83,110 research outputs found

    Phase modulating with odd and even finite power series of a modulating signal

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    Method and apparatus is presented for producing a phase-modulated waveform having a high degree of linearity between the modulating signal and the phase of the modulated carrier signal. Two signals representing finite odd and even power series transformations of the modulating signal are produced and multiplied with two quadrature components of the input carrier signal, respectively. One of the multiplied signals is subtracted from the other and the resulting signal is hard-limited to produce a phase-modulated output signal. The means for producing the two signals representing the odd and even power series of the modulating signal includes means for varying the coefficients of the two power series. By means of an existing computer program, the coefficients of the two power series are selected such that there is an extremely high degree of linearity between the modulating signal and the phase of the modulated carrier signal

    Wide deviation phase modulator

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    Modulator produces phase-modulated waveform having high modulating linearity. Technique is inherently wideband with respect to carrier frequency and can operate over decade carrier frequency range without adjustments. Circuit performance is both mathematically predictable and highly reproducible

    Cartographic mapping study

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    The errors associated with planimetric mapping of the United States using satellite remote sensing techniques are analyzed. Assumptions concerning the state of the art achievable for satellite mapping systems and platforms in the 1995 time frame are made. An analysis of these performance parameters is made using an interactive cartographic satellite computer model, after first validating the model using LANDSAT 1 through 3 performance parameters. An investigation of current large scale (1:24,000) US National mapping techniques is made. Using the results of this investigation, and current national mapping accuracy standards, the 1995 satellite mapping system is evaluated for its ability to meet US mapping standards for planimetric and topographic mapping at scales of 1:24,000 and smaller

    Ammonia in the hot core W51-IRS2: 12 new maser lines and a maser component with a velocity drift

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    With the 100-m telescope at Effelsberg, 19 ammonia (NH3) maser lines have been detected toward the prominent massive star forming region W51-IRS2. Eleven of these inversion lines, the (J,K) = (6,2), (5,3), (7,4), (8,5), (7,6), (7,7), (9,7), (10,7), (9,9), (10,9), and (12,12) transitions, are classified as masers for the first time in outer space. All detected masers are related to highly excited inversion doublets. The (5,4) maser originates from an inversion doublet 340 K above the ground state, while the (12,12) transition, at 1450 K, is the most highly excited NH3 maser line so far known. Strong variability is seen not only in ortho- but also in para-NH3 transitions. Bright narrow emission features are observed, for the first time, in (mostly) ortho-ammonia transitions, at V ~ 45 km/s, well separated from the quasi-thermal emission near 60 km/s. These features were absent 25 years ago and show a velocity drift of about +0.2 km/s/yr. The component is likely related to the SiO maser source in W51-IRS2 and a possible scenario explaining the velocity drift is outlined. The 57 km/s component of the (9,6) maser line is found to be strongly linearly polarized. Maser emission in the (J,K) to (J+1,K) inversion doublets is strictly forbidden by selection rules for electric dipole transitions in the ground vibrational state. However, such pairs (and even triplets with (J+2,K)) are common toward W51-IRS2. Similarities in line widths and velocities indicate that such groups of maser lines arise from the same regions, which can be explained by pumping through vibrational excitation. The large number of NH3 maser lines in W51-IRS2 is most likely related to the exceptionally high kinetic temperature and NH3 column density of this young massive star forming region.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 11 pages, 12 postscript figures, 1 tabl

    Advanced protective coating for superalloys

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    Superior oxidation protection for nickel-base alloys at temperatures up to 1367 K was obtained with cobalt-base alloy coating. Coating had 25 Cr, 14 Al, and 0.5 Y weight percent composition. Coating was applied by electron beam vapor deposition to thickness of 76 to 127 microns

    Medical ultrasonic tomographic system

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    An electro-mechanical scanning assembly was designed and fabricated for the purpose of generating an ultrasound tomogram. A low cost modality was demonstrated in which analog instrumentation methods formed a tomogram on photographic film. Successful tomogram reconstructions were obtained on in vitro test objects by using the attenuation of the fist path ultrasound signal as it passed through the test object. The nearly half century tomographic methods of X-ray analysis were verified as being useful for ultrasound imaging

    Investigating the prevalence of low energy availability, disordered eating and eating disorders in competitive and recreational female endurance runners

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    Eating disorders (ED), disordered eating (DE) and low energy availability (LEA) can be detrimental to health and performance. Previous studies have independently investigated prevalence of ED, DE or LEA, however limited studies have combined methods identifying risk within female runners. The aim of this study was to identify prevalence of ED, DE and LEA in United Kingdom-based female runners and associations between age, competition level and running distance. The Female Athlete Screening Tool (FAST) and Low Energy Availability in Females Questionnaire (LEAF-Q) were used in a cross-sectional study design. A total of n = 524 responses eligible for analysis were received. A total of n = 248 (47.3%), n = 209 (40%) and n = 49 (9.4%) athletes were at risk of LEA, DE and ED, respectively. LEAF-Q scores differed based upon age (Age: H(3) = 23.998, p≤0.05) and competitive level (Comp: H(1) = 7.682, p≤0.05) whereas FAST scores differed based on age (Age: F(3,523) = 4.753, p≤0.05). Tukey's post-hoc tests showed significantly higher FAST scores in 18-24 years compared to all other age categories (p≤0.05). Stepwise multiple regression demonstrated age and competitive level modestly predicted LEAF-Q scores (R2adj = 0.047, F(2,523) = 13.993, p≤0.05, VIF = 1.0) whereas age modestly predicted FAST scores (R2adj = 0.022, F(1,523) = 12.711, p≤0.05, VIF = 1.0). These findings suggest early identification, suitable screening methods and educational intervention programmes should be aimed at all levels of female endurance runners

    Recent La Plata basin drought conditions observed by satellite gravimetry

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    The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) provides quantitative measures of terrestrial water storage (TWS) change. GRACE data show a significant decrease in TWS in the lower (southern) La Plata river basin of South America over the period 2002-2009, consistent with recognized drought conditions in the region. GRACE data reveal a detailed picture of temporal and spatial evolution of this severe drought event, which suggests that the drought began in lower La Plata in around austral spring 2008 and then spread to the entire La Plata basin and peaked in austral fall 2009. During the peak, GRACE data show an average TWS deficit of ~12 cm (equivalent water layer thickness) below the 7 year mean, in a broad region in lower La Plata. GRACE measurements are consistent with accumulated precipitation data from satellite remote sensing and with vegetation index changes derived from Terra satellite observations. The Global Land Data Assimilation System model captures the drought event but underestimates its intensity. Limited available groundwater-level data in southern La Plata show significant groundwater depletion, which is likely associated with the drought in this region. GRAC-observed TWS change and precipitation anomalies in the studied region appear to closely correlate with the ENSO climate index, with dry and wet seasons corresponding to La Ni\~na and El Ni\~no events, respectively
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