1,762 research outputs found

    Fenomen e-knjige: tehnoloŔka prekretnica

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    The emergence of the e-book as a major phenomenon in the publishing industry is of interest, world-wide. The English language market, with Amazon.com as the major player in the market may have dominated attention, but the e-book has implications for many other languages and book markets. The pre-e-book publishing world can be seen as a system in which authors delivered texts to publishers, who evaluated, edited, printed and distributed the published text to bookshops and thence to libraries and individual readers. This process has been going on since Gutenbergā€™s re-invention of movable type in about 1439 (following its original invention in China in the 9th century, and the use of metallic type in Korea in 1234), in other words, for about the past 550 years. The invention of movable type was an instance of a disruptive technology: eventually putting monastic scribes out of business altogether. Similarly, the e-book has the potential to disrupt the processes for the production, distribution and use of authorial texts, and is already in the process of doing so. First, the phenomenon of self-publishing has emerged as a serious contender to the more formal process; secondly, publishers may derive significant economic benefit from the reduction in printing and distribution costs, as well as the ability to sell directly to the consumer through their own Websites; thirdly, the impact on booksellers may result in a further reduction in the number of independent stores ā€“ a decline already in process as a result of online bookselling; fourthly, user demand is resulting in libraries wrestling with the problems of how to manage e-books within their collection development and management processes; and, finally, the behaviour of readers is changing as the devices available for using e-books become more numerous and cheaper. Only someone blessed with absolute certainty in forecasting the future can know exactly how things will change, but there is little doubt that the development of the e-book will bring about substantial changes in the processes of book production, distribution and use ā€“ and many of these changes will surprise us.Razvoj e-knjige kao novog fenomena u nakladničkoj industriji od globalne je važnosti. Iako se najviÅ”e pozornosti pridaje tržiÅ”tu engleskog govornog područja, s tvrtkom Amazon.com kao ključnim igračem, implikacije pojave e-knjige razvidne su na mnogim tržiÅ”tima i na mnogim jezicima. NakladniÅ”tvo se do pojave e-knjiga moglo opisati kao sustav u kojemu su autori isporučivali tekstove nakladnicima, koji su iste tekstove vrednovali, uređivali, tiskali i distribuirali posredstvom knjižara i knjižnica sve do individualnih čitatelja. Takav se proces uobičajio od Gutenbergova vremena i traje posljednji 550-ak godina. Otkriće tiska pomičnim slovima također je primjer tehnoloÅ”ke prekretnice, koja je s vremenom dokinula sustav umnažanja knjiga prepisivanjem. Slično tome, potencijal e-knjige je raskidanje s uobičajenim praksama proizvodnje, distribucije i koriÅ”tenja autorskog teksta, Å”to je već postalo razvidno kroz sljedeće procese. Prvo, fenomen samostalnog objavljivanja djela postaje ozbiljna konkurencija tradicionalnom nakladniÅ”tvu. Drugo, nakladnici usmjeravanjem na e-knjige mogu ostvariti veće uÅ”tede u troÅ”kovima tiska i distribucije, a stječu i mogućnost izravne prodaje knjiga kupcima posredstvom vlastitih mrežnih stranica. Treće, navedeni će razvoj dodatno smanjiti broj neovisnih knjižara, a taj je proces već otpočeo pojavom online knjižarstva. Četvrto, zahtjevi korisnika rezultiraju problemima s kojima se suočavaju knjižnice kada je riječ o organizaciji kolekcija e-knjiga i njihovu koriÅ”tenju. Naposljetku, ponaÅ”anje čitatelja se mijenja budući da uređaji koji omogućuju čitanje e-knjiga postaju sve brojniji i jeftiniji. Samo bi osoba posve sigurna i pouzdana u predviđanju budućnosti mogla predvidjeti daljnji razvoj, ali jasno je da će e-knjige prouzročiti supstancijalne promjene u proizvodnji, distribuciji i koriÅ”tenju knjige ā€“ a mnoge od tih promjena bi mogle biti iznenađujuće

    E-knjige: nakladnička dvojba

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    This paper reports on a study of publishersā€™ attitudes towards e-books in the context of the global situation of e-book publishing. Comparative data are drawn from a replication of a survey carried out in Sweden, in Lithuania and in Croatia. The great contrast between the rise of the e-book in English speaking countries (and those with significant English speaking readers) is shown and contrasted with that in ā€˜small language marketsā€™. This three country survey reveals a number of similar responses from publishers on several key issues, i.e., self-publishing, the future role of bookshops, and relationships with public libraries. The results also reveal that publishers have certain ambivalence on these issues. The overall conclusion is that there is a marked difference in the growth of e-book publishing in small language markets compared with the English language market.Rad predstavlja istraživanje stavova nakladnika prema e-knjigama u kontekstu globalnog elektroničkog nakladniÅ”tva. Dani su usporedni podatci na temelju istraživanja koja su istodobno provedena u Å vedskoj, Litvi i Hrvatskoj. Prikazan je golem nerazmjer u zastupljenosti e-knjiga u zemljama engleskoga govornog područja (i onima sa značajnim brojem čitatelja engleskog jezika) i na tržiÅ”tima tzv. malih jezika. Komparativno istraživanje provedeno u tri zemlje ā€žmalih jezikaā€œ pokazalo je brojne sličnosti u stavovima nakladnika prema nekim ključnim pitanjima, npr. samostalnom objavljivanju, budućoj ulozi knjižara i odnosima s narodnim knjižnicama. Rezultati također pokazuju da nakladnici katkad imaju i proturječne stavove o pojedinim navedenim pitanjima. Opći je zaključak da postoji uočljiva razlika u porastu naklade e-knjiga na malim jezičnim tržiÅ”tima u odnosu na tržiÅ”ta engleskog govornog područja

    Doping driven structural distortion in the bilayer iridate (Sr1āˆ’x_{1-x}Lax_x)3_3Ir2_2O7_7

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    Neutron single crystal diffraction and rotational anisotropy optical second harmonic generation data are presented resolving the nature of the structural distortion realized in electron-doped (Sr1āˆ’x_{1-x}Lax_x)3_3Ir2_2O7_7 with x=0.035x=0.035 and x=0.071x=0.071. Once electrons are introduced into the bilayer spin-orbit assisted Mott insulator Sr3_3Ir2_2O7_7, previous studies have identified the appearance of a low temperature structural distortion and have suggested the presence of a competing electronic instability in the phase diagram of this material. Our measurements resolve a lowering of the structural symmetry from monoclinic C2/cC2/c to monoclinic P21/cP2_1/c and the creation of two unique Ir sites within the chemical unit cell as the lattice distorts below a critical temperature TST_S. Details regarding the modifications to oxygen octahedral rotations and tilting through the transition are discussed as well as the evolution of the low temperature distorted lattice as a function of carrier substitution.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Teorijski pristupi istraživanju e-knjige

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    The adoption and continued use of innovations by societies, organisations and individuals has been a subject of research since before the 1930s. A variety of different theories have been developed to account for the different speeds at which innovations are adopted and the factors that affect the adoption process. This paper reviews theories of the adoption of innovations with particular reference to the recent phenomenon of the e-book as a cultural innovation that is having an impact on individuals, organizations and national policy makers. The paper will suggest which theories are most appropriate for the different levels at which the innovation is employed.Usvajanje i kontinuirana upotreba inovacija od strane druÅ”tva, organizacija i pojedinaca predmetom je istraživanja joÅ” od 1930-ih. Niz različitih teorija oblikovano je kako bi odgovorilo na različitu brzinu kojom se inovacije usvajaju i čimbenike koji utječu na taj proces. Ovaj rad razmatra teorije usvajanja inovacija s posebnim osvrtom na fenomen e-knjige kao kulturalnu inovaciju koja utječe na pojedince, organizacije te one koji stvaraju nacionalne politike. U radu će se predložiti teorije koje su najprikladnije za različite razine usvajanja inovacije

    The evolution of antiferromagnetic susceptibility to uniaxial pressure in Ba(Fe{1-x}Co{x})2As2

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    Neutron diffraction measurements are presented measuring the responses of both magnetic and structural order parameters of parent and lightly Co-doped Ba(Fe{1-x}Co{x})2As2 under the application of uniaxial pressure. We find that the uniaxial pressure induces a thermal shift in the onset of antiferromagnetic order that grows as a percentage of T_N as Co-doping is increased and the superconducting phase is approached. Additionally, as uniaxial pressure is increased within parent and lightly-doped Ba(Fe{1-x}Co{x})2As2 on the first order side of the tricritical point, we observe a decoupling between the onsets of the orthorhombic structural distortion and antiferromagnetism. Our findings place needed constraints on models exploring the nematic susceptibility of the bilayer pnictides in the tetragonal, paramagnetic regime.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    First-order melting of a weak spin-orbit Mott insulator into a correlated metal

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    The electronic phase diagram of the weak spin-orbit Mott insulator (Sr(1-x)Lax)3Ir2O7 is determined via an exhaustive experimental study. Upon doping electrons via La substitution, an immediate collapse in resistivity occurs along with a narrow regime of nanoscale phase separation comprised of antiferromagnetic, insulating regions and paramagnetic, metallic puddles persisting until x~0.04. Continued electron doping results in an abrupt, first-order phase boundary where the Neel state is suppressed and a homogenous, correlated, metallic state appears with an enhanced spin susceptibility and local moments. As the metallic state is stabilized, a weak structural distortion develops and suggests a competing instability with the parent spin-orbit Mott state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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