10,302 research outputs found

    Two Southern Women Writers: the Civil War Journals of Emily Jane Liles Harris and Mary Boykin Chesnut

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    Through the examination of primary texts, along with appropriate secondary criticism, I argue that Southern women during the Civil War were not the mythological “Southern Belle” that they have often been portrayed as, but that they were intelligent, strong, and passionate writers. I examine the farm journal of Emily Jane Liles Harris and contrast it to the private journal kept by Mary Boykin Chesnut, to explore the role that education and literacy, writing, and authorial voice played in women’s lives during the War. Close attention to the role education and background played in the lives of these women, the uniqueness of their writing, and the level of agency of each woman will help scholars better understand life during this difficult time period. Finally, readers are given an insight (through the examination of primary texts) into the important role that journals, as a genre, play in the literary canon

    Magnetic manipulation and multimodal imaging for single cell direct mechanosensing

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    The study of internal mechanics of single cells is paramount to understand mechanisms of mechanoregulation. External loading and cell-mediated force generation result in changes in cell shape, rheology, and the deformation of subcellular structures such as the nucleus. Moreover, alterations in the processes that regulate these responses have been further correlated to specific pathologies. Cellular deformation is often studied through application of forces in the environment of the cell, relying on strain and stress transfer through focal adhesions and the cytoskeletal system. However, the transfer of these external forces to internal mechanics can introduce uncertainties in the interpretation of subcellular responses. Our group has focused on minimally-invasive techniques for the study of internal mechanical perturbation and mechanobiology measures. We have been particularly interested in multimodal imaging methods that combine and leverage nano-scale spatial localization, visualization, biophysical and physico-chemical analysis features to reveal information that cannot be attained by any single method alone. We recently fabricated novel atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilevers, functionalized to generate small, highly-localized magnetic fields, for the controlled force application and sensing of single cells. In combination with AFM and fluorescence microscopy detection capabilities, this technique enables the selective stimulation and monitoring of cells injected with superparamagnetic microbeads. Though the targeted magnetic force application, we are able to apply various waveforms to direct the microdisplacements of the injected beads to allow insight into the structural architecture of the cell. Coupling this with AFM techniques further yields insight into internal and external mechanics over time. This technique can be extended to include studies of intranuclear strain dynamics through fluorescent labeling of specific cellular targets and image post-processing algorithms such as hyperelastic warping. Furthermore, the ability to alter the culture environment (e.g. to manipulate osmotic pressure or enable drug delivery) allows this technique to be a powerful single cell analysis tool for a diverse set of applications. We demonstrate the feasibility of this technique through the localized application of low magnetic fields that produce bead displacements in the micrometer scale. The effects of larger induced magnetic fields in the displacement field are also presented, along with validation and viability studies, and a range of practical applications for the study of single cells

    The Biology of the Marquesan Sardine, Sardinella marquesensis

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    Data and samples obtained in the Marquesas Islands from 1954 to 1960 form the basis of this report. Various morphological traits of the Marquesan sardine, Sardinella marquesensis, are described, and measures of their variation are given . These sardines were found mostly in bays with clear to slightly turbid and clear-green to brownish-green water and with substrate of sand, rock, coral rubble, or a combination of these. The composition of their stomach contents was very similar to that of plankton obtained in sardine habitats. Ten of the 35 species of fish taken with sardines in the seine are probable predators of the latter. Sardine behavior in the field, in captivity, and as tuna bait is noted. Parasites included hemiurid trematodes, camallanid nematodes, and an ergasilid copepod. Attainment of sexual maturity is estimated at a standard length of 84 mm. Spawning is believed to occur throughout the year. Between 1,000 and 8,000 ova are deposited at a single spawning. The sex ratio favored males. The abundance of Marquesan sardines appears to be inadequate to sustain commercial live-bait tuna vessels like those operating from California ports

    Green's function methods in heavy ion shielding

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    An analytic solution to the heavy ion transport in terms of Green's function is used to generate a highly efficient computer code for space applications. The efficiency of the computer code is accomplished by a nonperturbative technique extending Green's function over the solution domain. The computer code can also be applied to accelerator boundary conditions to allow code validation in laboratory experiments

    Industrial structural geology : principles, techniques and integration : an introduction

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    The authors wish to acknowledge the generous financial support provided in association with this volume to the Geological Society and the Petroleum Group by Badley Geoscience Ltd, BP, CGG Robertson, Dana Petroleum Ltd, Getech Group plc, Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd, Midland Valley Exploration Ltd, Rock Deformation Research (Schlumberger) and Borehole Image & Core Specialists (Wildcat Geoscience, Walker Geoscience and Prolog Geoscience). We would like to thank the fine team at the Geological Society’s Publishing House for the excellent support and encouragement that they have provided to the editors and authors of this Special Publication.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Factors Affecting the Assessment of Student Achievement

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    To what extent do expectations, disconfirming information, and degree of parental involvement in schooling affect teachers' judgments about a student's growth and achievement? This study manipulated these variables with 147 preservice teacher candidates as they assessed the progress of a student named Chris in language arts over a 10-week period. As predicted by social cognition findings, these results showed that early expectations and differential growth patterns were substantial contributors to differences in this student's reported final grade. For example, these assessors were impressed by their student's socioeconomic background and other contextual data, and this early information affected the grade awarded him or her weeks later. In addition, the pattern of achievement exhibited by Chris was also significantly related to the report card grade. If Chris seemed to improve, the grade improved, but if he or she remained steady or even fell behind, the grade was unaffected. The implications of these findings for assessment practice are discussed briefly in the conclusion.Dans quelle mesure les attentes, l'information invalidante, et le degrĂ© d'implication parentale dans l'Ă©ducation affectent-ils l'Ă©valuation que font les enseignants du progrĂšs et des rĂ©alisations des Ă©lĂšves? VoilĂ  les variables que la prĂ©sente Ă©tude a manipulĂ© avec 147 stagiaires pendant que ceux-ci Ă©valuaient le progrĂšs sur dix semaines qu'a rĂ©alisĂ© un Ă©lĂšve nommĂ© Chris dans un cours des arts du langage. Tels que prĂ©dit par les connaissances sur la cognition sociale, les rĂ©sultats ont indiquĂ© que les attentes du dĂ©but du stage et les schĂ©mas de croissance diffĂ©rentiels ont grandement contribuĂ© Ă  l'Ă©cart dans la note finale que l'on accordait Ă  l'Ă©lĂšve. Par exemple, les Ă©valuateurs ont Ă©tĂ© influencĂ©s par le milieu socio-Ă©conomique ainsi que par d'autres donnĂ©es contextuelles qu'on leur avait prĂ©sentĂ©s au dĂ©but de l'Ă©tude. Ces renseignements ont affectĂ© la note qu'on accordait Ă  Chris plusieurs semaines plus tard. De plus, il existait une relation significative entre le modĂšle de rĂ©ussites effectuĂ© par Chris et la note qu'on lui donnait sur son bulletin. Quand Chris semblait faire des progrĂšs, sa note s'amĂ©liorait; par contre, quand il restait au mĂȘme niveau ou qu'il rĂ©ussissait moins bien, sa note restait inchangĂ©e. On discute rapidement des implications de ces rĂ©sultats pour la pratique d'Ă©valuation

    Brexit Statutory Instruments : Identifying the Challenges

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