55 research outputs found

    Creating Attunement in Utero: Dance/Movement Therapy for Women Who Are Incarcerated While Pregnant

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    This thesis reviews the experience of pregnancy in prisons; pregnancy in bonding, attachment, and attunement; and pregnancy in dance movement therapy. Every woman deserves the help and guidance to connect with their baby as much as possible: during pregnancy and after. For women whom are incarcerated, the time to connect is shortened. For most women, they do not have access to their babies after delivery. I have researched the living conditions for women who are pregnant while incarcerated; this includes accommodations, possible health risks, and programs set up for pregnant women. Also researched is the importance to have connections made to baby while pregnant; specifically attunement and bonding. The calming womb technique from family therapy is able to provide tools for mother to use. Dance movement therapy uses verbal and nonverbal tools to attune and bond with their baby also to form this unit. It can aid in the bonding and attunement process through techniques and tools taught to mother during pregnancy. Using tension-flow rhythms from Kestenberg Movement Profile to help attune to their baby’s rhythms in utero can help reduce mother’s anxiety before meeting her baby. Shape-flow rhythms can help alleviate tension on mother’s body and give space for her baby to grow. After birth, dance movement therapy should continue. It can continue to help the bonding process and future attachment style between mother and baby

    Evidence of Auction House Influence Over Buyer Behaviour and Price Formation in the Australian Art Auction Market

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    During the last six months, there has been much discussion in the general and arts media about the manifestation of problematic practices within the Australian art auction market. Although the nature of these practices has been scrutinised, scant attention has been paid to how the methods and mechanisms employed by auction houses to build business during the art market boom that commenced in the late 1990s might represent a force that could undermine the sustainability of the market. Fundamental to this is quantifying the extent to which auction houses are able to influence market development. In this paper, I present empirical evidence that suggests that major Australian auction houses can exert significant control over buyer behaviour and price formation

    Practical Digital Curation Skills for Archivists in the 21st Century

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    The University of Maryland's Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC) in the College of Information Studies promotes research and education in digital curation and fosters interdisciplinary partnerships using Big Records and archival analytics through public, industry, and government partnerships. In this session, technologists, archivists, and students from the DCIC will provide case studies involving archival records in a digital environment that focus on redlining in urban neighborhoods, the Japanese American experience in World War II internment camps, and navigating Holocaust-era digital data

    Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo

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    Meeting Abstracts: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. 9-11 June 201


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    Art at auction: price formation and the creation of superstars in the Australian art auction market

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    © Dr. Meaghan Wilson-AnastasiosThis thesis shows that prices generated by the art auction system can be anything but mysterious despite the common perception that art, as a commodity, somehow falls outside the norm compared with other economic systems. Far from being the by-product of an enigmatic process, auction prices evolve directly from the mechanisms that shape the market and the human agents and institutions that dominate the system. Using the non-Indigenous Australian art market as a case study, this thesis offers a new, cross-disciplinary model that draws on economic and art-historical methodologies as a means of examining and explaining price formation within the art auction market. The research presented shows that the Australian auction market is dominated by a very small number of artists who are responsible for generating the lion’s share of revenue. Referencing cultural economic theory, I describe these artists as ‘superstars’. I discuss the superstar effect as it is defined in economic terms and show how it manifests in the art auction record. I map the existence of a superstar class of artists at the high-end of the Australian art auction market and consider the implications of this for art’s investment potential. Most market commentaries focus on the top-end of the market. This study uses as its starting-point a dataset of over 2,500 artists active at all levels of the secondary-market compiled from auction records covering the period 1972-2004, including artists who registered just a single auction appearance. This presents a broad overview of the market that offers new insights into the relationship between levels of professional accomplishment and auction price. Artists’ auction records and biographies are examined in detail in addition to agglomerate data for the market as a whole. This examination presents a picture of the key events, agents and institutions that shaped the auction market in Australia during the ‘boom’ period that commenced in the late 1990s. The premise of the ‘superstar’ artist is perpetuated and enshrined by the way these factors interact with the art auction system and place upward pressure on prices. The model of the art auction market presented in this thesis suggests that the prices it generates can be formed by activities that have little if anything to do with genuine competitive forces. As I will show, this can have implications for the efficiency and sustainability of the market

    Evidence of Auction House Influence Over Buyer Behaviour and Price Formation in the Australian Art Auction Market

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    During the last six months, there has been much discussion in the general and arts media about the manifestation of problematic practices within the Australian art auction market. Although the nature of these practices has been scrutinised, scant attention has been paid to how the methods and mechanisms employed by auction houses to build business during the art market boom that commenced in the late 1990s might represent a force that could undermine the sustainability of the market. Fundamental to this is quantifying the extent to which auction houses are able to influence market development. In this paper, I present empirical evidence that suggests that major Australian auction houses can exert significant control over buyer behaviour and price formation

    Body Regions and Early Grammatical Structure

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    Previous research on early grammatical development has proposed that grammar develops from regularities in linguistic experience. We suggest that these regularities may extend to bodily experiences. A previous study on early-learned verbs suggests strong correlations between verbs and specific body regions. It follows that young children may perceive these regularities and connect the body region with grammatical structure. A corpus of 3000 sentences from a transcription of speech recorded during a free play session between 20 children (20 or 28 months old) and their mothers were analyzed in verb frame appearance and their correlations with body parts. We hypothesized that a particular body region would be more likely to appear within a specific grammatical framework. We then analyzed the correlation between six sentence structures (SV,VNP, VNPNP, VNPLOC, VLOC, VS) and body region (Leg, Hand, Head) using chi-square test of independence and found significant relationships between them
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