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is highly safe and effective for HIV prevention, yet barriers to PrEP access and adherence persist among key populations. In Mexico, incentive-based pilot programs have been effective in improving PrEP adherence among male sex workers. Understanding the experiences of providers and program implementers is critical to integrating PrEP adherence programs as part of standard care in Mexico and similar settings. Methods: We conducted 17 in-depth informational interviews with care providers and staff responsible for administering PrEP to key populations (men who have sex with men, male sex workers, transgender women) in Mexico City. Interviews explored successes and challenges surrounding current PrEP implementation, as well as adaptations that could facilitate national scale-up of PrEP programs in Mexico. Informant transcripts were analyzed using a hybrid inductive-deductive thematic analysis approach utilizing CFIR constructs for the initial codebook while allowing for inductive findings. Results: Three key themes emerged from informant interviews as important for promoting PrEP programs in Mexico: 1) increasing individual PrEP access, 2) strengthening quality of care, and 3) improving organizational and structural support. Conclusions: PrEP in Mexico is currently only available in a few clinics with high patient populations, and siloed HIV services, stigma, and a lack of inter-organizational collaboration remain persistent barriers to PrEP uptake. Promoting government collaboration and increasing financial support for community-based organizations is needed to expand PrEP access. Tailored, destigmatizing information about PrEP services needs to be diffused among both staff and patients to strengthen care quality

    Cost-Effectiveness of Care Environments for Improving the Mental Health of Orphaned and Separated Children and Adolescents in Kenya

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    Background: Institutionalization has shown contradictory effects on the mental health of orphaned and separated children and adolescents (OSCA) in sub-Saharan Africa. There is a paucity of data surrounding the cost-effectiveness of different care environments for improving OSCA\u27s mental health. Aims of the study: The goal of this analysis was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of Charitable Children\u27s Institutions (orphanages) compared to family-based settings serving OSCA in East Africa in terms of USD/unit reduction in mental health diagnoses (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicidality) and quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. Methods: This economic analysis was conducted from a societal perspective as part of the Orphaned and Separated Children\u27s Assessments Related to their (OSCAR\u27s) Health and Well-Being Project, a 10-year longitudinal cohort study evaluating the effects of different care environments on OSCA\u27s physical and psychological health in western Kenya. Cost data were ascertained from 9 institutions and 225 family-based settings in the OSCAR cohort via survey assessments, budget reports, and expert interviews. Monthly per-child costs were calculated as the sum of recurrent and capital costs divided by the environment\u27s maximum residential capacity, and cost differences between care environments were estimated using two-part models. Mental health effectiveness outcomes were derived from prior survival regression analyses conducted among the OSCAR cohort. We used Child Depression Inventory Short-Form scores at baseline and follow-up to calculate the number of depression-free days (DFDs) over the follow-up period, and translated DFDs into QALYs using established utility weights. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were calculated as the difference in monthly per-child cost divided by the difference in each mental health outcome, comparing institutions to family-based settings. Sampling uncertainty in the ICERs was handled using nonparametric bootstrapping with 1,000 replications. We assumed a willingness-to-pay threshold of three times Kenya\u27s per capita gross domestic product. Results: Charitable Children\u27s Institutions cost USD 123 more on average than family-based settings in terms of monthly per-child expenditures (p\u3c0.001). Compared to family-based care, institutional care resulted in an ICER of USD 236, USD 280, USD 397, and USD 456 per unit reduction in depression, anxiety, PTSD, and suicidal diagnosis among OSCA, respectively. The incremental cost per additional QALY was USD 4,929 (95% CI: USD 3096 -- USD 6740). The probability of Charitable Children\u27s Institutions being more cost-effective than family-based settings was greater than 90% for willingness-to-pay thresholds above USD 7,000/QALY. Discussion: Only a subset of institutions in the cohort were willing to provide budgetary information for this assessment, which potentially biased our cost estimates. However, institutions who did not provide budget data likely had lower expenditures than those for whom cost data were collected, leading to more conservative cost estimates. Furthermore, our QALY estimates were based solely on depression-free days such that OSCA in institutions may experience added mental health benefits for no additional costs. Implications for health policy: Compared to family-based settings, institutions may be more cost-effective for improving mental health outcomes among orphaned and separated children and adolescents. Our findings suggest that policy-makers should prioritize resources to strengthen family-based care but that formal institutions can offer cost-effective, mental health support as a last resort

    Better Together: acceptability, feasibility and preliminary impact of chronic illness peer support groups for South African adolescents and young adults

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    Abstract Introduction Peer support can help navigate the isolation and psychological strain frequently experienced by youth living with chronic illness. Yet, data are lacking on the impact of providing support for youth living with mixed chronic conditions. We assessed the acceptability, feasibility and preliminary mental health impacts of a clinic‐based peer support group for South African youth living with chronic illnesses, including HIV. Methods This mixed‐methods pilot study (September 2021–June 2022) enrolled 58 young patients, ages 13–24, at an urban hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. In‐depth interviews elicited the perspectives of 20 young people in relation to their participation in the Better Together programme, a recurring clinic‐based peer support group for patients with mixed chronic illnesses. Self‐reported resilience, attitudes towards illness, stigma and mental health were captured via established measures. T‐tests and multivariate analysis of variance compared psychosocial outcomes for 20 group participants and 38 control patients, controlling for socio‐demographic characteristics at enrolment. Logistic regression analyses estimated the predicted probability of a positive depression or anxiety screening given peer group participation. Results All interviewees valued being able to compare treatment regimens and disease management habits with peers living with different conditions. Adolescents living with HIV stated that understanding the hardships faced by those with other conditions helped them accept their own illness and lessened feelings of isolation. Compared to patients who did not participate in Better Together, those who attended ≄5 groups had statistically significantly higher individual‐level resilience, a more positive attitude towards their illness(es), lower internalised stigma and a more positive self‐concept. The probability of being screened positive for depression was 23.4 percentage points lower (95% CI: 1.5, 45.3) for Better Together participants compared to controls; the probability of a positive anxiety screening was 45.8 percentage points lower (95% CI: 18.1, 73.6). Conclusions Recurring, clinic‐based peer support groups that integrate youth living with HIV and other chronic diseases are novel. Group sustainability will depend on the commitment of experienced peer leaders and providers, routine scheduling and transportation support. A fully powered randomised trial is needed to test the optimal implementation and causal mental health effects of the Better Together model

    Characterizing the neighborhood risk environment in multisite clinic-based cohort studies: A practical geocoding and data linkages protocol for protected health information.

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    BackgroundMaintaining patient privacy when geocoding and linking residential address information with neighborhood-level data can create challenges during research. Challenges may arise when study staff have limited training in geocoding and linking data, or when non-study staff with appropriate expertise have limited availability, are unfamiliar with a study's population or objectives, or are not affordable for the study team. Opportunities for data breaches may also arise when working with non-study staff who are not on-site. We detail a free, user-friendly protocol for constructing indices of the neighborhood risk environment during multisite, clinic-based cohort studies that rely on participants' protected health information. This protocol can be implemented by study staff who do not have prior training in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and can help minimize the operational costs of integrating geographic data into public health projects.MethodsThis protocol demonstrates how to: (1) securely geocode patients' residential addresses in a clinic setting and match geocoded addresses to census tracts using Geographic Information System software (Esri, Redlands, CA); (2) ascertain contextual variables of the risk environment from the American Community Survey and ArcGIS Business Analyst (Esri, Redlands, CA); (3) use geoidentifiers to link neighborhood risk data to census tracts containing geocoded addresses; and (4) assign randomly generated identifiers to census tracts and strip census tracts of their geoidentifiers to maintain patient confidentiality.ResultsCompletion of this protocol generates three neighborhood risk indices (i.e., Neighborhood Disadvantage Index, Murder Rate Index, and Assault Rate Index) for patients' coded census tract locations.ConclusionsThis protocol can be used by research personnel without prior GIS experience to easily create objective indices of the neighborhood risk environment while upholding patient confidentiality. Future studies can adapt this protocol to fit their specific patient populations and analytic objectives